CHINESE TONG WAR BYPASSED SPRBAIPS TO CAPITAL CHINESE CITY BOMBARDED BY WARSHIPS Washington, D. G., March 26.— The Chinese Tong war ex­ ' , ' ^ '' A ' V LATE CHECK SHOWS tended to Wasl.ington today DURING W E E and one Chinese, Lem Jhotug, vs- 'J 40, was murdered in the kitch­ en ol a restaurant directly op­ posite police headquarters. 20 NOT YET FOUND; B Y ^ E M B L Y The murderer escaped. -<S> Resume of Legislative^Do- KILL COU^GE HEAD ings By Herald Man Snow ON lEONG TONG Vite Chanceflor Williams, Dead— Two British Subjects Measures of Important TO PAY lAW YE \Killed and Score Missing— Three Priests Murdered; Nature. TOADGIINHEN Anti-Foreign Feeling Grows In Shanghai as Agitators By HERBERT L. CRAPO Harangne Natives. Members Confer With Attor­ Herald Corresiwndeiit Hartford, Conn., March 26.— ney on Manchester Mur­ Shanghai, March 26.— Evacua­ More legislation of wide interest tion of Americans from Nanking On the Carpet and important nature was acted der—-Hip Sing 10th Vic­ was proceeding, according to the upon or sent from committees for latest advices available today, and action this week than in any simi­ tim In War. It was reported that as far as the lar period of the 1927 General As-' present check-up, shows there are sembly. Notable among the meas­ probably not more" than twenty ures reported out was the state Americans yet unaccounted for. budget, submitted by the appropri­ While arrangements were pro­ Many of tHese may have left Nan­ ations committee five weeks ahead gressing’ rapidly for the speedy tri­ king prior to 'Thursday’s outrages. of the record set by the session of al In the present term of the Supe­ The one known American killed 1925. A few other records of the rior court of Loo Hoo Wing and is Vice Chancellor WUliams of sort hare been set also. Chlng Lung, New York Chinese ac­ of ^ e r ic a n and British citizens brought bombardment by American warships is pictured] Nanking University. Two British Jury service for women met the cused of murdering Ong King In heie. At the left is Standard Oil Hill, where the casualties among foreigners occurred. , With scores of British and Ameri­ subjects are reported killed and expected defeat in the Senate this the laundry sho'p on Cak street score are still unaccounted for. One week. Then the House refused to can subj^ts seeking refuge on the hill, Cantonese artillery shelled it and rioters launched a simultaneous attack. Allied war- here early Thursday morning, ships laid down barrages around the hill to permit the foreigners’ removal. Japanese was killed. take from the American Legion the Hartford police were morally cer­ Ah Italian priest. Rev. Vanara, administration of the $2,500,000 tain today that they had establish­ and a French priest, Rev. Dugbnt, soldiers’ relief fund. Revised plans ed the affiliations of the parties are reported to have been murder­ for state aid on country roads were concerned in regard to which of the presented. Sixteen-year-old drivers STUDENT IS SHOT ed in Nauking and their missions two rival tongs they are members. TO TAKE ACTION looted. of automobile received the sanction Last night two On Leong tong K ids D ivvy Up Poison of both IJouse antf Senate mem­ Split Among Cantonese bers. And both legislative bodies emissaries from New York went to With the evacuation of the for­ Hartford in behalf of the alleged DURING ODD PRANK agreed to have the automobile IN LUCAS CASE eigners having begun, attention on speed limit rescinded, so that driv­ slayers and consulted for two hours the Nanking situation now turns with Attorney Percy Bryant at his ing at thirty miles an hour is no Found In Vacant Lot to the Cantonese themselves. There longer prima facie evidence of home in East Hartford. Lawyer are some fears expressed here that V speeding, but driving even at five Bryant hag often acted as legal ad­ Youth Dressed as Convict at there may be a wide split within viser for the Chinese In that city. Here is a new picture of General miles an hour may be considered New York, March 26.— Many^ Divided Tliem Springfield Lawyer Secretiye the Cantonese ranks over the inci­ reckless driving. It was said at Atty. Bryant's office mothers lived hours of anxiety yes dents which have occurred and Chiang Kai-shek, generalissimo of today that he would probably be 1-1 We divided them without cheat­ Higher Wages Ball Mistaken For Real terday following discovery that ing and played sidewalk checkers which have been directly attributed the Cantonese armies in China, who The attorney general has proved retained as counsel to. the accus­ three-year-old Robert Delmonico, On Antopsy Bat Says He to the Cantonese. Chiang Kai Shek, is reported hurrying to Nanking to ed men In the trial next week. with them,” Robert said. “ But I a worthy servant, and is to receive of 250 Fifth avenue, Astoria, had didn’t lick any of them, and 1 military leader of the Cantonese answer demands of . America, Eng­ higher wages. Also he is to be able Known iii Hartford Thing By Cop. found a bottle containing bich­ land and other foreign powers for According to Hartford authori­ didn’t see Gloria lick them,” he Has Grounds Enougk and of the more conservative to hire help tor himself. And the va­ loride of mercury tablets and shar­ assured his mother. branch of the Nationalist move- protection o^ their subjects from rious state's attorneys are to have ties, one of the two men who came ed some'Of the ipoison with oth^r further outrages. here In the ln,terest8 of Loo Hoo Mrs. Delmonico carried the tab­ :ment, is reported today at Lung- higher pay. All providing three blUf . Boston, Mass., March . 26.-^Vic­ children. Not until, detectives of lets and bottle to .tl^ .^toria .sta­ reported favdra'bly during the week and Chlng, is the man who was re­ Astorta Pheclnct "had made a Evidence enougftrto jirsttftredin- proqqed to Nan- tim of a policeman's bullet fired tion. - jAatnnWwTMiPBe^BrtfliF-gBd: o eign demonstrations come . from are passed, and, it, IS presumed they sponsible for the smuggling of to house canvass and questioned ers of the precinct- spent several many guns Into . Hartford at the .fbr^lgners. At tKi saiiie timb there other quarters. will be as they have the approval through a misundcrstandlns; of a many youngsters were - the niinds hours looking through homes In a against the authorities, of the Mid^ time of the murder of two Chinese of their parents relieved. is A report that the radical factloh Destroyer Ordered of those who are directing the Leg­ youthful prank, MOrton C. Eu'stil, five-block area for youngsters "who ^letown hospital for the insane was islature In the way in which It in Hartford In November, 1924. Robert found the bottle bearing has summoned M. Borodin, Russian The legation has ordered that as Harvard, junior, of "Washington, might have carried away some of adviser to Nanking^ If these, two American destroyer proorod to should go. The emissaries are On Leong mem­ the label of the James Drug store, found at the autopsy on the, Lucas D. C., lies wounded In Peter Bent the tablets. Mothers searched men meet in Nanking there are Chefoo where dissensionlT between Among other measures approved bers and this confirms first belief 44th street and Eighth avenue. In frantically in their children’s pock­ body yesterday, according to a are those making it possible for that the man murdered here was a Brigham hospital today. • a lot near his home. He brought ets. statement made this morning by grave dangers of a clash between the police and military authorities may endanger Americans. Hip Sing. Eustls’ wound is not serious and >. bottle home to his mother, Mrs. Nicholas Gronkowski of Springfield, the two which may lead to dire re­ the judges, instead of one, to sit At 9 o’clock last night polic*' re­ 'Foochow, is reported ,to. have in trial over persons accused of In most of the ten murders com­ ported the search over and the who:has been retained by the Lucas sults to the Nationalist movement. mitted since the breaking of the at th, bo.pItal It la axpacted ha Anti-Foreign Feeling beefi the scene of anti-Christian capital offense if those persons W ill soon be permitted to return to that he and his little sister, Gloria, danger past. It is believed the family In thAifitestlgatibn. truce between the two Chinese or­ An^ foreign feeling in Shanghai and anti-foreign rioting. Despite elect trial by judge rather than by his dormitory at the college. The eighteen months old, and several youngsters who shared the dia­ Attorney. GstbBkowski appeared to ganizations, a Hip Sing has been other children found the tablets in became more pronounced today. the appeals of the American consul jury; two. bills authorizing electric bullet entered hts upper left fore­ mond-shaped tablets with Robert be aversfe to jrfi^ilclty in 'the case there for protection Chinese have public service corporations to make the victim. In New York efforts are arm. a lot at Sixth and Graham avenues, discarded them after tiring of play­ but eaid Ayw the telephone that ,he; ;The activities of agitators was re­ being m^de to have a new truce Astoria. ing with them. flected among the Chinese In the forced their way into American and to sell gas, and requesting Returning from Ball had -enough to make a good case properties.
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