Appendix A Thomas Barnes/USFWS Bald eagle Species and Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Species & Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Table A.1. Species and Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge. 9 12 6 8 & 2 3 & 7 1 4 5 10 11 Endangered Species Species Seasons on Refuge Federal Threatened Endangered Species NH State Threatened BCR 30 PIF 9 USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern Fish Federal Trust Data Species Trend Species of Regional Conservation Concern Northern Atlantic Regional Shorebird Plan North American Waterbird Plan North American Waterfowl Plan NH Wildlife Action Plan WATERBIRDS American bittern MMXXHX Great blue heron B, M X King rail MM H Least bittern B, M SC M XHX Pied-billed grebe B, M T X H X Snowy egret MMXH WATERFOWL American black duck B, M,W HH 2C D X Atlantic Population Canada goose B, M HH I Bufflehead MH I Common eider MH D Common goldeneye MM NT Greater scaup MH NT Hooded merganser B, M M I Lesser scaup MH D Mallard BH NT Red-breasted merganser MM I Wood duck B. M M I SHOREBIRDS American woodcock B, M HH 1A 5 X Common snipe MM 3 Common tern B,M T M LX Dunlin MH 3 Greater yellowlegs MH 4 Killdeer B, M M 2 Least sandpiper MM 3 Appendix A. Species and Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and A-1 Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Species & Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement 9 12 6 8 & 2 3 & 7 1 4 5 10 11 Species Seasons on Refuge Federal Threatened Endangered Species NH State Threatened Endangered Species BCR 30 PIF 9 USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern Fish Federal Trust Data Species Trend Species of Regional Conservation Concern Northern Atlantic Regional Shorebird Plan North American Waterbird Plan North American Waterfowl Plan NH Wildlife Action Plan SHOREBIRDS (cont.) Lesser yellowlegs MMX2 Red knot MHHXX5 Sanderling MHH4 Semipalmated plover MM 2 Semipalmated sandpiper MHX4X Short-billed dowitcher MHX3 Solitary sandpiper MHX3 Spotted sandpiper B, M M 3 Upland sandpiper B, M E M 1B X X 4 X Whimbrel MHHX5 White-rumped sandpiper MH 3 Willet B,M SC H 4X LANDBIRDS American kestrel B, M SC Bald eagle W, YR T M XX Baltimore oriole B, M H 1A Black-and-white warbler B, M H 2A Black-billed cuckoo B, M 1A Black-throated blue warbler M1B Blue-winged warbler B, M HH 1A X Broad-winged hawk MH Brown thrasher B, M H Chimney swift MH2A Common nighthawk B,M E X Cooper’s hawk M X Eastern kingbird B, M H Eastern meadowlark B, M SC X A-2 Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Comprehensive Conservation Plan Species & Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement 9 12 6 8 & 2 3 & 7 1 4 5 10 11 Species Seasons on Refuge Federal Threatened Endangered Species NH State Threatened Endangered Species BCR 30 PIF 9 USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern Fish Federal Trust Data Species Trend Species of Regional Conservation Concern Northern Atlantic Regional Shorebird Plan North American Waterbird Plan North American Waterfowl Plan NH Wildlife Action Plan LANDBIRDS (cont.) Eastern towhee B, M H 2A X Field sparrow B, M H Golden-winged warbler MSCM1BX X Grasshopper sparrow MTM X Great-crested flycatcher B, M H Louisiana waterthrush MH1AX Marsh wren B, M H Nelson’s sparrow B, M SC M 1B X X Northern flicker B, M H Northern harrier ME X X Osprey B, M SC X Peregrine falcon MT2CX X Prairie warbler B, M HH 1A X Purple martin MSC X Red-shouldered hawk M X Rose-breasted grosbeak M2A Salt marsh sparrow B, M SC HH 1A X XX Scarlet tanager B, M 1A Seaside sparrow MSCHH1AX X Sedge wren MEM2CX XX Short-eared owl MM2CX Veery M X Willow flycatcher B, M H Wood thrush B, M HH 1A X X Yellow-throated vireo B, M H Appendix A. Species and Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and A-3 Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Species & Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement 9 12 6 8 & 2 3 & 7 1 4 5 10 11 Species Seasons on Refuge Federal Threatened Endangered Species NH State Threatened Endangered Species BCR 30 PIF 9 USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern Fish Federal Trust Data Species Trend Species of Regional Conservation Concern Northern Atlantic Regional Shorebird Plan North American Waterbird Plan North American Waterfowl Plan NH Wildlife Action Plan MAMMALS Bobcat X Big brown bat Eastern red bat SC X X Eastern small-footed bat B, M E X X Hoary bat SC X X Little brown bat M New England cottontail C E X Northern myotis B, M SC X Silver-haired bat SC X X AMPHIBIANS Blue-spotted salamander SC X X Fowler’s toad SC X Marbled salamander EX Northern leopard frog SC X X REPTILES Blanding’s turtle EXX Eastern ribbon snake XX Smooth green snake SC X Spotted turtle TXX Wood turtle SC X X FISH Alewife C/SoC SC D X American eel SC D X American shad SC D X Atlantic sturgeon* TD X Blueback herring C/SoC SC D X Brindle shiner TX Swamp darter SC X Rainbow smelt SoC SC X A-4 Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Comprehensive Conservation Plan Species & Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement 9 12 6 8 & 2 3 & 7 1 4 5 10 11 Species Seasons on Refuge Federal Threatened Endangered Species NH State Threatened Endangered Species BCR 30 PIF 9 USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern Fish Federal Trust Data Species Trend Species of Regional Conservation Concern Northern Atlantic Regional Shorebird Plan North American Waterbird Plan North American Waterfowl Plan NH Wildlife Action Plan PLANTS Northern blazing star EX (Liatris borealis) Large bur-reed TX (Spargarium erurycarpum) Seaside mallow EX (Hibiscus moscheutos) Goodenough’s sedge EX (Carex nigra) Blunt-leaved milkweed (Asclepias TX amplexicaulis) Golden heather (Hudsonia EX ericoides L.) 1Seasons on the refuge (Birds): B=Breeding, W=Wintering, M=Migration, YR=Year-round. Sources: (Mirck 1993) and unpublished Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge observations. 2Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species: T=Threatened, E=Endangered, C= Candidate, SoC=Species of Concern. 3New Hampshire State List of Threatened and Endangered Species: T=Threatened, E=Endangered, SC=Special Concern. 4New England/Mid-Atlantic Coast Bird Conservation Implementation Plan (Steinkamp 2008): HH=Highest Priority, H=High Priority, M=Moderate Priority. 5Partners in Flight Physiographic Area 9 (PIF 9) - Southern New England (Dettmers and Rosenberg 2000): 1A= High Continental Priority–High Regional Responsibility, 1B= High Continental Priority–Low Regional Responsibility, 2A= High Regional Concern, 2B= High Regional Responsibility, 2C=High Regional Threats, 3= Additional Watch List. 6U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Birds of Conservation Concern 2008 (USFWS 2008): X= Species of Conservation Concern for BCR 30. 7Federal Trust Fish Species USFWS Population Trend Data: I=increasing, D=decreasing. 8Species of Regional Conservation Concern (NETC 1999): X= Wildlife species of regional conservation concern in the Northeastern United States. 9Northern Atlantic Regional Shorebird Plan (Clark and Niles 2000): 5=Highly Imperiled, 4= Species of High Concern, 3=Species of Moderate Concern, 2=Species of Low Concern, 1=Species Not at Risk. For each species, we list the national priority, except where the Northern Atlantic regional priority is different. In those cases, we list the regional priority instead. 10North American Waterbird Plan (Kushlan et al. 2002): H=High Risk, M=Moderate Risk, L=Low Risk. 11North American Waterfowl Management Plan (CWS, USFWS, and SEMARNAT 2004): Population Trends: I=Increasing, D=Decreasing, NT=No Trend. 12 New Hampshire Wildlife Action Plan (NHFG 2005): X= Species of Greatest Conservation Need. *Occurs in Great Bay Estuary; off-refuge. Appendix A. Species and Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and A-5 Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Species & Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on Great Bay Refuge and Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement Table A.2. Species and Habitats of Concern Known, or Potentially Occurring, on the Karner Blue Butterfly Conservation Easement in Concord, New Hampshire Federal NH State Threatened & Threatened & Endangered Endangered NH Wildlife Common Name Scientifi c Name Species1 Species2 BCR 303 Action Plan4 Birds Common nighthawk Chordeiles minor EX Eastern towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus HX Grasshopper sparrow Ammodroamus savannarum TMX Whip-poor-will Caprimulgus vociferous SC H X Amphbians Fowler’s toad Bufo woodhousii fowleri SC X Reptiles Black racer Coluber constrictor TX Hognose snake Heterodon platirhinos EX Smooth green snake Opheodrys vernalis SC X Invertebrates Barrens xylotype Xylotype capax SC X Broad-lined catopyrrha Catopyrrha coloraria SC X Cora moth Cerma cora SC X Frosted elfin butterfly Callophrys irus EX Karner blue butterfly Lycaeides melissa samuelis EE X Persius duskywing Erynnis persius persius EX Phyllira tiger moth Grammia phyllira SC X Pine barrens itame Itame sp. 1 SC X Pine barrens zanclognatha Zanclognatha martha SC X moth Sleepy duskywing Erynnis brizo brizo SC X PLANTS Wild lupine Lupinus perennis TT X 1Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species: T=Threatened, E=Endangered, C= Candidate, SoC=Species of Concern.
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