11-22 44th Rd Long Island City, NY www.false-flag.org [email protected] VIRGINIA LEE MONTGOMERY Born in Houston, TX and lives in TX Work s between T X and NY , USA EDUCATION 2016 Yale Universit y, Scul pture, MFA 2008 The Univ ersity of Texas at Aust in, BFA EXHIBITIO NS 2020 DREAM C OCOON, Hesse Flato w, New York, NY — SOLO up c om ing After Carolee, Curat or Anne tte DiMeo Carloz zi, Art pa ce , San Antonio, TX upcoming WITCH HUN T, Curato rs Alison Kar asyk & Jeppe Ugel vig, Kunsth al Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark upcoming Exquis ite Corp se of the Surrea l: Bring Your Own Beam er, Cu rator Mary Magsamen, Menil Collection, Houston, TX upcoming In Union, Re motely, The Sha ke r Museum, Mount Leb anon, N Y — upcoming VLM: SK Y LOOP , Lawndale Art Cente r, Houst on, TX — SOLO Oxford Film Festiv al, Expe rim ental Short Films, 2019, O xford, MI Virtual D ream Cen ter: P reC og Screening, Queens Muse um, Queens, NY BAIT BALL, Curated by Like A Little Disaster Gallery, Palazzo Sa n Giuseppe, Polignano a Mare, Italy 2019 HONEY MOON , Mi d night Mom ent at Times S quare, Times S quare A rt Alliance, New York, NY — SOLO PONY COC OON, False F lag Projects, Queens, NY — SOLO Screen Series: V irginia Le e Mont gomery , Curator Ka te W iener, New Museum, New York, NY — SOLO THE PONY HO TEL: VLM & Geor ge Minne, Mus eum Folk wang, Essen, Germany — SOLO An unb ound knot in the wind, Curator Alison Karasyk, Berrie Center, Ramapo, Mahwah, NJ CYFE ST12 Internati ona l: Perso nal Ident ity, Curator Victoria Ilyushkina, St. Petersburg, Russia Exchan ge Rate, Cur ator De nnis Nance, Galveston Arts Center, Galveston, TX The 2019 Film and Video Poetry Symposi um, Cinema Cosmos, Moscow, Russia Athens Inte rnati onal Film and V ideo Festival 2019, Athens, OH NYC Indepen dent F ilm Festival 2019, New York, NY New Orlea ns Film Fest ival, 2019, New Orleans, LA Moscow Sho rts, 20 19, Cosm os Cinema, Moscow, Russia Ann Arb or Film F estival - 57th Annual, Ann Arb o r, MI May Show: Looms, Sweetpass Sculptu re Park, Dallas, TX Vanishing Act , Hals ey McK ay Galle ry, East H amp ton, NY Proposition , H esse Flatow, New York, NY Positi ve Futur es, Orga nized by Chloé Rossetti & Lora ine Wible , Vox Populi, Philadelphia, PA Me aning Mak ing M a chin es, O rganized by Yolan dé Gouws, Mitte Media Festival, Berlin, Germany Towards the Last Unico rn, C urator Catarina Vaz, A rt Res earch M ap, 55SP , São Paulo, Brazil Cos mic Rays Film Fe stival, University of North Caro lina at C hapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 2018 The Socrates Annual, Socrate s Sculptu re Park 2018 , Curator J ess Wilcox, Socrates Sculptu re Park, LIC, Queens, NY An unb ound knot in the wind: A nna Betbeze, Louise Bou rgeois, Yo umna Chlala, V irginia Lee Montgome ry, David Wojna rowicz, Curator Alison Karasyk, CC S Bard, Hess el Museum of Art, Hudson, NY A kiss und er the tail , Cura ted by Loreta Lamar gese , Ar senal Co ntemporar y , New York, NY CRASH TES T: The Molecular Turn, Curator Nic olas Bou rriaud, La Panacée, Cen tre d'art contempor ain, Montpellier, France OPEN MIN D: Selva Apa ricio & V irginia Lee Montg omery, CRUS H, New York, NY — 2 PERSON SHOW Sometimes however, Curators Arlene Berceliot Courtin and Thibault Vanco, FURIOSA, Marseille, France The 2018 Film and Video Poetry Symposium, The Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles, CA Personal Identity, Curator Victoria Ilyushkina, Made In New York Media Center, Brooklyn, NY Dangerous Professors, Curator Ruslana Lichtzier, Flatland Gallery, Houston, TX Out There, Organized by Bianca Boragi, 254 Broome Street, New York, NY MOONMIST: Alex Goss, Ryan Hawk, Shana Hoehn, Yue Nakayama, Virginia Lee Montgomery, Moonmist, Houston, TX 11-22 44th Rd Long Island City, NY www.false-flag.org [email protected] 2017 PORTAL, Particle Accelerator Memorial Project, Wright Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, CT — SOLO In Practice: Material Deviance, Curator Alexis Wilkinson, SculptureCenter, Long Island City, NY Redirecting: Sam Ekwurtzel, Bill Jenkins, Virginia Lee Montgomery, Em Rooney, Valerie Snobeck, Simone Subal, NY, NY Screening, Curator Kiyoto Koseki, Harvard Film Archive, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA VIRGINIA LEE MONTGOMERY: BEYOND MEANS, Plymouth Rock, Zürich, Switzerland — SOLO Freshly Painted Beige Walls, July, Video! Video! Zine, LVL3 Gallery, Chicago, IL Twenty/20!, Edward Cella Gallery, Edward Cella Art + Architecture, Los Angeles, CA RETREAT, Organized by Maggie Goldstone and Peter LaBier, Mom’s Gallery, Brooklyn, NY Cabinet, Organized by Adam Milner, David B. Smith Gallery, Denver, CO The way you look at me, Organized by Nico Mazza, Gallery Protocol, Gainesville, FL Screening - The Boneyard, Organized by Shana Hoehn, Blank Check Gallery, Houston, TX 2016 VIRGINIA LEE MONTGOMERY: SOS ONSHORE OFFSHORE, MEYOHAS, New York, NY — SOLO things you can’t unthink, Curator Peta Rake, Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre, Banff, Canada ALL BYTE: Feminist Intersections in Video Art, Curator Terri C. Smith, Franklin Street Works, Stamford, CT All My Friends Are Rocks: Anissa Mack & Virginia Lee Montgomery, 67Ludlow, New York,NY — 2 PERSON SHOW BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS, Curators Isabelle Lynch and Sophie Lynch, Art Gallery of Guelph, Guelph, Canada PARTNERS, Organized by Michael Queensland and Anoka Faruqee, Abrons Art Center, New York, NY ONSITE OFFSITE PARASITE, Yale Sculpture MFA Exhibition, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT — THESIS Drawing for Sculpture, Organized by Courtney Puckett, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Brooklyn, NY ST(f)EM Gallery 456, Chinese American Arts Council, New York, NY 2015 IDEATION ACCELERATOR, Wright Laboratory, Yale Physics, Yale University, New Haven, CT — SOLO Business as Usual, TURF PROJECTS, Croydon, United Kingdom VideoMixer, Green Gallery, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT 2014 Roving Room, Inaugural Exhibition at Habersham Mills, Habersham Mills, Atlanta, GA First Call, MFA 1st Year Exhibition, Green Gallery, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT 2008 Rose Colored Glasses, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise at Passerby, New York, NY DAUGHTER PLANET, Texas Memorial Museum, Austin, TX — SOLO 2006 Digital Showcase 36: SXSW, Austin Museum of Digital Art, Austin, TX Heydays 2006, Creative Research Lab, University of Texas, Austin, TX VIDEOTIME A/V Swap, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Houston, TX PERFORMA NCES 2019 STONE PONY CA GE, Soft Opening, Curated by Partial Shade, Co-Lab Projects, Austin, TX 2018 DUST DEVIL DRILL, CRASH TEST, Curators No am Seg al and Nicolas Bourriaud, La Panacé e, Montpellier, France EGG ROCK S, Earworm x3, Organized by Nate F lagg, Se cret P roject Robot, B rooklyn, NY 2017 BUSINESS WI TCH BALANCES COINS IN NO-PRO FIT ZONE , DAMA, Curator Domenico de Chirico, Turin, Italy ORAL ECON OM ICS: I dr eam of the elections, Organiz ed by Ruth Pati r, Danspace Project, New York, NY CHEESE DAN ISH SP EAKS, Earworm x1, Organiz ed b y Nate Flagg, Sec ret Project Robot, B rooklyn, N Y 2016 HA PTIC MA PP ING , Curator Peta Rake, Eric Harvie Theatre, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada INNOPROV IZE: T eam Building Balle t, Digital Desi gn L ab, Wesleyan Universit y, Middletown, CT 2015 COLLA BIGUITY D RAWING WORKSHO P, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT LIVE-SKETCH ING LABOR, ArtHandler Magazine with ALL GOLD at MOMAPS1, MOMAPS1, Queens, NY IDEA TION ACC EL ERATOR: DRAWING DARK MATTER , Yale Physics, Yale Universit y, New Haven, CT 2014 INNOPROV IZE: Ya le School of Management, Yale Un iver sity, New Haven, CT AWARDS & RESI DENC IES 2020 MRSEC, Artist in Resi dence, Center for Dynam ics and C ontrol o f Materials at The University of Texas 2019 Crit Group, The Contemporary Austin, TX 2018 Socrates Sculpture Park, Artist in Residence, NY Socrates Artist Fellowship 2018 - 2019, Socrates Sculpture Park, NY The Carving Studio and Sculpture Studio, Artist in Residence, VT 2017 Coast Time, Artist in Residence, OR Wright Laboratory, Artist in Residence, Yale Physics Department, CT 11-22 44th Rd Long Island City, NY www.false-flag.org [email protected] 2016 Susa n H. W edon A w ard; Y ale Unive r sity Toby Dev a n Lew is F ello wshi p ; 2 0 16 No minee in Sculptu re, Yale University 2015 Vermo nt Studio Cente r, Ar tist in Re sidence, VT Artists Supporting Artists F e llows h ip; V er mont Studio Cent er 2014 The Sh andaken P roject at S torm King, Artist in Residence, NY SELE CTED BIB LIOGRA PHY 2020 Artist Finds the zen in Hurri cane Harvey at Lawndale show, M olly Glentz er, Featu re, Houston Chronicl e, February 6, 20 20 Virginia L ee Mont gomery R econciles with Hurr i ca ne Harvey , Caitlin Greenwood, Feat ure, Sightlines, January 30, 2020 Houston Artist C reates Art Ins t a llation Inspired by Memo ries of Hurricane Harvey, Catherine Lu, Feature, Hou sto n Public Med ia, Jan 29, 2020 The But te rfl y Eff e ct, SK Y LOOP exhibition publicat ion, W endy V o gel, Lawndale Art Cente r, 2020 A Chat w ith the Busine s s Witch: Face to Face wi th Vir ginia Lee Mo ntgome ry , Hall Rockefell er, Feature, Less Than Half, 2020 2019 Virgin ia Lee Mont gomery: Ponytails, Power drills, and P olitical Acti on, Laura Demers, Feature, Femme Art Review, 2019 V irginia L ee Montg omer y’s Abj ect Whim s y, E ilee n G’Selll, Feat ure, Hyperallergic, 2019 7 Artis ts to Watch in Ma rch 2019 , Artspace , 2019 THE PONY HOT EL: Virg inia Lee Montgomer y , Exh ibiti on publ icati on, Curator Antonina K r ezdorn, Museum Folkwan g, 2019 Alumna Vi rginia Lee Montg omery p resents new work at Soc rates S culptu re Park, New Museum and Times Square, Feature, University of Texas A ustin Al m uni N ew s, 2019 Co-lab Projects
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