IMPROVING AND PROMOTING VET BIBB and its Global Network of Partners Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data available in the internet at http//dnb.ddb.de. ISBN 978-3-88555-944-3 Order address Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung – BIBB Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training PO Box 201264 53142 Bonn E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (+ 49-228) 107 2967 Order code: 09.203 © 2013 by BIBB (Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training) Publisher: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, 53142 Bonn Internet: www.bibb.de E-Mail: [email protected] Author: Hans J. Kissling Responsible for contents: Section 1.2 “International Co-operation and Advisory Services” Cover: Christiane Zay, Potsdam Typesetting: Christiane Zay, Potsdam Printing: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-88555-944-3 IMPROVING AND PROMOTING VET BIBB and its Global Network of Partners Table of contents Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training Partner Presentations Germany BIBB ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Australia NCVER ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Austria öibf ............................................................................................................................................ 18 Brazil SENAI ......................................................................................................................................... 23 Bulgaria NAVET ........................................................................................................................................ 25 Chile MINEDUC ................................................................................................................................... 29 China CIVTE ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Columbia SENA .......................................................................................................................................... 33 Czech Republic NÚV ........................................................................................................................................... 37 France Céreq ......................................................................................................................................... 41 India FICCI .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Israel Zur Foundation ........................................................................................................................... 48 Italy ISFOL.......................................................................................................................................... 52 Korea KRIVET ....................................................................................................................................... 55 Latvia NCE ........................................................................................................................................... 59 Mexico CONALEP ................................................................................................................................... 62 Russia FIRO ........................................................................................................................................... 65 Singapore IAL ............................................................................................................................................. 68 South Africa FETI ............................................................................................................................................ 72 Switzerland EHB ............................................................................................................................................ 75 Thailand OVEC ......................................................................................................................................... 80 Vietnam NIVT ........................................................................................................................................... 88 EU Cedefop ..................................................................................................................................... 92 EU ETF ............................................................................................................................................. 96 UN UNEVOC .................................................................................................................................... 102 Closing Remarks ...................................................................................................................................... 108 Shyamal Majumdar, Ph.D. Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC Contact information ................................................................................................................................ 112 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Russia Latvia Germany Czech Republic France Austria Switzerland Italy Bulgaria Korea Israel China India Mexico Thailand Vietnam Columbia Singapore Brazil Chile Australia South Africa 4 Russia Latvia Germany Czech Republic France Austria Switzerland Italy Bulgaria Korea Israel China India Mexico Thailand Vietnam Columbia Singapore Brazil Chile Australia South Africa 5 Preface Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and It is therefore my great pleasure to welcome near- Training (BIBB) is the German competence centre ly thirty national and international partner organi- for research and development, international coop- sations of the BIBB to the “First BIBB Global Part- eration and consultation in vocational education ners Meeting” during WorldSkills Leipzig 2013. and training, recognised all over the world. It lever- At WorldSkills Leipzig 2013, the best trainees and ages its strengths in these areas to cooperate with young specialists from around the world compete governments and institutions that want to modern- to become the champion. The exciting competitions ise the vocational education and training systems in make young people yearn for training – be it in tra- their countries. In doing so the BIBB integrates its ditional occupations or in new disciplines. positive experience with the dual system in Germa- ny into its tightly integrated international coopera- Since 2006, the BIBB has been sending out invita- tion projects. tions to partners meetings, and they have meanwhile become a stable foundation for a global communi- In Germany, vocational education, like academic ed- ty of practice in vocational education and training. ucation, opens the way to high qualifications and is Previous partners meetings took place in 2006 in therefore of utmost importance for maintaining the Bonn, in 2007 in Madrid, in 2008 in London, in 2010 supply of skilled manpower. Given the high and ris- in Belgrade, in 2011 in Seoul and Podgorica, as well ing youth unemployment in many countries, more the most recent in 2012 in Mexico City. The previous and more governments and institutions are inter- meetings concentrated on individual regions, but we ested in developing their vocational education and are continuing the series of what is now seven part- training systems further. In this process they ori- ners meetings in Leipzig with a meeting that brings ent themselves on the model of dual education and together all our partners and friends from around training. the world on the stage of WorldSkills. 6 PREFACE The present BIBB publication on the occasion of WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 is intended not just to doc- ument that exchange among partners but to deepen it. On the one hand, it is meant to document the na- tional responsibilities and international cooperation projects of the BIBB. On the other hand, it is a com- prehensive presentation of the leading vocational education and training institutes all over the world, of their tasks and objectives, their research and de- velopment activities and their cooperation projects within international networks. I would like to thank all our partners warmly for your cooperation and for your contributions to this documentation. Professor Dr. Friedrich Hubert Esser President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training PREFACE 7 the foundations of such a skills base are provided by dual vocational education and training and con- tinuing vocational training. BIBB’s research and de- velopment work and advisory activities assist in the process of using sustainable qualifications as a ve- hicle to secure people’s economic and occupational future and to maintain the comparative competitive- ness of the German economy. BIBB’s strategic goals for the period of 2012–2015 Germany are aligned with strengthening its core competences, i.e. vocational education and training research, Bundesinstitut für policy guidance and providing support for VET practices. BIBB’s mission statement serves as a
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