365 A A & C Black Ltd, 35 Bedford Row, London WC IR 4JH (01-242-0946) Academy of Sciences, Frescati, s-10405 Stockholm 50, Sweden Accepting Houses Committee, I Crutched Friars, London EC3 (0 1-481-2120) Access, 7 StMartin's Place, London WC2 (01-839-7090) Acupuncture Association and Register Ltd, 34 Alderney St, London SWIV 4EU (01-834-1012) Advertising Standards Authority, 15-17 Bridgemount St, London WCIE 7AW (01-580--0801) Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Head Office, Cleland House, Page St, London SW 1P 4ND (01-222-4383) Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service Regional Offices --Midlands, Alpha Tower, Suffolk St Queensway, Birmingham Bl ITZ (021-643-9911) --North West, Boulton House, 17-21 Charlton St, Manchester Ml 3HY (061-228-3222) --Northern, Westgate House, Westgate Rd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NEI ITJ (0632-612191) --Scotland, 109 Waterloo St, Glasgow, G2 ?BY (041-221-6832) --South East, Hanway House, Red Lion Sq, London WCIR 4NH (01-405-8454) --South West, 16 Park Place, Clifton, Bristol BS8 IJP (0272-211921) --Wales, 2-4 Park Grove, CardiffCFl 3QY (0222-45231) --Yorkshire and Humberside, City House, Leeds LSI 4JH (0532-38232) Advisory Council on Public Records, Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London WC2A ILR (01-405-0741) Advisory Welsh Translations Panel, Oxford House, Cardiff(0222-44171) Afghanistan, Embassy of the Republic of, 31 Prince's Gate, London SW7 1QQ (0 1-589-8891) African Violet Society of America, 4988 Schollmeyer Ave, StLouis, Mo 63109, USA Agricultural Credit Corporation Ltd, Agricultural House, 25-31 Knightsbridge, London SWIX 7NJ (01-235-6296) Agricultural Land Tribunals, --Plas Crug, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 1NG (0970-3162) --Block C, Government Buildings, Brooklands Ave, Cambridge CB2 2DR (0223-58911) --Block 2, Government Buildings, Lawnswood, Leeds LS16 SPY (0532-67-4411) --Government Buildings, Kenton Rd, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NEI 2YA (0630-869811) --Block 2, Government Buildings, Chalfont Drive, Nottingham NG8 3RH (0602-292251) --Block A, Government Office, Coley Park, Reading RGI 6DT (0734-581222) --Quantock House, Paul St, Taunton TRI 3NX (0823-87922) --Woodthorne, Wolverhampton WV6 8TQ (0902-754190) Agricultural Mortgage Corporation Ltd, Bucklersbury House, 3 Queen Victoria St, London EC4 N8DU (01-248-6711) Agricultural Research Council, 160 Great Portland St, London W 1N 6DT (0 1-580-6635) Agricultural Wages Board, Eagle House, 90-6 Cannon St, London EC4N 7MT (01-623-4266) Air Taxi Operators Association, Stapleford Aerodrome, Stapleford Tawney, Nr Romford, Essex (01-599-1087) Air Touring International, Elstree Aerodrome, Elstree, Herts (01-953-4870) Air Travel Reserve Fund Agency --(administration) Space House, 43-59 Kingsway, London WC2B 6TE (01-379-7311) --(Chairman) 20 Manvers St, Bath BAI ILX Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Artillery Mansions, 50a Cambridge St, London SW 1V 4QQ (01-834-5631) Airline Users Committee, Space House 43-59 Kingsway, London WC2B 6TE (0 1-3 79-7311) Airports --Aberdeen Airport, Dyce, Aberdeenshire AB2 ODU (0224-722331) --Ashford Airport, Nr Hythe, Kent (0703-66156) --Belfast/Aldergrove Airport, Belfast (0232-29271) --Birmingham Airport, Birmingham B26 8QJ (021-753-4272) --East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby DE7 2SA (0332-810621) --Edinburgh Airport, Edinburgh EH12 OAL(031-333-1000) 366 Airports--cont. --Gatwick Airport, Horley, Surrey RH6 ONP (01-668-4211) --Glasgow Airport, Paisley, Renfrewshire PA3 2ST (041-887-1111) --Guernsey Airport, Guernsey, Channel Islands (0481-37766) --Heathrow Airport, Hounslow, Middlesex TW6 IJH (01-759-4321) --Jersey Airport, Jersey, Channel Islands (0481-37766) --Liverpool Airport, Liverpool L24 8QQ (051-427-4101) --Luton Airport, Luton, Bedfordshire (0582-36061) --Manchester Airport, Wythenshawe, Manchester 22 (061-437-5200) --Prestwick Airport, Prestwick, Ayrshire KA9 2PL (0292-79822) --Southend-on-Sea Airport, Southend-on-Sea, Essex (0702-40201/6) --Stansted Airport, Stansted, Essex CH24 8QW (0279-502380) AI-Anon, Family Group UK and Eire, 61 Great Dover St, London SEI 4YF Albanian diplomatic mission, Albanian Embassy, 131 Rue de Ia Porte, 75116 Paris, France (553-5132, 553-8938) Albtourist, Bid. Deshmoret e Kombit 8, Tirana, Albania Alcohol Education Centre, Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital, 99 Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AZ Alcoholics Anonymous, II Redcliffe Gardens, London SWlO Algerian Embassy, 6 Hyde Park Gate, London SW7 SEW (01-584-9502) Algerian National Tourist Office, 35 StJames's St, London SW1 (01-83~5315) All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Church Rd, Wimbledon, London SW19 5AE (01-946-2244) All England Netball Assocation, 70 Brompton Rd, London SW3 IHD (01-584-2578) All England Women's Hockey Association, 160 Great Portland St, London WIN 5TB (01-636-0264) All England Women's Lacrosse Association, 70 Brompton Rd, London SWI IEQ (01-584-2508) All Wales Ladies Lacrosse Association, 51 St Nicholas Rd, Barry, South Glamorgan (0446-31 0 I) Alliance Party of Northern Ireland Headquarters, 88 University St, Belfast BT7 IHE (0232-24 74) Allied Irish Banks Ltd, PO Box 512,3-4 Foster Place, Dublin 2 (0001-760371) Alpine Club, 74 Audley St, London WI (01-499-1542) Amateur Athletic Association, 70 Brompton Rd, London SW3 lEE (01-584-7715) Amateur Basketball Association oflreland, Castle Rd, Bulterstown, County Waterford, Eire Amateur Basketball Association oflreland, 3 Holmdene Qardens, Belfast BT14 7U (Ulster Council) Amateur Basketball Association of Scotland, 8 Frederick St, Edinburgh EH2 2HB (031-225-7143) Amateur Boxing Association, 70 Brompton Rd, London SW3 I HA (0 1-584-9187) Amateur Fencing Association, 83 Perham Rd, London W14 9SP (01-385-7442) Amateur Rowing Association --Headquarters, 6 Lower Mall, London W6 9DJ (01-748-3632) --Welsh Rowing Council, 74 Woolaston Ave, Lakeside, Cardiff(0222-754259) Amateur Swimming Association, Harold Fern House, Derby Sq, Loughborough, Leics LEI! OAL Amateur Swimming Federation of Great Britain, Harold Fern House, Derby Sq, Loughborough (0509-30431) American Begonia Society, 1130 North Milpas St, Santa Barbara, Cal93103, USA American Boxwood Society, Blandy Experimental Farm, Boyce, Va 22620, USA American Fuchsia Society, Hall of Flowers, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Cal 94122, USA American Gloxinia and Gesneriad Society, 26 Hotchkiss St Sth, Binghampton, NY 13903, USA American Haemerocallis Society, 2244 Cloverdale Ave, Baton Rouge, La 70808, USA American Hosta Society, University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Box 13201, Route I, Chaska, Mn 55318, USA American Iris Society, 2315 Tower Grove Ave, StLouis, Missouri 63110, USA American Ivy Society, National Center for American Horticulture, Mt Vernon, Va 22121, USA American Paeony Society, 1246 Donlea Crescent, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6J IV7 American Penstemon Society, 711 Magnolia Ave, Mena, Ark 71953, USA American Plant Life Society, 5804 Cemino de Ia Costa, La Jolla, Cal92037, USA American Rose Society, 4048 Roselea Place, Columbus, Ohio 43214, USA Amnesty International, British Section, Tower House, 8-14 Southampton St, London WC2E 7HF (01-836-5621) Andorran Delegation, 63 Western Rd, London SW18 (01-874-4806) Anglia Land Yacht Club, 17 Taylors Close, Mepperhall, Beds 367 Anglia Television Ltd, Anglia House, Norwich NR1 3JG (0603-28366) Appeal Tribunal, 231 The Strand, London WC2 (01-353-8060) Apple and Pear Development Council, Union House, The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8HF (0892-20255) Approved Coal Merchants' Scheme, Domestic Coal Consumers' Council, Thames House South, Millbank, London SW1P 4QJ (01-211-5820) Arboricultural Association, 59 Blythwood Gardens, Stansted, Essex Archbishops' Appointments Secretary, Fielden House, Little College St, London SW 1 Archbishop of Canterbury's Faculty Office, I The Sanctuary, London SWI (01-222-5381) Architects Registration Council of the UK, 73 Hallam St, London WIN 6EE (01-580--5861) Area Education Office, contact Local Education Authority Area Electricity boards, see Electricity Boards Area Health Authority, contact Department of Health and Social Security Local Office Area Health and Social Services Boards (Northern Ireland) --Eastern, 65 University St, Belfast BT7 IHM (0232-44611) --Northern, County Hall, 182 Galgorm Rd, Ballymena, Co Antrim BT42 IQD (Ballymena 3333) -- Southern, 20 Seagoe Industrial Area, Portadown, Craigavon, Co Armagh BT63 5QD (Portadown 36611) --Western, 50 Gransha Park, Clooney Rd, Londonderry BT47 lTG (Londonderry 860086) Argentine, Embassy of the Republic of, 9 Wilton Crescent, London SW IX 8RP (0 1-235-3 717) Argentine, Consulate of the Republic of, 54 Castle St, Liverpool! (051-236-3939) Army Careers, PO Box LEL, London WIA IEL Army Medal Office, Ministry of Defence, Block A, Government Buildings, Droitwich, Worcs WR9 8AU Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Jamaica Plain, Mass 02130, USA Artificial Limb and Appliance Centre, see in telephone directory Arts Council of Great Britain, 105 Piccadilly, London WI (01-629-9495) Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Riddel Hall, ISlA Strandmillis Rd, Belfast BT9 5DU (0232-663591) Asbestos Information Committee, PO Box 4QS, London WIA 4QS Ascot Office, StJames's Palace, London SWI (01-930--9882) Associated Examining Board, Wellington House, Aldershot, Rants GUll IBQ (0252-25551) Associated Lancashire Schools Examining Board, 77 Whitworth St, Manchester M1 6HA (061-236-6020) Associated Television Network Limited, ATV Centre, Birmingham Bl 2JP (021-643-9898) Association of British Launderers and Cleaners, Lancaster Gate House, 319 Pinner Rd, Harrow,
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