Notice of meeting and agenda The City of Edinburgh Council 10.00 am, Thursday, 30 May 2013 Council Chamber, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh This is a public meeting and members of the public are welcome to attend Contact E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0131 529 4246 1. Order of business 1.1 Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting. 2. Declaration of interests 2.1 Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. 3. Deputations 3.1 If any 4. Minutes 4.1 The City of Edinburgh Council of 2 May 2013 – Special Meeting – submitted for approval as a correct record 4.2 The City of Edinburgh Council of 2 May 2013 – submitted for approval as a correct record 5. Questions 5.1 By Councillor Rose – Confidentiality Agreements – for answer by the Convener of the Finance and Budget Committee 6. Leader’s Report 6.1 Leader’s report (circulated) 7. Appointments 7.1 Appointments to Outside Bodies – report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) 7.2 Lothian Buses plc – AGM – report by the Chief Executive (circulated) The City of Edinburgh Council – 30 May 2013 Page 2 of 5 8. Reports 8.1 Capital Coalition Pledges Performance Monitoring to April 2013 – report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) 8.2 Leith Waterworld – (a) Progress on Community Bid – report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) (b) Potential Sale of Leith Waterworld – joint report by the Directors of Corporate Governance and Services for Communities (circulated) Note: Members are advised that the report at item 8.2(b) above includes and option which, if accepted, would require a change to the Act of Council No 6 of 31 January 2013. This decision can only be changed if (1) the Lord Provost rules a material change in circumstances or (2) the Council agrees the decision was based on erroneous, incorrect or incomplete information (Standing Order 27). 8.3 Edinburgh Bid by Heriot-Watt University to host the National Performance Centre for Sport – report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) 8.4 City of Edinburgh Council (Portobello Park) Bill – report by the Director of Children and Families (circulated) 8.5 Outcome of the Consultation Process for the Proposal to relocate Grassmarket Nursery School to Tollcross Primary School – report by the Director of Children and Families (circulated) 8.6 Trust in the Food We Eat – Motion by Councillor Booth – report by the Director of Services for Communities (circulated) 8.7 Zero Waste Project: Edinburgh and Midlothian Power Purchase - report by the Director of Services for Communities (circulated) 9. Motions 9.1 By Councillor Chapman – Blacklisting of Employees by Construction Firms “Council Notes the ongoing inquiry by the Scottish Affairs Committee into the blacklisting of employees by employers in the construction industry, many of which operate in Edinburgh; Notes that blacklisting of employees by employers for raising concerns about safety standards and conditions at work is illegal; The City of Edinburgh Council – 30 May 2013 Page 3 of 5 Condemns any form of blacklisting of employees by employers and opposes blacklisting and the compilation of blacklists; Agrees, where legally possible, not to enter into contracts with any company that is found to make use of such blacklisting; Calls for a report investigating which of the Council’s current contracts might be with companies using blacklists, and outlining the possible processes that do not pose legal or financial risk to the Council, that the Director of Corporate Governance could consider to: - terminate these contracts - work with the companies to ensure such blacklisting ceases, and - ensure no further contracts are agreed with blacklisting companies.” Carol Campbell Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance Information about the City of Edinburgh Council meeting The City of Edinburgh Council consists of 58 Councillors and is elected under proportional representation. The City of Edinburgh Council usually meets once a month and the Lord Provost is the Convener when it meets. The City of Edinburgh Council usually meets in the Council Chamber in the City Chambers on the High Street in Edinburgh. There is a seated public gallery and the Council meeting is open to all members of the public. Further information If you have any questions about the agenda or meeting arrangements, please contact Allan McCartney, Committee Services, City of Edinburgh Council, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ, Tel 0131 529 4246, e-mail [email protected]. A copy of the agenda and papers for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the main reception office, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh. The agenda, minutes and public reports for this meeting and all the main Council committees can be viewed online by going to www.edinburgh.gov.uk/cpol. The City of Edinburgh Council – 30 May 2013 Page 4 of 5 Webcasting of Council meetings Please note: this meeting may be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s internet site – at the start of the meeting the Lord Provost will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed. You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act. Data collected during this webcast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy. Generally the public seating areas will not be filmed. However, by entering the Council Chamber and using the public seating area, you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for web casting or training purposes. If you have any queries regarding this, please contact Committee Services on 0131 529 4105 or [email protected]. The City of Edinburgh Council – 30 May 2013 Page 5 of 5 Minutes Item No 4.1 The City of Edinburgh Council Special Meeting Edinburgh, Thursday, 2 May 2013 Present:- LORD PROVOST The Right Honourable Donald Wilson COUNCILLORS Elaine Aitken Ricky Henderson Robert C Aldridge Dominic R C Heslop Norma Austin Hart Sandy Howat Nigel Bagshaw Allan G Jackson Jeremy R Balfour Karen Keil Gavin Barrie David Key Angela Blacklock Richard Lewis Chas Booth Alex Lunn Mike Bridgman Melanie Main Deidre Brock Mark McInnes Steve Burgess Adam McVey Andrew Burns Eric Milligan Ronald Cairns Joanna Mowat Steve Cardownie Jim Orr Maggie Chapman Lindsay Paterson Maureen M Child Ian Perry Bill Cook Alasdair Rankin Nick Cook Vicki Redpath Gavin Corbett Cameron Rose Cammy Day Frank Ross Denis C Dixon Jason G Rust Karen Doran Alastair Shields Paul G Edie Stefan Tymkewycz Catherine Fullerton David Walker Paul Godzik Iain Whyte Joan Griffiths Norman Work Bill Henderson 1. Review of Scheme for Community Councils The outcome of the first statutory consultation period on the review of the City of Edinburgh Community Council Scheme was detailed. Approval was sought for a number of changes to the scheme Decision 1) To approve the changes outlined in sections 2.9 to 2.15 of the report by the Director of Services for Communities. 2) To approve the procedure outlined in paragraph 2.15 of the report for amending small scale Community Council boundaries. 3) To approve the change in membership numbers for Portobello Community Council outlined in sections 2.16 to 2.21 of the report. 4) To approve the revised draft Scheme as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report for a second period of statutory consultation from 6 May to 31 May 2013. 5) To note that the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 required that any change to the Scheme of Community Councils be passed by not less than two thirds of members present at the meeting and that the decision had been agreed by the majority of all elected members, with 54 elected members present when this item was unanimously agreed. (References – Act of Special Council No 1 of 13 December 2012; report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.) The City of Edinburgh Council (Special Meeting) – 2 May 2013 Page 2 of 2 Minutes Item No 4.2 The City of Edinburgh Council Edinburgh, Thursday, 2 May 2013 Present:- LORD PROVOST The Right Honourable Donald Wilson COUNCILLORS Elaine Aitken Ricky Henderson Robert C Aldridge Dominic R C Heslop Norma Austin Hart Sandy Howat Nigel Bagshaw Allan G Jackson Jeremy R Balfour Karen Keil Gavin Barrie David Key Angela Blacklock Richard Lewis Chas Booth Alex Lunn Mike Bridgman Melanie Main Deidre Brock Mark McInnes Steve Burgess Adam McVey Andrew Burns Eric Milligan Ronald Cairns Joanna Mowat Steve Cardownie Jim Orr Maggie Chapman Lindsay Paterson Maureen M Child Ian Perry Bill Cook Alasdair Rankin Nick Cook Vicki Redpath Gavin Corbett Cameron Rose Cammy Day Frank Ross Denis C Dixon Jason G Rust Karen Doran Alastair Shields Paul G Edie Stefan Tymkewycz Catherine Fullerton David Walker Paul Godzik Iain Whyte Joan Griffiths Norman Work Bill Henderson 1. Councillor Tom Buchanan The Council observed a minute’s silence in memory of Councillor Tom Buchanan who had died on 3 April 2013. The Lord Provost, Councillor Cardownie, Councillor Burns, Councillor Rose, Councillor Burgess and Councillor Edie all paid tribute to his 6 years of service to the city, his constituents and the city’s economic development as a member of the City of Edinburgh Council. 2. Minutes Decision To approve the minute of the Council of 14 March 2013 as a correct record. 3. Questions The questions put by members to this meeting and the written answers are contained in Appendix 1 to this minute.
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