359 HIPPARCOS OBSERVATIONS OF PRE-MAIN-SEQUENCE STARS 1 2 1 3 4 R. Wichmann , U. Bastian , J. Krautter , I. Jankovics , S.M. Rucinski 1 Landessternwarte Konigstuhl, D-69117 Heidelb erg, Germany 2 Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, D-69120 Heidelb erg, Germany 3 Gothard Astrophysical Observatory, 9707 Szombathely, Hungary 4 David Dunlap Observatory, UniversityofToronto, Canada can b e tested and re ned. Here we present rst re- ABSTRACT sults. A more complete account of this work will b e given elsewhere Wichmann et al., 1997, submitted to MNRAS. We present rst results of Hipparcos observations of nearby low-mass pre-main-sequence PMS stars T Tauri and Herbig Ae/Be stars. The data ob- tained by Hipparcos allow us to deriveweighted mean 2. NEARBY STAR-FORMING REGIONS parallaxes for three ma jor nearby star-forming re- gions SFRs, Lupus, Chamaeleon I, and Taurus- Auriga. 2.1. Taurus-Auriga Furthermore, results on the isolated ob jects AB Dor and TW Hya are presented. Finally,we discuss the For Taurus-Auriga, Elias 1978 concluded that the evolutionary status of Herbig Ae/Be HAEBE stars most likely value of the distance is ab out 140 20 p c. on the basis of Hipparcos results. In this SFR, veTTauri stars and one HAEBE star AB Aur have b een observed by Hipparcos. For the binary system RW Aur only a `sto chastic' solution in Key words: Stars: formation; Stars: late-typ e; Stars: the sense of the Hipparcos Catalogue's internal astro- pre-main-sequence. metric quality classi cation was found. We consider its parallax as dubious and do not use it further. For the remaining ve stars, we obtain a weighted 1. INTRODUCTION mean parallax of h i = 7:06 0:71 mas, or 7:14 0:70 mas if RW Aur is included 1 mas = 1 milliarcsec 3 =10 arcsec. Thus our estimate for the distance The evolutionary status of pre-main-sequence PMS is 142 14 pc, in p erfect agreement with previous stars can b e determined by placing them in the HR estimates. diagram. This allows to estimate the stellar masses and ages by comparison with theoretical evolutionary tracks. Thus, the stellar p opulations of star-forming regions SFRs can be studied, and di erent SFRs 2.2. Chamaeleon I can b e compared. Distance estimates for the Cha I SFR mainly rely on Another imp ortant scienti c goal is the determi- the two stars HD 97300 and HD 97048. A critical nation of the `birthline' Stahler 1988, Palla & discussion of distance estimates can b e found in a re- Stahler 1993, which is the lo cation in the HR di- cent review bySchwartz 1991, who concluded that agram at which PMS stars rst app ear as visible ob- the distance is most likely ab out 140 150 p c. jects. Theoretically, this dep ends on the initial mass accretion rate. There are indications that the birth- line of the Lupus SFR is anomalously low as com- Four T Tauri stars and one HAEBE star HD 97048 pared with Taurus-Auriga and Chamaeleon Hughes in Cha I were observed by Hipparcos. Again, we et al. 1994. exclude one star Sz 19 from the analysis b ecause only a `sto chastic' solution was achieved. Observations of the Hipparcos satellite for the rst The weighted mean parallax of the remaining four time allow to determine trigonometric parallaxes to- stars is h i =6:25 0:68 mas 6:16 0:67 mas if Sz 19 wards nearby SFRs, as well as yielding parallaxes for is included, equivalent to a distance of 160 17 p c, some isolated ob jects and a numb er of Herbig Ae/Be in go o d agreement with the conclusions of Schwartz HAEBE stars. Thus, previous estimates of lumi- 1991. On the other hand, it do es not supp ort nosities, and therefore lo cations in the HR diagram, 360 the large distance of 220 pc derived by Th e et al. photometry to Johnson V, and assuming negligible 1986, which is based on a multi-parameter mo del foreground extinction, we obtain an absolute magni- of HD 97300 including a seemingly implausible hot tude of M =6:07 0:02, in p erfect agreement with V 2740 K dust shell close 0.1 AU to the star. the standard value for a K1 ZAMS star. TW Hya is a K7Ve Li star that was classi ed by Rucinski & Krautter 1983 as classical T Tauri star 2.3. Lupus on the basis of strong H emission as well as on the presence of ultraviolet and infrared excess, although The most recent determination of the distance to- it is lo cated far from any dark cloud. wards the Lupus SFR is from Hughes et al. 1993, who prop osed a distance of 140 20 pc, based on For this star, Hipparcos has measured a parallax of sp ectroscopic parallaxes of foreground stars. =17:72 2:21 mas 56:4 7:0 p c. Again, using Tycho photometry and assuming A = 0, we de- V Five PMS stars in Lupus including the HAEBE star rive an absolute magnitude of M =7:32 0:27 i.e. V HR5999 were observed by Hipparcos. For these 0:8 mag ab ove the main sequence, which should b e stars, we determined a weighted mean parallax of regarded as a lower limit only. Using the evolution- h i =5:26 0:75 mas, corresp onding to a distance of ary tracks from D'Antona & Mazzitelli 1994, we 7 190 27 p c. estimate the age of the star to ab out 1:5 10 yrs, and the mass to ab out 0:8M . It is noted that the lo- Murphy et al. 1986 have p ointed out that the cation in the HR diagram and the age estimate given Lupus SFR is seen pro jected onto a gap between here are somewhat in disagreement with the classical two subgroups of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB as- TTauri nature of the star. so ciation. The Hipparcos parallax indicates that the Lupus SFR is actually connected with Sco-Cen Rucinski & Krautter 1983 sp eculated that TW Hya o distance 170 pc, according to Guti errez-Moreno & mighthave escap ed from a cloud ab out 13 distant, Moreno 1968, rather than b eing lo cated in the fore- at l = 279 , b = +10 . According to Hipparcos ob- ground. servations, it has a large prop er motion: cos = 66:9 mas/yr, = 12:4 mas/yr. However, almost Hughes et al. 1994 concluded that the Lupus SFR all of this is due to solar ap ex motion. The re ex is older than Taurus-Auriga and Cha I, with the age prop er motion of TW Hya is, using the standard solar 6 distribution of its PMS stars p eaking at 3 10 yrs ap ex, cos = 67:3 mas/yr, = 18:5 mas/yr. assuming a distance of 140 p c, compared to Thus the transverse motion after correction is only 5 3 10 yrs for Taurus-Auriga and Cha I. Scaling their cos = +0:4 mas/yr, = +6:1 mas/yr, corre- 1 luminosities to a distance of 190 p c, we nd an av- sp onding to only 1.6 km s transverse velo city at erage reduction of the age by a factor of ab out 2.3. 56 p c. The solar-motion-corrected radial velo cityis 1 1 Thus, although the di erence to Taurus-Auriga and only 3:5 km s 3 km s , so that the galac- Cha I is reduced, it is still signi cant. 1 tic space motion is only of the order of 4 km s . This small motion makes it clear that TW Hya can- The larger Hipparcos distance also moves the Lupus not have escap ed from any known dark cloud within birthline up by ab out 0.25 mag. However, a distance the last few million years. Even in 15 million years it of 300 pc for the Lupus SFR would be required in would have travelled only 60 p c relative to the galac- order to match its birthline to that of the Taurus- tic standard of rest. Thus, b oth the Hipparcos par- Auriga and Cha I SFRs. Probably the birthline is allax and the Hipparcos prop er motion deep en the low b ecause there are no newly b orn stars to de ne mystery ab out the nature and lo cation of this star. it. This tentative explanation is in agreement with the observed lack of deeply emb edded near-IR ob jects in the Lupus SFR. 4. HERBIG Ae/Be STARS 3. ISOLATED STARS Most of the HAEBE observed by Hipparcos are lo- cated in distant SFRs, and thus individual parallaxes are of low precision usually. Wehave therefore calcu- Within the Hipparcos program, a small numb er of ap- lated the weighted mean o set to the ZAMS, M , v parently isolated stars have b een observed that were de ned as: susp ected to be of PMS nature. Rather accurate parallaxes were measured for AB Dor and TW Hya M = hM M i 1 V V V ;ZAMS = 66:92 0:54 mas and = 17:72 2:21 mas, resp ectively, while the observations of FK Ser and for these stars, in order to evaluate their evolutionary CoD27 11363 are inconclusive due to the large er- status and to check the calculations for the birthline rors =9:42 6:17 mas and =3:23 5:65 mas, Palla & Stahler 1993.
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