17. 1948 .. GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITYI' It's going to be another on'e of those days. The owan weatherman says it will be generally fair, warm: and humid. The same goes for toft1orrow. Iowa City. Iowa. Friday. June 2B-Five Cents , * * * * * * * * * -. Wallace to Speak Here .Tonight O'Daniel and Filibuster Ammunition 8·Hour Talk , = .. Union Campus Big. Four Foreign 'Ministers Agree to Cede House-Vole Fails 10 Kill OPA Measure Site of Talk h:~~~::~:n:.~ "~:~~~~~~:n~~~g ~~:e~~ Slams Russia foreign ministers agreed yester- in allied countries and agreed with Texan Yield, Ftoor day to give the strategic Italian- the other ministers to limit the Bans American Relief To Permit Agr.. ment 1 Commerce Secretary owned Dodecanese islands to Bulgarian navy to 7,250 tons 'C';' Greece, and the Tenpa and Briga No agreement was reported in To Nations Censoring On Debate Limitation : To Lead Round Table J'egions on the lo"ranco-IfaHan bOf- the key issue of Trieste, freedom Press on UNRRA der to France, an American in- of navigation of the Danube, 01' Discussion Tomorrow formant said last night. other major issues at stake as the WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States Secretary of State conference's sell-imposed Ftiday house voted yesterday to bar Seer tary of Commerce Henry James F. Byrnes was so pleased dEadline for work on the Italian American relief through UNRRA A. Wallace will speak on "Our over the progress made at the and Balkan peace treaties neared. to any nation censoring press ac­ Good N ighbor' Policy" tonight fruitful three-hour session that he The decision to give the Dode­ counts ot its distribution-mean­ at 8 :15 on th south Union said 'I'll need a couple of minutes canese islands to Greece carried ing Russia. campus. The place of the ad­ to catch my breath and recovel' the provision that they be demil­ '·The time has come to quit ap­ from the shock," a British source itarized, the American inIormant peasing," declared Rep. Dirksen dr s bas been changed from (R, ill.) who sponsored the provi­ the steps of Old apitol to ac­ reported. said. The agreement to give the A British authority ~Did he did Tenda and Briga regions to France sion. comodate a larger audience. C)ot believe it would bl: possible carried the stipulation that Italy Chairman Cannon (D" Mo.) ot l::leeretary Wallace's address to hold a European peace cilnfer- would continue to receive elec­ the appropriations committee as­ will b a highlight of the 1ntcr­ ence in July, as sought by the tricity from hydro-electric plants serted on the other hand that "the American affairs conference Americans, but .!.'perhaps later in in the valleys blood of a million boys" might be the summer." Agreement 'was reaChed, how- shed "U we proceed to gratUitously which started here last night. insult a friendly nation." He will speak again tomorrow at In yesterday's session Soviet ever, on a clause oblging Romania Foreign Minister V. M . Moiotov to restore United Nations prop­ Despite administration opposi­ 9 a. m. when he will lead a round tion, the house adopted the amend­ table diEcussion ot Inter-American also accepted a United States pro- erty rights seized during the war. ment bv a 154 to 53 standing (000- affairs. This session will be held record) vote. It is subject to a The move apPareau, u· in the senate chamber 01 Old record vote today when the house nreeI a final vote on the O"A Capitol. acts finally on the bili to which ntenaIoll bill today. Th Mn­ Wallace, a native ot Iowa, firsl! UN Mexican Atom Bomb Test it was attached. The senate has lte reet at J :10 I. Dl.utll gained public' attention in 1932 May Be Postponed yet to conSider the bill. 11 thiIJ momlnc, and few ltD- wh n he was appOinted secretary The m all,ure carries $465,000,- of agriculture in the late Presi­ Until'47 000 for UNRRA, along with $261,- :otor;o ~uc~d::.~.anJ' D~~-::~ ~ dent Franklin D. Roosevelt's cab­ Delegate Hits 571,909 for various other pur­ lInder tb 111' ement, can bav. inet. He set up the original AAA, ABOARD U. S. S. APPALA­ poses. There was no indication how another hour If h wanta U. giving the government power to much of the amount might be control crops. His purpose was CHIAN (AP).-:!Like catching the slated for UNRRA relief to Russia. O'Daniel, a hu ky form r flout to improve farm prices and in­ Veto Abuse photo finish of a close ' race, a Latest reports show UNRRA bud­ * * * sal sman, had b n on hi, teet come, device will measure the speed ot get commitments of $189,000.000 only a coupl of hours when he AI Roosevelt's request, Wal­ NEW YORK (AP)-Dr, Fran- the shock wave set 'up when the to the Ukraine and $61,000,01)0 to lace was nominated and elec­ Byelorussia, while actuai aid given cone d d h ould not talk the cisco Castillo Najera, president of atomic bomb explodes. It is one SEN. W. LEE "PAPPY" O'DANJEL (D· Texas) flourishes S001e at the pal,ers and documents he took with ted. vlce-presideDt ID 194.0_ In to those countries through April bill to deaUI without help. To him Into the senate for his one·man filibuster llJr3lnst OPA whlrh .. nded last nlrhl after elrh! hOUri and do 80, h would have had to hold thla office it was hls desire to the United Nations security coun! of a number of ingenious devices 30 was $58.,000)000 I1nd $24,000,000 18 minutes. The bulky senator had hopl'd to prolanI:' III tlllklltlioll wlfil Inldlllrbl Sunday when OPA on until mldnllbt Sunday, wbto br~ the AmericlLJI. republics oil and foreign minister o{ Mex- for recorciing-eU.ots of ihe blasi. respectively: Dirksen sald 72 ·eents wouJd co out of existence. But when he saw he was not 1'0ln1 to ret any belp trom his fellow-lena lon, the preJlent law expires. and Canada closer ~er ico, last night described Russia's The explosion is scheduled for of every UNRRA dollar is fur­ be reluctanUy rellnqulsbed the noor late last nI r ll!. (AP WIREPHOTO) He kept hoplnl out loud for eeonomlcally and. s o c I a II y. repeated negatlve votes on the IMonday, July I, Bikini time (Sun­ nished by the United States. his Dirksen's amendment would aSllistance, but none w forth­ ThroUl'h eIfor.. the United Spanish question as "abuse cf the day, June 30, CST), but it was States lnaqurated procrams to prevent the money from being comin" ucept tor brief r plte. re-esta.bllsh rubber production Vf'to," lEarned today that unfavorable spent for relief in any country whll S nators Brldll (R., NH) in Solrth America. Castillo Najera, who exchanged weather if it continued into roid­ "which laiLs or refuses to permit and R d (R" Kas.) propounded the properly accredited represer:­ House Committee Passes questions. sharp words with Sovipt Delegate August, might cause postpolle­ Broad In connection with this pro­ Andrei A. Gromyko at Wednesday m nt of the first test until next tatives of the American press to LaDC'er KIlmOI' gram, Wallace visited Latin and night's stormy session, told re- enter, observe and report witbout South American nations. Th re wete rumon that Senr pnrters that the Spanish case "did year. censorship on the distribution and ator Langer (R., ND) WIll trylnl Secretary ot CODUlleree of not really Revisions Social Security merit" Gromyko's con- The shock wave, a wall of com- utilization of relief and rehabili­ Act 10 let plane reservations to Wuh· In 1944 Wallace was not re­ stant use of t he veto. pressed air, starts out from the tation supplies and services fur­ nominated for the vice-presiden­ Inlton to help carryon the fllht, "I have always opposed the bomb at a speed estimated at pos­ nished to such country." but he did not appear In Ume to cy, but became secretary of com­ WASHINGTON (AP) - Broad payrol~. veto power in essence," he said, An Associated Press dispatch and employers' ThiS would increase rellet for depen­ help O'Danl I, and was report.d merce. This post he still holds. sibly 1,500 miles an hour. It revisions of the SOCial security dent children. "but I am partlcularly opposed from Bedin yesterday reported tax on that dale will jump auto­ stU! In Ji'argo when the Iflllte He has published a number of slows down rapidly, but in the law, including a 50 percent boost For the aged and blind the bill to the abuse 01 the veto." that Marshall MacDu!fie, head oI matically to 2.5 against each if quit. books, dealing ,with agriculture Castillo Najel'a, who voted with first mile it twists steel and flat­ the UNRRA mission in the U­ in federal contributions for needy, would raise from $20, the pres­ and economic subjects. In "Sixty Russia, France and Poland for a tens all kinds of structures, kraine, said President Truman was aged and the blind, wel'~ op- congress does not aCt. ent maximum, to $30 a month the Refresh d by an occAsional swil M1U\on Jobs," published in 1945, worldwide diplomatic break with Scientists want to know about incorrect when he notified con­ proved yesterday by the house 2. BI nketlng over 2iO,CHI0 omount the aovernmenl will put 01 m lk, the Texan appear.d re­ he outlines his solution to the un­ the regime of Generalissimo Fran­ this speed at all possible dis­ gress that American correspon­ ways and means committee and maritime workers under jhe un­ up for state matching.
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