3,193,464 United States Patent Office Patented July 6, 1965 2 produces an exothermic chemical reaction. This heat 3,193,464 intensifies the sensitivity of the scalp to the peroxide HYDROGEN PEROXDE HAR BLEACHING free alkali, etc. COMPOSITION AND METHOD Hair color consists of granular coloring such as black, Walter W. Edman, Port Washington, and Anne T. Sulli 5 which is easily bleached out, and diffused red coloring van, Hollis, N.Y., assignors to Sales Affilites, Inc., New which is more resistant to bleaching. Because of its re York, N.Y., a corporation of New York sistance, red tones are found in all but the higher stages No Drawing. Filed May 31, 1961, Ser. No. 113,605 of bleached hair. The shades and intensity of red in 5 Claims. (C. 167-88) the hair vary from individual to individual and even O on the same head. As the principal purpose of bleaching This invention relates to a novel hair bleaching com is to arrive at a blonde shade, these red tones produce position and particularly to a hair bleaching composi an undesirable color effect. They confer a highly arti tion that produces a more effective, more versatile and ficial-looking color to hair and impart a brassy tone to more comfortable bleaching action on the hair. blonde shades. Any red hue remaining in the hair inter Any process relating to the treatment of hair must take 5 feres with the color imparted by the hair toner, producing into account a tremendous number of variables; the an off-color. The presently marketed bleaches eliminate bleaching process is no exception. Hairs differ from the interfering red coloration by bleaching the hair fur head to head and even on the same head in natural ther. Thus the hair is bleached in excess, that is, to a color, texture, resistance to treatment, size (diameter), lighter blonde shade than that necessary for a particular condition, porosity, etc. 20 toner, just to remove a concomitant, interfering color. Bleaching, basically, is a process of removing the nat All bleaching damages the hair. Bleaches not only ural color from hair. Because of the virtually unlimited affect the color of the hair but also the hair fibre itself. variations of hair colors, bleaching per se, does not It is therefore preferable to limit the level of bleaching usually produce a uniform or aesthetically pleasing color to that which is necessary to achieve the desired end-color. in hair, nor will it produce a color tone other than that 25 Applicants' invention overcomes the disadvantages of inherent in the hair. For these reasons hair that has formation of off-color, uncomfortable bleaching, separate been bleached is subsequently treated with a hair "toner,' bleaches for particular degrees of bleaching, etc. a composition containing a hair dye which imparts the An object of applicants' invention is to provide a novel desired end-color to the bleached hair. method of bleaching hair and a novel hair bleach com The degree to which the natural color must be bleached 30 position that bleaches or strips the color from hair with from the hair is primarily determined by the desired end a maximum of comfort to the patron. color. The toners do not lighten the shade of hair to Another object is to provide a novel hair bleach corth any great extent; they impart their tone coloration to position that bleaches or strips the color from hair at hair pre-bleached to the basic blonde shade desired, e.g. lower temeprature than heretofore possible. pastel blonde color tone is achieved in hair pre-bleached 35 A further object is to provide a novel hair bleach to pale blonde not in hair pre-bleached only to a light composition that is more versatile than many presently brown. used bleach compositions. The hair colors desired by patrons vary from the mere A still further object is to provide a novel hair bleach highlighting of hair through to the palest blonde shade. composition that bleaches hair lighter than other bleach The bleaching compositions therefore must be capable 40 compositions. of producing mild bleaching, high bleaching and all de Another object is to provide a novel hair bleach com grees of bleaching in between. position that bleaches hair at a more rapid rate than other Some heads have virgin or untreated hair; others have bleaches. bleached and/or dyed hair. If the patron desires to alter A further object is to provide a novel hair bleach the color of her pre-treated hair, the dye color is usually 45 composition that eliminates the red tones in bleached hair stripped from the hair by a strong bleaching composi more efficiently and effectively with less hair damage than tion. Many problems relating to bleaching virgin hair heretofore possible. also apply to this type of bleaching or stripping of hair, Other objects and advantages will be set forth herein therefore both hair conditions are treated as one, unless or will be obvious herefrom or may be learned by prac otherwise stated herein. 50 tice with the invention. An entire head of hair may be bleached or only por Applicants' invention consists of a novel bleaching tions thereof, i.e. new growth of hair, streaking or tipping composition containing a novel bleach and a novel bleach tresses of hair. accelerator or booster. Applicants' novel bleaching com In the present art of hair bleaching, there are some position contains a drabbing agent and a coolant. A bleaches formulated solely for mild bleaching, others 55 "drabbing agent' is one that eliminates undesirable warm only for high bleaching and some products offered for tones which occur during the bleaching of hair. A the accomplishment of the entire range of bleaching. "coolant' is an agent that produces a lower solution Each type has certain disadvantages. temperature in the bleach. The limitations of a mild bleaching agent are obvious, The bleach is a combination of bleach base and hydro namely, that it is incapable of producing a high degree 60 gen peroxide in the ratio of about 2 parts of peroxide of bleach within a reasonable length of time. The high to each part of base. The peroxide, usually 20 volume, bleach products "burn' the scalp. In the high bleaching bleaches hair most effectively in an alkaline medium. Many alkaline materials have been used, but ammonia products the high concentration of active ingredients in is the most effective reagent for activating the peroxide. contact with the scalp causes considerable discomfort to Applicants' bleach base is comprised of the combination the patron, in some cases, a biting, stinging, burning of liquid soaps, such as ammonium oleate, laurate and sensation which may be so intolerable that the patron's Stearate; hair conditioners, such as propylene glycol, hair must be bleached in several sittings rather than at glycerine, etc.; soap solubilizers, such as the lower alco one time. This is undesirable from the standpoint of the hols; and thickening agents, such as fatty acid amides and patron and the operator. The more versatile bleaches 70 amines; NH4OH in quantity sufficient to neutralize the on the market also encouter the irritation problem from fatty acid and to provide an excess of free ammonia from high bleaching action. The combination of the reagents about 2% to about 1.2% to activate the bleaching ac 3,193,464 3 4. tions and to adjust the pH to a range of from about pH agents and as a humectant in the bleach composition to 9 to about pH 9.7; a heavy metal sequestering agent such prevent undesirable drying during the bleaching process. as, salts of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid and poly Upon the addition of applicants' booster to their bleach, phosphates; and a metal complex azo dye drabbing agent. there is an immediate drop in temperature; the resulting Upon the addition of the peroxide to applicants' bleach temperature of the bleaching composition is below room base, the viscosity of the liquid base is substantially in temperature. As a consequence the active ingredients of creased, virtually to the point of a gel. the composition are in contact with the scalp at a lower While the bleaching action is independent of the con temperature, which abates the occasion of irritation. One sistency of the composition, it is difficult, in practice, for would expect a bleaching composition at a lower temper an operator to control the application of water-thin bleach, O ature to react at a slower rate, however, surprisingly ap particularly when only portions of the hair are to be plicants' novel composition has a faster bleaching action. lightened. The preferred consistency is one sufficient to The following examples are given to illustrate appli maintain its applied locale without running, dripping or cants' bleach base and bleach booster. creeping. Bleach base Metal-complex azo dyes are well known. Basically, 5 they are polyvalent metal containing azo dyes in which Percent two molecules of dye are complexed with one metal atom NH4OH (28% conc.) ------------------------- 9 (2:1 complexes). These type of dyes have been de Propylene glycol ---------------------------- 15 scribed in various patents and articles, for example U.S. Oleic acid ---------------------------------- 40 Patents Nos. 2551,056, 2,730,522, 2,817,655 and G. Shet 20 Stearyl amine ------------------------------- 20 ty's article in J. Soc. Dyers Col. 71, 705-724, 1955. Isopropanol --------------------------------- 15 Presently there are several such dye products marketed by Iragalan Grey BL ---------------------------- 0.1 various companies, e.g. Du Pont's Capracyl, Ciba's Sodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate ------------ 0.55 Cibalan, Geigy's Irgalan, etc. Bleach booster Applicants have found that the presence of the blue 25 shades of such dyes will produce the desired drab on the Ammonium persulfate ------------------------ 14 hair; however, the duller blue shades produce optimum Sodium metasilicate ------------------------- 14 drabbing coloration.
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