Specials Good from Dec. 12 thru Dec. 18, 2018 Fa-la-la-la Yum! follow us: Shop early for the best selection of Christmas Novelties including Milk & Dark Chocolate Foil Balls, Foil Wrapped Chocolate Santas and Ozark Trails Ham of course, a wide selection of See's famous from Ham I Am! chocolates, now available in Holiday Wrap! Your Ham for the Holidays Butcher Shop STANDING RIB ROasT OR Epicurean Choice Angus Bone-In Rib Eye Steaks lb AVAILABLE IN SPIRAL SLICED 13.97 STeaKHOUSE QUalITY SMOKED & PEPPERED OR Epicurean Choice Angus HICKORY SMOKED FlavORS Whole Beef Tenderloin These hams are smoked in the Ozark Mountains, using a family recipe and time honored tradition lb that produces a tender, juicy and memorable meal. 17.99 Terrific as a main course, served at a buffet carving While FROZEN, Grade A, 10 LBS & UP station or for sandwiches, your family is sure to Supplies love the taste of Ozark Trails! Last! Butterball Turkeys ........................lb 99¢ 6 PK .5 LTR BOTTLES, SelecT VarIETIES & Farmer’s Market The Wine List Dr. Pepper, 7-Up or Diet Dr. Pepper 750 ML, SONOma COasT APPLE DAYS Sonoma-Cutrer 3 $ ARE HERE! Chardonnay for 9 21.99 Gala, Red DelICIOUS, GraNNY SMITH & 750 ML, FROM CalIFORNIA MUST BUY 3 Fuji, Braeburn, Edna Valley OR $3.99 eacH Golden Delicious Chardonnay & Jonagold Apples 18 CT, SelecT VarIETIES & Green Mountain 99¢ lb 9.99 K Cups Coffee ................ 9.99 {713} 783-8203 www.RiceEpicurean.com www.RiceDelivers.com 2020 Fountain View All Prices Valid with Experience Card. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities of Any Item. 1A Dec 12 1n8 That's Italian! Local Flavor DOZEN, BeaN, PORK, CHICKEN Or 1 LB, FROM ITalY, Texas Tamale Co. SelecT VarIETIES 24 OZ, SelecT VarIETIES Beef Tamales Delverde Rao's Homemade Pasta Pasta Sauce 8.99 2 $ MUST BUY 2 for 5 Or $2.99 EACH 7.99 16 OZ Elegant Edibles 8.8 OZ, FROM ITalY, 34 OZ, FROM ITalY, AssORTed VarIETIES EXTra VIrgIN Come & Take It Illy Colavita Snack Mix Espresso Olive Oil 15.99 11.99 16.99 8 OZ, HOUSTON'S OwN, 8.8 OZ, FROM ITalY 7 OZ, FROM ITalY SemI SweeT WITH PreTZels Ghiottini Lazzaroni Amaretti Walla Walla Biscotti Cookie Snaps Texas To ffe e 3.99 3.99 12.99 Company's Coming Great Gift Ideas! 7 OZ, SelecT VarIETIES Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps 24 OZ 14 OZ, DelICIOUS Harry & David Dresden 2$ Moose Munch Butter Stollen for 6 7.2 OZ, PLAIN, GarlIC Or Sea salT 19.99 9.99 New York Bagel Crisps 32 OZ TIN, 1.87-2.2 LB, 2$ A SeasONal FavORITE CHOCOLATE Cream Or for 7 Merry Christmas Daprano 7.5 OZ, AssORTed VarIETIES & Chocolate Covered Tradizionale Stacy's Naked 2 $ Cranberries & Peanuts Panettone Pita Chips .......................... for 5 5 OZ, AssORTed VarIETIES Pop 2 $ 15.99 24.99 Chips .................................. for 6 2A All Prices Valid with Experience Card. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities of Any Item. Dec 12 1n8 Household Savings Down the Aisles 6 PK Mega ROLL, UlTra STRONG OR 7-8 OZ, 14 OZ, AssORTed VarIETIES, AssORTED VarIETIes SOrbeT, GelaTO Or Charmin Kraft Shredded Häagen-Dazs Ultra Soft or Chunk Cheese Ice Cream Bath Tissue 2 2 $ MUST BUY 2 $ MUST BUY 2 8.99 for 5 Or $2.99 eacH for 7Or $3.99 eacH 92-100 OZ, SelecT VarIETIES Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent 12.99 59 OZ, 9.25 OZ, 7.5-9 OZ, AssORTed VarIETIES & AssORTED VarIETIes SelecT VarIETIES Simply Fritos Stouffer's Lean Orange Juice Corn Chips Cuisine Entrées 6 MEGA ROLL, WHITE Scott 2 2 3 $ $ $ MUST BUY 3 Paper Towels for 7 for 5 for 7Or $2.99 eacH 12-14 OZ, 11-13.8 OZ, CORN, WHeaT Or SelecT VarIETIES 5.99 General Mills Keebler Club or Rice Chex Cereal Townhouse Crackers 50-160 CT, 2 2 $ $ MUST BUY 2 SelecT VarIETIES for for Or $2.99 eacH Kleenex 5 5 Facial Tissues 14-16 OZ, RegUlar Or LIGHT 3 Daisy Brand Natural 24 PK .5 LTR BOTTLES MUST BUY 3 $ Or $1.99 eacH for 5 Sour Cream or Aquafina Cottage Cheese Spring Water 28-72 CT, SelecT VarIETIES 2$ Glad for 4 3.99 Garbage Bags 12 OZ, AssORTed VarIETIES & 16 OZ, SelecT VarIETIES & Brianna's Home Style Pepperidge Farm 7.49 Blush Wine Salad Cinnamon Swirl Dressings Bread 40-100 CT, 2 2 $ MUST BUY 2 $ ElegaNT DINNer OR for Or $3.49 eacH for Vanity Fair 6 6 All Occasion Napkins 2 MUST BUY 2 $ Or $2.49 eacH for 4 All Prices Valid with Experience Card. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities of Any Item. 3A Dec 12 1n8 Sweet Holiday Treat! Chef Prepared Holiday Favorites FROM MedINA, TeXas A SOUTHerN FavORITE BUTTERMILK MarINATED Tootie 6 Pound Epicurean Spicy Crispy Fried Apple Pie Pimento Cheese Chicken Tenders 6.99 lb 8.99 lb .99 59 9 inch A lot of pride and goodness goes into every handmade Tootie Pie. Each Epicurean Charcuterie pie is carefully handcrafted from scratch, using the freshest fruits and ONLY THE besT ONLY THE besT finest ingredients. Then, all of that Boar's Head Boar's Head deliciousness is bundled into the flakiest, most mouth watering crust Baby Swiss Cheese Ovengold Turkey imaginable. One bite and we’re sure you’ll agree that you’ve never tasted lb lb anything like it. 8.99 8.99 Tis the Season for Rice Epicurean Gift Baskets! Fresh From Our Ovens CRIspY 9" Old FasHIONed Epicurean Apple, Cherry, Peach Cheese Straws or Blueberry Pie 11.99 lb 9.99 each Our Specialty Food Managers Carale & Hallie MOIST & DELICIOUS 16 OZ, FESTIve will be happy to assist you. Gingerbread Traditional Poundcake ............. each 5.99 Fruit Cake ................. each 9.99 4A All Prices Valid with Experience Card. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities of Any Item. Dec 12 1n8 Seafood Butcher Shop FresH, Farm RAIsed TrImmed & TIED, WHOle Atlantic Salmon STeaKHOUSE QUalITY Beef TeNderlOIN $11.99 LB OR Fillets lb Epicurean Choice Angus USDA Inspected 8.99 New York Strip Steaks lb Whole Beef Tenderloin lb 10.99 SO9.99LD WHOLE IN THE bag PrevIOUslY FROZEN, 16-20 Per LB ApplewOOD SMOKed Jumbo Gulf BONeless, SKINless Grade-A BacON Wrapped OR White Shrimp lb Fresh Chicken Breasts Frenched Extra Thick Cut 9.99 or Tenders Lamb Rib Racks Filet Mignon Steaks 4 OZ, PrevIOUslY FROZEN Lobster Tails ..............each 5.99 2.99 lb 16.99 lb 11.99 lb LaBoucherie AssORTED VarIETIes LaBoucherie Turduckens 89.00 each LeaN GROUND CHOpped SIrlOIN OR USDA CHOICE TrImmed FREE Epicurean Choice Angus Whole Semi-Boneless USDA PRIME Whole Fresh Ground Sirloin Leg of Lamb Beef Tenderloin 4.59 lb 10.99 lb 24.99 lb AssORTed VarIETIES, WHOle CHICKENS OR BUTT PORTION SHANK PORTION LaBoucherie Cook's Cook's Stuffed Chicken Breast Smoked Hams .......................... lb 1.99 Smoked Hams ...........................lb 1.89 each Aged TO PerfecTION MIdwesT GraIN FED 15.99 Epicurean Choice Angus Epicurean Choice Angus Boneless Chuck Roast ............ lb 4.79 Sirloin Tip Roast .......................lb 4.99 AssORTED VarIETIes Our Epicurean Choice Angus Beef is aged to perfection, then custom LaBoucherie Stuffed cut to order by our experienced meat associates. Our customers Cornish Hens ......... each12.99 agree, it’s the best tasting, highest quality beef available. All Prices Valid with Experience Card. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities of Any Item. 5A Dec 12 1n8 Warm Winter Drinks Breads & Spreads Cookies & Goodies 16.9 OZ, SelecT VarIETIES & 12 OZ, GreaT Over 7 OZ TIN, Red ROCKer Silly Cow Cream CHeese CANDY COmpaNY Chocolate Truffle Sable & Rosenfeld Rocking Chair Cocoa Mix 3 Pepper Blast Mix 5.99 5.99 7.50 4.25 OZ, 7 OZ, AssORTed VarIETIES & 26.4 OZ, FROM SwedeN, SelecT VarIETIES Apple GLÖGG Carr’s Table Tate’s Bake Shop Grandpa Lundquist Water Crackers Chocolate Chip Traditional Glögg Cookies 2 $ MUST BUY 2 8.99 Or $3.29 eacH for 6 4.99 16-19 OZ, 15.7 OZ, THE OrIGINal AssORTed VarIETIES & 5.65 OZ, SelecT VarIETIES & Fischer & Weiser Funky Chunky Aspen Original Roasted Raspberry Sea Salt Caramel Mulling Spice Chipotle Sauce Popcorn 2.99 5.99 19.99 20 CT, CANDY CANE LANE, SUgar COOKIE SLEIGH RIde, VANILLA WONderlaND Or 6 OZ, SelecT VarIETIES 7.05 OZ, FROM GermaNY Celestial Gingerbread La Panzanella Mini Wicklein 2 $ Spice Holiday Tea ............3.99 Croccantini Crackers .......3.99 Pfeffernusse ...................... for 6 NOW OFFERING 2-HOUR Snack Attack! HOME & OFFICE DELIVERY!* 4.5 OZ, WHITE CHOCOLATE * PeppermINT, DarK CHOCOlaTE AND LOWER DELIVERY FEES! Sea SalT Or 5.3 OZ, ROUNds, TrIANgles Or Boom Chicka Pop Walkers Shortbread Frosted Sugar Finger Cookies Cookie Kettle Corn 3.99 3.99 6 OZ, 8.3 OZ, AssORTed VarIETIES SelecT VarIETIES Rustic Bakery Milton’s Flatbread Gourmet Crackers by 2$ 4.99 for 6 instacart.com/rice-epicurean *To selected zip codes. Visit RiceEpicurean.com for a list of zip codes. 6A All Prices Valid with Experience Card. We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities of Any Item. Dec 12 1n8 Floral Farmer’s Market Call OUR FLOral MANager GreaT FOR Salad TO place YOUR Order 12 OZ, CONVENIENT OR GUacamOle Fresh Express Large Hass Panna Bhatia Garden Salad Avocados 713-783-8203 ext. 4 HOME & OffIce DelIverY AvaIlable 2$ 2$ for 5 for 5 Each, 6” POT Festive Poinsettia Plant 16.99 FIrsT Of THE SeasON 6 OZ FROM THE BerrY PATCH Rio Star Sweet Texas Grapefruit Blackberries BUNCH, BeaUTIFUL 2$ Long Lasting for each Alstroemeria 4 3.99 10.99 EacH, EPICUreaN QUalITY SWEET & JUICY ONE POUND PacKage Beautiful Crisp & Sweet Whole Peeled Orchid Plants Anjou Pears Carrots 2$ 29.99 1.79 lb for 4 Vases & POTS NOT INclUDED Party Trays Vegetable Party Tray FresH FROM PerU AmerIca’S FavORITE STarTING AT Sweet Nazcas Premium Russet 24.99 Yellow Onions Baking Potatoes 1.39 lb 79¢ lb Great Baked, Fruit Party Tray Boiled or Fried STarTING AT 31.99 All Prices Valid with Experience Card.
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