1912. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. Also, resolution by Rhode Island State Grange, advocating SENATE. the passage of the parcel-post bill (H. R. 14); to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. THUESDAY, January 11, 191g. Also, resolution by the Rhode Island State Grange, advocat­ The Senate met at 2 o'clock p. m. ing the passage of House bill 12311, providing for the inspec­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. IDysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. tion of nursery stock imported from foreign countries; to the The Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday last was read and Committee on Agriculture. · approved. By Mr. PARRAN: Papers to accompany House bill 15753, DISPOSITION OF USELESS PA.PERS. granting an increase of pension to John T. Stansbury; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Cha.ir lays before the Senate a Also, papers to accompany bill for the relief of James Lyons communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmit­ (H. R. 14421); to the Committee on :Military Affairs. ting, pursuant to law, schedules of papers, documents, and so Also, papers to accompany bill for the relief of Frederick forth, on the files of the Treasury Department and in various A. Holden (H. R. 17412); to the Committee on War Claims. customs ports, which are not needed in the transaction of public business and have no permanent value or historical interest. Also, papers to accompany bill for the relief of Joseph B. The communication and accompanying papers will be referred Girault (H. n. 14422) ; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. to the Joint Select Committee on the Disposition of Useless .Also, papers in support of House bill 17415, to appoint Wil­ Papers in the Executive Departments. The Chair appoints as bur F. Cogswell an assistant engineer in the Navy and place the committee on the part of the Senate the Senator -from him on the retired list; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Arkansas [Mr. CLARKE] and the Senator from New Hampshire By l\fr. PICKETT: Petition of S. W. Klaus, of Earlville, [Mr. BURNHAM]. and C. E. Thompson, of Whitten, Iowa, protesting against parcel The Secretary will notify the House of Representatives of tl1e post; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. appointment of the committee on the part of the Senate. Also, petition of Douglas Smith and 82 other citizens, of Cedar Falls, Iowa, in support of House bill 13114, old-age FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. pension bill; to the Committee on Pensions. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following By Mr. RAKER: Petition of citizens of California, favoring communications from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, Representative BERGER'S old-age pension bill; to the Committee transmitting ~ertified copies of the findings of fact and conclu­ on Pensions. sions of law filed by the court in the following causes: Also, resolutions adopted at mass :r;neeting of citizens held at W. H. Gilbert, administrator of estate of Samuel L. Gilbert, San Jose, Cal., indorsing the work of the National League for deceased, v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 248) ; Medical Freedom ; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Julia S. Weeks, administratrix of the estate of Capt. Harri­ Commerce. .son S. Weeks, deceased, v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 247); Also, petition of San Francisco Labor Council, protesting B. H. Chesher, administrator of the estate of W. G. Chesher, against Smoot printing bill (S. 2564); to the Committee on deceased, v. The United States (S. Doc. No. 24G); and Printing. John Fisher, administrator of Henry Bauman, deceased, v. Also, papers to accompany House bill 5767, for the relief of The United States (S. Doc. No. 245) . Lieut. Col. Ormand l\f. Lissak; to the Committee on Claims. The foregoing findings were, with the accompanying papers, Also, petition of A. Sbarbara, a citizen of California, favoring referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. restoration of the Army canteen; to the Committee on Military PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS . .Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT presented a memorial of the United By Mr. REILLY: Ilesolutions of the Portsmouth (N. H.) Brotherhood of Carpenters of Hoquiam, Wash., and a memorial City Council, against the abolishment of Portsmouth-Kittery of Local Union No. 148, International Brotherhood of Book­ Navy Yard; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. binders, of Grand Forks, N. Dak., remonstrating against the By: Mr. STONE: Petition of citizens of Illinois, protesting proposed abolishment of the hand-roller process of manufac­ against the passage of House bill 8887; to the Committee on turing paper currency, which were referred to the Committee :Ways and Means. on Printing. Also, petitions of citizens of Illinois, urging that the duties on He ali:io presented a petition of sundry citizens of Aurora, Ill., raw and refined sugars be reduced; to the Committee on Ways praying for the enactment of legislation granting service pen­ and Means. sions to certain defined veterans of the Cil"il War and the War Also, petition of citizens of Illinois, in favor of old-age pen­ with Mexico, which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. sions; to the Committee on Pensions. He also presented memorials of sundry Seventh-day .Ad"\'ent­ Also, memorial of Princeton (Ill.) Seventh-day Adventist ist Churches of Quincy, l\fass., and Decatur, Nebr., remonstrat­ Church, against the passage of House bill 9433; to the Commit­ ing against the enactment of legislation compelling the observ­ tee on the Post Office and Post Roads. ance of Sunday as a day of rest in the District of Columbia, By l\Ir. STEDMAN: Memorial of mass meeting at Centenary which were ordered to lie on the table. Methodist Episcopal Church South, of Greensboro, N. C., for the He also presented memorials of sundry citizens of Kellerman, passage of the Kenyon-Sheppard interstate liquor bill; to the Ala.; Bennington, Okla.; and Seattle, Wash., remonst rating Committee on the· Judiciary. against the extension of the parcel-post system beyond its By Mr. SULLOWAY: Resolutions of the City Council of present limitations, which were referred to the Committee on Portsmouth, N. H., protesting against the proposed abandon­ Post Offices and Post Roads. ment of the Portsmouth Navy Yard; to the Committee on Mr. CULLOM presented petitions of sundry citizens of Illinois, Naval Affairs. Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Indiana, and Massa­ By Mr. SULZER: Memorial of United Master Butchers of chusetts, praying for the ratification of the proposed treaties America, for the passage of House bill 14112; to the Committee of arbitration between the United States, Great Britain, and on Agriculture. France, which were ordered to lie on the table. Also, petition of Neptune Association of New York, N. Y., for He also presented a petition of E. D. Kittoe Post, No. u02, the passage of House bill 14102, etc. ; to the Committee on Department of Illinois, Grand Army of the Republic, of Galena, Ways and l\Icans. Ill., praying for the passage of the so-called dollar-a-day pension Also, petitions of the Thread Agency and A. Jaeckel & Co., of bill. which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. New York, urging that the corporation excise-tax law be He also presented a memorial of the congregation of the amended; to the Committee on Ways and l\feans. Seventh-day Adventist Church, of Princeton, Ill., remonstrat­ Also, memorial of a German society of Chicago, Ill., in favor ing against the enactment of legislation compelling the observ­ of House resolution 166; to the Committee on Immigration ance of Sunday as a day of rest in the Dish·ict of Columbia, and Naturalization. which was ordered to lie on the table. By Mr. WILLIS : Papers to accompany House bill 3000, l\fr. GALLINGER presented petitions of sundry citizens of granting an increase of pension to Samuel A. Moore; to the Milford, of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Dover, Committee on Invalid Pensions. of sundry citizens of Nashua, and of members of the Fort­ Also, petition of Carl Swartz and five other citizens of Ken­ nightly Club of Keene, all in the State of New Hampshire, ton, Ohio, against the enactment of any legislation for the praying for the ratification of the proposed treaties of arbitra­ extension of the parcel-post service; to the Committee on the tion between the United States, Great Britain, and France, I>ost Office and Post Roads. which were ordered to lie on the table. By Mr. WILSON of New York: Resolutions of Unity Repub­ He also p1·esented a memorial of the Rhode Island A \enue lican Club, of Brooklyn, N. Y., protesting against the removal Suburban Citizens' Association, of the District of Columbia, of the navy yard from Brooklyn; to the Committee on Naval . remonstrating against the enactment of legislation providing Affairs. that all the expenses of the public ut~lities commission shall 836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE. JANUARY 11, be paid out of the revenues of the District of Columbia, which 0®.gregational Chm•ch, <Of Auburn; the Monthly Meeting of was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Fx1ends of South Dur.ham; the Congregational Church of Mr. BURTON presented a petition of the Chamber of Com­ Bethel; the Baptist Church of Damariscotta; the Protestant merce ancl Manufacturers' Club of Buffalo, N. Y., praying for Churclles of Kennebunk; the Protestant Churches of South the ratification of the proposed treaties of arbitration between Gardiner and Randolph; the State Street Congregational the United States, Great Britain, and France, which was Church, of Portland; the Oongregational Church of Bafh ·1 the ordered to lie on the table.
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