CITY VOLUME 40, NUMBER 29. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1945. EIGHT PAGES, Eagle and Silver Maj. Imerman, Held Evangelicals Looks Like Ford Cars Better Health Cass City Folks Vassar Is Host to By Japs? Will Tell His Are in Demand Married in Toledo Palm Awards to Experiences Here Celebrate 80th That the public has more than a Parade in School Glen Hartwick, recently dis- 4-H Groups of \ passing interest in new cars is charged from the post of Staff Ser- It was Feb. 1, 1941, when Dr. evidenced by figures released by geant in the Medical Corps of the Harold M. Imerman tbok a last the G. A. Tindale Ford, agency. Up army, and Harriett Crowthers, lo- Be Given Here look at his comfortable Saginaw Anniversary to the end of the. first day of the Here November 13 cal musician, were united in mar- Tuscola County home and bade his mother goodbye. j showing of the new Ford here, the riage in a quiet ceremony in To- One thousand seven hundred thir- agency had booked orders for 42 ledo, Ohio, at the home of the Boy Scouts Will Hold ty-two days later, Maj. Imerman Church Commemorates Ford cars, 11 Mercury cars, two Tuberculin Testing Clinics groom's sister, Oct. 17. Cass City Livestock Club Lincoln Zephyrs and two Ford The bride wore a light blue wool has returned but in that time he Has Best Record in the Largest Court of Honor has lived a hell that few men ever Four Score Years of pickups. Are Sponsored by the suit with black accessories. The groom was graduated from at School Gym Nov. 14 have known, a hell that started in Activity in Cass City One hundred ninety-seven per- Michigan T. B. Asso. CoUeetion of Salvage Northern Luzon and ended in sons visited the G. A. Tindale gar- Cass City high school and later at- ] stinking Port Wakanoura, Honshu, age on the date announced as the first showing of the new Ford. The Troop 194 of the Boy Scouts will on a glorious Sept. 15 day this year Services were held Friday eve- School boys and girls of Cass Tuesday evening, Nov. 6, over when a United States hospital agency here has two Fords now City in the ninth and eleventh hold its largest court of honor on ning and Sunday in the Salem on display. 350 4-H'ers, leaders and parents Wednesday, Nov. 14, in the high I ship picked up a bedraggled lot of Evangelical' church in commemora- . grades are to join a "Better Health assembled in the Vassar high war prisoners, remnants of the j Parade" Tuesday, Nov. 13, when i school gym at 8 p. m., when 49 tion of the 80th year of Evangelical 1 school gymnasium for their fall awards will be niade to members gallant but futile Battle of Ba- [church life and work in the Cass OK 1171. A 4-4- ' J 4-U 'they appear at the tuberculin test- achievement celebration. All en- of the local troop, Glenn MeCul- taan. [City community. The meetings ^o w no Attained tne ininpg. ^m\clinic att CRSCassS citCitvy MhigAh schooschool joyed a potluck supper and a very lough, chairman of the Tuscola Maj. Imerman will tell the story were well attended. ,at 9:00, sponsored by the Michigan interesting program. Francis Ode, district advancement committee, Friday evening a fellowship sup- Age of 18 in October Tuberculosis association in coop- eration with Mrs. Evelyn Wells, Mayville, 4-H club council chair- is in charge of the program, to per was served in the church din- Register in Tuscola man, was toastmaster of the' eve- which the public is invited. ing room. About 150 members and school nurse. ning. Also taking the tests in coopera- The chief events of the evening ! friends of the congregation eh- Dr. Zola, a magician from Sagi- will be the award of Eagle rank joyed the repast and the program'., Thi"^-e LUfollowin""™"18g uuboy*°s ,whw"?o ^"reache™d tion with this health plan will be 1 th school employees including teach- naw, gave the boys and girls a to Albert MacPhail, the fifth Cass whicJ^h *followednnnJLi . ! e age of 18 years during Oeto- thrill with his tricky acts. Music City boy to earn that rank, and ber registered with the Tuscola ers, bus drivers, janitors ,and food The invocation was , given by County Draft board during the ,by the Ford orchestra from Detroit the Silver Paln\ award to Eobert Rev. Stanley P. Kirn, the pastor. handlers. In addition, tests will be gave the program variety. Foy, the highest* award yet earned After singing a group of hymns month: given to anyone who has been ex- Frederick Smith, Caro. posed to an active case of tuber- Perhaps the one thing that 4-H by any local scout. under the leadership of Mrs. Mau- members look forward to most of A color sound film of scouting | rice Joos, with Miss Betty Hower at James Bemis, Cass City. culosis or anyone recommended for Charles Ha,rtman, Unionville. a test by his doctor. all in an achievement program is will be shown, including pictures the piano, Rev. H. I. Voelker, a jthe presentation of awards. O. B. of the work of Cubs, Sea Scouts former pastor here, offered aj Robert Hawken, Reese. In connection with the clinic, the Wilbur Norrington, Caro. school has an opportunity to win a I Price, agricultural representative and Explorers. prayer of thanksgiving. A his-? 'of the Ndw York Central railroad, torical sketch of the church dealing j Robert Murphy, Millington. certificate of honor. There are Ernest Auern|iamer, Vassar. three requirements for winning presented the diamond clover leaf principally with the early days of award to Francis Ode, Mayville, Program on Poetry Evangelical activities here and Durwood Doench, Silverwood. this health award. First, 95% of Roy Palmertoh, Mayville. the selected groups must be Mrs. Hartwick. and Willis Campbell, Cass City, i reminiscences of that time was for leadership in 4-H work for 22 At W. S. C. Meeting read by Mrs. Benjamin Schwegler. Garth Thane, Caro. checked; second, all who show a Leroy Terbu&li, Mayville. positive reaction to the rest must tended an embalmers' school in and 21 years respectively. He pre- Greetings and congratulations were Cincinnati. sented the gold clover leaf award Mrs. Herb Ludlow was hostess extended by Rev. Melvin R. Vender, Wilbur List, Vassar. be x-rayed; and third, an educa- to the members of the Woman's Jacob Sattler, Jr., Unionville. tional program which teaches pu- The bride's parents are Mr. and Concluded on page 5. president of the Cass City Council Mrs. H. E. Crowthers of Cass City, Study club when they met Tues- of Churches. Lewis Gavit, Vassar. pils tuberculosis prevention and day afternoon for their regular bi- Henry Gruber, Reese. treatment must be carried on. and the groom's father is Herbert Rev. S. P. Kirn read letters of Hartwick also of this place. Conscription at weekly meeting. A program on Major Imierman. greetings from Rev. F. L. Pohly, Harold Powell, Caro. Through this program, boys and poetry was presented in charge of Miss Ruth Schenck, Rev. Roy J. Leo Germain, Vassar. girls leirn that Benjamin Frank- Mrs. E. L. Schwaderer, Mrs. G. A. of starvation, disease, horror and Striffler, Rev. Leon Willoughby Robert McCoon, Marlette. lin, wise old philosopher and scien- Church of Christ Strifller and Mrs. A. R. Kettle- death experienced by men in his and Rev. G. J. Kirn. Calvin Berg, Unionville. tist, was right when he said, "Ear- well. Rev. Mr. Voelker gave the eve- Leland Clothier, v Marlette. ly to hed iand early to rise, makes Norwood Eastman, instructor of at the November meeting of the Erwin Baldw'n, Millington. a man healthy, wealthy and wise." Elected Officers ning's address on the subject of Dave Ackerman, local history in- speech in the local high school, Cass City Community club at the "Yesterday-Tomorrow" in which Charles Hunt. Caro. All this may apply to preventing presented six of his pupils, each school auditorium Tuesday, Nov. Donald Heddon, Millington. tuberculosis—for plenty of rest, a About 40 were in attendance at structor, conducted a lively dis- he stressed the fact that yester- the meeting of the Ladies' Aid so- i cussion Sunday evening at the of whom gave a short biography of 13. days' experiences should make our Clifton Strickland, Cass City. certain amount of work and play an author and recited one It is a heartbreaking saga of Carroll Reid, Kingston. are highly important for good ciety of the Church of Christ held Presbyterian church on the subject tomorrows better. of compulsory peacetime military of his poems, except Mary Doerr a medical officer's battle to beg, Musical numbers interspersed The draft board has received a health; and health, is, of course, I Wednesday at the home of Mr. and who imade introductory remarks j steal or buy supplies to nurture preinduction call for Nov. 21 when wealth—more important than Mrs. Mack Little. conscription. James Gross, John the program. Mrs. Grey F. Lenz- Day and Rev. Melvin Vender were regarding the subject under dis-1 fading lives. Trained to study the ner of Bad Axe sang "I .Shall Not severa. l registrant. s will be given riches. Plenty of nourishing foods Officers to serve the Aid and the cussion. The following participated human body, he watched his men's Pass Again This Way" with Mrs. P^cal examinations. is another "must" to be included church for the coming year were the other members of the panel.
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