January 15, 1949 Ena E

January 15, 1949 Ena E

NINETY-NINE ROSTER AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1948 NINETY* Rose Greene Grovrley Abbott, 98 Crafton Rd., Waban, Mass. NINES Amy A. Ahrens, Rockland Haights Rd., Monsey, New York Pearl Edith Allen, R.F.D. #1, Pontiac, Michigan Rosemary Mevi A lle n , % South Florida Airport, Route #1, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Grey Allison, 2204 Garrison Blvd., Baltimore, Md0 Josephine L. Allison, 2065 Fairdale, Dallas, Texas - — Marie Ruth Ambus, 504 E. Market S t ., Sandusky, Ohio Floroe H. Andeer, 29 Cook A ve., Jamestown, N.Y. Ruth Mary Anderberg, 42 Grampian Way, Boston, i&ss. Tfr Alice Jessien Anderson, 376 River Bluff Rd., Elgin, 1 1 1 . --Dorothy Jean Anderson, R. R. #1, Bluffton, Ohio ffelen Wetherill Anderson, 4740 John R., Apt. 106, Detroit, Michigan Lillian Anderson, 4252 S. Varney, Burbank, C a lif. Meriem Roby Anderson, J r ., Dead End Ranch, Eureka, Kansas Amy Andrews, 47 E. 64th St*, New York, 21, New York NEWS Helen L. Appel, 6538 Marmaduke Ave., St. Louis, Mo. LETTER Rosemary E lizabeth A retz, 1755 E. 72nd P l 0, Chicago, I l l o Evlyn S. Armstrong, 3511 Bronson B lvd., Kalamazoo, Mich. — Virginia M. Brown Ashelford, 1701 Overlook Dr., Springfield Ohio Dorothy A. Avery, 534 E. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, Calif. January 15, 1949 Ena E. Ayers, 2245 Larkin St., Apt. 6, San Francisco, Calif Elizabeth L. Babcock, Box 497, Montclair, N.J. Jewell F. Bailey, Peachtree St., Charleston, S. C. DEADLINE 48 G ail R. Wilbur Baker, 2905 Samford A ve., Shreveport, La. 5th OF EACH MONTH Helen S. Ball, 254 Dell Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ruth Richards B anfield, 2511 Terwilleger Blvd., Tulsa, Okla Ruth Barclay, 211 Old Federal B ldg., Des Moines, Iowa Virginia Bardeen, 2340 Springhill Dr., Kalamazoo, Mich. NINETY-NINES 1025 Connecticut Ave., N. W. Dorothy Barden, 726 Capitol ave., Sacramento, C alif. Washington 6, D# C. Marion Barnick, 467 S. 4th St., % Gee Bee aero, San Jose, C a lif. ifery Eva Barstow, Stephens College, Box 868, Columbia, Mo. Lois K. Bartling, 1958 Erie St., San Diego 10, C alif0 Ray Ann Bartnek, 1615 Highview Dr., Des Moines, Iowa NATIONAL OFFICERS Evangeline C. W illett Barton, Rt. 1, Box 420D, Camarillo, C a lif. Blanche Noyes..............« P r e s . Mary Elizabeth Barton, 317 W. 1st St., Spencer, Iowa 2120 - 16th Street, N.W. Helen Bass, Malvern, Iowa Washington 9, D. C, Clementine Bast, 215 E. 73rd St., New York, N.Y. Dorothy P. Baxter, 138 Fair Oaks Lane, Menlo Park, C alif. Helen W. Anderson.. .V. Pres. Jane W. Bay, 5116 Capital Ave., Omaha, Nebr. 4740 John R, Apt. 106 Dorothy M. Beaghan, 526 Dechman Ave., Peoria, 1 1 1. Detroit, Michigan B etty Sue Beaman, Id? S. Mendenhall S t., Greensboro, N.C. Melba Gccrby Beard, 1981 Meadowbrook Rd., Altadena, C alif. Kay A. Brick.......... .Secretary Louise A. Benna, Bax 374> Red B lu ff, C a lif. "Brickaero" Frances Sebastian Bera, Brooks Field, Marshall, Mich. Norwood, New Jersey Dorothy Berendsen, 1717 W. Wiseonsin, Milwaukee, 'Wise. Estaire M. Berkeley, 218 Stratton St., Logan, W. \&. Marjorie H. Fauth.....Trees. Nita Lorgion Berry, 3674 Balfour Rd., Detroit, Mich. 1406 - 14th Avenue Marion Bertram, Islamorada, Fla. San Francisco,22, C alifo rn ia Dorothy Berz, 647 'Woodland aye., Birmingham, Mich. Marthelle Robison Best, 1430 S. Quaker, Tulsa, Okla. Adele B in s fie ld , 8533 Ohio A ve., D e tro it, Mich Phyllis Bjorneby, 1800 Popular St., Denver, Colo. --Anne E. Blair, 12226 C lifto n B lvd ., Lakewood, Ohio Mary Francis Blair, 1611 W. 18th St., Tulsa, Okla. Sylvia A. Dahmes Clayton, Muroc Army Air Field, Muroc,Calif. Gladys K. Blak6, % J. H. Baxter & C o., 333 Montgomery St, Mrs. Greenwood 0. Cocanougher, Kentucky Farm Bureau San Francisco, Calif. Federation, 120 S. Hubbard Lane, Louisville, Ky. Irene Blasdel, 1728 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Jacqueline Cochran Odium, 438 E. 52nd S t ., Hew York, N.Y. Olive A. Bledsoe, 14.15 Financial Center B ldg., Oakland, Elizabeth D. C o ffin , 18 Main S t., Windsor Looks, Conn. C a lif. Marfreda L. Coffin, P. 0. Box 724, Pleasanton, Calif. Coral Carter Bloom, 2255 Placer Ave., Q ro v ille , C a lif. Frances Ellen Cokes, 810 S. E. 1st St., Evansville, Ind. Jeanne Marie Bloom,-606 W. 9th S t., Albany, Ore. Laurie Le Grand Coleman, 1833 N. H. Ave., N.W., apt. 714, Maralee Laufman Bloomfield, 1850 E. 93rd St., Cleveland, Washington, D. C. Ohio Elizabeth F. Collins, 103 Linden Ave., PleasantviJle, N.J. Mae B. Boettcher, 777 Washington St., Denver, Colo. — -Martha Mary Comisar, 2.R. #7, Box 287, Dayton, Ohio Delphine Bohn, P a c ific A ir c ra ft Sales C o., Lockheed A ir Elizabeth L. Condict, Bass Point Seaplane Base, Blaisdell Terminal, Burbank, C a lif. Late, Bradford, N.H. Lois Virginia Boien, 3424 Poppleton Ave., Oaaha, Nebr. Dorothy Condon, 2816 S. Grand, St. Louis, Mo. R ita Ann Bondy, 1921 1st Ave., S. Apt. 7-B, Minneapolis, l&rgaret M. Condon, 2841 Hazel C t., Denver, Colo. Minn. Erlyne Conel, 6948 S. Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. HBlen L. Boudreau, 303 Manor Rd., Douglaston, L . I . , N.Y. Ruth Staddon Congram, Rt. #3, M onticello, Indiana Joanne E. Bcwer, 85 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, Ohio Mildred S. Constantine, 817| W. 40th P I., Los Angeles, Calif. Agnes Bass Boyles, 3320 Mountain, E l Paso, Texas. Jean Adams Cook, Nantucket A irport, Memorial A ir fie ld , Louise Jane Brand, 135 E. 56th S t ., New York C ity , N.Y. Nantucket Island, la ss. A lice J. Brandt, 837j S. Glenwood, S p rin g field , 111. Leotta Cook, W illow & Sanders Rd., Northbrook, 111. Ethel KLund Brauns, 1566 S. Shore D r., E rie, Pa. Margaret Anne Cook, 357 E. F o o th ill, Azusa, C a lif. Bettie Lou Bray, 44C7 Ohio St., Longview, Wash. M arjorie Smith Cook, 330 Meadow S t ., M eadville, Pa. Elaine L. McAlister Brest, 340 E. 57th St., New York, N.Y. Nancy Anne Corrigan, Aviation Dept., Stephens C ollege, Katherine Mams Menges Brick, Brickaero, Blanche A ve., C oluni) ia , Mo. Norwood, N.J. Florence I . C ourtright, 823 N. Sheridan Rd., Peoria, 111. Ann Waring Fishburne Briscoe, 307 Viendo S t ., San Antonio, Myrtle Cox, Rural Rt. 3, Winchester, Ind. Texas Barbara June C radit, 1217 Hamlin P I. , Jackson, Mich. Eileen Ward Bristol, 43 W. 8th St., New York, N.Y. Marjory Virginia Cramp, 1605 St. Paul, Apt. 9, Denver, Colo. Mabel Barbour B ritton , 408 W. Forest A ve., Y p s ila n ti, Mich. Mardo Crane, 8617 Rindge Ave., Playa del Rey, Calif. P earl Fancher Brock, 1827 Laurel A ve., K noxville, Tenn. Anne M. Crathern, 32 Willard Ave., Worcester, Mass. Mary Elizabeth Brown, % The Redmond Spokesman, Redmond, Ore. Mary Creason, Little Fields, Spring Lake, Mich. V irgin ia Ruth Brown, 1647 A llis o n S t., Indianapolis, Ind. Miriam Blagden Crocker, Cyster Bay, L . I . , N. Y. Miriam Elaine Brugh, 2200 Wood, Oakland, C a lif. Selma K. Cronan, 435 W. 23rd S t ., New York, N.Y. Evelyn Stone Bryan, Box 667, Jefferson C ity , Tenn. Betty M. C u ll, Jennings S t., North Vernon, Ind. Bonnie A. Bryant, Stephens C ollege, Box 937, Columbia, Mo. Carolyn Lenore Cullen, Trade Wind Flying Service, P. 0. Dorothy Evans Bryant, McGrath, Alaska. Bax 1076, Oak B lu ffs , Mass. Faith F. Buchner, 2453 N. Central Park A ve., Chicago, 111. Ruth E. Anderson Curtman, 160 Riverside Dr., New York, N.Y. Relen Williamson Budwash, 14306 Hormal Ave., Riverdale A. Ann C utler, 1010 South S t ., Needham, Mass. Station, Chicago, 111. Lois Carroll Cutler, 7433 Ruskin Rd., Philadelphia, Pa. Leona Kathleen Bump, Bax 28, Newberg, Ctre. Virginia Dillon Cutter, 1524 San Carlos Dr., Albuquerque, Jessie W. Burack, 144 Wykagyl T e rr., New Rochelle, N.Y. N. M. Evelyn M. Burch, 2922 S. State, Salt Lake C ity , Utah Verna Burke, Bax 525, Coconut Grove, F la. Sh irley Duval d'Adrian, 3210 Brown S t., Alton, 111. Verna Burns, 1100 W. 7th S t., Fort Worth, Texas Edith M. Cragin Daley, 12 Sunnydale Rd., 17. Hartford, Conn. Mildred Dorothy Burt, 907 N. Lake Ave., Storm Lake, Iowa Margaret L. Dallgaard, 7117 Barrow St., Forest Hills, N.Y. Johanna Busse, 3100 Wise. Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. Vivian Dalton, Dalton Airport, P.O. Bax 401, Williams, ■“•“•Bonnie Jean B utler, 1664 Meadow S t ., P.O. Bax 84, Zanesville, C a lif. Ohio Wanda Daniel, Rt. #3, Bax 1L42B, Sacramento, C a lif. Wendy F. Byers, Stephens C ollege, Columbia, Mo. Halen B. Daniels, 2751 College Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Charlotte Elmina Darlington, R.R. #4 , Box 99, Anderson, Ind. A. Eleanor Davis, 3125 N. 8th St., Arlington, Va. Clair Callaghan, 3711 Yuma S t., N.W., Washington, D.C. ■Arlene Davis, 13410 lake A ve., Cleveland, Ohio — Viola Gentry Cameron, 514 E. 78th St., Apt. 96, New York, Broneta Davis, Minco, Okla. New York Clara B. Davis, 817 S. Parkview, Los Angeles, Calif. Loisella B. Card, 2501 Daisy Lane, Fort Worth, Texas Marjorie B. Davis, 118 W. 11th St., Apt. 10, New York, N.I. -Ruth E. Carle, 1204 E. Mansfield St., Bucyrus, Ohio fulianne Dearth, 381 Siebert S t ., Columbus, Ohio .— Catherine Carlsen, 6308 Winthrop Ave., Chicago, 111. Barbara H. De Beauford, Cadick Apts., Evansville, Ind. Junice Spaulding Carnan, Olstead, N.H. ffelen Ramsdell deBustamante, Paseo 452 Vedado, (fevana, Cuba Mildred Castle Carney, 3011 Lake Shore D r., Shreveport, La..«Jlary Ann Decker, Van Buren, Ohio Carrie Cubbedge Carson, Wilmington Island, R t.

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