10 THE IMPERIAL CH AHTISTS. ku/Tzv Jbjekbs,—I don't know is, to an absentee Bank monopoly. Cnder ft tint I crex present jgeBDPh to izj to you in my life, or so liule circumstances ho should abstain from Oar is naw saying anything about Mr. O'Connell as a statesman. ha t« WJ ^ *-• position fairly taken ; wo post ftand or falL They all know that for his statesmanship he had *5 l,j it You will pardon the utmost ¦ re/erring, with a little Tanity, to many contempt and scorn. Aft. Woodward, Jfir oi Mr. Ryan, and others addressed the meeting, after *J arediciions ; unheeded when made, bat now is whioh ¦ fulfilment. I predicted Mr. Moran was called to the chair, and tha Jget that if iA« irorHnj usual thanks were given to Mr. Clark, the meeting iarf onlyJhe raotxtlionto standfirvmndalone, separated. ^ IjTpjny, that xhs - Wbigs, when they became Halifax.—West-Ridinq Delegate Merting. TOCLD BID -XT F-ICS FOB Ljj, FOPITLAB SCFPOB3 —This meeting was held ia the Association Room, SjtoWpiheni back to iffiee. It is eTen so 1 Pellon-lane, Halifax, on Sunday the 4th of February, L tsj p-rties who persecoted us with untiring 1844 j , when delegates appeared from the following suftElttingof cruelty, weIt isbow tie londestte *d- AND LEEDS GENERAL places :—Halifax, Messrs. Chippiudale and Cross- cur true the ADVERTISER. ^a principles. that rm . ¦ pro m»«a umnpr ., ' d ; radfbrd. Smith and R»sg YOL TIL NO. 326. SATURDAY , .*--- --.» v> -j - Y 10 r , £ , Gee, Clark, ; Hal," has become defunct ; but then the party * FEBRUAR ^____l1844 Fiv e H &Ultng s per Quarter . Leeds, Shaw ; Hebden-bridge, Marshal] and Siifc- and waging a kind of ~~ ~~' ~ cliffe ggres ot if We sectional warfare Tt?« i«l-4«4_S*«4 nn nlMifiATI __% fVta lftfl /"*-.»»» T <¦ -a- T a_,___.» ' "" ' ~i ; Todmorden, Brook and Helliwell all htr parties. note bis cn&sfrtent*- opposition to the Anti Corn Law League ; Keishley. j^ssj findthousands cdvo- mortal Paine. Several gentlemen having addressed J. Firth ; Huddersfield, J. Rushworth : Honley, J Chartist prin ci {cheen). H« -would now propose aa chairman Mr. NEW . jj ,j ples, wh», not long since, pro - WOOLLEN CLOTH AND TAILORS' TRIMMING the meeting in the Welsh tongue, I was introduced , Woodhouse ; Lockwood, J. Hobson ; Holmfirtb, „&Chartists : KOT BEC-CSB THKT ttrnt BY that Thomas- Briggs , a Chartist and an elector for both wm. Cunningham borough and oounty. Mr. We and was warmly received by the meeting, and spoke ; Ovenden» J. Booth. Mr. Cnip- BUT BECAUSE THEY PROFESSED Dyson seconde d the ESTABLISHMENT, pmdale was appointed & nomicaUon , •which was carried unaHi moualy. The some time in favour of the Charter. At the close of to the chair, aad the secre- # PRINCIPLES ! And if we, to-morrow, 57, BRIGGAT E my address it was unanimously agreed that I should tary read the correspondence, after which the change „ our name to Republicans, chairman commen ced by observing that they met that , LEEDS, AND MARKET PZ.ACE , ' DARLINGTON . business of the li see to in of those nigh t to hear lecture the following evening ia the largest procur- meeting was brought forward and ^ i?w nujch dread the name Chartist Mr. O'CoMer ; and it was well known discussed in the most friendly , that that gentleman jVT H. DAVIS respectfully invites the attention of tbe Publio to his VALUABLE aud EXTENSIVE able room in the town. After the meeting was dis- manner, the resu lt of ^ , sr^B & Bi^re BozDical distinction could serre held •pinions adverse to the Anti whioh will be, we hope a mora ^i Corn law league. But they were tuere aa friend s solved 7 accompanied several at the " good iand true , general diffn sion of fjjl political purp ose, tmke ihe name of Chartists, of the principles of Chartism unity of trcth ; and if any gentleman wished men" to the houso of Mrs. Zjpheniah Williams, the , purpose, and 5j.3t with aay, the slightest, intention, any more to ask Mr. energy of action. The following resolutions were O'Connor a question, or make any observa tions STOCK OF WOOLLEN CLOTHS, wife of the banished patriot. She appears to be a [jjj no*, of working oat tie principles. When , he woman of more than ordinary nerve, yet the fixed unanimously agreed to :—1. " That in the opinion of would endea vour to ebtain for Tiim an impartial heating Which he has purchased for Cash, and is determined to se'l for a very small amount^ profit. The the delegates - hit froHshly gave up. the Dame of " Radical," of Goods melancholy bo strikingly visible on hor countenance of the West-Riding delegate meeiing, sesto had persecuted the Radicals took (cheers). He wouldnow introduce Mr. O' Conner (tremen - are of first-rate Manufacture, and not made for sale only, but will have the good^roperties wearing the best thanks and deepest gratitude [^ up the dous cheering, well speaks too plainly the workings of an uneasy mind. of tho whole jjgeoed nsine ; bid they did not lake up the prind- which lasted several minutes). , and ensuring future orders. Chartiet body is due to the Executive of their Mr. (rConnor commenced by A fine young man and a very prepossessing looking Thus it eTer has been with the privileged observing their chair- The Association, for their publio spirit and dev n to ifs. man ba d very properly stated that they Stock consists of DOUBLE-MILLED WATERPROOF TWEEDS, BEAVERS, PILOTS young woman are, I believe, the only surviving oti' jiSiS: ihey will do anything and everything to were there as KERSEYS, AS S the causa of Chartism , evinced in their promptly friends ef tru th ; and he would be ashamed to stand C SIMERE , SUPERFINE YORKSHIRE and WEST OF ENGLAND CLOTHS pledges of an affsction aa lasting as universal -£_! popular iajfasnee. Bowring and other WOOLLEN and COTTON CORDS, FUSTIANS, &o. &o. Waistcoatings from Is. Gd. upwards, in report speaka it to be merited. This truly taking office at a juncture when tbe cau-e was yissiiiis even «o so far &s te Bay before Item if there wes one act of his life, or one threatened with tkat we don' t opinion -which endless variety. amiable family seem to harbour an hope imminent peril ; and tho delegates Vizr tnwch fo rTBsii. 1 believe him and them he held, that could not bear to be sub- further call upon their brother of ; mitted M. H. that the fond aud devoted husband aud Chartists the co quite far ci&ugh for ourselves J to the strictest investigation. Those who wonld D. takes this opportunity to thank the numerous body of TAILORS, who have patronized him West-Riding to render the Executive all due and ri wish to put since he father will yet revist hi3 country and home. Our j i we yo'-itical p_rtits in the suoe are now a limit to the enquiring mind knew veiy dissolved Partnership with Mr. Cuxlingworth, and begs to assure them that no House in the proper support ; and also prepare for a due expres- little of the great changes that were Trade shall undersell him in any one exertions, I trust, will speedily consummate so de- ?r Barshslled under their respective standards. taking plaee in the Article. sirable an object. On Tuesday evening, I; lectured sion of Charti9t feeling at tho Conference m April power ; the country. Those changes in public sentiment have next." 2. " That it be • Tories are in Whigs are looking for forced an The Working Classes are invited to.purchase Fustians, Cords, and Moleskins, at the to a large and enthusiastic meeting. Mr. David a recommendation to the p-ople hold the balance investigation into the cause of the difficulties above Establish- secretary of each district to provide a list of is; itd the of power : of the conntry , ment ; they will find it more advantageous to do so, and employ their own Tailors, than encoura ge Ellis in tho chair, who opened the business of the the npon the mis they make of it, depends the fate and made it apparent that , ere long, evening in an able manner, and concluded by invit- local lecturers appointed by the district council ia mind must be represented , no matter how the " Beady Made Clothes Selling Monopolists" who get rich at the expence of tho Working Man , ieir s>tcct f or ail lime to come. prop erty by paying him osb half for a Garment that give. ing discussion, and introducing me to address the eacn district, and transmit a copy of the same to may hedge itself ronnd vritn class pri vileges (cheers). other Masters the West-Riding secretary, jjKher predictionof uponon whichTe ryI Tenturedbe was, meeting—a call which I readily obeyed. ; I spoke that he may transmit a ilie fire ££uati would ahortly ear- The Parliam ent was now met, and what were we about an hour and a half on general subjects. At full list to the sub-secretary of naoh locality, with a ^ informed of ? ' view i lzi' o the em raj's camp. Is not such the case ! Why the Queen s speech congratulated CHAMBERS' EDINBURGH JOURNAL tho cloao, I had the gratificatioa of receiving the that where it may be beneficial , an interchange _a* ibe Landlords and the the cauntry tha t the Chancellor of the Exchequer conic! , of local lecturers may be had." 3. " That it be t nso» Money-Lords now *qT»re Ms accounts—that unanimous thanks of the meeting. On Wednesday ii££ers drawn ! and a most deadly hostility the Income Tax enabled WHICH has been conducted with unparalleled suocesa for Twelve Years, now presents itsejf wiifi 3aiaraJnffvUeffr Morthyi*, and crossed the! " cloud- a recommendation to the Executive to appoint Mr.
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