THE DAILY IOWAN OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Vol. 4 IOWA CITY. IOWA. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1905 No. 130 HOME MEET FRIDAY FRAT FOR CADETS PROM WiLL EXCEL SHOW MAKES BIG HIT COACH DELANEY HOPES MILITARY ORDER TO BE SOCIAL EVENT OF SEASON WHITE MINSTRELS HAVE FOR DARK HORSES INSTALLED HERE NEXT FRIDAY CROWDED HOUSE Classes Compete For Chantland "Scabbard and Blade' Title of Decorations Will Be Unique- University and Town People Cup-Gives First Reliable Or,anization- Only Offi· Davenport Orchestra Sup- Play And Pay For Improve. Line on Team cers Elligible plies the Music ment of Iowa City The u.nnual home field meet A corp of the military fra.terni- The Junior Prom the biggest. Before the largest house a and genera.l try-out of the candi- ty ca.lled "The Sca.bbard and social event of t.he season will home talent play ever brought StPoul Moos for the varsity track team Blade" is about to be establisbed occur in Smith's armory Friday out. the great White Minstrel8 will ke held Fdday o.fternoon at at Iowa Colonel Burnatt and oight. The committee in charge gave their m .. mmoth preseota­ 2:80 o'clock on Iowa field. The other officers of the uDlversity have been at. work all thi week tion of comic opera, comedy and Minneapolil­ ela.te hltos been changed from Sa.t· b&ttalion are in correspondence and iotend to make it the swell- music at. tne opera. house last Ogden-the urday to Fridll.Y on account of with Colonel Taylor of the battal­ '3st Prom ever given at the uol· night. The city Improvement and Denver, the Prom Frida.y nigbt. The ion of the University of Wiscon­ versity. The decorations will be League with its object of beauti­ n sceDery. It usual o,Qmission fee of twenty. sin in regll.rd to the orglLnization primarily Japanese in nature tying the cemetary will have five cents will be cha.rged with flond installation of the corp at and something different tha.n neat fund to undertake the work grandsta.nd priveleges. Iowa. anythi ng previously seen at the as" result of the show. While the individua.l classes rfbe order is & recentl.v e tab· a.rmory. The was the most com· CHICAGO. will compete for the Chu.tlu.nd lished na.tional military fraterni­ Tbe committee has decided to plete and talented that ever Cup the meet will give the first ty, having active cha.pters a.t the music the feature of worked for cru.rity in Iowa City. reliable line on the university's Ohio Wesleyan, Purdue, Illinois, the party and atter corrospond, University talent. thowed con· prospect of winning the stILte Minnesota and Wisconsin. Other ence with orchestras in neigh- spiclously in every part of the meet. Only a few of the old chapters will be Installed in the boring cities have secured the program, members ot the dram­ point winners, such as Ca.ptain naRr future a.t Nebraska, ClLlifor· Petarlion orcbestro.of Da.venport. at.ic clubs, glee clubt and sooiet­ Ba.rker, JetTers, Du.vis and nia and North a.ud South Da.kota.. Tile orche tra is compri ed of ties participating in minstrel Young are back this year and The object of the fratemity is to ten selected pieces and will be sbow, farce and cborus. the varsity will have to depend promote go:>d fellow3hip among screeQed from the floor by palms Promptly at :16 tbe curtain solely on the new men. As Ames, the milit:J.ry m)n and proticien­ and other decorations. The com- \Vent up"nd the Orand Introduc· Drake and the other larger col- cy in drill. mittee ha.s expended more money tory Overture, introducing the leges in the state will also hold Tbe fra.ternity is a strictly reg­ on music and expects better re- Great White L.wy MinBtrels In ts re'30dy madu their home meets at tbe close of imental oraglloniution aud the suIts tha.n any plttrty in their opening chorus was on. at MAX MAYEI& the week the com pa.rati ve vitorious chllopters IIore known as other yMrs. The chorus composed mostJyof strength of the teams will be "corps." Only commissioned om · The number of out of town university girls in costums of Mea.sures $12.50 known. cers in the battalion are eligible guests will III so huger than cus- red and wbHe. with the L&dy d satlsfacWoa Coach Deilloney is hoping thtK ~ member blp. Eligibility in tomary. Tbe \'lLrious fraterul- Minstrel in fttarLling reel and cas below reld1 dlLrk horses will turn up in the th.e Iowli. of lhe ties have In ranged to give bouse fa.ce of midnight black was the J. M. STmIS, ~orps ~rttoternlty competilion SlIoturday. Wbile hf:l Will be hmlted to ca.ptatnS a.nd Ito pa.rties at the end of the week most beautiful and spectacular Student Cloth*. hilS a. greatiPr ahundance of ma- percentlLge Of. ~oo;'missioned to tbe visiti ngo girls. Many for- seen this "MSOO. The grand med­ terial this year tha.n ever before officers. The luslgOla. o~ t.he eign men will ILlso be in IowA. leyof comic operas was of profea­ and the team is more uniform order IS a. gold medal SImilar to City for the big dll.nce. sional excellence and A. tribute to the absence of the former star' tbe one I\warded by congress for The patronesses for the occa . Mrs. T. M. Thompson who direct­ gives absolu •.ely no ba. is upon valor. Th.e medllollion contains ion ILr8 Mesdames MacL')u.n. ed the singing. which to huild high hopes. an wl~h crossed sa.bros and Ma.cbride. Gilbert, Burnett, and M rt C, F. Ansley acted as ceo- Iowa has alwa.ys been weak in the ribbon IS .tbe college .color. Mayer. ter man with six Itunning, uo- several events ttond it is mOI'e 'fhe corp Will be estab~lshed a,t recoguizable bigh school and uni­ tban proba.ble that a few home I?1!~ as soon as t,he det&.lls ~f elt­ Phi Beta Kappa Initiation versity girls as end men. The records will be broken. Smitb g.lblhty Ilre arra:nged. Wiscon­ The annulll reunil)n and ban dancing. jokes and original inter­ has been vaulti,ng over 10 feet SIO Will probably lOstall the Iowa quet of the Alpha of Iowa chll.p­ pretation of music by tbese end consistently and JetTers is doing corp. ter of Phi Beta Kaoppa will take men was the fea.t.ure of t.he per­ formance. Most beautiful scene I'U'-'''''''''. our &pee' better tha.n his former record. place Ill. the Burkley Imperial to­ home made Standfield is also looked to for Spring Footb:l'l Commences night. The fourtecm seniors reo of the evening was the selection iD .11 Iblp" cently voted into the honorll.ry from "Fantana" or tbe Japanese for partiel Ind something in record breaking, Captain Mac owan bas i~sued All latest drink .. though he bas 4:39 to beaL in tbe t,he tlrst eHU for spring tootb'll\. frll.ternity will be taken into lull dance. The costumes. scenery. mile. All c ;!'l for next year's membersbip at that time. singing o.nd da'\cing all contrib­ All entries for the meet must team who a.r o not engaged in any Toasts will be responded a~ u ted to a glorious effect. The be hlLnded in by tomorrow of the spring athletics ttore re­ follows: remainder of t.he program and cast were: night to eitber Cliipt· B~rker q uest.od to report on Iowa Field James Burt Miner H. POpe or Coach Delaney. The two re­ every afterullon at 3:30. The Solo: "Lonesome" Norma Coover Alpha of Minnesota, 1 97 "Dingle Dongle DeU" lays will be omitted l nless two practice will b", under the direc­ "Phi Beta. Kappa II.S a Guide" or more classes enter teams. tion or Ma.cGowan and Bone and Tam bo Artists J &Cob van der Zee "COtioX Me" Edna Lewis The events of the day are the Will consist in running down Alpha of Iowa, 1005 Ladies' 100 and 220 ya.rd dashes. 440, punts and ca.tcbing the ball "Sboogy Shoo" Alice McGee, "The Initiate" Ann DeSeUem, Norma Coover. balf mile, mile. two mile, pole Mary Emily Barrett vault, high and broad jump, dis· Baseball Men on First Trip Alpha of Iowa.. 1896 Dumb·bell Drill Thirty-six Se­ lected. Young Ladies cus, hammer throw. shot put, Tbe va.rsity ball team left at ''Tho Women of Phi 120 and 220 yard hu rdles. Beta Miss Kastman. Directre•• noon todll.y for its Illinois trip. K"pp"" Selection Iowa Glee Club The team plays Chicago tom or- Amos N. Currier Solo and Chorus Hazel Reddick Burnett Re-Detailed At Iowa row, Northwestern Friday and Alpha of New Hampshire. 18~6 (u.)In the Shadow of the Pyramiis Knox Su.turday. "Looking Backward" Colonel George R. Burnett of The men taken were: Me- Emlin McClain (b)l Love~) Two-Step Wit.h My the university battalion ba.s been Gregor. Humeston. Del1nis, W. Alpha of Iowa, 1871 Man .•aud retallef oL 1'e detailed as professor of mili· Kelle.v. A. M. Yessler, White, "Phi Beta Kappa and the Law', Misses Florence Mayer, Matilda tary science at Iowa for four McDowell, Kent, Johnson.!.
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