SALE. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (Cont.) AUTOMOBILES FOR AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS FOR SALE (Cant.) AUTOS FOR SALE ALL IN A LIFETIME Husbands OLDS 1947 sedanette; r. and h.. PLYMOUTH '48 4-door: excel, cond.: 1947 coupe: heater: low terms. TOWN as 1*. *175. and 2 CHEVROLET Hydra-Matic drive; orlg. black paint; special price. $1,008, FOR AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BU1CK 1841. VALUES 1 D. C. owner: specclal Wis. AUTOMOBILES SALE. as TRUCK mileage: M I'M NOT BEING ANTI-SOCIAL. I'M 1 owner. This car Is exceptionally Sc COUNTRY MOTORS. 6338 1941 Flymouths, down. 18 mos. to as Is. **i,fn?Sio5V$140, 1941 '48 GMC 2-ton platform $1,295 price, $936; $226 nice. $1,296. $436 down. ROYAL OR. Q100 eves, ’til 10. 1941 Pontiac MOTORS. INC., 57JUST DOING THE SAME AS THE REST 1 owner, PONTIAC 1948 4-dr.; Hydra-Matic. 1 8TUDEBAKER 1950 conv. Command- — NATIONAL conv.: Is. $176. BLADEN8BURG '41 Brockway 3-ton C&C 645 pay. Wl/////, MOTORS. Chrysler. Plymouth. No. PLYMOUTH 1942 Olds as rd. n.w., MI. be owner, low mileage, fully equipped. er; perf. cond.; r. and h.: w.-w, CO.. 4100 Bal- '40 Chevrolet '/a-ton panel-- 9o 14th and Columbia TO n.w. TU. 2438. excel, cond. Must be seen to Airro. WRECKINO OF YOU—ONE KID IS LISTENING HlS 16 Kennedy st. tires, and other access.; Bladens- '46 GMC stake- 9/5 3888, MI. 7764. \m/f. —9 apprec.: $895 or best offer. Call Immaculate; $1,495. Open 'til 9 $2,500. Call timore ave., at Peace Cross, 1'/a-ton —8^ AP. —7 '46 Inti. */i-ton pickup- 745 CHEVROLET 1950 Power Glide sed.; £5) PET PROGRAM ON THE LITTLE MRS. MATEY, EM. 3026. —10 O.m. RON PONTIAC, INC.. 7320 Wls. 4468. after 6. burt, Md. i, OLDS '42 club coupe Hydra-Matte: 1948 '45 Inti. 1-ton C&C 445 equip.; $1,892. Why pay more? We PONTIAC 1940 2-dr.. 8-cyl.; blue. r. ave., Betheada, Md. OL. 8000. —8 STUDEBAKER Landcrulser sed.i ,- GIRLS ARE WRAPPED UP r. and h.: A-l condition; only 5696; Parkway green, r., climatizer. o.d '41 Dodge 'a-ton pickup __ .146 deliver lor less than ^ down; easy gjs^THE and h.. excellent motor, low mileage; PONTIAC 1949 convertible; Hydra- terms and trade. KLEIN MOTORS, w.-w. tires: SI.500. SL. 6755. —8 TRAILERS '39 Chevrolet ‘a-ton panel 145 weekly payments. AUTO WHOLE- IN SOME CROONER ON THE 1 or best offer. OV. Matic, l owner, low mileage, fully tmm/ |: m/li ■'301 M st. n.w. EX. 8969. owner; $1,000 ARMY JEEP, best offer. Call JU. SALERS. 1731 Bladensburg. club 6987 .r12 equipped: like new. $2,095. Open GMC Truck & Coach Div. 1949 Styleline sedan; BIG RADIO_AND YOU'RE \ OLDS. '50 de luxe coupe; grey, 7-7119.—9 ROYAL MANSION house, CHEVROLET lp£\ ) 7M// IMjl\ 3.500 miles, original owner, well PONTIAC 1939 2-dr. sedan; A-l ■til 9 o.m. RON PONTIAC. INC SPARTAN 30 M st. n.e. ME. 0505. —9 $1,387. Why pay more? We 7320 Wls. Betheada. Md. OL. de luxe. 33 ft., slununum with equip.; GLUED TO A CHAIR IN equipped; $2,595. CH. 5860 after cond.; r. and h.. new plastic seat ave., BUICK ’39 special 4-dr. sedan, radio, trailer deliver for less than li down: easy g=f§§|> 2 8000. —8 bath. Prigidalre; reas. F. <2. SMITH, CHEVROLET '41 half-ton panel: good FRONT TELEVISION- 6 p.m. —10 covers; orlg. paint; body perfect; heater, completely rebuilt engine, Camp. 3 mi. condition: equipped with racks for weekly payments. AUTO WHOLE- OF THE 7/m/MllIrllll new tires; $285. UN. 9898. —9 cond., at Nightingale Trailer OLDS. '60 ‘'78" club coupe; fully PONTIACS 48's, 47's. 4«'s: also new paint and tires, excel, Rt. 1. —9, dry cleaner: $375. terms. SALERS. 1731 Bladensburg. WRONG PONTIAC ’40 4-door: original black south of Alexandria. Fleetllne 4-dr. equipped, like new; price, Chevrolets and Plymouths. all mod- $475. for quick sale. *500. Inquire CHEVROLET 1947 ^ii^VSO_WHAT'S special paint, in excel, cond. throughout: els. One-owner cars, priced from Olds. '40 0-cyl.. 4-dr. sedan; rebuilt TRAILER STOHLMAN CHEVROLET radio, heater and de- $2,095. terms. TOWN 4s COUNTRY *'420 Pa ave. n.w. —8 sport sedan: $496. terms. TOWN Sc COUNTRY $895 to $1,595; best quality mer- engine, new paint, seat covers, 3289 M ST. N.W., MI. 1646. —11 car Is in MOTORS, 5336 Wls. OR. 0100. eves, HESTER TRAILER SALES. Berwyn, froster. This low mileage MOTORS. 5338 Wls. OR. 0100. eves, chandise available. We sell, finance radio, heater. Excel, cond. $450. new-car condition In every 'til 10. now has a lge. display of both new absolutely ’til 10. and Insure you. all In one package; 730 7th st. s.e.. TR. 9700. TW. 1876 be seen to be appre- OLDS '39 2-dr.; r. and h.: a trailers; very good assort- way. Must PONTIAC 1949 conv.: Miami cream; no second liens, just $195 down, after 6 P.m.—8 and used cash, trade or mechanic’s special: needs a clutch: ment; clean, used trailers, ranging All advertisements ciated. Only $1,095. perfect tan ton, r. and h., Hydra- easy payments. WARREN SAN- ottering terms. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis. only $95. KLEIN MOTORS, 2301 M drive, r. in sire from 18 to 33 ft.; priced Matlc. plastic seat covers: $2,095. DERS. INC.. Bladensburg and N. Y. PACKARD 1950 Ultramatic automobiles tor sale must in- ave.. 8900. —7 st. n.w EX. 8969. miles; sea from to *2.750. terms 2 to 6 WO. Buy THE SAFEWAY MOTORS. 1300 aves. n.e. LI. 4-4313. —9 and h.. w.-w. tires: 6.000 *500 1950 Power Glide sed.: OLDS 1941 4-dr.; Hydra-Matic, r. one at yrs. Phone TO. 5111 ot car. CHEVROLET 14th st. n.w.. NO. 1111. Miss Green, a brand-new $2,- clude actual selling price more? We new down. STUDEBAKER '46 4-dr. HOUSE TRAILER for sale, equip.; $1,892. Why pay and h., motor; $325. $25 PONTIAC 1946 Torpedo ‘‘8’’ 4-dr.: Champion 145; cash, trade and terms. 18.FT. down; easy MOTORS, 2410 sedan; new tan paint job; r. and h ; equipped, good tires; priced reason- deliver for less than 'a DUNN Bladensburg beautiful dark blue finish, r. and WHOLE- rd. n.e. —13 a good buy at *899. L. P. COOPER MOTORS ably; Inquire 4870 Cordell ave., weekly payments. AUTO h.; immaculate Interior: 4-mo. guar- SAPPORD, 1949 De (76) 4-dr.; r. NASH. INC.. 8507 Colesville 2000.—16 Bethesda, Md.. after 4 p.m. —8 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SALERS, 1731 Bladensburg. OLDS luxe antee. Buy THE SAFEWAY MO- rd„ 5100 Wis. ave. n.w.. WO. $2,- and h„ custom-seat covers, Silver Spring. Md.. SH. 8400. K INGHAM TRAILERS. Sales and CHEVROLET 1950 convertible: hydra., TORS. 1300 14th st. n.w., NO. 1111. or low services. 1010 Wise. ave. RE. 262.1. 100, or trade on sedan station 2-tone flnsh. w.-s.w., very ml., PONTIAC 1948 convertible; Hydra- STUDEBAKER 1948 Regal de luxe AUSTIN 1949 4-door; S946. JACK after 0 o.m. —12 1 owner; $1,895. JET MOTOR club coupe, Every type of trailer from a Low- wagon. CO. 7527 Matic; radio, heater. This car is in black; overdrive, hill- PRY. Austin dealer. Parts and Serv- luxe; 2725 Nichols ave. s.e., sun r. '47 Sedan to a CHEVROLET 1949 Styleline de SALES. INC.. hold. shield, and h., direc- Plymouth boy Refrigerator._—9 ice 1507 14th st. n.w. and 16th and absolutely perfect condition In every r. and h.; very clean throughout; JO. 2-0336. —10 tional signals; $1,400; leaving coun- Special de luxe, beautiful gray; Pa. s.e. way. Must be seen to be appre- ave. looks like new; today's best buy at PACKARD 1948. small "8" sedan; try. 4824 Alton pi. n.w. radio, heater, sun visor: very clear, Trailer Sales deliv- ciated. Price Includes a new top of —9 Manning AUSTIN, brand-new: $1,539. $1,595; low down payment, 24 very low mileage, r. and h„ defrost- STUDEBAKER 1948 Landcrulser 4- throughout; onlv $1.14o. cash, ered. MANHATTAN AUTO your chocie; $1,495 cash, trade or "YOUR MID-STATES DEALER" complete. months to pay “CIPCO'' guarantee. er and other extras; guar.; this car dr.; r. and h., o.d., custom seat trade or easy terms. & RADIO CO., Authorized Austin terms. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis- U. S. No. 1 at Berwyn. Md. Tower 6681 Open evenings till 9. COAST-IN Is In beaut, cond.; sale price, $1,395; covers, very low mi. by 1 owner; Sales and Service, Parts. Both sides consin ave. WO. 8900. —7 INC. PONTIAC, 427 Florida ave. n.e., long-term, low-rate financing now. *1.595 JET MOTOR SALES. INC.. WHEELER, 7th st. at R n.w., NO. 7557. PONTIAC 1948 de luxe station Dealer AT. 7200. —7 CAPITOL MOTOR CO., Sliver Spring 2/2o Nichols ave. s.e.. JO. 2-0336. Chrysler-Plymouth GARAGES BUICK 1946 convertible Roadmaster; wagon; underseat heater, side mir- EM. 4708. CHEVROLET '48 Aerosedan; r. and Packard dealer, 7911 Oa. ave.. Silver 4800 Wisconsin. light gray with black top, radio, ror and backing lights; 1 owner; h. 15.000 miles, private owner. 8pring. Md.. SH. 3904. —10 STUDEBAKER 1940 Champion se- Home of the__ heater and white-wall tires; $1,195. low driven very little; fully guar. Was dan: 6 GARAGES, nr. 15th and E Capital, Bargain at $1,175.
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