Joonas Lehtimäki Implementing Spacewalk into Company Infrastructure Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Bachelor of Engineering Information Technology Thesis 5 June 2013 Abstract Author(s) Joonas Lehtimäki Title Implementing Spacewalk into company infrastructure Number of Pages 49 pages Date 5 June 2013 Degree Bachelor of Engineering Degree Programme Information Technology Specialisation option Network Engineering Instructor(s) Mika Laasasenaho, Senior Specialist Markku Nuutinen, Principal Lecturer The aim of this thesis was to create Spacewalk Linux management software. Capgemini Finland ordered this software to optimize the working processes for Linux systems. The main goal was to successfully install and configure Spacewalk so it could be used as the main management software for Linux operating systems. The thesis goes through the planning, installation, configuration and deployment phases of Spacewalk. In general management software help administrators to work on multiple systems at a time. Administrators can schedule maintenance tasks, for example updates or scripts. Spacewalk saves the time and effort of each administrator and therefore saves costs. Giving features that Capgemini had specified was an important part of this thesis. These features were RBAC, configuration file management, update deployment and automated installations. Some of the features were hard to implement because of Capgeminis’ high security standards and processes. All features were documented with instructions on how to use them. The result of the project was a functional Spacewalk software with all the required features and documentation. Spacewalk is now embedded in the Capgemini infrastructure and being used as the main Linux management software. Keywords Spacewalk, Linux, Management Abstract Joonas Lehtimäki Tekijä Spacewalk sovelluksen implementointi yrityksen Otsikko infrastruktuuriin Sivumäärä 49 sivua Aika 5.6.2013 Tutkinto Insinööri (AMK) Koulutusohjelma Tietotekniikka Suuntautumisvaihtoehto Tietoverkot Ohjaajat Mika Laasasenaho, Vanhempi asiantuntija Markku Nuutinen, Yli opettaja Insinöörityön aiheena oli tehdä Spacewalk Linux hallinta sovellus. Capgemini Suomi tilasi kyseisen sovelluksen optimoidakseen Linux palvelinten työprosessin. Tavoitteena oli asentaa ja konfiguroida Spacewalk, jotta sitä pystyttäisiin käyttämään Linux hallinta sovelluksena. Insinöörityössä käsitellään Spacewalkin suunnittelu, asennus, konfigurointi ja käyttöönotto vaiheet. Hallintasovellukset auttavat ylläpitäjiä hallitsemaan useita palvelimia samanaikaisesti. Ylläpitäjät voivat ajoittaa palvelimille ylläpitotehtäviä kuten päivityksiä tai skriptejä. Spacewalk tulee säästämään jokaisen ylläpitäjän aikaa ja vaivaa ja näin ollen myös yrityksen kustannuksia. Insinöörityön tärkeä osa-alue oli toimittaa Capgemini Suomelle sen vaatimat Linux hallintasovellus ominaisuudet. Nämä ominaisuudet ovat RBAC, konfiguraatio tiedostojen hallinta, päivitysten toimittaminen ja automaattiset asennukset. Capgeminin korkeiden tietoturvavaatimusten vuoksi, osa ominaisuuksista oli haastavampia toteuttaa. Kaikki hallintasovellus ominaisuudet dokumentoitiin. Projektin lopputulos oli toimiva Spacewalk ohjelma kaikilla vaadituilla ominaisuuksilla ja dokumenttien tuottaminen. Spacewalk on implementoitu Capgemini Suomen ympäristöön ja sitä käytetään Linuxin päähallintasovelluksena. Avainsanat Spacewalk, Linux, Management 1 (3) Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Product Introduction 2 3 Planning 3 4 Implementation 8 4.1 Installation 8 4.2 Configuration 11 4.2.1 Creating New Organization 14 4.2.2 Creating New User 16 4.2.3 Creating Software Channel 18 4.2.4 Creating Repository for Software Channel 20 4.2.5 Creating Activation Keys 22 4.2.6 Enabling Kickstart for Spacewalk 25 4.2.7 Creating Configuration Channels 31 4.2.8 Managing Errata 34 5 Testing 37 5.1 Installing New Systems 37 5.2 Updating Systems with Spacewalk 39 5.2.1 Patching Security, Bug and Enhancement Packages 39 5.2.2 Patching All Packages 40 5.3 Managing Configuration Files 41 6 Deployment Planning & Implementation 42 6.1 Planning 42 6.2 Implementation 42 6.2.1 Registering Systems into Spacewalk 42 7 Maintenance 45 7.1 Updating Spacewalk 45 7.2 Manage Spacewalk 47 8 Conclusion 48 References 49 2 (3) Abbreviations SLES SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, Linux operating system developed by SUSE. RBAC Role Based Access Control, approach to restricting system control for authorized users. PXE Pre-boot Execution Environment, environment to boot computers using network interface. DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, network protocol that is used to configure devices connected to network. RDP Remote Desktop Protocol, protocol developed by Microsoft which is used to connect another machine with a graphical interface. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, communication protocol used for communication over computer network. HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, communication protocol used for secure communication over a computer network. TCP Transmission Control Protocol, one of the two protocols used in the Internet protocol suite. GB Gigabyte, unit of measurement of digital information storage. FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name, domain name that specifies the exact location in the tree hierarchy of the domain name system. CPU Central Processing Unit, hardware within a computer that carries out instructions of a computer. HDD Hard Disk Drive, data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information. 3 (3) NIC Network Interface Controller, network adapter which connects computers into routers with a LAN or Fiber cable. SCSI Small Computer System Interface, standard for delivering information between a computer and peripheral devices. ESX VMware product, bare metal embedded hypervisor used as a virtualization platform. VMXNET Network interface adapter from VMware team. It is used in virtual machines running on ESX hosts. SSL Secure Sockets Layer, protocol for encrypting information over the Internet. ID Identifier, name that identifies either a unique object or a unique class of objects. RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Linux distribution developed by Red Hat. Targeted for commercial use. URL Uniform Resource Locator, web address given as a string of characters. 1 (49) 1 Introduction Big hosting companies such as Capgemini struggle nowadays with management software to make hosting services cost effective and efficient. Management software helps administrators work with large amount of systems one at a time which saves effort and costs. This thesis presents the installation and configuration of Linux management software called Spacewalk which was ordered by Capgemini Finland Oy. There are many software for management purposes but the reason why Spacewalk was chosen is that it is a pioneer in Linux management mostly because of an active community, Red Hat developers and it being open source. The thesis goes through planning, deployment, configuration and maintenance steps for the product. Capgemini has a large amount of Linux servers with numerous clients. The management software helps Capgemini be more cost effective and competitive. 2 (49) 2 Product Introduction Spacewalk is an open source based Linux server administration tool. It is registered under the open source license GPLv2. Spacewalk is community driven software from which few commercial products as Red Hat Satellite and Novell SUSE Manager have derived. Spacewalk started in June 2008 when it became officially an open source project. It is based on Red Hat Network which was started in 2001 and it later spawned into a stand-alone Red Hat Satellite product. [1.] Spacewalk has many features that allow Linux administrators to manage hardware and software information, install and update systems, manage systems as a group, provision systems, configuration file management and deployment and monitoring. Spacewalk works with virtualization platforms such as VMware and Xen to create and configure virtual guests and manage systems efficiently in multiple geographical locations. Spacewalk is managed through a web interface where all the information about servers is located. Administration software supports many Linux distributions such as Fedora, CentOS, SLES and Debian with both versions of architecture, 32-bit and 64-bit. [1.] 3 (49) 3 Planning Capgemini has two infrastructures, one is for case sensitive customers and the other one is for other customers. These infrastructures are called SUOJA and Common. Capgemini also has many people working in India and their access to the SUOJA infrastructure is restricted. Indian specialists handle almost all customers in the Common infrastructure. Capgemini needs software that could handle both infrastructures without compromising the SUOJA infrastructure. [1.] Capgemini had features which were wanted for the selected product, RBAC which stands for role based access control. This was needed because of the two infrastructure environments that Capgemini has. Only Finnish specialists can access SUOJA servers and other workers can access and see only systems in the Common infrastructure. For software to work securely in two infrastructures, a proxy server is needed between the environments. Spacewalk Proxy enables this feature without firewall vulnerabilities because Spacewalk and proxy talk with each other with one protocol. Linux automated patch management helps specialists to schedule patch operations. This feature brings down time that specialists have to take when updating Linux systems one at a time. Provisioning enables virtual
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