FAITH FACTS The Answers You Need The Mass Timeless and Changing Q. Which parts of the Mass tain dioceses and religious orders. have remained unchanged These rites include the Ambrosian over time? Why have some Rite, the Mozarabic Rite, the parts of the Mass changed? Lyonnais Rite, the Bragan Rite, and the rites of the Dominicans, A. The Second Vatican Council Carmelites, and Carthusians.3 teaches that “the liturgy is made up A variety of rites also exists in of immutable elements divinely the 20 Eastern Catholic Churches. instituted, and of elements subject Two Eastern Catholic Churches fax: 1.740.283.4011 / to change.”1 Because the Holy make use of the Alexandrian Rite; Sacrifice of the Mass is “the heart three, the Antiochian Rite; one, the and the summit of the Church’s life” Armenian Rite; 12, the Byzantine (Catechism, no. 1407), changes in Rite; and two, the Chaldean Rite.4 the rites of the Mass are more appar- ent to Catholics than are changes in The Mass of the Ages other liturgical rites. Changes in the The chart on the next two pages rites of the Mass also evoke the most will help illustrate which parts of the questions and concerns. Mass are timeless and which parts Some changes are made at the are changeable. phone: 1.800.693.2484 whim of the celebrant or other min- All four rites of the Mass have isters and are illicit. The Second two main parts: what is called the Vatican Council forbids such Liturgy of the Word in the current actions: no person, “even if he be a Roman Rite, and what is called the priest, may add, remove, or change Liturgy of the Eucharist in the cur- 5 photo by Beth Hart anything in the liturgy on his own rent Roman Rite. authority.”2 Other changes, however, In all four rites described (see have been made under the direction chart, pp. 28-29), the presiding of the Church’s Magisterium. priest and people gather together Several such changes have taken before the readings from Sacred place in the past four decades, espe- Scripture. All four rites call for read- cially between 1963 and 1969. ings from Sacred Scripture, and all If changes in one rite of the Mass call explicitly for at least one New manifest the truth that parts of the Testament reading. All four rites Mass are changeable, then the make provision for a homily or ser- simultaneous existence of several mon, though a homily is now rites attests to this truth even more mandatory in the Roman Rite only clearly. While the Roman Rite is on Sundays and holy days of obliga- July/August 2004 used most frequently in the West, tion.6 Likewise, all four rites call for Altar in St. cave on the Island of Patmos John’s LW other rites have been in use in cer- an offertory rite; a Eucharistic July/August 2004 27 Figure 1 Byzantine Divine Ordinary Order of the Mass Prayer wherein, by the words of Liturgy (Roman Rite, 1962 Missal) (Roman Rite, consecration and the power of the current Missal) Holy Spirit, the bread and wine are Consecration of Take,eat, THIS IS Take and eat of this, all of you, Take this, all of you, the Body MY BODY, which is FOR THIS IS MY BODY. and eat it: this is my changed into the Body and Blood of of Christ broken for you for body which will be Christ; and Holy Communion. the remission of sins. given up for you. These actions are the essence of the Consecration Drink of this all, THIS IS THE CHALICE OF Take this, all of you, of the Precious THIS IS MY MY BLOOD OF THE NEW and drink from it: “Mass of all ages,” whatever be the Blood of Christ BLOOD OF THE AND ETERNAL COVENANT: this is the cup of my rite in which it is celebrated.7 NEW TESTA- THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: blood, the blood of MENT, which is WHICH IS BEING SHED FOR the new and everlast- Legitimate variation marks even shed for you and for YOU AND FOR MANY FOR ing covenant. It will the essential elements of the Mass. many for the remis- THE FORGIVENESS OF be shed for you and sion of sins. SINS. As often as you shall for all so that sins Different Scripture readings are read do these actions, do this in may be forgiven. Do on the same day in different rites, or memory of Me. this in memory of me. even at times in the same rite. Likewise, the offertory rite and man- Figure 2 The Mass as described by Byzantine Divine Ordinary (Roman Order of the Mass ner of distributing Holy Communion St. Justin Martyr Liturgy22 Rite, 1962 Missal)23 (Roman Rite, differ in the different rites; in the 21 24 (c. 155) current Missal) Byzantine Divine Liturgy, for exam- INTRODUCTO- ple, Holy Communion is always dis- RY RITES tributed under both species, while in “On the day we call the day of the Proskomedia Asperges Entrance song sun, all who dwell in the city or (preparation of the the Latin Rite it is distributed only phone: 1.800.693.2484 country gather in the same place.” bread and wine) sometimes under both species. The MASS OF THE MASS OF THE Greeting CATECHUMENS CATECHUMENS Byzantine Divine Liturgy and the current Roman Rite have a variety Litany of peace Confiteor; Introit Rite of blessing (similar to general antiphon and sprinkling holy of Eucharistic Prayers, or anaphoras, intercessions of the water or penitential Roman Rite) rite while the 1962 Roman Missal had Hymn of the Kyrie Kyrie only one (the Roman Canon). Incarnation Even the words of the consecra- Little entranceGloria Gloria tion that are necessary for validity Tropars and kon- Collect Opening prayer (“This is My Body” and “This is daks (prayers of My Blood”) have been embedded / the day) in slightly different phrases (see fax: 1.740.283.4011 Trisagion (prayer of the Thrice-Holy figure 1). God) In an important development of “The memoirs of the apostles and LITURGY OF doctrine, the Pontifical Council for the writings of the prophets are THE WORD read, as much as time permits.” Christian Unity, in consultation Epistle Epistle First reading with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, determined in Gradual Responsorial psalm 2001 that the words of Consecration Second reading need not be present “in a coherent Munda cor meum Alleluia or Gospel narrative way and ad litteram” for acclamation transubstantiation to occur; the Gospel Gospel Gospel words may instead be present “in a “When the reader has finished, he SermonHomily or sermon Homily dispersed euchological way, that is, who presides over those gathered admonishes and challenges them integrated in successive prayers of to imitate these beautiful things.” thanksgiving, praise, and interces- Nicene Creed Profession of faith sion” (no. 3).8 (Creed) “Then we all rise together and Litany of General offer prayers for ourselves . and supplications intercessions Why Make Changes? for all others, wherever they may Some parts of the Mass, then, are be, so that we may be found right- eous by our life and actions, and unchangeable, while others are sub- faithful to the commandments, so as to obtain eternal salvation.” ject to change. While “the Church herself has no power over those “When the prayers are concluded we exchange the kiss.” things which were established by MASS OF THE MASS OF THE LITURGY Christ Himself and which constitute FAITHFUL FAITHFUL OF THE EUCHARIST an unchangeable part of the First prayer of the liturgy,”9 the Church’s Magisterium faithful; second prayer of the faith- does have the authority to change ful; cherubinic the other parts of the Mass and has hymn exercised that authority many times 28 Lay Witness 10 over the centuries. Why might the Figure 2 (continued) Magisterium make changes in these “Then someone brings bread and Great entranceOffertory verse; Preparation of the a cup of water and wine mixed offertory prayers altar and the gifts parts of the Mass? together to him who presides over the brethren.” • The principal reason changes are Litany of the made is that the “mystery of Christ offertory is so unfathomably rich that it can- Nicene Creed not be exhausted by its expression Secret Prayer over the in any single liturgical tradition” gifts (Catechism, no. 1201). Changes “He takes them and offers praise Consecration Eucharistic and glory to the Father of the uni- (includes prayer Prayer can be made to the Mass when the verse, through the name of the Son like the preface Magisterium comes to believe that and of the Holy Spirit and for a con- and Sanctus) siderable time he gives thanks (in such changes will more fully Greek: eucharistian) that we have express the mystery of Christ. been judged worthy of these gifts.” Thus Pope Paul VI enriched the Preface Preface Roman Missal with additional Sanctus Acclamation prefaces and Eucharistic Prayers (Holy, holy, holy) “in order that the different facets Roman Canon Eucharistic of the mystery of salvation will (includes Prayer (includes stand out more clearly and that Epiclesis) Epiclesis) there will be more and richer Epiclesis themes of thanksgiving.”11 “When he has concluded the Hymn to the prayers and thanksgivings, all Blessed Virgin • Pastoral charity can lead the Magis- present give voice to an acclama- terium to change the rites of the tion by saying: ‘Amen.’” Mass when the Gospel encounters a Communion Rite previously unevangelized culture. Litany of Communion Rite Lord’s Prayer The Church teaches that the “cele- intercession (Lord’s Prayer) bration of the liturgy .
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