OUR LADY OF THE PILLAR CATHOLIC CHURCH Iglesia Católica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar 400 Church Street, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (650) 726-4674 Office Hours: Open Monday—Friday 9:00am– 4:30pm Email: [email protected] TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 2nd, 2016 Rev. Joseph Previtali Mass Schedule Administrator Monday through Friday: 8:00 am [email protected] Saturday: Rev. Gabriel Wankar 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - 8:00pm (Español) Parochial Vicar Sunday: 8:00 am - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (Español) 6:00 pm Rev. Charles Onubogu In Residence Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Friday after 8:00 am Mass- Religious Educaon Benediction 12:00 pm (650) 726-5587 First Friday of the Month K-6th Grade after 8:00 am Mass - Benediction 6:30pm Claudia Miramontes Ext. 210 Youth Confirmaon St. Anthony's — Pescadero Elizabeth Neapolitan Ext. 209 696 North Street, Pescadero, CA 94060 Confessions Schedule Saturday: 6:00 pm (Español) Encargada de Ensayo para Bodas: Juana Ruano Monday (Lunes) 6:00- 7:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am RCIA/ Adult Faith Formaon: 8:45- 9:30 pm Tuesday (Martes) 7:00- 7:45 am Our Lady of Refuge — La Honda Rev. Joseph Previtali (English) Wednesday (Miércoles) 7:00– 7:50am Sunday 10:30am Educación/ Sacramentos para Adultos Thursday (Jueves) 7:00– 7:50 am 146 Sears Ranch Road, Carlos y Celina Rivera (Español) 5:30- 6:30 pm La Honda, CA 94020 Parish Secretary: Paula Marnez Friday (Viernes) 6:00- 7:00 pm 9:00- 10:00 pm Sunday: 10:30 am Fax: (650) 726-0980 Saturday (Sábado) 4:00- 5:00 pm Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ On October 7 the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, which commemorates the victory of the Christian armies against the Muslim Turks at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571. The pope at the time was St. Pius V, who, having been a member of the Order of Preachers, was a great lover and promoter of the Holy Rosary. The Rosary had been especially entrusted by the Blessed Mother to St. Dominic about 350 years earlier as the means by which Dominic would conquer heresy in Southern Europe. At a time of great crisis and fear, St. Pius, ever the faithful son of St. Dominic, urged all Christians to pray the Rosary for victory in the defense of Christian Europe from the invaders. The naval victory by the "Holy League" at Lepanto was a gift from the Mother of God, into whose Immaculate Heart the Rosary brings us. The feast of her victory on October 7 makes October the Month of the Holy Rosary. There are many books and websites and "experts" on spirituality and prayer and inner peace these days. To be sure, they are not all evil. Yet they do tend to over-complicate the matter of the spiritual life. The truth is that, in the Holy Rosary, the Christian has all he needs for a profound life of prayer and medita- tion. The Rosary really is the perfect method of prayer. It contains the most sublime vocal prayers, which are largely drawn from Scripture - the Lord's Prayer ("Our Father"), composed by Jesus Himself, and the Angelic Salutation ("Hail Mary"), composed by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit - and it contains the central mysteries of our faith for our meditation as we pray the vocal prayers. It brings together the two types of prayer that man can initiate. It puts on our lips the holiest petitions and fills our minds with the loveliest divine realities. To pray the Rosary well, we need to use good reflections on the mysteries. This keeps our minds from getting distracted as we recite the vocal pray- ers. The meditations composed by St. Josemaria Escrivá are particularly beautiful. Or use those of any of the saints! Only if we meditate on the mysteries with attention and devotion will the Rosary bring us the inner peace and joy that is our spiritual refreshment. It will also be helpful to use sacred art to keep our senses attuned to the mysteries. The Internet is a rich treasure-house both of meditations by the saints and masterpieces by the great artists. Use the tools available to enrich your prayer!The Church wants us praying the Rosary very much. She attaches a plenary indulgence to the recitation of five decades of the Rosary in a church or oratory. She even grants this same indulgence to the family Rosary! St. Louis de Montfort says that children should pray five decades of the Rosary per day. He encourages adults to pray 15 decades each day (Pope Francis reportedly does this)! 15 decades of Hail Mary's replicates in our lives the ancient monastic custom of praying each day all 150 psalms. The Rosary is the psalter of the active life! No matter how many decades we can pray, we can always pray them with as much attention and devotion as possible, using rich reflections from the saints and beautiful images. Let us start this quality-focused approach to the Holy Rosary today, as we begin this new Month of the Rosary, 2016. Our Lady of Victory, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, teach us to pray in your Heart! Pray for me, Fr. Joseph Previtali Parish Announcements Opportunity to learn more about our Catholic tradition! GREGORIAN CHANT CLASS With Fr. Joe Previtali Our Lady of the Pillar Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 7:00 pm Monday Nights at St. Anthony’s in Pescadero Adult Catechism with Father Joe All are welcome! 7:30pm—8:30pm @ New Hall Community Holy Hour after Gregorian Third Tuesday of the Month Chant class on October 20, Class at 7:00pm; Knights of Columbus Meeting Holy Hour at 8:00pm New Hall—7:00pm Tuesday Nights Oportunidad para profundizar su conocimiento de Bible Study nuestra tradición Católica! 5:30pm– 7:00pm @ Conference Room CLASE BILINGUE DEL CANTO GREGORIANO Miércoles por la Noche (MUSICA CATOLICA) Estudio de la Biblia Con Padre Joe Previtali 7:00pm en el Salón Viejo (Old Hall) Jueves, 20 de Octubre , a las 7:00 pm en la Iglesia de First Thursday of the Month San Antonio en Pescadero Holy Hour Todos son bienvenidos! 7:00pm Our Lady of the Pillar Tendremos Hora Santa después de la Clases de Canto Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles Gregoriano, Clase a las 7:00pm; Hora Santa - 8:00pm October 1st at 3:00pm October 7th at 7:00pm Exhibición de Los Milagros Eucarísticos Our next parish Holy Hour 1ro. De Octubre a las 3:00pm Nuestra siguiente Hora Santa 7 de Octubre a las 7:00pm Holy Hour and Confessions Thursday, October 6th. 7:00pm October 20th. Jueves, 6 de Octubre - 7:00pm 8:00pm at St. Anthony’s (Pescadero) SAVE THE DATE.. MONTHLY COMMUNITY Wednesday, October 19th HOLY HOUR from 7-9pm for the quar- Our Lady of Refuge Church, La terly meeting of THE PA- Honda, Monthly Community Holy TRICIAN'S. We will be presenting another inter- Hour: Peaceful time with Jesus in esting topic. More infor- the Blessed Sacrament with Confes- mation to follow in a future issue of the parish bulletin. sions and Solemn Benediction: All are welcome to come pray for the RESERVE LA FECHA spiritual flourishing of our commu- El Miércoles 19 de Octubre de las 7:00pm—9:00pm tendre- nity. mos nuestra reunión trimestral de LOS PATRICIOS. Estare- mos presentando otro tema interesante. Mas información en el futuro en el boletín de la Iglesia. PRAYING AND SINGING IN THE HEART OF OUR MOTHER, THE CHURCH: GREGORIAN CHANT Pray for Our Parishioners Who are Sick EXPERIENCE: Professor William Mahrt from Stanford University will be con- ducting three free workshops at Our Lady of the Pillar on the Sick Relatives & Friends/ spirituality of the music of the Catholic Church. The second Parientes y Amigos Enfermos workshop is October 28, from 7:00-9:00 pm in the church. Pray that God’s, healing power will fill them with strength and hope. Rezando y cantando en el corazón Glenn Gonzales, Joe Ashe, Virginia Shea, Gram de nuestra madre, Sommers, Raul Batista, Manuel Arca, Terry R. La Iglesia. EXPERIENCIA DEL Fenwick, Geraldine Medigan, Javier Ramos, Marina Wi- CANTO GREGORIANO lliamson, Mickey Williamson, Alteamor Espejo, Abby Fran- Por el Profesor William Mahrt de la co, Rachel Thein, John Romero, Pedro Bautista, Donald Thie- Universidad de Stanford. Se llevará a rry, Shiela Santos, Shannon Perez, Don Wright, Harvey cabo une serie de tres talleres gratuitos Koepf, Jena Losch, Sam Reynal, Duncan Harter, Loretta Du- sobre la espiritualidad de la música de ran, Tammy Endsley, Kathy Repetto, Raquel Corona, Rich la Iglesia Católica. El segundo taller Perez, Marie Caloca, Claire Simonich, John Walker. será el 28 de Octubre de 7: 00pm -9: 00 pm en la iglesia. Your Offerings | Supporting Our Parish Mass Schedule and Intentions 1st Collection 2nd Collection Saturday EVENING October 1st, 2016 Our Lady of the Pillar $ 3,692 $ 1,099 5:00pm Frank Vaz Jr. + and Family Anne Minoletti and Family (Int.) Our Lady of Refuge $ 0 $ 0 8:00pm Pablo y Francisca Estrada + St Anthony’s $ 165 $ 80 Sunday October 2, 2016 8:00 am Michael Rodrigues + and Family Joe Lopes & Manuel Jose + Second Collection this week: Building Fund 10:00 am Familia Belo + + October 9: Annual Appeal Maria & Jose Matos + October 16: Religious Education 12:00 pm Por la Parroquia October 23: World Mission Sunday 6:00 pm Frank Vaz Jr. + and Family October 30: St. Vincent de Paul Ernest Giovannoni + Monday October 3, 2016 PARISH FESTIVAL REPORT 8:00 am Eduardo & Maria Silveira + I am so grateful to Almighty God and His Most Holy Mother, Our Tuesday October 4, 2016 Lady of the Pillar, for the beautiful parish festival that we celebrated 8:00am Antonio Sr.
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