Pesq. Vet. Bras. 38(12):2241-2245, dezembro 2018 DOI: 10.1590/1678-5150-PVB-5822 Original Article Pequenos Animais/Small Animals Diseases ISSN 0100-736X (Print) ISSN 1678-5150 (Online) PVB-5822 SA Malignant perineal tumors in dogs: the contribution of computed tomography for staging and surgical planning1 Carla A.B. Lorigados2*, Ana Carolina C.B. Fonseca Pinto3, Julia Maria Matera3, and Diego F.A. Modena3 ABSTRACT.- Lorigados C.A.B, Fonseca Pinto A.C.C.B., Matera J.M. & Modena D.F.A. 2018. Malignant perineal tumors in dogs: the contribution of computed tomography for staging and surgical planning. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 38(12):2241-2245. SPDepartamento 05508-270, deBrazil. Cirurgia, E-mail: Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, [email protected] The contribution of computed tomography for staging and surgical planning of malignant perineal tumors in dogs is discussed. Five dogs diagnosed with malignant perineal neoplasms underwent to computed tomography (CT) examination. The CT image enabled investigation of cleavage planes between neoplastic lesions and adjacent structures such as the rectum, anus, vagina, urethra and perineal muscles. Accurate assessment regional lymph nodes and adjacent bone structures was also possible. All tumors evaluated in this region presented heterogeneous appearance in pre and postcontrast CT images, but only the anal sac adenocarcinomas presented lymphadenopathy. Computed tomography proved to be a valuable tool for tumor staging and determination of lesion extension and invasion of adjacent tissues, providing significant contributions to clinical and surgical therapeutic planning. INDEX TERMS: Malignant perineal tumor, computed tomography, surgical planning, dogs, image diagnosis. RESUMO.- [Tumores perineais malignos em cães: contribuição da tomografia computadorizada para estadiamento e planejamento cirúrgico.] A contribuição da de TC pré e pós-contraste, mas apenas os adenocarcinomas de saco anal apresentaram linfonodopatia. A tomografia computadorizada mostrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa para tomografia computadorizada para estadiamento e planejamento o estadiamento da neoplasia, determinação da extensão cirúrgico de tumores perineais malignos em cães é discutida. da lesão e invasão de tecidos adjacentes, proporcionando Cinco cães diagnosticados com neoplasias perineais malignas contribuições significativas para o planejamento terapêutico foram submetidos ao exame de tomografia computadorizada clínico e cirúrgico. (CT). A imagem por TC permitiu a investigação de planos de clivagem entre as lesões neoplásicas e estruturas adjacentes, TERMOS DE INDEXAÇÃO: Tumor perineal maligno, tomografia como o reto, o ânus, a vagina, a uretra e os músculos perineais. computadorizada, planejamento cirúrgico, caninos, diagnóstico A avaliação precisa dos linfonodos regionais e estruturas ósseas por imagem. adjacentes também foi possível. Todos os tumores avaliados INTRODUCTION nesta1 região apresentaram aspecto heterogêneo nas imagens Received2 on June 11, 2018. The perineal region is potential location for the development Accepted for publication on August 29, 2018. of neoplasms in dogs. The majority of the malignant tumors Departamento de Cirurgia (VCI), Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMZV), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Avenida Prof. Dr. Orlando affecting this region arise from these glandular tissues Marques3 de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. being circumanal and anal sac adenocarcinomas the most *Corresponding author: [email protected] common ones (Turek & Withrow 2013). Circumanal glands Departamento de Cirurgia (VCI), Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária are sebaceous glands located around the anus and anal sacs e Zootecnia (FMZV), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Avenida Prof. Dr. are cutaneous diverticula lined with serous and sebaceous Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270. glands and located on either side of the ventrolateral aspect 2241 2242 Carla A.B. Lorigados et al. 1 . of theCircumanal anus, between adenocarcinomas the internal affect and neutered external and sphincters intact male single row detector helicoidal CT scanner was used and pre and (Dyce et al. 2002) postcontrast transverse images cross-sectional images were acquired ofwith 1.5ml/kg 2 to 3mm of aslice 300mgI/ml thickness non-ionic and same iodinated increment. contrast Postcontrast agent and female dogs and do not seem to be hormone dependent. solutionimages were2 acquired following intravenous bolus administration Higher predisposition has been reported in large breed males . Pre and postcontrast neoplasm attenuation were evaluated. (Vailaged et11 al. years 1990) on average. Circumanal adenocarcinomas are . Tumor longest one-dimensional diameter was determined using associated with low metastatic rates, approximately 15% the RECIST method; volumetric measurements were also obtained. The presence of cleavage planes between neoplastic lesions and As regards apocrine gland adenocarcinoma of the anal adjacent structures and the involvement of regional lymph nodes sac, some authors suggest higher predisposition in older and bone structures (i.e. caudal lumbar vertebrae, sacrum and hip female dogs (Goldschmidt & Zoltowski 1981, Ross et al. 1991), bone) were investigated. while others report no gender predisposition (Williams et al. RESULTS 2003, Polton et al. 2006, Polton & Brearley 2007). Spaniels, particularly English Cocker Spaniels, seem to be at higher Table 1. risk of anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinoma development Signalment and clinical features of the five patients evaluated (Polton et al. 2006), with mean age at diagnosis ranging from over the course of the study period are presented in 9 to 11 years (Goldschmidt & Zoltowski 1981, Ross et al. 1991, Dyschezia was the most prominent clinical manifestation in Williams et al. 2003). Anal sac apocrine gland adenocarcinomas four out of five dogs. Neoplasms presented as firm and sessile are invasive tumors with highly variable rates of metastasis masses on clinical examination; ulceration was noted in two (Rossformation et al. (36% 1991, toWilliams 72%), althoughet al. 2003, metastasis Emms 2005, formation Polton cases. Cytological and/or histological examination revealed rates of approximately 50% are reported in most studies well-differentiated anal sac adenocarcinomas (Cases 1, 2 and 4), hemangiosarcoma (Case 3) and MCT (Case 5). &common Brearley metastatic 2007). Regional sites (Williams lymph etnodes, al. 2003, including Emms sacral, 2005, No radiographic changes in lungs, mediastinum or pleural internal iliac and medial iliac lymph nodes, are the most spaces were noted. Enlarged, hypoechoic medial iliac lymph nodes (two cases; Dogs 1 and 4) were the only sonographic Polton et al. 2006, Polton & Brearley 2007). Distant metastases abnormal findings. Computed tomographic assessment are rare and tend to occur in the most advanced stages of revealed slightly heterogeneous soft tissue attenuation and (Rossthe disease. et al. 1991,The liver, Turek spleen, et al. 2003,kidneys, Williams pancreas, et al. adrenal 2003, moderate postcontrast enhancement in adenocarcinomas Brissonglands, heart, et al. lungs,2004, mediastinumEmms 2005, andPolton bones et al. may 2006, be affected Polton and(Table MCT. 2 Heterogeneous postcontrast enhancement were noted in anal sac adenocarcinomas and hemangiosarcoma (Fig.1B ).and With 1D the) or exception local muscles of the (e.g.MCT, internal no cleavage obturator, planes & Brearley 2007). were detected between neoplasms and the rectal wall Lymphomas, soft tissue sarcomas, squamous cell carcinomas, external anal sphincter, coccygeal muscle, levator ani, ventral, melanomas and mast cell tumors (MCTs) are other examples lateral and medial sacrocaudal muscles). Cleavage planes were of malignant neoplasms that may affect the perineal region also lacking between the neoplasm and the dorsal vaginalFig.2A wall), (Turek et al. 2003, Turek & Withrow 2013). andinternal the urethra iliac (Fig.2B in one) and female sacral (Case (Fig.1A 4) and and one 1C male (Case 1) Advanced diagnostic imaging modalities are routinely used respectively. Significantly enlarged medial iliac ( for cancer patient staging in human medicine. In contrast, in ) lymph nodes veterinary medicine, thoracic radiography and abdominal werenodes noted (Fig.3 in two dogs (Dogs 1 and 4). One dog (Dog 4) also ultrasonography (US) are still the most commonly tools had enlarged caudal mesenteric and aortic lumbar lymph used due to wider availability and lower cost of these ). Enlarged lymph nodes presented mainly round methods. However, with the growing availability of computed shape; heterogeneous particularly peripheral enhancement. tomography (CT) scanners, this diagnostic imaging modality No changes were noted in the bones evaluated. (Rossihas being et al. increasingly 2011, Grosso used et al.for 2017). cancer staging purposes in The owners of Dogs 1 and 4 declined surgical procedure veterinary patients, particularly for lymph node assessment because of the presence of metastasis in pelvic and abdominal lymph nodes and the possibility of resection of part of the This study set out to investigate the contribution of CT for anal sphincter, which may lead to fecal incontinence. In Dogs staging and surgical planning in dogs affected with malignant 2 and 3 it was possible to resect the tumor,
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