Coastal Voice THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SHORE & BEACH PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION — June/July 2018 — Summer happiness = beach time INSIDE: By TONY PRATT, ASBPA president PAGE 2: Submit your PRESIDENT’S REPORT nominations for 2018 believe I am correct in saying In fact, according to Dr. Hous- National Coastal that every year of my life I have ton, Expedia reports that “year in Conference awards gone to the beach for vacation. and year out, travelers tell us that I can’t honestly vouch for my first there’s no vacation they prefer more PAGE 3: Good news so couple of years of life, but knowing than one at the beach. When they far for Corps’ federal who my parents were and how much leave the beach they immediately be- appropriations they loved the beach (they gin dreaming of their next PAGE 4: House passes actually met on a beach) I’m visit.” Beaches outrank all sure we went to the beach other vacation destinations. WRDA bill, nest stop my first few years of life. I An Expedia survey indicat- is the Senate have a photograph of me ed that 46% of Americans PAGE 5: Meet our standing on the beach at had taken a beach vacation National Coastal Ocean City, MD, when I’m in the past year, and that about four years old, and I 48% indicated that they Conference sponsors couldn’t be happier. Sum- expected to do so in the and partners mer happiness for me has to coming year, Dr. Houston PAGE 6: Chapter reports include lots of beach time. reports. PAGE 10: ASBPA names I think most of you PRATT Those are pretty reading this know all too staggering numbers of its Best Restored well that my passion people who expect Beaches for 2018 for the beach is shared Summer schedule their healthy beach PAGE 11: Sagaponack- by a lot of people. I am Over the summer we to be there for them publish two issues of Bridgehampton reminded of this by the, when they arrive. That’s yet again, wonderful “Coastal Voice” instead precisely why I’m so Beaches NY: Beach article written by Dr. of three. The next issue proud of what we do improves resiliency, James Houston in the will come out Aug. 1. at ASBPA; we prepare habitat and recreation spring issue of Shore people’s beach for them PAGE 14: USCRP and Beach. Dr. Houston informs us so that their top vacation destination about the growing economic value of is ready and able to give them the workshop has plenty the travel and tourism industry both recharge they have looked forward of impact globally and domestically, and how to since the moment they last left PAGE 14: Something for beach visitation is this country’s No. the beach. I write this shortly after anyone in the latest 1 tourist destination. Continued on page 3 Shore & Beach PAGE 15: Still time to Key dates to remember: Aug. 10: Awards nomination deadline send us your best Sept. 7: Student poster abstract deadline beach photos Sept. 29: Last day conference hotel room reservations PAGE 16: What to read guaranteed at $149 and $169 at the beach Sept. 29: Early conference registration deadline PAGE 17: Research Oct. 24: Regular registration deadline becomes opportunity After Oct. 24: At the door registration rates apply Oct. 30-Nov. 2: National Coastal Conference in Galveston Coastal Voice 2 Nominations encouraged for 2018 Share a passion National Coastal Conference awards for our coast SBPA is accepting nomina- the project. The award will be present- By ASHLEY JUDITH, National tions for the 2018 National ed at the 2018 ASBPA National Coastal Coastal Conference co-chair Coastal Conference Awards Conference in Galveston, Texas. Aincluding the Morrough P. O’Brien The Robert G. Dean Coastal ust like all of you, I’m passionate Award, the Robert L. Wiegel Coastal Academic Award is presented in rec- about our coasts! So at the conclu- Project Award, the Bob Dean Coastal ognition of an academic who has made sion of ASBPA National Coastal Academic Award, the ASBPA Student significant contributions furthering the JConference which is [obviously] Educational Award, the Nicholas community’s understanding of coastal dedicated to my favorite topics, I leave Kraus Coastal Scholar Award, the Stu- science or engineering and in fostering energized and inspired! Of course, dent Coastal Advocate Award and the young coastal scientists or engineers. meeting new people and reconnecting ASBPA Member of the Year Award. The ASBPA Student Educational with familiar The Morrough P. O’Brien Award Award is presented annually to an un- faces is part of is presented annually to an individual dergraduate or graduate student who, it, but it’s the or organizational member of ASBPA through his or her research, is further- information and on the basis of 1) an outstanding ing the science of coastal or riverine ideas exchanged record in achieving the systems as it relates to that leave me objectives and ideals of the goals and mission of feeling this way. ASBPA; or 2) for major the ASBPA. This year’s con- direct contributions to The award includes ference will not ASBPA. Any ASBPA a $500 cash stipend and disappoint, as member can submit a it is expected that the it is shaping up nomination that outlines Educational Award win- to be one of our JUDITH the accomplishments ner will attend the 2018 best yet! of the nominee and the ASBPA National Coastal The program committee has basis upon which the Conference in Galveston reviewed abstracts and the program nomination is being put (for which the registra- will be available before the end of June, forth. The winner will tion fee will be waived), so keep an eye out it. In addition to the be invited to attend 2018 and present his or her top-quality presentations, the plenary ASBPA National Coastal findings to the coastal session will focus on coastal resiliency Conference Oct. 30-Nov. community. Addition- — an important topic personally and 2 in Galveston to accept the award. ally, the winner is strongly encouraged professionally, as the ability to recover The Robert L. Wiegel Coastal to submit their award nomination more quickly can reduce negative im- Project Award is presented in rec- paper for peer review by the editorial pacts to our communities, infrastruc- ognition to a coastal project that has staff of Shore & Beach, the ASBPA’s ture and environment. stood the test of time and has shown technical journal, and possible inclu- The short courses this year will a positive environmental, social, or sion in a future issue. cover “Government Operations” in recreational benefit. Nominations must Entries must consist of a cur- the morning and “Coastal Geology” include a statement of objectives of the riculum vita and paper suitable for in the afternoon. These basic courses project and the major design features; presentation and publication (for non- are intended for coastal practitioners, evidence that the project achieved the electronic submissions, please provide professionals, consultants and repre- desired objectives with a minimum five hard copies of the entire nomina- sentatives from government agencies of five years since completion; the tion package). Any subject pertaining and nongovernmental organizations. environmental, social, recreational and to coastal or riverine science is eligible Students and new professionals are other effects of the project should be for consideration. Representative also encouraged to attend. described; a statement identifying the subject areas include natural processes We’ll also be reviving our illustri- agencies and individuals responsible (waves, currents sediment transport), ous volleyball game between biologists for planning, designing and construct- ecology (habitat, ecosystem func- and engineers before closing out the ing the work and the individuals that tion), water quality (pollution sources, week with a field trip touring Galves- will receive the award; and the cost of Continued on page 9 Continued on next page Coastal Voice 3 FY18 (current) House Senate WASHINGTON REPORT Line Item allocation Bill: Mark-Up: Shore Protection (construction) $50 million $60 million $50 million Good news so far for Beneficial Use of Dredged Material $1 million $10 million $8.3 million Corps appropriations (Cont. Auth. Program) Regional Sediment Management $3.5 million $3.5 million $3.5 million Coastal Inlet Research $2.7 million $2.7 million $7.975 million By DEREK BROCKBANK, National Coastal Mapping $6.3 million $10 million $13 million ASBPA Executive Director Coastal Ocean Data System $6 million $6.5 million $6.5 million SBPA has been pleased to Coastal Field Data Collection $1million $1 million $1 million see the FY19 budget process moving forward. As part of rized shore protection projects to full not identified how these pilots would be Athe budget deal passed in February, project profile. That funding is expected funded, however. Therefore, the Corps is Congress agreed to “spending caps” to address most of the current year ca- directed to fund these pilots, if otherwise for FY18 and FY19. This facilitated the pability. Therefore, to ensure funding is competitive, under the CAP section passage of a much-delayed FY18 bud- not directed to where it cannot be used, 204 line item… The Corps shall not use get, and should also make the FY19 the agreement includes $60,000,000 for Operation and Maintenance funds pro- budget easier — although not easy — construction of shore protection projects. vided or allocated to the projects from to pass. Every indication is that Con- The Corps is reminded that if additional which the dredged material is generated gress will try to get a budget passed work can be done, these projects are also for costs beyond the costs of the Federal and avoid a government shutdown/ eligible to compete for additional fund- Standard.” continuing resolution showdown right ing [$200 million] for flood and storm Coastal Inlet Research Program, before the election.
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