Wolild Use Armed Congress in Sessioi^ Strength to Give To Resume Formosa Defense On Tair Deal’ Hopes Hoover and Taft pose United States News 'fidbits Assembly Today Almost Act to Protect Is- Called From (ff)- W ires New Weapons Globd Pension Plan Formality; Real Kick- ' land from Chinese Communists; Truman U. 8. toys it will hotify Russia To Be Tested Off for Second Ses-/ that attempts wre being, made to •ion Will Come To* Seen Opposed to Plan obtain further InformaUdn about Jtapanese war prisoners heM by morrow When Tmmmi Sovteta ..Israel Foreign Mlnteler In Mock War Washington, Jan, 8.-r(^ Moehe Sbarett says he does nbt Will TeU Ijiwmak- —Two Republican leaders— believe VN will take any action former I^sident Herbert to enforce U N Assembly’s resolu- 800^000 Men Fighting ers What He Expects tion to set up Intemattonal regime Them |o Accomplish Hoover and Senator Taft of to Jerusalem.. Strong Soviet Gigantic Land-Sefi-Air Ohio— ^want the U. S. to use movee In U N ~ Security Council armed strength if necessary against ^legations of Nationalist Battle in Caribbean Wahhington, Jan. 8.— to protect Formosa from the China an<r YugoslavU are expect- Will Use New Tactics — CongreRH, with one eye al- Chinese Communists. Their ed In UN circles. ready corked to next fall's strong proposals spotlighted Raplhg of elght-year-old Lynn, Norfolk, Va., Jan, 3—UPi—The elections, convened today fo r . the troubled China eltuatlon aa Uass., girl under drcumstances which have some simllsrlty to fa- 80,000 men flRhtinJr a gigantic its second^ round of battling lawmakers flocked back to Capl- lahd-sea-alr mock war In toe Car- over President Truman’s to^ hlU for the second session of tal sex attack on Lynn beauty eight years ago tanchea off IntM' the 81st Congress. _ Lt. Oeo. Sun Li-Jan (left fofegrehnd), commander of n iliw «e NatinnaHst forces on ircrmnna, watches, ibbean late ttila winter will use Fair Deal.” Today’s assem- slve inaah<mt....Ooaiiiierelalltod troops at automatic riflo tmlailig on the threaten Ad lidand. INrectl}’ behind the general Is I\ S. Sen weapons and tactics newly evolved bly was mostly a formality. WarkiBC on Now Strategy gambUng, says minois Gov. Adlal The admlnUtraUon is working ator WlUiam F. Knowland {IL, OallL), n-ho released Ibis ptetore on hU recent return from an Inspection since World war II. The real kick-oflf fo r the sec- E. Stevenson, Itaa been his ‘‘big- tour of the aren. (N E A telephoto), ~ - on new strategy aimed at check- gest headache" during his first The armed forces made public ond session o f the 81st Oongresa ing Communism In the Far Ekuit. year in office. .Sixth earthquake today tome of the details of "E x- will come tomorrow. That is when However. President Truman Is In six days causes windows to rat- ercise Portrex," the joint war Mr. Truman will tell toe lawmak- reported to be firm ly opposed to Ue and buildings to sway in Ma- Four Charges games of toa Army, Navy. Air ers what he expects from them. [sending American troops to the nila but results in no damage. Finns View Charges Force and Marine Corps during Tmmaa to Deliver Msasage I'defenas of Formosa. This does not Frbniary and March. Beginning about I P. M- (ea.t), Three leading British newspa- Albert S. Falk, abovs, a Mlane- nils out the possibUlty of supply- The joint chiefs of staff at spta paperhanger. Is waiting la toe president will deliver his stats' ing economic aid and advice to the pete express fesir that U. S. gov Face Maragon Washington had designated Ad- New York for the United Nattons of toe union address to a joint Chinese Nationalist defenders of emment's China policy might Electioneering Move miral W. H. P. Blandy, comman- to recoBvene ao he oaa submit Senate-House session. A lf major the island. strain farther Angto-Amerteaa co- der-ln-chlef of the Atlantic Beet, radio and televlaloa networks will Hoover—now the O. O. P.’s elder operation in foreign reiatlftm.... Indicted for Perjury by hit pensloa phw to gtvs every- to command . toe exercise. How- one In the worM ever 31 on In- carry toe speech. sUtssman—said the government U. 8. High Commissioner John J, ever, since then, the Navy has an- A t a White House meeting McCloy In Berlin Indirectly In- Federal Grand Jury; come at $38 to $38 a moato. Phlk should use American Naval power Polillcal Qrele, I D o C t O F F h CCS nounced Blandy will reUra about which ended shortly before Oon- if neosssary to save Formosa and vltea Rusaiaiis to make a "bona w ys be bcBevea hla ptoa will Lies Told to Probers Russian . Accusations j ^ ^ Feb. 1. His oueceasor, vice Admir- "cure the Werld’s eeoaoaale n gTfaa mot, Mr. Truman gave hla lesser Islands lying o ff the coast fide offei** toward uniting Ger- conkresslonal high command aa al W. M. Feebteter, therefore will other Ills.” ............... ........ o f . Cmmmmist-held China. many. .Informed source says Britr Timed to BoisieVi Jury Decision become the maneuver commander. advance look at toe message. Snggesta Three Point Program ain has plugged up pMsistent Washington, Jan. 3.—(F)—John Fecbteler will move up to tour- TTiey also went over his ecoaomlo drain on her fund o f American He BUggestod a three-point pro- Maragon, one-time mystery man Finnish Communists star rank when he becon*** message, which he wifi send to gram of U. 8. military defenae of doUara and adds that official an- who used to flit about Washing- lantlc fleet chief. toe Capitol Friday, and hla budg- nouncement will probably be made 21 Middle-Aged Men Coal Walkout tbs ialanda. no recognition for the ton flashing a White House pass, Helsinki, Finland, Jan. 3.— Must Expect Sub Attacks et message, due Mcmday. Chinese Communist government, Thun^y. Ml Indicted today on four <JP)— Finnish political circles Convene to Consider ' The latest developments In un- Express Enthnslsam and continued recognition and sup- Iran's underground Communist dersea warfare w ill undergo tests Rumors Upset Emerging from toe one hour port fo r Chiang Kai-Shek’s Na- Tudeh party laanciies massive charges of perjury^lylng while today viewed Russia’s grave Indictment in Death at toe very outset of toe war and five minute oonferenes, the tionalist forces now on Formosa. propaganda eampaiga timed to co- under oath to tell tha truth. charges of peace treaty viola- games. An "Invasion" by troops Democratic leaders expr sassd cn- Thsaa moves, he said, would incide with return of country’s A Federal grand Jury charged tions as timed to’ bolster aboard transports, with convoy o f Nntinn** Minitni Return I ^*»tosm over tos orsstdsnt’s ruler, the shah, from his official Manchester, N . H „ Jan. t-~UP)— build "a wall against Communism that he Ued to Senate investi- Finnish Communists in the warships, must expect submarine in the Pacific;" And ha added they visit to U. 8 ... New England-busl- A grand Jury of 31 middle aged as well as sir attacks as It heads gators about the sources of hla In- edming presidential election. To Work in Force To-ltoid rspoKers: would give "a t least a continued neas, experiencing decided Im- come and other details of his fi- men convened today to consider out from tots porL " I t looks like the country is in hope o f some time turning China provement in psychology, starts nancial affairs and employment The Soviet New Year’s day among other coses too quasUon of Tha Navy high command has day After Holiday j tty good shass—1~ 1n e v e r s a w I t hi the paths of freedom again." new year caaMrasljr epiUinlatle. Maragon, 54-year-oid Qreek- chairtSh that Finland is hav" Indicting a mlM-manner^ odimtry given first priority to submarine bettor shM^* Taft told reporters that both Well-lafonned sources eay U. S. Amcrican from Kansaa O ty, waa boring more than 300 Sovist war doctor fo r murder in toe “ mercy' warfare, both offensive and defen- rOthsn who Mt to am tha cell- TT. 8. Naval power and Air power ■stStaip and aooaomle aM wlB ge haled before the senators last criminals was the most serious sive, and In Exercise Portrex will BaOttin! terancs were 'Vtos P rmtdsnt Bark- should he used to defend Fwinoea Foiwiesa i f Natioiudlsta can tth of an Incurqbla woman cqn- PltWmrgh, Jan;, <FH- summer. They were investigating warning thla tiny Baltic country’ cer patient . have opportunitv to test both ita ley, Ssnats Democratic Lsader and prevent the spread o f Com- hold isfamd from Red Chlneae fo r new. secret equipment and tactics. t'nexplaliisd work etappagi s Lucas (111.) and House Dsmecmfc- "five per centers” —men who seek haa received from Ita huge neigh- Dr. Hermann N. Sander, 40, a munism In Asin. another six to eight weeks. More than ISO ships o f all kept at leaat 7JI08 Illinois «onl government business for others bor since the end o f the war. former Dartmouth college eki-esp, le Leader McCormack (Moss,). ■■swiaad Crittdssa PnUey types — carriers, a battleship, miners out o f the pits today 1)401 Abm it T a x M for a fee. Accused of Violating Treaty tain, le accuaed of injecting air in- Hoover gave his views In a Ist- cruisers, destroyers, submarines, but most sf the natloa’s 480,- Among rank-and-ftle leghriato^ ' They heard teatlmcmy that Russia has accused Finland of to toe veins of Mrs.
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