The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan Hes VENUS (Jap. Jour. Malac) VoL 46, No. 4 (1987):lg2-193 4xSMXk 5e R o ma ma ur ut tbu ssA- ll . paimEpt 1- )lf v v 7 7t if I o:Ex . a> pt . v i X reEk J6ft as *H *t pteft bl A \・th az ± fis (YL{・1・1]k\X"taiftEXwtnt) Studies on the Biology and Eeology of the Intertidal Animals of Chiehijima Island in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands-II. Description,Distribution,SizeStrueturein the Population, of and Allometric Growth the Limpet, Notoacmea schrenckii boninensisn. subsp." Akira AsAKuRA and Shiro NIsHIHAMA (Amakusa Marine Biologieal Laboratory, Kyushu University, Tomioka, Reihoku, Amakusa-gun, Kumamoto-ken, Japan, 863-25) Abstract: A new subspecies of Acmaeidae, Notoacmea sehrenekii boninensis, is des¢ ribed, and general biology of this limpet is observed. At Chiehijima Island of the Ogasawara Islands, this limpet was colleeted from underside ef boulders in the intertidal zone of the wave-exposed beaches. The shell size is smaller than that of N. schrenckii sehrenckii (Lischke) from Japanese temperate region, The shell is green color with radially seattered lines and V-shape patteTn, and is wider and the apex situated more anteriorly than that of IV. sehrenehii schrenckii. They mainly inhabit the rniddle intertidal zone and were also distri- buted in lower number in the lower intertidal zone, No individual was found in a sheltered boulder beach, rock platforms, or tide pools. Introduction Noteacmea schrenckii (Lischke) is a small limpet common to the intertidal zones of roeky shores in Japan, Formosa, and China (Habe and Okutani, 1975; Habe and Kosuge, 1967; Nakamura, 1986). Two subspecies have been discrimi- nated in this species, a typical Notoacmea schrenckii schrenckii (Lischke) and "'Contribution No.320 from Amakusa Marine Biological Laboratory, Kyushu University NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan Asakura . Nishihama : Biology of Netoacmea schrencleii boninensis n. subsp. 183 a pink colered Notoacmea schTenckii gloriosa Habe (Habe and Okutani, 1975; Habe and Kosuge, 1967). The latter was first described as an independent speeies, Notoacmea gloriosa Habe (Habe, 1944), and some recent authors, such as Nakamura (1986), have adopted this classification. N. sch・renckii schreneicii has a green shell and inhabits a wide range from the middle to lower intertidal zones in roeky or boulder shores. In contTast, N, schrenckii gloriosa has a pink shell and its habitat is restricted to the lower intertidal zone (Habe and Oku- tani, 1975; Habe and Kosuge, 1976; Wada et aL, 1983). In April 1986, we visited Chichijima Is]and in the Ogasawara Islands, whieh 35- 30. 25. Z25. I30. 13S. :40.E' Fig・ L Localities of sampling sites; Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands and Amakusa, northwest Kyushu. at tcte : INsuaxdeop se kt fL"[・ldk ggzzoiJ( g. ra SHkH Yagy Fig.3. Measurements of the shelL L: shell length, W: shell width, and A: apex to length from the -Location the posterior end of the Fig. 2. of sampling $ites on shell. the west coast of Chichijima Mi]fiMt"1 L:&ft W Island in the Ogasawara Islands. : rviPM. A : reMh4bfi 2krkttt}iiesVe6ecfitw.ei, rvK%t ℃ ofts NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan 184 VENUS: Vol. 46, No.4(1987) are subtropical oceanie is}ands with several endemic species living in their en- vironrnents (Habe et al., 1978). The purpose of the visit is to study biological and ecological aspects of invertebrates inhabiting intertidal hard substrata, inelud- ing roeky shores, rock platforms, and boulder beaehes. The papers of the results aTe on the way of publications (Asakura and Nishihama, 1987 and under re- view). In some boulder beaches, we found N. schrenckii of a new type of color pattern. This new type of limpet resembles N. schrenckii schrenckii more closely than N. schrenchii gloriosa, because it has a green-colored shell. In this paper, we describe this new subspecies and report on the spatial distributien, size struc- ture and allometrie growth, in comparison with those of typieal N. sehreneleii frern Amakusa, northwest Kyushu. Materials and Metheds The collections were made at three localities on the west coast of Chichijima Island, namely, Okumura, Sakai-ura and Yagyu-san. (Figs. 1 and 2). In these sites, a quadrat (1m × 1m) was placed at fouT to six points from the middle to lower intertidal zone, eolleeting all animals by hand in the quadrat, and fixed in a 10% formalin so]ution. The limpets weTe dried at 600C for 72 hours and weighed. In all of the individuals, the shell length(L), the shell width(W) and the length frem the apex to the pesterior end of the shell CA) (Fig, 3) were measured with an ocular micrometer under a stereoscopic microscope. Wave Index(WI) was defined as an indicator ef the degree of wave ex- posure at each sampling site. Heights of the highest and lowest levels of waves were measured ten times over a period of few minutes using a vertieally stood ruler. Then, mean values of the both heights were caleulated, and WI was repre- sented by the difference between them. All of the measurements were done at each sampling site at noon on April 12. The weather was sunny and very ealm, and no large atmespheric depressions er cold fronts occurred areund the islands. Thus, the values of WI eould be considered to represent the general degree of wave exposure at each site. For comparison, specimens of N. schrencicii schrenckii were randomly eol- 'n'. -{' subsp. th"tt v i 7 ]i] ab d Figl 4s-g. Nbtoacmea schrenckii boninensis (MMZg) a-c: Holotype specimen, IesJkeedy d: Paratype specimen No. 1 fftllecrk・eeAS 1 e: Paratype specimen No, 2 l'Uecrkeclt 2 f: Paratype specimen No. 3 rtllffSlen zts 3 g: Enlarged surface of NL schrenckii boninensis rvtcntlJk pt a-g: From Yagyu-san, Chichijima Isl., the Ogasawara Islands. 4NftXMmakt3(reff"pL[aj h-j: N. schrenckii schrenckii CLischke) 7tth't 'V'P77tjb'I k: N. schrenckii gloriosa Habe h-k: From Shiraiwa-zaki, Amakusa, northwest Kyushu ・ JLV・1・NtasgK ・ ie AXI]fire [Vertical bars indicate 10mm.] NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan . Asakura Nishihama :Biology ofNetoacmea schrenckiiboninensisn. subsp. 185 a b c d e f g h jt k NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 186 VENUS: Vol. 46, No.4(1987) lected from the lower intertidal zone of a boulder beach of Amakusa, north- west Kyushu (Fig. 1). The specimens were fixed in a 10% formalin solution and the shells (L, W, A) were measured with the mierometer under the micro- seope. A linear regression model (Y=ax+b, where a, b: constant) of the allometric growth was fitted for all sets of data. Taxonomy Family ACMAEIDAE Genus Notoacmea Iredale, 1915 Notoacmea schrenckii bortinensis n. subsp. (Fig. 4a-g) Description: Shell depressed conieal and elliptic in apical view. ' patelliferm, Apex situated at about nine-tenth anteriorly. Exterior surfaee smooth except weak growth lines and weak radial ribs, and irregularly and radially scattered with fine greenish brown lines, whieh sometimes form V-shape pattern, en pale green baek greund. Inner side of the shell framed with a narrow dark brown fringe. Callus b]uish white with the horse-shoe shaped muscle scar of the dark green color. Measzarement : Holotype CNSMT-Mo 64445): Length 13,60mm, width 10.25mm, height 2.65 mm Paratype No. 1 (NSMT-Mo 64446) : length 12,85 mrn, width 9.35mm, height ' 2.15 mm Paratype No. 2 (NSMT-Mo 64447) : length 11.45 mm, width 8.15 mm, height 2.05 mm Paratype No. 3 (NSMT-Mo 64448) : ]ength 11.35 mm, width 8.10 mm, height 2.00 mm Type locatity: Yagyu-san, Chichijima Island, the Ogasawara Islands (under the boulders in the intertidal zone) Distribution: Okumura, Sakai-ura, and Yagyu-san, Chichijima IsL, Oga- sawara Isls. Comparison: Radula of N. schrenekM boninensis differs from N. schrenckii schrenckii: A larger cusp in the bieuspid tooth of lateral teeth is rounder in boninensis than in schrenckii (Fig. 5). Differences in the shell allometory between N. schTencloii schrenekii and N. schrencleii boninensis are illustrated in Fig. 6 (IrW relation) and Fig. 7 (L-A relation). Parameters of eaeh regression are shown in Table 1. Highly significant correlations were found in all cases by analysis of variance (Table 1). Only a slight difference eould be detected between the regression of boninens・is and that of sehrenckii in both eases, although they showed a statistically sig- NII-Electronic Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan Asakura ・Nishihama :Biology of 1>oteacmea sc 宛プ6 η o 肋 うo η 豌 召η s ’s n . subsp . 187 Table 1. Regression analysis of allometric growth of N . schrenckii boninensis and N ,schrenckii schrencleii .オ ガ サ ワ ラ ア オ ガ イ と ア オ ガ イ の 相 対成 長 式 Regression Y ;aX 十 b where , X : shell length in mm [L ] and “ ” Y : shell width in mm [W ] or length A in mm (in Fig.3) [A ] Relation of of variance shell Subspeciesn Slope Intercept rAnalvsis − meaSUrement (a ) (b) F value P − 一 L W わonin 召 nsis 60 O.7930 〇.9934 O,9934 4528.6 < 0.001 − s σん7 召π o 虍露 72 .72550 0 ,2434 0.9909 3803 .4 く O. OOI − ’ − L A うo η わzθπ s 露s 60 .90640 0,0793 0.9967 8633.8 く O. OOI schren ‘々齬 72 .8708 0.0359 0,9943 6063.2 く 0 ,001 1 2 Fig.5. Radulae of N . schrenckii schrenckii (1)and N , schrenckii boninensis , Horizontal bar indicates O, lmm . ア オ ガ イ (1 )と オ ガ サ ワ ラ ア オ ガ イ (2)の 歯 舌 Table 2. Analysis of covariance for the difference in the regression lines of allometric growth between N . schrenckii boninensis and N . sehrenckii schrenckii . Abbreviations of shell measurement as in Fig .3, オ ガ サ ワ ラ ア オ ガ イ と ア オ ガ イ の 相対 成長 式 の 共分 散 分析 Relation of Analysis of covariance bodymeasurement F −value Probabi1ity − L W slope 4,894094 O.025 く p < 0 .05 Y −intercept ,6355 p < 0.001 − L A slopeY .675029 0.01く p < 0.025 ・intercept .006 p く O. OO1 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 188 VENUS: Vol.46, No.
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