ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2016, 12(5): 15—27 doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/scine12.05.015 Khimich, O.M., Molchanov, I.M., Mova, V.І., Nikolaichuk, О.O., Popov, O.V., Chistjakova, Т.V., Jakovlev, M.F., Tulchinsky, V.G., and Yushchenko, R.А. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, the NAS of Ukraine, 40, Glushkov Av., Кyiv, 03187, Ukraine, tel.: +38 (044) 526-60-88, fax: +38 (044) 526-41-78 INTELLECTUAL PERSONAL SUPERCOMPUTER FOR SOLVING R&D PROBLEMS New Ukrainian intelligent personal supercomputer of hybrid architecture «Inparcom-pg» has been developed for mod- eling in defense industry, engineering, construction, etc. Intelligent software for automated analysis and numeric solution of computational problems with approximate data has been developed. It has been used for implementation of simulation applications in construction, welding, and underground filtration. Keywords: modeling, simulation, intelligent computer, hybrid architecture, computational mathematics, and approxi- mate data. Mathematical modeling and associated com- computer capabilities despite the multi-core pro- puter experiment is currently among the main cessors. GPGPU technology (from General-Pur- tools for studying various natural phenomena pose Graphic Processing Units) meets the de- and processes in society, economy, science and mand of accelerating calculations on multi-core technology. Simulation significantly reduces the computers for big numbers of similar arithmetic development time and cost of new objects in en- operations. It means general purpose computing ergy and resource-saving. It increases efficiency on video cards. of real test planning and makes it possible to con- The approach has bumped the development of sider several variants to select the best. specialized graphic processors. They implement Nowadays the computer performance growth the SIMD parallel computing architecture. SIMD is achieved due to parallel calculations based on means the architecture with single command use of multiple processor devices and multi-core stream and multiple streams of data. The short- processors. In late 2014, Intel announced a pro- term future of high-performance computing hard- cessor series with the number of cores varying ware seems to be related to the hybrid systems from 4 to 18, and then in early 2016, from 4 to 22. combining MIMD and SIMD architectures toge- Note the processors implement MIMD-archi- ther, such as multi-core computers with GPGPU tecture (the architecture with multiple streams accelerators. of both commands and data). At the same time, the requirements for high-performance comput- MOTIVATION FOR THE PERSONAL INTELLIGENT ing are far ahead of the conventional parallel SUPERCOMPUTER DEVELOPMENT Application of the latest GPGPUs makes it © KHIMICH, O.M., MOLCHANOV, I.M., MOVA, V.І., possible to achieve up to 2.62 TFLOPS of double NIKOLAICHUK, О.O., POPOV, O.V., CHISTJAKOVA, Т.V., JAKOVLEV, M.F., TULCHINSKY, V.G., precision calculations in a usual computer system and YUSHCHENKO, R.А., 2016 unit. This is a big incentive to implement a «per- 15 Khimich, O.M., Molchanov, I.M., Mova, V.І., et al. sonal supercomputer» for high performance com- of Ukraine together with Electronmash have de- puting of individual use. veloped a concept and an experimental model of Under conditions of fundamentally new 3D «Inparcom-pg» personal intelligent supercom- models, transition from the by unit computer puter of hybrid architecture for solving the scien- modeling to the whole product simulation and tific and engineering problems. complete optimization the significant improve- ment of the modeling and design quality is pos- CONCEPT OF PERSONAL sible in defense industry, engineering, construc- INTELLIGENT SUPERCOMPUTER tion, etc. The innovation of the personal intelligent su- A character feature of application mathemati- percomputer development and use consists in cal models is the need to account their input da- implementation of three major modeling para- ta inaccuracy together with the model equations digms: computational mathematics, high-perfor- [1—4]. A numeric simulation key issue which mance computing and intelligent software. The accumulates the impact of all other factors is the paradigm implementation makes it possible to computer solution validity. The issue presence shift the work on formulating and solving prob- and importance is supported even by the fact of lems from the user toward computer in compari- NAFEMS (National Agency Finite Element Me- son with traditional computer technologies, to thods and Standards, UK) groups working over reduce the applications development time need- twenty years in 30 countries to ensure reliabi- ed to solve scientific and technological problems, lity and safety of the engineering calculations and to improve the quality of computer solu- based on finite element method and related tech- tions [10]. niques. Computer models of application problems al- For parallel computers, the above mentioned ways contain inaccuracy in input data. However, issue is supplemented by the demand for ac- the vast majority of existing software used in ap- counting the computer architecture and techni- plication problem studying implicitly assumes cal parameters, prediction of the optimal num- the initial data be precise. The characteristic of ber of processes, planning data distribution among computer models with approximate data are a processes, implementation of synchronization of priori unknown mathematical features. Within a calculations and data exchanges, etc. [5—7]. So given level of inaccuracy one can find both con- the development of parallel algorithms and appli- sistent and inconsistent problems, both well-po- cation programs requires much time, and their sed and ill-posed ones, both well-conditioned and successful usage depends on a specific high qua- ill-conditioned ones. In this context a computer lification of users. The issues of obtaining reli- problem which is eventually solved is always an able computer solution, of decreasing the time approximation of the original problem (because spend for scientific or engineering problem de- of the inherited input data inaccuracy and/or scription can be solved by intelligent computers sampling error and/or numeric representation [8—10] through involvement of the computers error) [1, 5, 7]. to studying the model features and generating The situation is strongly complicated by the the parallel programs. fact that big mathematical difference between the As a part of the innovative R&D project «Deve- matrices of complete and incomplete rank exists lopment of Hardware-Software System Based on only in the ideal world of mathematical real num- the Personal Intelligent Supercomputer of Hy- bers. Since computer operations on the matrices brid Architecture for Mathematical Modeling in are executed with rounding-off, the difference Defense, Engineering, and Construction Indus- becomes uncertain. Thus, an invertible matrix tries» Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS can become degenerate in a computer. On the 16 ISSN 2409-9066. Sci. innov. 2016, 12(5) Intellectual Personal Supercomputer for Solving R&D Problems other hand, a degenerate matrix is likely to be computing virtualization with generic support turned into a close non-degenerate one due to the of multiple operational systems, system moni- rounding errors. toring, connection to grid infrastructure. Analysis of computer arithmetic implementa- High performance of intelligent supercompu- tion has shown its difference from the conven- ter packed in a personal computer case (up to 3— tional arithmetic. It is related both to the round- 9 TFLOPS) is achieved by combining software ed representation of real numbers itself and to and hardware dense computing tools, the intelli- the simulation of associative low, of distributive gent computational problem solver and the appli- low, of commutative low, and so on for the arith- cation software virtualization. Besides, for analy- metic operations. I. e., the mathematical axioma- sis and solution of basic computational mathe- tic of computing differs from the computer arith- matic problems with approximate data including metic axiomatic. those for sparse data structures performance is The issue resolving implies detection of the com- increased through use of intelligent and specia- puter problem features and generation of machine lized algorithms. Intelligent personal supercom- algorithm to obtain an approximate solution of puters occupy a niche between supercomputers the mathematical problem regardless of its well- and modern personal computers. posed or ill-posed, well-conditioned or ill-condi- The experimental model of «Inparcom-pg» in- tioned nature. telligent personal supercomputer implements the Therefore, for each class of mathematical prob- above concept. lems with approximate data discussed further a software toolkit to study the computer model ARCHITECTURE AND EQUIPMENT mathematical features and to solve the problem OF INTELLIGENT PERSONAL SUPERCOMPUTER has been developed. It selects the best fitted «Inparcom-pg» personal supercomputer is the computer algorithm and adjusts its parameters next step in development of «Inparcom» family according to the computer parameters and ar- of intelligent workstations designed by Glushkov chitecture. Finally it estimates the results vali- Institute of Cybernetics in cooperation with dity [3, 7]. Elec tronmash in 2005—2012. The architecture Thus, the main conceptual principles of the has shifted toward higher calculation density intelligent hybrid
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