EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE 2/2013 STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABEŞ-BOLYAI EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE 2/2013 June EDITORIAL BOARD STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABEŞ-BOLYAI EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE EDITORIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE: 7th Pandurilor Street, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA, Phone: +40 264 420709, [email protected] EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Prof. Bogdan Vasile, PhD (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Cluj-Napoca) SCIENTIFIC BOARD: Prof. Bompa Tudor, PhD (University of York, Toronto Canada) Prof. Tihanyi József, PhD (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Budapest, Hungary) Prof. Hamar Pál, PhD (Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, Budapest, Hungary) Prof. Isidori Emanuele, PhD (University of Rome „Foro Italico”, Rome, Italy) Prof. Karteroliotis Kostas, PhD (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) Prof. Šimonek Jaromír, PhD (Faculty of Education, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia) Prof. Tache Simona, PhD (Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj- Napoca, Romania) Prof. Bocu Traian, PhD (Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj- Napoca, Romania) EDITORIAL BOARD: Conf. Baciu Alin Marius, PhD (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Conf. Gomboş Leon, PhD (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Lector Ştefănescu Horea, PhD (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Bistrita extention, Romania) Asist. Negru Loan Nicolaie, PhD (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Asist. Drd. Gherţoiu Dan Mihai (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Conf. Ciocoi-Pop D. Rareş, PhD (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) VICE EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Conf. Boros-Balint Iuliana, PhD (Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) http://www.studia.ubbcluj.ro/serii/educatio/index_en.html; [email protected] YEAR Volume 58 (LVIII) 2013 MONTH June ISSUE 2 S T U D I A UNIVERSITATIS BABEŞ-BOLYAI EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMNASTICAE 2 Desktop Editing Office: 51st B.P. Hasdeu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Phone + 40 264-405352 CONTENT – SOMMAIRE – INHALT – CUPRINS MICHALIS SAMBANIS, GEORGE ZAGGELIDIS, OLGA KIRITSI, ATHANASIOS SAMBANIS, KONSTANTINOS TSITAS, Age at Menarche in Greek Competitive Swimmers ..................................................................................................................................5 CĂTĂLIN OCTAVIAN MĂNESCU, The Role of Aerobic Exercises in the Training for Muscle Definition in Bodybuilding * Rolul exercițiilor aerobe în antrena- mentul de definire musculară în culturism ................................................................ 15 BÉLA JÓZSEF BALLA, MELINDA MUREŞAN, Effects of Caffeine on Athletic Performance and on the Human Body * Efectele cafeinei asupra performanţa sportivă şi asupra organismului uman ........................................................................ 25 ŞTEFAN MAROTI, PETRU FLORIN PEȚAN, The Tour of the Football Team Athletic Club Oradea in Countries of Western Europe and North Africa, December 1932 – March 1933 * Turneul echipei de fotbal Clubul Athletic Oradea în țări ale Europei de Vest și Africa de Nord, decembrie 1932 – martie 1933............................................................................................................................................ 35 REMUS-CRISTIAN VĂIDĂHĂZAN, Historical Approach of Heart Rate and Peripheral Pulse Recording (A Diachronic Approach from the First Notes to the Technology of 2013) * Istoricul înregistrării frecvenței cardiace și a pulsului periferic (o abordare diacronică de la primele însemnări până la tehnologia anului 2013) .................................................................................................... 43 MIHAELA GANCIU, ADRIANA STOICOVICIU, Prevention and Correction of Posture by Means Specific to Sport Games * Prevenirea şi corectarea defi- cienţelor de postură prin mijloace specifice jocurilor sportiv............................... 53 ADRIAN PAŞCAN, Improving the Reaction Time of Secondary School Pupils (Grades V-VI) Through Creative Exercises Specific for School Basketball * Dezvoltarea vitezei de reacţie la elevii de gimnaziu (clasele V-VI), prin exer- ciţii creative specifice baschetului şcolar........................................................................ 59 CECILIA LILIANA IONESCU, University Physical Education – Means of Develop- ment for Professional Abilities * Educaţia fizică universitară – mijloc de formare a Competenţelor profesionale. .......................................................................... 69 ANAMARIA KESE, DENISA ENESCU-BIERU, GERMINA COSMA, SORIN TURCU, The Effects of Physical Therapy on Knee Osteoarthritis Rehabilitation * Efectele kinetoterapiei în recuperarea medicală a genunchiului...................... 77 COSMIN PRODEA, ALEXANDRA GIURGIU, Physical Activity Styles Practiced in Gyms * Stiluri de mişcare fizică practicate în sălile de sport .................................87 FLORENTINA UŢĂ, Habilités de relationnement interpersonnelle et 'intéractivité positive - résultantes valoriques de l’éducation physique et sportive * Abilităţi de relaţionare interpersonală şi interactivitate pozitivă-rezultante valorice ale educaţiei fizice şi sportului................................................................................101 LIVIU-ALEXANDRU TRĂILĂ, The Recovery of Painful Shoulder to Sportsmen through Complementary Techniques of Massage * Recuperarea umărului dureros la sportivi prin tehnici complementare de masaj......................................107 DORINA MARIANA OLTEANU, IRINA LUMINIŢA ERIMIA, L'éducation Inclusive * Educaţia Incluzivă..............................................................................................................115 STUDIA UBB EDUCATIO ARTIS GYMN., LVIII, 2, 2013, pp. 5 - 13 (RECOMMENDED CITATION) AGE AT MENARCHE IN GREEK COMPETITIVE SWIMMERS MICHALIS SAMBANIS1, GEORGE ZAGGELIDIS2, OLGA KIRITSI3, ATHANASIOS SAMBANIS4, KONSTANTINOS TSITAS5,6 ABSTRACT. Introduction: We determined the age at menarche in Greek swimmers compared to a sample of age matched non athletic controls in 1986 and in 2006. Methods: The cross sectional sample in both studies included 12-15 year old Greek female swimmers and age matched non athletic controls. The first study, conducted in 1986, included 354 swimmers and 350 non athletic controls. The second study, conducted in 2006, included 459 swimmers and 350 non athletic controls. Data were collected from a self administered structured questionnaire was delivered to the study participants in 1986 and 2006. Results: Menarche age occurred earlier in swimmers (12.69±1.15 years in 1986; 11.31±0.93 years in 2006) than in controls, but this difference was not statistically significant. In 1986, BMI was statistically higher that in controls, but this was not the case in 2006, when swimmers reported higher BMI values (20.84) compared to the 1986 study (19.86). There was evidence of a statistically significant association between age at menarche and subject’s height weight and body mass index. Conclusion: There is a tendency for earlier onset of menstruation in swimmers, but the age at menarche in swimmers is not significantly different from non athletic controls. Keywords: menarche, swimmers, training. Introduction Menarche, the onset of menstruation is regulated by a variety of genetic and environmental factors especially nutritional factors or environmental exposure to chemicals that mimic estrogen (Malina, 1983; Speroff & Fritz, 2005). The determinants of the timing of menarche are many, and it is difficult to isolate a 1 Department of Physical Education and Sports Science at Serres, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, email: [email protected] 2 Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 3 James Paget University Hospitals, Foundation Trust, Great Yarmouth, UK 4 Military Medicine School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 5 General Hospital Kozani, Greece 6 S.E.G.A.S. Sports Medicine Clinic of Northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece MICHALIS SAMBANIS, GEORGE ZAGGELIDIS, OLGA KIRITSI, ATHANASIOS SAMBANIS, KONSTANTINOS TSITAS single factor which may delay or accelerate this event. Menarche, on average, occurs later in athletes. With few exceptions, the data are consistent across several countries. According to some authors, swimmers are also an exception to the tendency towards later menarche in athletes (Malina, 1983; Baxter-Jones & Maffulli, 2002). However, university-level swimmers in the United States in the mid 1980s and early 1990s had mean ages at menarche of 14.3 and 14.4 years (Malina, 1996). Several studies in the literature document the late menarche in athletes compared to non athletic individuals (Malina, 1983; Brooks, Sanborn, Albrecht & Wagner, 1984; Krawczyk, Sklad & Majle, 1994). In addition, other surveys report sport specific differences in menarcheal age, with gymnasts reaching menarche later than swimmers or tennis players (Baxter-Jones & Maffulli, 2002; Sambanis et al., 2003). The type of sport exerted a significant influence on subject’s age of menarche (Baxter-Jones & Maffulli, 2002). Late onset of menstruation also occurs
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