Zbornik strokovnih prispevkov 2. konference Okolje in človekove pravice: Sodelovanje javnosti v okoljskih zadevah – teorija in praksa Brdo pri Kranju, 19. maj 2010 Collection of Written Contributions 2nd Conference on the Environment and Human Rights: Public Participation in Environmental Matters in Theory and Practice Brdo pri Kranju, 19 May 2010 Zbornik strokovnih prispevkov 2. konference Okolje in človekove pravice: Sodelovanje javnosti v okoljskih zadevah - teorija in praksa Brdo pri Kranju, 19. Maj 2010 Collection of Written Contributions 2nd Conference on the Environment and Human Rights: Public Participation in Environmental Matters in Theory and Practice Brdo pri Kranju, 19 May 2010 inDeX I. INTRODUCTION 8 II. PROGRAME OF THE CONFERENCE 12 III. INTRODUCTORY SPEECHES 15 Dr Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia 16 Dr ZDenka Čebašek-Travnik, Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia 20 Dr JaneZ PoToČnik, European Commissioner for the Environment 24 Dr roko Žarnić, Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning 28 IV. Presentation OF AUTHORS AND ArticlES 34 vUkašin lonČarević: The application of the Aarhus Convention by the European Union’s Institutions - The Experience of the European Ombudsman 42 SÁnDor FülÖP: Developments in the Regulation of Public Participation in Hungary and the Role of the New Environmental Ombudsman 52 UTe PÖllinGer, MSc: The lUA of Styria and its Contribution to Public Participation in Environmental Matters 62 Dr JerZY JenDroŚka: Public Participation Under the Aarhus Convention 66 korneliJa MarZel, MSc: The Awareness on the Importance of a Healthy living Environment – Practice of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia 80 kriSTina koTnik šUMaH: Access to Environmental Information Pursuant to the Access to Information of a Public Nature Act, in Theory and practice 88 aDriJana viler KOVAČiČ, MSc: Access to Environmental Information and Public participation in Issuing Environmental Consent and Permits 94 bošTJan PiHler: Contemptuous Attitude Towards the Public in Issuing an Environmental-Protection permit to lafarge Cement 102 briGiTa ČanČ, ŽIVA bobiČ ČERVEK: The Public and its Participation in Environmental Decision-making and Access to Environmental Information 112 boriS šUšTar: Organised Civil Society Resistance as a Factor limiting the Spread of “Dirty” Industry and the Only Guarantee for Implementing the Aarhus Convention 120 MaTJaŽ JERAN, MSc: The experience of MWS in drafting a Triglav National Park law 126 aleš kreGar, MSc: Public Participation in the Physical locating of Transmission lines 134 V. FINAl OBSERVATIONS OF THE 2nd CONFERENCE 143 ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN RIGHTS kaZalo I. UVOD 9 II. PROGRAM KONFERENCE 13 III. UVODNI NAGOVORI 15 Dr. Danilo Türk, predsednik Republike Slovenije 17 Dr. ZDenka Čebašek-Travnik, varuhinja človekovih pravic 21 Dr. JaneZ PoToČnik, komisar za okolje Evropske komisije 25 Dr. roko Žarnić, minister za okolje in prostor 29 IV. PREDSTAVITEV AVTORJEV IN NJIHOVI PRISPEVKI 35 vUkašin lonČarević: Uporaba Aarhuške konvencije v ustanovah Evropske unije – izkušnja evropskega varuha človekovih pravic 43 SÁnDor FülÖP: Razvoj pravne ureditve sodelovanja javnosti na Madžarskem in vloga novega okoljskega ombudsmana 53 Mag. UTe PÖllinGer: lUA zvezne dežele Štajerske in njegov prispevek pri udeležbi javnosti v okoljskih zadevah 63 Dr. JerZY JenDroŚka: Sodelovanje javnosti v skladu z Aarhuško konvencijo 67 Mag. korneliJa MarZel: Zavedanje o pomenu zdravega življenjskega okolja – praksa Varuha človekovih pravic RS 81 kriSTina koTnik šUMaH: Dostop do okoljskih informacij po Zakonu o dostopu do informacij javnega značaja v teoriji in praksi 89 Mag. aDriJana viler KOVAČiČ: Dostop do okoljskih podatkov in sodelovanje javnosti pri izdajanju okoljevarstvenih soglasij in dovoljenj 95 bošTJan PiHler: Zaničljiv odnos do javnosti na primeru izdaje okoljevarstvenega dovoljenja lafarge cementu 103 briGiTa ČanČ, ŽIVA bobiČ ČERVEK: Javnosti in njihovo vključevanje v okoljsko odločanje ter dostop do okoljskih podatkov 113 boriS šUšTar: Organiziran upor civilne družbe kot omejitveni dejavnik širitve »umazane« industrije in edino zagotovilo za implementacijo Aarhuške konvencije 121 Mag. MaTJaŽ JERAN: Izkušnje mws pri pripravi zakona o Triglavskem narodnem parku 127 Mag. aleš kreGar: Sodelovanje javnosti pri umeščanju prenosnih daljnovodov v prostor 135 V. SKlEPNE UGOTOVITVE 2. KONFERENCE OKOlJE 143 IN ČlOVEKOVE PRAVICE I. Uvod I. Introduction i. inTroDUCTion The second conference on the Environment and Human Rights: Public Participation in Environmental Matters in Theory and Practice, which was organised by the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, took place at Brdo Conference Centre on 19th May 2010. The purpose of the meeting of reputable Slovenian and international experts and representatives of the national authorities responsible for the environmental issues and the civil society was to identify possible differences among the regulation set-up in the Aarhus Convention, national environmental regulations, and everyday practice. They tried to find solutions to eliminate differences in Slovenia as well as abroad with opening words, lectures, discussions and workshops. The participants were initially addressed by Dr. Danilo Türk, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Zdenka Čebašek Travnik, the Human Rights Ombudsman, Dr Janez Potočnik (the video of the address), the European Commissioner for the Environment, and Dr Roko Žarnić, the Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning. The children from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Association from ljubljana made an exhibition for this opportunity which, accompanied by the Human Rights Ombudsman, Dr Zdenka Čebašek Travnik, was visited by the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk. The publication presents the initial addresses of the conference, the contributions from the conference, and concluding observations of the conference. We believe that the publication shall represent a welcome source of information and a document of current issues regarding the provision of the right of access to information, to public participation in decision-making processes, and to legal protection in environmental issues. 8 i. UvoD V Kongresnem centru na Brdu pri Kranju je 19. 5. 2010 potekala druga konferenca Okolje in človekove pravice: Sodelovanje javnosti v okoljskih zadevah – teorija in praksa, ki jo je pripravil Varuh človekovih pravic Republike Slovenije. Namen srečanja uglednih slovenskih in mednarodnih strokovnjakov in strokovnjakinj ter predstavnikov državnih organov, odgovornih za okoljska vprašanja, in civilne družbe je bil ugotoviti morebitna razhajanja med ureditvijo, ki jo zagotavlja Aarhuška konvencija, in naci- onalnimi okoljskimi predpisi ter praktičnimi izkušnjami iz vsakdanjega življenja. Z uvodnimi besedami, predavanji, razpravami in delom v delavnicah so skušali najti rešitve za odpravo razhajanj tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini. Udeležence so uvodoma nagovorili dr. Danilo Türk, predsednik Republike Slovenije, dr. Zdenka Čebašek Travnik, varuhinja človekovih pravic, dr. Janez Potočnik, komisar za oko- lje Evropske komisije (videoposnetek nagovora), in dr. Roko Žarnić, minister za okolje in prostor. Otroci iz Zavoda za gluhe in naglušne ljubljana so za to priložnost v preddverju konferenč- ne dvorane postavili razstavo, ki si jo je v spremstvu varuhinje človekovih pravic dr. Zdenke Čebašek Travnik ogledal tudi predsednik Republike Slovenije dr. Danilo Türk in se z otroki tudi pogovoril. V publikaciji objavljamo uvodne nagovore ob začetku konference, na konferenci predsta- vljene prispevke in sklepne ugotovitve konference. Prepričani smo, da bo publikacija do- brodošel vir informacij in dokument aktualnih vprašanj zagotavljanja pravice do dostopa do informacij, do udeležbe javnosti pri odločanju in do pravnega varstva v okoljskih zadevah. 9 II. Program konference II. Programme of the Conference Programme 2nd Conference on the environment and Human rights: Public Participation in environmental Matters in Theory and Practice brdo pri kranju, 19 May 2010 8.00 – 9.00 Registration of participants 9.00 – 9.30 Opening addresses Dr Danilo Türk, President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr Zdenka Čebašek - Travnik, Human Rights Ombudsman Dr Janez Potočnik, European Commissioner for the Environment Dr roko Žarnić, Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning ParT one Facilitator: kornelija Marzel, MSc 9.30 – 11.00 The Application of the Aarhus Convention in institutions of the European Union – the Experience of the European Human Rights Ombudsman: vukašin lončarević, legal Officer, European Human Rights Ombudsman Developments in the Regulation of Public Participation in Hungary and the Role of the New Environmental Ombusman: Sándor Fülöp, Parliamentary Ombudsman for Future Generations, Hungary The lUA of Styria and its Contribution to Public Participation in Environmental Matters: Ute Pöllinger, MSc, Environmental advocate of the Federal region Styria, Austria Debate 11.00 – 11.10 break ParT TWo Facilitator: kornelija Marzel, MSc 11.10 – 13.00 Public Participation Under the Aarhus Convention: Dr Jerzy Jendrośka, Managing Partner and Professor Adjunct, Opole University and Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee Realising the Importance of a Healthy living Environment – The Practice of the Human Rights Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia: korelija Marzel, MSc, Deputy Human Rights Ombudsman Access to Environmental Information Under the Access to Public Information Act
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