7550 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1898. Railway No. 1. of Twickenham in the county of Middlesex, Situate partly in the parish of Isleworth commencing at a point on the Hampton- partly in the parish of Heston, and wholl; road in line with the centre line of Sixth in the urban district of Heston-Isleworth, in Cross-Road, passes in n, north-easterly the county of Middlesex, commencing, at a direction along the Hampton-road and The point about 200 feet west of the Hounslow Green, and terminates by a junction with Barracks Station of the Hounslow anc Railway No. 3 at a point in The Green Metropolitan Railway at the eastern about half way between Knowle-road and boundary of Vicarage Parm-laue, passing the London and South Western Railway along the Bath-road to the open spac< bridge over The Green. formed by the junction of the Bath-roac Dated this llth day of November, 1898. and Staines-road with the High-street For the Drake and Gorham Electric Power Hounslow; crossing this space to the wesl and Traction Company, Limited (Pro- of the drinking fountain, and passing into moters of the Order). and along Bell-road, part of Hanworth- ROBERT DAND, Secretary. road, through Lancers-road into and along ASHWELL, BROWNING, and TUT IN, 79, the Whitton-road (Hounslow) over the Queen-street, Cheapside, London, E.G., London and South Western Railway (Loop Solicitors. Line) Bridge close to the Hounslow and Whitton Station into the Hounslow-road, and terminating at a point where the In Parliament.—Session 1899. Hounslow-road is cut by the imaginary line forming the boundary line between the Watermen's and Lightermen's Acts Amendment. urban district of Twickenham and the urban (Altering Constitution cf Court; Qualification, district of Heston-Isleworth. This point is Election, Retirement, and Rotation of Mem- about 150 feet south of the junction of bers; Powers for Regulation of Craft; By- Whitton Deau with Hounslow-road, and is laws; Cancellation of By-laws; Repeal of marked by a boundary stone. Acts; Powers to Board of Trade.) Railway No. 2. "JVTOTICE is hereby given, that application is Wholly situate in the parish and urban dis- JL. 1 intended to be made to Parliament in the trict of Twickenham, in the county of Mid- ensuing Session for leave to bring in a Bill for dlesex, commencing by a junction with the following purposes (that is to say) :— Railway No. 1, at its termination, and To alter the constitution of the Court of passing along part of Hounslow-road, into Master Wardens and Assistants of the Waterr and along Kneller-road, to a point close to men's and Lightermen's Company (The Master Chase Bridge, where it leaves the road, and Wardens and Commonalty of Watermen and passing on to private property crosses the [lightermen of the River Thames), hereinafter New River Crane by a bridge to be built called the Company. south -of the existing bridge, thence into To make new provisions as to the qualifica ion and along the Whitton-road to its termina- of Members of the Court and to provido for the tion at the Old River Crane, which it crosses election thereof by the Freemeu of the Com- by a bridge, to be built partly on private pany. property, on the western side of the exist- To make new provisions as to Annual General ing bridge, known as Cole's Bridge. Enter- Meetings, the election of the Master and War- ing the London-road at a point about dens of the Company, retirement and rotation of about 75 feet to the south of the centre of Members of the Court, and election of Members Cole's Bridg'e, it follows the London-road >y Ballot Voting papers or otherwise. over the London and South Western Rail- To confer further powers with respect to the way (Windsor Line) Bridge close to Twick- regulation and manning of craft, for ensuring the enham Station, to the termination of the sanitary condition of craft, and for the provision London-road in King-street, where it is of gear and life-saving apparatus on craft; or to turned sharply to the east, passing into a authorise the Company or the Court to make and new street now in course of construction. snforce by-laws with reference to such matters It traverses the whole length of this new >y penalties or otherwise. street, passing thence into and along To make further provision with respect to the Richmond-road, past Marblehill and Cam- [ualification of Watermen and Lightermen and bridge-park to its termination at a point o regulate or limit the working of craft by ap- where Willoughby-road enters the Rich- prentices. mond-road. This point is close to the To cancel or alter any existing by-laws as to he election of Members of the Court. bottom of the incline which forms the A approach to Richmond-bridge, being about To confer powers on the Board of Trade for he settlement of any disputes relative to the 300 feet from the abutment on the Middlesex administration of the Company. side of the bridge. To repeal so much of the Act 7 and 8 Railway No. 3. George IV., chapter 75, and 22 and 23 Victoria, Situate wholly in the parish and urban district jhapter 133 (The Watermen's and Lightermen's of Twickenham in the county of Middlesex, Amendment Act, 1859) as may be necessary in commencing at a point in the Staines-road >rder to give effect to the objects and purposes opposite the eastern boundary of Fifth f the intended Act. Cross-road, runs eastward along the In the event of the said Bill being introduced Staines-road and The Green, under the nto Parliament as a private Bill, printed copies London and South Western Railway of the said Bill will be deposited in the Private (Kingston line) bridge, along Heath-road, Jill Office or the House of Commons on or before into and along King-street, terminating by he 21st day of December next. a junction with Railway No. 2 in King- Dated this 16th day of November, 1898. street opposite the King's Head Inn. j DYSON and Co., 9, Great George-street, Railway No. 4. ! Westminster, S.W:, Parliamentary Situate wholly in the parish and urban district Agents..
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