~The news magazine ofthe British Science Fiction Association £2.25 Issue 149 May/Jun 2001 lames White remembered Or Who on tape Top ten sf films revisited BSFA Awards - 2 - Matrix Issue 149 Matrix BSFA Officers BSFA Publications Issurl49.l\hy/Jun2001 President: Matrix The bi-monthlynews magazine of1he Sir Arlhur C. C1arke, CBE British Science Fiction Vice President: Editor: Andrew Seaman Association Slephen Baxler 2 Becchwood Court. 33A Thomsett Road. Kenwood, Sheffield. S7 INB RegJSlnedtnEngland.Llmnedby Secretary: Vikkl Ut (*nottcbangt) Guaram«. Company Number 921SOO 44 White Way. Kldlington. A.Seaman@,btinlemet.com R~lcrN Addrtu: 1 long Row CIost. Oxon. OXS 1XA E,-adon. 03\'t'Olry.l'\.'NI1 )BE [email protected] Contributing edjJOI}: The BSFA 'U5 foundc'd In 1958.nd ,sa non­ Treasurer:Elizabt'lh Billingu Books: Janrt Barron profitmakmgorgan'~lIOll.StalTtd I Long Row Close. El·erOOn. t'tIlIrely by unpaid WIUnll:ffS. Davent!)'. Northants.. NNII 3BE ) Ullswlller Road. Bames. London. [email protected] SW139PL ISS:'\I: 014) 7909 [email protected] ()8SFA2001 Membership Services: Paul Billingrr Indl\idualeop)TlghlSarethcpropenyoflhe 1 long Ra...· Close. E"e-rdon. Fan news: Greg Pieken:gill Da'"C'Illry. Northants.. NNII )BE eontnblJtonand eduors. Views expresstd heTcin 3 Be-Ihany Row. Narbe-nh Road. bllhnga@t'tIle-rpru.e.ncI ~noID«C'$5.iInlylboseortheBSFAor BSFA Have-rfordwest. Pembrolr;eshi~. SA61 2XG _ UKmanbe-rshlp:£21 paor£14palun"'lIga1). Convrnl1«tnmlbC'f's. [email protected] ErrorsandomlulOl1s.lIre~TeSfi'Ol"1Sibllltyoflht hfemembaslllp £190. Europe: £26 pa. RC'$! of World: £26pasurf-eelNl,I,£J:! pa:llrlNlll EduOIlalTeilm. CheqUC'lI payable to: BSFA Lld Film/media news: Gal')' Wilkinson Pnnled by: POC Copypnnl. I1 Jdfnes 18 Waler Lane. Soulh Witham. Passagt.Gu,ldford.GUI4AP us Agent: Cy Chauvin Grantham. Lincs.. NG33 SPH 14248 wilfrcd Street. Detroit. MI4821J. USA gary_ [email protected] Uudline forsubmlsslons for nnl Issue: _USsubseription:$37surfaceorS47airmal1. pa)'llblelo:CyChaul'inIIlSFA) 6lhJunf' 2001 Magazines: GI('nda Pringle 22 Mead Way. Kidlington. Oxon.• OX5 2BJ BSFA Services ehri akidlington66.freescrve.co.uk Contents BSFA Awards ('"'nole c:hangf') & BSFA Web/Internet news: position vacant Web Site (www.bsra.eo.uk): Cover: from Transpor/ Pictllrf!J(Agile Tanya Brown Rabbil Edilions. Amsterdam) Cl 1999 Pepin Flat 8. Century House. Annoury Rood. Vector van Roojen. London. SE8 4LH The Critical JOIlrlwl ofthe BSFA amarall1h@;avncl.co.uk I'roduclion: Tony Cull('n 3 Editorial; Novacon ad LOndOn Meetings: 16 Weaver's Way. Camden. London. 4+ 5 Book News: Media News Pllulllood NWIOXE 6 Media News II:! Meadowside. Eltham. London. [email protected] 7 Chocolul & Shadow ofthe SE96BB Jampire re\'iew. Andrew Butler paulf!!,aOOen.demon.eo.ulr. Fealures:Andrew1\1 Butler ~iO De-pl:. ofArU & MedII. 028 - ASSH 8-9 OVD review. Gary S. Oalkin Orbiter Writing Groups: Faculty. Buclr.ingllamshi~ Chilterns UnivCTSity 10-11 James While Short Story A ward Cnol Ann Kerry-Grrt'n (-note c:h.ll1gf') College. High Wyoombe. Bucks.• HPlt 2JZ speech. Graham Andrews 178 Victoria A"enuc. Hull. HUS 3DZ [email protected] 12 -Ifafer review. Gary Wilkinson [email protected] '"d 13 Resonanecs. Slcphcn Baxter GaryDalkin 14-15 Forthcoming Books, lanel Publicity & Promotions: 5 Lydford Road. Bournemouth. Dorset, Bill ClairI.' Brillley SSN Barron 26 NonhamplOll Rood. Croydon. SUlTry. CRO [email protected] 16 Or Who audio review. Mark 7HA Greener cbsfa@:lr:l.gic.de-mon.eo.uk Book Reviews: Sltn Jfrfrf)' 17 BSFAAwards.ChrisI-lill& 44 While Way. Kidlington. Oxon.. Tanya Bro\lo'Tl OXS2XA pe-l'e~11li 18-19 Top ten sf films: readers' leuers aol.eom Mark Plummer 20-21 PULPitations. Glenda Pringle 1-\ Northway Road. Croydon. Sum:y. Focus 22 Club Corner CR06JE 23 Forthcoming Events & JVriters'Maga=ille Convenlions: l'ublicalionsManager: Editor: Simon Mordcn Vlkki Ler Members' Noticeboard I) Egremont Drive. Shl'l"iff Hill. Ga1eshead. 24 Competition, Mail Order -\'" White Way. Kidlington. OxonOXS2XA NE95SE Catalogues. Credits pc:\[email protected] focus.edilor([.blueyonder.oo.uk Issue 149 Matrix·3· two of them) Danen new administrator (and BSFA Aronofsky's spectacular debut webmistress) Tanya Brown Pi, David Fincher's introduces herself. Many Jij provocative Fight Club and thanks to Chris for his hard Andrew iccol's fine (and work and best of luck to increasingly prescient) Gal/ara. Tanya in her new role. Editorial surprisingly nominated b}f no­ onc. Not all mainstream genre \'Vith Andrew Butler's look at And in a packed issue this movies, but ones with a two very different films of time around.. definite sf-nal sensibility to potential interest to genre them. fans and Mark Greener's Gary WiJkinson's 'Top Ten sf round-up of recent Dr \Xlho films of all time' piece in \'Ve're also pleased to be able audio releases, I think I can issue 147 provoked a to present the text of safely say that we've vigorous response, the results Graham Andrews' speech at produced an issue that should of which are featured last year's inaugural lames appeal to most sf devotees. beginning on page 18. As White Short Story Award editor 1, of course. have to ceremony. Thanks to Graham Finally. I'm pleased to report maintain an air of strict for sharing it with readers. that our request for impartiality in these matters, volunteers for the vacant but can't help sneaking in Elsewhere, retiring awards position of \Xfeb/Tnternet mention of three of my administrator Chris Hill news editor has resulted in a favourite sf films of recent announces the results of the healthy response. \Xfatch this years (and I'm using sf in the BSFA Awards for 2000, while space for an announcement! loosest sense of the term for After 30 years Novacon finally has a Quality Hotel! NOVACON 31 9th_11'h November 2001 at the Quality Hotel, Bentley, Walsall, (Junction 10 of the M6). Guest of Honour: Gwyneth .lones NOVACON 31: a Quality Hotel, a Quality GoH, but a Bargain Pricel Attending membership costs £35 until 2r" October or £40 on the door. Supporting membership costs £15.00 throughout. Cheques/Postal Orders should be made payable to "NOVACON 31" and sent to: Steve Lawson, 379 Myrtle Road, Sheffield, S2 3HQ. Further information from http://wwwwnovacon.org.uk .4. Matrix Issue 149 Ne'\Ns Books, people and events makin~ the headlines China's run Obituaries NOl'cllas China Miel'ille, author of Clarke Award 'Fortitude', Andy Dunean (Realms of nominated Perdido Street SllItiml is running Supernatural fiction writer R. Chetwynd­ F(jnta~T,lun99) for Parliament in the forthcoming General Hayes,deseribedbyoneofhis publishers as 'Ninety PercentofEverything',lonathan Election as the official Socialist Alliance "Britain'S Prince of ChiI!." died of bronchial Lelhem, lames Patrick Kelly, & John Kesscl party candidate for the constituency of pneumonia on March 20th, He was 81, (F&SF, Sep99l Regents Park and Kensington Chetwynd-Hayes had been living since early 'HuntingtheSnark',MikeResnick 1000 in a care home in Teddington, South (Asimol"S, Dee99) ConJosc announces web site Hugo London, Born in lsleworth, West London, on 'Crocodile Rock', Lucius Shepard W&SF, May 30th, 1919 Chetwynd-Hayes wrote OctINov99) Award "Argonautica',WalterlonWilliams Conlose, the 2002 World Science Fiction more than 200 shon stories and more than a (AsimO\"s, OctlNov99) Convention, has announced that it will be dozen novels over thirty years. At onc time 'Goddesses', Linda Nagata (Sci Ficriolll presenting a special Hugo Award for Best his collections ofghost stories and humorous SciFi,com, July 5, 2000) Web Site, The Award will be open to any horror occupied the shelves of nearly every web site primarily related to the fields of public library in the United Kingdom, science fiction, fantasy, or fandom and will In 1989, he received the Life Achievement Novt'!cUcs be given formalerial displayed on the World Awards of both the British Fantasy Society 'Daddy's World', Waiter lon Willi::ltns (Nol Wide Web during the calcndaryear 2001, and the Horror Writers of America, He was ofWo mall Born, Constancc Ash, Ed" Roe, Conlose's web site has a FAQ answering also a guest of honour at FantasyCon XVIl Mar99) some questions about the one olT Hugo in 1992 and at the 1997 World Fantasy 'Stellar Harvest', Eleanor Arnason Award, but does not address the issue of Convention in London, (AsimOl"s, Apr99) voters judging sites that may have changed His correspondence and surviving 'A Knight ofGhosts and Shadows, Gardner substantially during the intervening year. manuscripts will be archived in the Dozois tAsimo\"s, OcIIN0v99) collection of the Science Fiction Foundation 'How the Highland People Came To Bc', held at The University of Liverpool. where Bruee Holland Rogers (Realms of Fantasy, FHarryheil 451 the material will be made ::lVailable to Rcligiou~ Aug99) fundamentalists in Pillsburgh researchers torched Harry Poller books in a mass Pre­ 'A Day's Work On the Moon', Mike Moseoe Easter burning s\'S5ion of items they regard (Al/alog,lul/AugOO) William Hanna, co-erealor with Joseph 'Generation Gap', St(lnley Sehmidt (Artemis as standing against God, Members of the Barbera of numerous animated TV series Harvest Assembly of God in Pittsburgh also /IIl/gldnc #1, Spring 2000 issue) including The Flilllstones and The JetsOlJS, 'Jack Daw's Pack', GreerGilman (Celllllry5, set fire to the Disney videos HerCllle,~ and died on March 22nd, Winter 2000) Pinocchio for containing paranonnal material. The assembly's Rev, GCQrge Jenna A, reliee,
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