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"Characterization of Endothelin-Binding Sites in Human "Endothelin Concentrations in Patients with Aneurysmal Skin and Their Regulation in Primary Raynauds-Phenom Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-Correlation with Cerebral enon and Systemic-Sclerosis' Knock G. A., et al. Journal of Vasospasm, Delayed Ischemic Neurological Deficits, and Investigative Dermatology, vol. 101, No. 1, (Jul. 1993), pp. Volume of Hematoma' Seifert V., et al. Journal of Neuro 73-78. surgery, vol. 82, No. 1, (Jan. 1995), pp.55-62. 5,565,485 1 2 BPHENYL COMPOUNDS USEFUL OR muscle cells which would suggest a possible relevance to ENDOTHELIN ANTAGONSTS arterial hypertrophy.' Endothelin receptors are present in high concentration in RELATED APPLICATIONS the peripheral tissues and also in the central nervous system, 5 and cerebral administration of endothelin has been shown to The present application is a continuation in part applica induce behavioral changes in animals, suggesting that endot tion of Case 18893IB, U.S.
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