■' W S S g s S ■ • * ■ W‘»:- ■• ,■* ■i"\---r ■ ■ ■ _ X: '.‘V ' V ': ' '■ ' . ' . ■ ■ ( ’X - - , }X» ■ '.■f-f. ' ■'; ,■ ' F R lD A T , JU N E 8^ 1981 •iC * lEopnittg f A w tn g i Hally Net Presa Rnh F«» Um Week Bnded •’ y r ^ abm. 8. leet . The Weatheif ijftn, ovar 'WINF Sunday t l 7:S5 his home and will report to camp whoae wife la a member. of the livar the addama. Biahop Hutdms ranee Dunn arlll aoeept feglaira' otticara and.^ i-afM a pot- ' Henry J . Judd, eon ’of JK r, and FereeeaC of V. 8. Weather BUMait I t T o W n pja. and dally aaxt waak, Buckner, N. T ., CfulS^S for two orgaaiaatloo. : win racelye an honorary doctor of tkma if girls are ademnpahied by hick at 6;86 p, m.. Mra. Albert Judd, W Ftoley St, piontha of Intensive training. .divinity degree at commencement an adult ‘ ■* hea. been named to jth a d e a n ’a 13,595 Cadat Kayla P. Toomay, .aon of ■ ‘ -—r Radio stafida WHtF will bi«ad- easpelaea in the afternoon. ' Mtv^ and. M rs. Chester Andrdw, honor roll at the Milwaukae Seluxd Fair, a little wanner toelghh Mr. and Mrs. C Franeia Toomey, - Maatbara ot jDaughtim of Fkigineerlng fo r hit academlo MWAee of the Audit Mw 56 to 55. Sunday maatiy Min* I lU v ;- C k il^ f.'^Daltgr, iBbi'> cask ‘the baccalaureate aerelaa at The Ameiieaa Legion Am dll^ ll^Foolsmur Rd., left this ipont' BufeiM of Clrcalktlon ' t^iolM ICattndlat Qiui^h -2S Lomdala S t , aaa eomplatad hli ty, No. It., win meet Trinity College Sunday at IS a. di. CHris in the Waddell School area wlU meet tor the lMt>tlmo this Mg to atw d the graduation ex- work during the past quartar.' A ny and warm. High 86 to 85. g 1059 graduata of Manehaaur M anche$ter—r‘A Cily o f Village Charm ^ Win lM la o h a m o t m- fourth' class yaai^ *4^ the XT. S. 7:18 at the Holmea The Rt. Rev. J. Waitah Rutohaiib, who wish to loin the Oirl Scouts seaaott Monday at the tknae ' their aon, Robert 8. ...I............... ".................. rr.li k1*W|qi*U|^x)n86H>d by tha MlUtary Academy at West Point Home; eoOiMem St.^'to pay ras«, eufftagan bishop bt the smscbpal may register Monday at h pjn. in Mrs. sdward Adamy, 81 S. a t DeMmonlh Obllege, High School, he la h meehanioal "T M terial AMocUn Ha is spending a SO-day'leave at pecta to the laia David Robinson, Dlocesa of Connectlettt; will da* the aemml cafeteria. Mrs. I aw* engineering student. a t the aehooL S t There will be an elecf Bimr, N. H. VOL. LXXXI, N0.212 (TEN PAGEs C t V BECTION—SUBURBIA TODAY) ■ ----------------- MANCHESTER. COjSiN., Sa Tt JRD^Y, JUNE^9, 19f>2 (Claeained 'Advertising on Page 8), PRICE FIVE CENTS • ■ . Vi V,- . lames iressmen state News m PARKING P r o t e u s uh d u p rear of store ^ in S e o u l C rash K il Is Tw o W illiiiiantic M on SEQ U ^ Korea (A P)—-An- ti-AjHerican demonstrations ■ WINDHAM (AP)-ir-A one- sMMd in South Korea today. WASHINGTON (A P)— A* Johnson had-no comment. Th. Renubiicah rv,„, 'car accidcnt Ia«t:night took, .The U.S. Army orderra House subcommittee is re- * •— “ American military personnel portedly trying to lay its co rm ltu rSJi^ .^e WjUi-' in the Seoul area restricted to tee's hearings ‘’a fraud upon Amer-1 n ia n tic m en. hands ,.,on an alleged list lean people and a testimonial to; The victims, both 20, were base except for official busi­ naming congressmen and an ness. the fact that America needs a Re-1 Ronald J. Menditto. .S2 Man- administration official as re­ -vC A U.s. Arjtyr epokesman called to' gDvamment. Ave and Bruce R•K I Eddy Stops the confinement order a “tempor­ ceiving money order gifts Spoaking to . reporters. Manuel Thomaon, ,9.36 Valley St. ary measure to reduce the po«- from Billie Sol Estes.- - said Morris had- a list or person-s • State police said their car dIbiUty of IncideaU"' in View of This was reported Friday by who aUagedly got Estes’ mcmey went^iut of control on Rt. 14, 'U l the wave of demoaetraUons de­ the subcommittee’s dismissed Re­ orders. I Vote; Coimt' manding the UA. government publican counsel, Robert E. Man­ “The .testimony taken in execu- hit a atone wall and oVerturn- with free gift wrapping plus. sign a status-of-forces agreement uel. He spoke to reporters outside live sesaion related to a list of throwing both out. giving South Korea court juria- a hearing room where the sub­ Individuals to whom Estes alleg-' --------- dictlon over American aervice- committee was taking testimony edly. sent gifts in Uie form of f.i/y l^ odte W ed At 691-366 men in aome Inatancea. that two former agriculture de­ money orders. ’ said ManuOl at w b s t p 6 r t i AP i Former )( About 800 untveraity atudents partment officials^ had received an informal pres, conference. Governor .lohn Dsvi, Lodge', 7ec- 1 By AHTHIIK EJMON- such money orders. defying atem new waminga from The list, he said, includes the ond daughter. Ulv was msrri^ SPRINGFliELD, M r 8 8 . South Korea'a- ruling mUltaiy James T. Ralph, former assist­ names of “certain .members of yesterdajX *^>.v.„«as married ! (AP) — Those ambitious, Junta marched out , of Taegu Uni­ ant, secreta^ of agriculture, told Congress and a t least one very! The newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs versity today in ..the third'derncrn- the government operations sub­ high-ranking administration qffi- James U Marcus, left for a Ber- I tiever-giVor-up Kennedys have atraUon ip a jjf'week atemmtng committee that he and his aide, s ' , muda honeymoon by wav of New j done it again. GROUP I 0 R O U P II from the alleged beaUng of A William E. Morris, each, received In his testimony Ralph said the York City, Edwgrd M, Ted. Kennedy,' Korean civilian treOpaaser by two a pair of $100 money orders from money orders he< ahd'M orris re- Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs eager .10-year-oM brother of the reg. 39.99 /feg. 59.99 SAVE 10.09 U.S. Army offlcera laat month. Biates, last, January-and turned ceived arrived about Jan. 10 and'George Arnold Marciia of Sche- , President and 'o( the attorney A solid wall of . police, hiiued the money over to the Democra- were in |100 denominations. When nectady, N. Y.. in a partner In the , genfjFal, was endorsed by weary, the students about 100 yards from Uc party. he asked Morris If he had any j Chlorldyne Chemical Co. j hoadie Masaachusetle Democrats the main gate of the university Both Ralph and Morris have Idea what the money was for. | The new Mrs. Marcus Is a mem- ! Friday night as a candidate for 29.90 39.90 to 20.09 in South Korea's third largest been fired because of their con­ Ralph said Morris expressed be- i her of the Actors’ Studio In New i the y.S. Mnate. city, about 200 mUes southeast of nections with the indicted Texs.'t 'York. She has appeared on lelevl- I In the big battle of, famnua e wash and wear promoter whose boom-to-bust op­ ! political names, Kennedy plied • 66% dacron polyester reg., long, short Seoul. ((Jonttnned on Page Three) Sion and in summer stock, Broad­ • 56% dacron, Refusing to withdraw, the erations under government farm ' way and off-Broadway plays. ; up such a margin over Edward 45% rayon 46% wool worsted 87 to 48 students squatted in the. street programs have stirred charges he' - -Lodge, who returned last year , J . McCormack, 38, that MoCor- from a six-year stint as ambassa­ imack gave up before the ballot- • 56% dacron and turned their protest into a "“H Judge O rders Sale sit-down strike. There were no dor to Spain, was presented recent­ ■ ing was iwo-thlrds completed. 45% cQtniso reports of violence. ly with a grandson by his older I With the score csird showing The government announced from Estes and also denied that i O f E s t e s P r o p e r t i e s daughter. Beatrice, who married a 'Kennedy 691 to MoCornfack's 3«0, TROUSERS: pleated and plain Friday night that the United he or anyone else in the agricul-! _____ * Spanish diplomat laat summer and I the voting was stopfied. ! McCormack came to the mln- JACKETS: conventional and Ivy States has agreed in principal to lure department had ever; jgt, p a BO Tex. (AP)l-Federal now lives in Madrid. granted favors^o Estes. i o,gt r j . Thomason has Yesterday’a wedding ceremony I rophones, listened graiefully t o , Meanwhile ' Republicans^ blaZed ordered the sale of a daily jiews- was performed at Christ and Holy the cheers of his Supporters, COLORS; brown, charcoal* gray, olive, black (Oontfnlied on Page Two) and. said: away at ^ e dismissal Thursday paper, and a farm Implement Trinity Episcopal (Church. FR E E ALTERATIONS B Y OUR OWN TAILORS of Manpei as the minority couH' " f want to thank all' of thoet company owned by Billie Sol *0 sel oo^'tlie subcommittee which is Estes. {' I 'Who had the courage stand up he^d^ by Rep.
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