urcr. Rep. Ralph Young, East Lan· On the bonrd of directors are sing, m!lde the. dedicatory ad· K G. Brow.n, Glen Watkins, Dorr dress. Howard Seibert, president Ecl;hart, Fred L. JOrcher, Mrs. of the hospital board, presented Mary 0, Blacl> and Wilfred Jew· the hospital .to the community. ctt from the Ingl1am county Mayor Paul D. Richat•ds of Ma· board of supervisors and Hulett son accepted it on behalf of the and Otto Hartig. · community. · Hartig stepped down from the Y,oung, former coach and ath· pl·esident's job ll1ls year. · letic director at Michigan State, · Spcnny and Davis will both go ct·edited the· hospital to com· alonrr with the Mason delegation munity teamwork and sacrifice. to the, state mectii1g slated for - Detroit in .January to sign 1959! Seibert told of the devotion of - Othet· who came from afat• tri fair attractions. · hundreds of men and women who attend the dedication included 3 had a part In providing the funds men from Wyeth Laboratories and maldng and carrying out Ine: They were George Pattison, plans for the hospital. Mayor Cleveland, divisional sales man­ Richards likened the dedication of the hospital to the birth of a agel", and Robert Messetlgcr,­ Council Looks child, pointing out that 'the com· Flint, and Thomas Newburgcr, munity has an expanded respon- Toledo, district sale~ managers. , If horses do any wondering, sibillty to maintain the hospital. A, G. Benson, assistant vice­ Bonnie is probably wondering For Big Gift Earlier resldents built school president, and' Milbert Anderson;-­ about her master, Ralph Hink· houses and churches, he declared, assistant cashier, of the National ley. · ·• and now this generation has pro- Banlt of Detroit attended the Afle1· ~ stay in Mason G!!n: Postmaster Le~llc Palmer an· vlded a hospital and has the duty dedication nnd open house. They eral hospital, both old and new, to serve the sick and Infirm. were flnancial consultants in con· nounced longer Christmas hours was transferred to. IJ)gham ' Wednesday. Under lhe plan this !11~ David n'iehl was master of struction of the hospital and Chest hospltal· Thursday. In· Eleven adults and new born year the postoffice will remain 4 cm·emonies. A detachment of vet· their bank put up the:: money clications· pointed to quite a. babi~s gained free rides In . Ma· which will be repaid from open ail day on Sattirday, Decem· stay' there. · · ~ · son ·wmbulances Tuesday' night. ber 13, und .Saturday, December "' pledges. Mrs. Ivan Opdyi;e has been They had the distinction of being 20. The Sat'urday l1ours will be the first to occupy new Mason Herbert G. Ficl;es of I<etchum from 8 to 5 p. m. laidng care of Bonnie and will Court Authorizes continue until a permanent' General hospital. ' Inc., Philadelphia, attempted to F'rom December 15 through De· arrangement is made. Patients In 'old 1\fnson Gen· get to Mason for the dedication. camber 19 lila windows will rc· Hinldey is a former black· m·ul hospltnl hncl eat•ly snp· 12 More Jurors. He had to turn bacl; beca usc:: of main open until 6 every night in smith. Up into his SO's he stm pet-s Tues1lay e1•enlng nnll ice-coated roads in Ohio. l-Ie was on!m· to handle the rush of ,Ii!;es to l'ide, hut he isn't going then by ,Jewett null DtLII·Dunn. head of the Ketchum team, re­ Christmas card~. to do any l'iding !or several tained to guide the hospital fund The Christmas ca l'Ci rusli is the WCe}\S, campaign Jn the spring . of last one that. · giver .the postofficc y~ar. wori>ers the headaches, accord· ing to tllC postmas1r.n He ut·gell 1.hu~e sending l'aJ•ds (o get them in the mail eHrly. He also pointed Farmer Peck's Wife is so busy out tlwt unrlcr lhe new postal with Chri~>tmas shopping slie was rates, signed <:anls whieh arc not. unable tu write hct· column' this scaled will require :Jc postage wee I\, this year. Editorif!lH and The extcndt'<l hours do nul ap· in Section C. ply to [JlC monCj' order Windt/'\', llu your lnundry 11l nuw coin·Olll!l'• The regular hours of from !l a. nt1•d Munun lnundl')'. New uutomntlc m. to :> p. m. and !l a. m. to noun Wll~>het'ri and 4li'Yni'H, Op"n day and nhtht, Nvxl tu DunccJ' Cu. on J cl1'cJ'HOn--Mntwn. on Saturdays will still prevail. 4Uw1 · Mason school board Although the Sandhill ;;chao! Educators c·onfinue· Study ·face. a demand of the state fire was remodeled according' to the marsiJal for a furnace room sep· fire marshal's specifications only aratc from the . Sandhill school a few years ago, the new decree Of Special School Plan building. Board members presume demands a separate fi1·eproof , I , that the demand also applies to building be constructed fol' hous­ Mcmhcrs of th<! Lansing board There are now 8 counlie~ in the 19 other area schools in the ing the furnace. Optimistic esti· of aclucalion and the county !l'lichigan whieh- provide special Mason district. They estimate mates place the cost at $3,000- board Q[ education are meeting in training on a county-wide basis, that at least $60,00[) would! be re­ and there are 20 rural schools in Mason Thursday night to study said Alton J. Stroud, county 'ouired to build the additions and the Mason district which would New-,Vcekl)' nnd d»tly· rnteK ut Mn­ a spaciali;o;ed program. Under it school superintendent. malte the change. probably look like the Sandhill sou Munor mot.1ll. El~ctric lw11l. HhowcJ• special training on a county-wide Last spring the county board school to the fire marshal. n nd tub, frc~ 'l'V, muld nm·vice, f1·ee basis would he provided for men· Prodded by a complaint from motnln~ cofftm, Unt11Jl' now mnnngcmcnt. of education considered establish· The sehoul 'board Intel'· Cot'llCl' of Nat·th Ccdu1· nnd US-127. tally retarded, emotionally dis· ing a special program for hand!· 1 resident of the Sandhill school 4!1w1 t urbed and physically handi­ capped children. The board de· area, the ni·e marshal's office has JH-etec:l the compluint os ptU't caHJed children. The program cided not to tal\e 'action at that ~orne up with a long list of safety of a cold wur in the battle by would be financed by special mill· time. Under the plan then pro· precautions. \ some fot• new urea elemen· age. posed school dlst ric;ts would vote tllry schools. Lansing now operates Walnut on the special· millage required, Oddly, the complaint and . t.he Street school for. handicapped and with votes In individual districts fit•e inspection came before the disturbed children. The Lansing being counted together. The last school fire in Chicago, which school also accepts some children legislature enacted' laws to aid daimed 90 lives Monday. from outside the district. such 'schools. The board directed James Van· Although the polls closed at 8 der Ven, superintendent, tD write o'clock November 4, the decision a letter to the fire marshal ask· on annexation of most of Lan· ing that a fire inspe'ction be made sing township to Lansing re­ of every. school ln the district. mains unsettled.' A court test, The board took no action on the Sandliill situation, deciding to wait until a report on ·'the entire -district is compiled. · Mrs. Richard Traver wus elect· ed as.second:membet"of the wom­ en's committee. ·:A:rter a discussion about the duillenge ·ol: vct;tical integration to .'!arm operations, the group agreed 'that farmers should sup· port and maintain an active co· operative representing the farm· ers. •Darn Diehl of Dansville is ·ex· pected home this weelt from versity hospital, Ann Ar.boi", aft· er undergoing special treatments on his knees. He first sufiered injury w.hi!C! playing freshman 'football at Michigan State. Later he fell from the barn loft. For years he has had arthritic at· taclts in his knees. At University hcispltai doctors injected cart!· ·sane into the joints. It will' be 'severn! weelts before the Dans· vlile farmer .is able to resum-e his usual activities. Mrs. Charles Bie.bC!shelmcr is in cntical 'condition In St. rene~ hospittiJ,· .. Lansing. tBil~beshelmer is 80. She fC!ll at :her home •recently and fractured her hip. · · · .Gray Ladi_es-Auxiliary Members Students from tho fifth gJ;a~le presented 1t Clll'lstmM .. program Jll'ecelllng the pro· Serve at .HOspital Open House g'l'lllll. Jud $9.95 Dow~ Gray Ladies anrl Mason .Gen­ Mrs. C. G. Keesler, Mrs. Clarence stood ready to conduct tours and ~~~~;~;.~.~~~~ eral hospital auxiliary members Boles, Mrs. Nelson Brown, Mrs. answer questions. They were as· I have trained, helped in readying R. E. Trqxell and Mrs. 'George A. sisted by their leader, l\irs. How· Visit Ware•s the new hospital and donated Clinton. ard Seibert. In Scout uniforms theil· time to sewing. Sa,turday Petite Gray Ladles ·in their were Julie Dart, Nan·cy Barton, Toy Town anrl Sunday they shared in the trim uniforms manned the infor­ Mary Clipper, Suzanne P-hillips fanfare _\at the dedication and matloll desk Saturday. Assuming and Claudia Seibert, • GAMES open house. duty were Mrs. Winston Dancer, Several of the Girl Scouts donned pastel green nurses aide Auxiliary members, who Mrs, Dorn Diehl,· Mrs. Hubert t GUNS • DISHE~ Potter, Mrs. Harolll ·Laws, Mrs.
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