OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] 0S&1 INFORMATION SOURCES ON THE PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY ^Sgr UNITED NATION« I'NITl D NATIONS INDUSTRIAL 1)1 VI L.OPMFNT ORGANIZATION Vienna UNIDO Guides to Information Sources No. 11 INFORMATION SOURCES ON THE PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY UNITED NATIONS New York, 1974 Universal Decimal Clasiification noUtions for the pulp and paper industry : 676.1 676.2 676.4 ID/121 (UNIDO/LIB/SERD/11) UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Price: SU.S. 4.00 (or équivalant in other currencies) T CONTBITS § INTRODUCTION and EXPUlttTORT NOTES 1 digli oh v French vi i Russi ai ix Spanish Xj Section J I. ADDRESSES OP PROFESIONAL, TRADE AND RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS, I LBAR1IBD SOCIBTIB AMD SPBCIAL IHFORMATIOH SKVI'SS 1 *. United Hâtions bodies \ B. Specialized agencies...... 1 C. International and regional intergovernnental o rgani sat ions , 2 D. Intamational and regional non-governmentai organi zations. 2 E. National bodies 4 II. DIRECTORIES ,, 23 A. Guides to directories...... 23 B. General and regional dirictoriec 24 C. Branch directories 27 III. SOURCES OF STATISTICS AID ECONOMIC DATA 35 A. World-wide coverage 35 B. Regional coverage 37 C. National coverage 39 IV. BASIC HANDBOOKS, TEXTBOOKS AND KAHUALS 41 V. MONOORAPH SKKIB 47 VI. CURRENT PERIODICALS 51 iii Pa VII. UimRKNT AWTRA'.TINtî ANP INDEXING PER. 'DIOAI.S ó'. VITI. PH »CEEDINoS, PAPER.' AHI) HH'-'WTU 69 A. Ur:it»d N.iti >rn; bodur. 69 B-'"-i.inii Commini', i ni f'-r I„itm America ( W'IA ) t>9 Uni t i-i! Nat i -ru- Industrial Development organ ¡ :-.at ion ( IJNID°) 69 b. Spi'.-riM .'I'd ap--n !••:"• íuid IARA í'-> Food irid Apri u ; tur-'' lrgaru .. tt ton of the Unit.-d Nations-, (FA1) :'-> Internati .n»; Atomi Energy Agency (IAEA) '1 0. Mu;:-,.. ìari-MUi' H IX. SP li! I AI .[¿ED DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCI.o-PAEDTAS lì i. bT.-a lòGRArH 1KB '6 XI. PTLM CATAL*i'JÏE f8 xn. uTirní POTENTIAL ZURCES or îNTOKMATTON f9 A. Cmau!ting and engineering services 79 B. Paire and exïiioitions 80 C. Financing and investing -1 D. Marketing, exporting and purriasing 8? E. Meetings arid conferences 0/ F. Patents and licences 84 G. Safety and health 8^ H. Standards and specifications 85 I. Testing and laboratory services 88 J. Training facilitiez • 88 K. Translation services., < 88 L. Inforaatioi in UMIDO activities 89 Bibliographical lources used in compiling the present guide 90 iv INTR'JDncTI'W The uni tod Nat,on:: Industri a : l)"V.-l-,,»,.rt Organizati -n (lINTDO) promote tli.. u„<- „f industrial information in developing countries by giving guidarne • r. .mpr.ving 10 .-•»! information ."*• i i i ti oC. As :,ne of the means of promotion 'NIDO ••ompilen directories and gulden to seated information sources on : rtn-hes of industry of primary cone,• to developing countries. The pre;, t guide, dealing with the pulp and paper industry, ,s the eleventh in th- scries ! mW ' ' Q^tdes to Information Sources ( UNIDo/l.TH/SER.D). A : iat of the guides Published to date appear* inside the back cover of this guide; many more are planned for the aeries. The directories and guides are not intended to be exhaustive, nor ar.. they intended as research tools; rather, they present sources considered to b„ of ¡•metical value to users. The data have been compile ao as to facilitât" rapid access to the bodies referred to and the acquisition of the publications I i r.ted. World demand for pulp and paper and other pulp products is erpeoted to increase- rapidly in the coming years. The developing countries fortunately have abundant resources of fibre raw materials that could be exploited to meet this demand, but many new pulp and paper mills will have to be bi-ilt. UNIDO assists developing countries in establishing pulp and paper industries and in improving exiBting ones. EXPLANATORY NOTE The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this guide do not imply the expression of any opinion whatroever on tn>- part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Publications listed in this guide have been selocted mainly from litera- ture in the official languages of the United Nations; when appropriate, publi- cations in other languages have also been included. The names of organizations listed in section I are given in their original languages, wherever available; for organizations listed in languages other than the official languages of the United Nations, a translation of the title into English is included. Where available, the date and the number of pages of the moBt recent known edition are indicated, as well as the address of the issuing organization or publisher. United Nations sales publications (including UNIDO Guides to Information Sources) should be ordered by salen number. They are available through authorized distributors or may be ordered from: Sales Section Sales Section Publishing Service United Nations Office United Nations or Palais des Nations New York, New York 10017 CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland United States of America Requests for non-sales items (those bearing only document symbols and no salce numbers) that are issued by the United Nations and related bodies should be made direct to the issuing bodies. Suggestions for the inclusion of additional information in a future, revised version would be appreciated and should be addressed tot Industrial Documentation Unit United Nations Industrial Development Organization P.O. Box 707 A-1011 Vienna, Austria vi INTRODUCTION Pour faciliter la diffusion et l'utilisation de l'information industrielle ! dans les paye er voie de développement, l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement industriel (ONUDl) aide ces pays à améliorar leurt moyens d'information, notamment en établissant des répertoires et des guides des principales sources d'information sur les secteurs industriels qui présentent pour eux un intérêt majeur. Le présent guide, qui concerne l'industrie de la pâte à papier et du papier, est le onzième de la série des Quides des Bources d'information (UHID0/ilB/f3ER.D). On trouver-* à In page 3 de la couverture la liste deB guides ''éjà parus. De nombreux autres sont prévus. Les ouvrages de cette série ne prétendent paB 8tre exhaustifs; ce ne sont pas non plus des instruments de recherche, mais de simples guides des sources d'information considérées comme d'un grand intérêt pratique pour les utilisateurfi, Toutes précisions utiles ont été données pour permettre à ceux-ci de ae mettre rapidement en rapport avec les Bourcos d'information mentionnées et d'obtenir les publications auxquelles üB s'intéressent. La demande mondiale de pâte à papier, de papier et autres produits à baBe de pftte & papier devrait augmenter rapidement dans lee années à venir. Ler pays en voie de développement possèdent par bonheur d'abondantes ressourcée en fibres végétales et pourraient les exploiter en vue de satisfaire cette demande, à la condition que soient construites de noabreuseB usines, L'ONUDI aide ces pays à se doter d'une industrie de 1B pftte à papier et du papier ou à améliorer leurp installations. vii NOTES mPLICATTVtS Les appellations employée E dañe la présente publication et la présentation der données qui y figurent n'impliquent de la part du Secrétariat de l'Organisation de: Nations Uniee aucune prise de position quant au statut juridique de tel ou tel pay¿ ou territoire ou de ses autorités, ni quant au tracé de ses frontières. Les publications enumeróos dans le présent volume sont pour la. plupart rédi^éf dans les languee officielles de l'Organisation des Nations Unies; toutefois, certai : documente publiés dans d'autres 1 angueR ont aussi été mentionnées. Les noms des organisations énumérées à la section I sont donnés le plus souver dans la langue originale; les noms des organisations libellés dans des langues autres que les langues officielles de l'Organisation des Nations Unies ont été traduites en anglais. Nous avone, aussi souvent qu'il était possible, précisé la date et le nombre de pages de l'édition la plus récente ainsi que l'adresse de l'éditeur ou de l'organisation qui a publié le document. On peut se procurer les publications des Nations Unies (et notamment lee Quide: des POUTCJS d'information de l'ONUDl) auprès des distributees autoriseß ou les commander à l'une des adresses suivantes, en mentionnant le numéro de vente : SationB Unies Office des Nations Unies Section des ventes Section des ventee Service de publications ou Palais das Nations New York, N.Y.
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