MANCHESTER’S STORES ANRBANKS OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT BEGINNING NET PRESS BUN THE WEATHER. P0rec«i« by O. •. WMtbW SoreftB. * AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION 5>cw a« T C » OP THE EVENING HERALD for the month of September, 1927 Showers tonight; Friday clew ^ g 5,040 and cooler. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. XLH., NO. 17. Classified adrertising on page 12 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1927. Seek High Officials As Remus Witnesses <?> TWAL Cabinet Member and Other SEEK RUSSIAN Defense Gets In Its First Members of Official Wash­ Machine That Thinks Licks at Teapot Dome ington to Testify In Boot­ WHO STABBED Has Been Invented Hearing— Attorneys Clash legger's Trial. D A N E ’S PAL Cambridge, Mass., Oot. = 20.—■A<^matically solve problems of advanc­ Frequently— Finney Ad­ “ thinking machine,” an electrical ed electrical theory rapidly and ac­ En Route from Atlanta, Ga., to Wife of American School device which thinks for itself, has curately. Washington, D. C., Oct. 20.— That been developed in the Department A technical description of the mits Fall Had Authority to official Washington will become en­ of Electrical Engineering of Massa­ new “ thinking machine” will be meshed in the Remus trial is the Principal Is Found Dead chusetts Institute of Technology. published by the Franklin Institute. Lease Oil Reserve. promise of Attorney Charles Els­ “ Into this mechanical mind can “ ■The product Intergraph might be ton and First Assistant County In French Love Cult Col­ be fed the conditions of a mathe­ called an adding machine carried to an extreme in its design,” said Pro­ matical problem too complex for Washington, Oct. 20.— The F'all- Prosecutor Carl E. Easier, who are the human brain to master, and it fessor Bosh. “ Where workers in the touring twenty states seeking evi­ ony— Was Musician. will promptly grind out the answer business world are ordinarily satis­ Sinclair defense got In Its first licks dence that will be used for and and write it down, as efficiently as a fied with addition, substractlon, today In efforts to clear ex-Sec^e- against George Remus, former The pmiling Harry Sinclair^ (right) , is pictured Photographers had a field day at the Fall-Sln- machine takes in lumber and chemi­ multiplication and division of num­ tary of Interior Albert B. Fall of “ King of the Bootleggers,” when he here with his mother, Mrs. Phoebe Sinclair, and his clair trial. Mr. and Mrs. Fall are the targets of cals and produces finished boxes of bers, the engineer deals with curves charges of leasing “ fraudulently Paris, Oct. 20.— A Russian friend this group, shown atithe entrance to the District of is tried in Cincinnati next month lawyer, Martin W. Littleton, at court in Washing-, matches,” read an astounding an­ and graphs which represent for him and secretly” .the Teapot Dome nav­ for the killing of his wife, Imogene was being sought by French police ton. Columbia courthouse. nouncement from technology today. the past, present add future of the Remus. today in connection with the mur­ The “ thinking machine” was in­ things in which he deals. al oil reserve to Harry F. Sinclair. A mdlnber of President Cool- der at Nice of Mrs. Horace Lord, of vented by Dr. Vannevar Bush, pro­ An announcement from the col­ The attempt was made through cross examination testimony of E. idge’s cabinet and many others Fali River, Mass. Jealousy was be­ fessor of electric power transmis­ lege said: high in the official life of Washing­ PRESIDENT ANGRY G. Finney, assistant secretary of lieved by police to have been the 3,000 Girls Under Five sion, and a staff of research work­ “ The Integraph, a device of elec­ ton are expected to testify. ers In eluding F. G. Kear, H. L. trical measurements, gears* and Interior. Finney had testified that The Cabinet member is Attorney motive. Hazen, H. R. Stewart and F. D. recording tales, is virtually a man­ he knew nothing of the lease until General John H. Sargent. Mrs. Lord, who was formerly Are Widows In Bombay OVER FESS SPEECH Gage. made brain which transcends hu­ after it had been executed by Fall In addition, Mrs. Mable Walker ivlarcelle Vernet, daughter of Count man reasoning and readily plots the and that Fall gave orders that no Its Name infornaation on the lease should be Gustave Vernet, was found stabbed It is called “ The Product Inte- answer to problems that cannot now given out. attorney general in charge of crim­ Bombay, India, Oct. 20.— Seven- ^social reforms, which will soon be graph.” Work was beg:un on it be solved by formal mathematics. It inal prosecution, Edgar T. Hoover, through the heart. Finney was turned over to She had been separated from her j ty-four thousand children under introduced in the Indian Legisla­ several years ago to meet the need George P. Hoover, Sinclair counsel, chief of the Department of Justice, husband for several years and had five years of age are married in the ture. These measures will deal with Administers Verbal Spank­ for. a machine which would auto» (Continued on page 8) Dr. E. L. Doran, in charge of the after brief direct examination by. achieved some fame as a violinist. Presidency of Bombay, according child marriage and child engage­ nation’s liQuor forces, former Pro­ Owen J. Roberts, of the government to statistics revealed here today. ments. ing to Ohioan For Saying staff. hibition Commissioner David H. Three thousand little girls of Although the English have in­ Blair, and many other minor offi­ LQVE CULT COLONY Fall Ma^’ Take Stand Boston, Oct. 20.— Horace Lord, that number are widows. The chil­ troduced many reforms in India, TO FREE CARROLL DUCE M AY SETTLE Before today’s session opened cials have been subpoenaed and are dren were engaged or actually mar­ they have never interfered with the expected to give important testi­ Boston school principal, declared He Would Rum Fall declared that he had not de­ mony. today that the murder of his wife ried under the Indian custom of custom of child marriages. The finitely decided whether he would in Nice, France, resulted from her mating young children. matter has been left to the Indians take the stand in his own defense. Elston’s Reasons The statistics were gathered in themselves to reform if they saw SOME TIME TODAY TROUBLE WITH POPE associations with a love cult col­ Washington, Oct. 20.— President He said yesterday he would go on According to Attorney Elston, support of thre^ bills for Indian fit. the stand and “ explain a lot of the purpose of taking depositions ony in Paris and her admiration for the late Isadora Duncan. Coolidge administered ^ a verbal things that haven’t been explained.” from Sargent and others in Wash­ spanking today to those of his He did not testify In the Fall-Do- ington is to have advantage of the Cable dispatches yesterday told of Mrs. Lord being found stabbed ardent supporters who have refus­ New York Showman to^Start After SO Years Vatican An­ heny conspiracy trial and his law­ information gathered by Tim Wii- yers do not want him to take the cox, agent in charge of the Detroit through the heart. PROSECUTES KLAN, WOMEN TO DEMAND ed to accept at its face value his Lord, son of a prominent Fall stand here. office of the Department of Justice famous “ I do not choose to run” an­ At Once For New York nounces Its Terms to the Finney’s testimony started off during the government’s investiga­ River family and principal of the Industrial School for Crippled and nouncement. with a drab recital of general leas­ tion of the activities of Franklin L. SEE A mmm SHOWDOWN ON LAW ing laws, and the jury became rest­ Dodge, Jr., former ace of the De­ Deformed Children, wept when in­ It was delivered through Senar With Family. Itakan Stale. formed of the tragic death of his less. They paid but scant attention partment of Justice, and Imogene tor Simeon Pess, Republican' of to Hoover and Finney and seemed Remus. wife and when he told of his belief Ohio, ' who has been one of the of the circumstances which might more intent in watching the two de­ Attorney Elston hopes to secure most vocal of the Coolidge partisans Atlanta, Ga., Oct 20.— Earl Car- Rome, Oct. 20.— Settlement of fendants. Fall, smiling, engaged have brought about her end. But Attomey-Gen. McCall of Over 10 Million Members to in whipping up sentiment to Jiave the acquittal of Remus if permitted the fifty-year old difference between for a time in an animated conver­ to use the information contained in Advices from France told of a the next Republican national con­ roll, New York sho'wman, will be sation with hiff-dawyers. He appear­ the Department of Justice records Russian who is under suspicion for vention draft, the. President. free today. - ~ the Vatican and the Italian state, ed in better spirits than on any the crime. -Lord declared his wife Alabama Could Not Stand „ Join hMoyemen^ as evidence. Gets Call Down After serving four months in At­ itrhfffirarose from the Pope’s loss of other day since the trial started. AlrfaTy^it 'Ti'as been' ck'S7grd~’l)FP'ad written him recently of silch a After a conference with Mr. lanta penitentiary on a perjury temporal power, took on definite ^nclair, mute, stern-faced,, fol­ George L. Remus from his murder­ It Longer So Resigns. Politicians Speak. Coolidge at the White House this lowed the proceedings closely. (Continued on page 8) charge, the producer will begin his possibility today as the result of a er’s cell in the Hamilton county morning, Pess emerged from the statement from a high prelate of­ The fepling between Roberts and jail that those responsible for the presidential office and said: first lap to the bright lights on fering the basis of an agreement.
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