FRIDAY, APRIL tl, IW l Averasa Dally'Net Press Ron The Weather PAGE TWENTY-FOUR For tile WMk Ended Fereeaet of O. S. Weather Bureaa lianrt;(BtPi; ^nrning ^^ralb Marah 11, 1961 Cloudy, ohaace of occeeln—1 1 3 , 3 1 7 fthowera tonight. Lew In 46e. ‘An organiasAion meeting (or Chance of. ehowere BaiMbijr. High Manchester Cedarettes, to be Insurance Firfiis^et (io-Ahead Member of the Audit again'near 60. About Town composed of wives or other women" Bureau ef Ctrenlation relatives of a ThU Cedar m en ^, Manchester— A City of Village Charm Omar Shrina d u b meeta tonight will be held Monday at 7:S0 pm. On Medical Policies for Aged HOUSE &. HALE. a t tba ThrM J'a In Bolton. A social at the home of Mrs. Thelma Gray, (Claerifled AdvertUIng ea Page 9) PRICE FIVE CENTS hour atarta at 6:S0, dinner will be 20 Westland St. The new group Hartford, April 21 (flP)—^Legla-Allne taxes paid on fuel used on VOL. LXXX, NO. 172 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CO^N., SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1961 served at 7:30, and the "High will entertain aives of visiting latlve action has been completed bue runs over city and town roads. lighters'’ will furnish entertain­ Tall Cedars at a spring ceremonial ' llie only legislators to speak cordially invites ment. on May 6. on a bin permitting Connecticut against the bill was Rap. Edward insursuice companies to unite in a l^rgin, D-An«onla. He said the FWlowliig reUgioua instruction Miss Jo-Linda I.oib. daughter of program to write major medical bus service in his community did De Gaulle Reacts Quickly Staie News with the Rev. Francis T. Butler at Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Leib, ?4 policies for persons over 65. not warrant granting relief to the Church of the Assumption Monday Green Manor Rd.. has been ac­ companies. __ you at 8 p.m., members of St. James' cepted by Syracuse Univarslty Another bill granting perma­ Mothers Circle a-ill elect officers where she will enroll in the college nent tax relief to bus companies Other bills ppviously approved Roundup of liberal arts in September. in the state was also sent to Gov­ by the Senate j^d passed'by the Cuba Rebels Sending at a meeting at the home of Mrs. Salvatore Vinci, 90 Clinton St. ernor John N. Dempsey after House yesterday would: Permit the' governor to declare to visit our children's Insurgents Take Over Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Paul Professor Arthur Bermiii of after passing the house yester­ O'Neill. Mrs. Santo Sipala, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute day. a bank holiday because of severe Top Latin Liberal Mrs. Richard Luko. will he guest speaker at a meeting The Senate had approved both weather conditions. of the Klwauils Club of Manchester hills earlier. Permit state bank and trust Miss Enid Oretta Rogers, daugh­ Tuesday noon at the Manchester The two bills were among sev­ companies ,to invest in securities collection of Calls Cuba Giant ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jphn E. Country Club. en passed by the house yesterday. of the inter-American develop­ Rule in City of Algiers Reversial for U.S. Rogers. 1163 E; Middle Tpke.. has The Senate approved 12 minor ment bank, which was formed to provide a source of development Aid to Invader Force been accepted at Keuka College. The Holy Family Mothers Cir­ blllSi Both houses then adjourned. Keuka Park. N.Y., where she will cle will meet Monday night at the The insurance and bus hills capital for Latin American repub­ COMMUNION DRESSES New Haven, April 22 </P)— home of Mrs., Theodore Schuetz. 29 lics. (By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS)<^Maurice (Jhalle, former French*^ 1958 rising In Algeria that brought enroll in a liberal arts program in cleared the house on voice votes n . ___ ___ x -f___ _9 T.S________1_ iirl*r%* in In A1o**T*fe ' T'Ydt r* R 1 l1 1 d t hlK C lC t O Jose Figueres, former presi­ The Senate passed and sent to Four retired FVench gen­ commander in chief in Algeria, De Gaulle back to power. September. Washington St., following relig­ with rirtually no debate. claimed to control the whole ter- Salan recently has been In self- dent of Costa Rica, believes ious instruction with the Rev. Opposition to the Insurance bill the House a measure making erals seized power in''Algiers state regulations of the eligibility ritorj' this was disputed by the exile in Spain. It was not believed the United States has suffer­ Francis T. Butler at the Church was registered by two representa­ today and attempted to force De Gaulle government in Paris. that he had arrived on Algerian C aptives of the Assumption at 8 o’clock. tives. Rep. Paul Pawlak Sr.. D- of blind persons for state aid co­ ed “a major setback in Cuba" incide with federal standards. President De Gauiie to aban­ It said loyal soldiers were in con­ soil but he was expected soon. Seymour, called the bill a "flank don pians for negotiations trol outside the City of Algiers. The rebel communique said “the because abortive re­ The VFW Auxiliary will hold a attack” on a proposed federal pro­ Among the bills already acted volt. public card party tonight at'-8. at upon by the hotise, the senate ap­ vvith the Aigerian rebeis. De Premier Debre said the rising powers held by the ciril authori­ gram for the elderly tied in with was "a premeditated and undiaci- ties have entirely passed to mili­ However, he added he does not the XTcw Post Home on Man- the social security system. He said proved those which would: Gauiie reacted quickiy, send­ believe that public opinion in Shown on Aester Green. plined act” by retired generals, tary authorities.” the insjirance companies were of­ Exempt draft horses from the ing aide.s to Aigeria to quash He said they had seized the gov­ French officers who have fought Latin America has swrung heavily fering "too little, too late.” state sales tax, thus giving them against the U.S, because of its The Stein Club will sponsor a the coup. ernment building* in Alg^ier* but the Algerian nationalists in the The measure was described as the exemption already enjoyed by The Insurgent leaders were back­ "in all the rest of the territory 6’,s year rebellion have been BjTnpathy toward the revolution-: dance tomorrow from 9 p.m. to 1 V ists. I a.m. at the VFW Post Home. Dick "baloney” by Rep. John R. Klelty, other forms of livestock. ed by tough. paratroopers who the situation is nonnal in everj’ among the bitterest opponents of Castro TV 2 D-Watertown. He said It was de­ Allow schools to claim a full respect. The government is taking De Gaulle’s s e 1 f-determinatlon The revolt, he said, ha* prob- j Stocks and the Hi-Ldtes will pro­ brougnt down the French govern­ ably been regarded as another In vide music. A tbuffet will be served. signed to make money for the in­ day’s credit, for state education ment In 1958 for the same reason all necessary measures to insure policy for Algeria. Py THE ASSOCIATED FBESS surance companies. grant purposes, when they com­ —fear that Algeria might become that force rests with the law." Other generals who joined the a series of U.S. failures In th e' If the Republicans wdre really plete at least the morning session hemisphere. <1 An anti-Castro ratiio broad­ Mrs. Theodore Fairbanks, Amer independent from Prance. Along with Challe the rebel revolt were Air Force Gen. Ed­ Figueres. regarded as a leadingj icanlsm chairman of .the Ameri­ Interested in medical insurance before haring to close because of Three year* ago the unstable communique ’oroadcast by A ^ers mond Jouhaud and Army Gen. cast from an island off Cen­ for the elderly. Klelty said, they spokesman for liberal forces in ' tral America today told two can Legion Auxiliary, said the Hecks Wed 50 Years inclement weather. government of the Fourth French Radio wes also signed by 'Para- Henri Zeller. ^ u th America, made his remarks ■ high school essay contest, spon Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Heqk, 43^ shoved back the program based Permit the state Department of Republic proved a pushover. This troop Gen. Raoul Salan, who rebel “battalions" apparently On social security. (Continued on Pago Eleven) : at Yale University yesterday. sored by the auxiliary, will close Hollister St., count six grand brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Agriculture, Conservation and Na­ time the rightwing rebels must played a prominent role in the He came here from Wa.shington , fighting on Cuban soil that Drying clothes Joseph Gruber of Detroit, will risdt The bill had been endorsed by contend with De Gaulle and his April 30. She said students must children among their blessings as tural Resources, which now has where he conferred with President' help was on the way and submit essays to her at 344 Oak here In July. legislative leaders from both authority to advise farmers on widespresd support In France. Kennedy on Latin America. | is easy today... they prepare to celebrate their Mr. Heck is a retired baker who sides of the House. Reaction from Algerian rebel ; urged them not to surrender. St. by that date. problems of soil erosion, to do the The appeal from Swan Island 50lh wedding anniversary tomor­ w orks part-time at the -Manchester The GOP majority leader. Rep. same in cases involving water headquarters in Tunis also came | 15th Session Eiid$ High School cafeteria.
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