HEBREW TABERNACLEBULLETIN NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2013 CHESHVAN-TEVET/TEVET-SH’VAT 5774 VOLUME LXXXII | ISSUE 25 RABBI’S MESSAGE ngraved on the walls of the exit of Yad V’Shem are immortal words attributed to the Baal ShemTov:“Forgetfulness leads to T’FILLAHSCHEDULE Eexile, but remembrance is the beginning of redemption.”Per- November 2013 CHESHVAN-TEVET 5774 haps in response to these words, Herman Wouk undertook a thir- Friday, November 1, 2013 CHESVAN 28 teen-year project to chronicle, through the art of Yction, the events 5:30 pm: Hands-on Crafts Activity of World War II. The Winds of War and War and Remembrance focus on 6:30 pm: Family Service (Piano)-Kita Vav and the enormity and grotesqueness of the human casualties, particularly Hay present the six million Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust. Wouk 7:30 pm: BuNet Dinner (reservation required) eloquently states,“The beginning of the end of war lies in remem- Saturday, November 2, 2013 CHESVAN 29 brance.” 10:00 am: Shabbat Toldot Given the fact that I was ordained in London in 1980 and worked there an additional four years, it is no surprise that I have worked with Friday, November 8, 2013 KISLEV 5 Holocaust survivors for over thirty three years. Perhaps, it was God 7:30 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat-Kristallnacht who directed my path to the Hebrew Tabernacle at this particular Commemoration (Choir and Organ) 9:30 pm: Art Opening: Portraits of Spirited stage in my career. What lessons have I learned from my experiences? Holocaust Survivors (Please see page 12) The Yrst lesson is the importance of loving the stranger. Because we were mistreated in the land of Egypt and in Nazi-controlled Eu- Saturday, November 9, 2013 KISLEV 6 rope, we must not mistreat strangers in our own land. Thus, the Re- 10:00 pm: Shabbat Vayetzei 12:00 pm: Luncheon form Movement endorses Immigration Reform. While there is a need 1:00 pm: Kristallnacht Commemoration: to strengthen cross-border security and to prevent criminals and ter- Documentary Film: “About Face” rorists from entering our country, there must also be a mechanism (Please see page 14) for allowing so-called“illegal immigrants”to attain American citizen- Friday, November 15, 2013 KISLEV 12 ship. Throughout the ages, immigra nts have contributed mightily to 6:30 pm: Tot Shabbat American life. Many of our own members are immigrants and chil- 7:30 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat dren of immigrants. My wife and children were born outside of this Saturday, November 16, 2013 KISLEV 13 country. Our family has sponsored four of our nannies as citizens, 10:00 am: Shabbat Vayishlach both in Canada and this country. For twenty years, I have lived in four 10:00 am: Junior Congregation countries besides the United States. 12:00 pm: Oneg sponsored by Sharon Lehman The second lesson that comes out of my remembrances of the Holocaust is that human society must have zero-tolerance for mass Friday, November 22, 2013 KISLEV 19 murder. The legacy of the Holocaust has continued throughout the 7:30 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat 20th and early 21st centuries. In the Ylm version of War and Remem- Saturday, November 23, 2013 KISLEV 20 brance, the death of our European ancestors in the gas chambers of 10:00 am: Shabbat Vayeshev Auschwitz is graphically portrayed. Less than seventy years later, we 12:00 pm: Study of the Zohar hear of the use of chemical weapons to commit mass murder against Syrian civilians. While the Nazi-style barbarism has aroused the in- Friday, November 29, 2013 KISLEV 26 dignation of President Obama and other political leaders, it is clear CHANUKAH that humanity still has much to learn from Hitler’s attempt to make 6:30 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat-Chanukah all of Europe Judenrein. Saturday, November 30, 2013 KISLEV 27 There have been concerted attempts at ethnic cleansing in both 10:00 am: Shabbat Miketz Bosnia-Herzogovina and in the Sudan. When we say,“never again,”it 12:00 pm: Adult Ed with Rabbi Gale must mean more than“never again would Jewish blood be spilled unavenged.”It must encompass a broader commitment, among Jews Continued on page 3 HEBREW TABERNACLE T’FILLAHSCHEDULE CONGREGATION December 2013 TEVET-SH’VAT 5774 A Liberal Congregation & Progressive Community Center Friday, December 6, 2013 TEVET 3 5:30 pm: Hands-on Crafts Activity 6:30 pm: Family Service (Piano)- JeWrey Gale ........................................................... Rabbi Kita Dalet and Zayin present [email protected] 7:30 pm: BuNet Dinner (reservation required) Joshua Finkel.............................................. Student Cantor [email protected] Saturday, December 7, 2013 TEVET 4 Dr. Robert L. Lehman, z”l ............................... Rabbi Emeritus 7:30 pm: Shabbat Noach-Rosh Margaret MoersWenig ......................... Rabbi Emerita, Beth Am Chodesh Cheshvan [email protected] 12:00 pm: Adult Ed with Rabbi Gale Dr. Ralph M. Selig ................................................ President [email protected] Friday, December 13, 2013 TEVET 10 Rita Hamburgh .............................................. Vice President [email protected] 6:00 pm: Tot Shabbat 7:30 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat Joan Serrano Laufer ........................................ Vice President [email protected] Saturday, December 14, 2013 TEVET 11 Rose Ellen Neidish ........................................ Vice President 10:00 am: Junior Congregation [email protected] 10:00 am: Shabbat Vayechi JeW Burak ....................................................... Treasurer 12:00 pm: Study of the Zohar [email protected] Larry Cytryn ......................................... Associate Treasurer Friday, December 20, 2013 TEVET 10 [email protected] 7:30 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat Diana Douglas .................................................. Secretary [email protected] Saturday, December 21, 2013 TEVET 11 Mitchell Gershonowitz .......................................Webmaster 10:00 am: Shabbat Shemot [email protected] 7:00 pm: WHFC: Meet the Filmmakers Sheila Klein ........................................ Sisterhood President [email protected] Friday, December 27, 2013 TEVET 24 Richard Eh renreich ................................ Men’s Club President 7:30 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat (lay Led-Piano) [email protected] Saturday, December 28, 2013 TEVET 25 Sheldon Koy ................................... Hebrew School Principal 10:00 am: Shabbat Vaera [email protected] Craig M. Cannon ......................................... Bulletin Designer [email protected] Rita Hamburgh ......... Chair, Outreach & Membership Committee [email protected] Hannah Eisner ............................... Chair, Chesed Committee [email protected] Youth & Family Committee [email protected] Harriet Bailer, Diana Douglas & Regina Gradess GoldWing Curators [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected] Web address: www.hebrewtabernacle.org Published bi-monthly by the If you or someone you care about is hospitalized, Hebrew Tabernacle of Washington Heights 551 Fort Washington Ave. New York, NY 10033-1908 ill, or needs some cheer, A Member of the Union for Reform Judaism contact the Chesed Committee. Neglect is a shame, Deadline for inclusion in the with everyone to blame. January -February Bulletin is January 6th Material received after that date Call the oDce at 212-568-8304 or will be held until the March-April issue. hto [email protected] e-mail us at [email protected] 2 | N OVEMBER -D ECEMBER 2013 RABBI’S Message remember. The bones of our six million ancestors stretch from France Continued from page 1 to the Urals and lie in the darkness of the grave; they will not have and non-Jews, that genocide cannot be tolerated in any place at died in vain if their remembrance can lead us from the long, long time of war to the time of peace. any time. In 1999, Elie Wiesel invoked the phrase to challenge the At the Hebrew Tabernacle, we will fulYll the mitzvah of remem- U.S. leadership’s commitment to respond to genocide perpetrated brance when we observe the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, on No- against any other people: vember 8th. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a “Is today’s justiYed intervention in Kosovo…a lasting warning prominent member of our congregation. In cooperation with the YM that never again will the deportation, the terrorization of & YWHA of Washington Heights, we are setting up a special exhibit in children and their parents be allowed anywhere in the world?” the Gold Wing Gallery for the months of November and December. It Because the Jewish people experienced genocide Yrsthand and will consist of pictures and testimonies of Holocaust survivors from were abandoned by the international community in their time among our own congregation. The opening of the exhibit will coin- of greatest need, Jews bear a particular responsibility to ensure cide with our annual Kristallnacht service. that genocide be prevented. It is a responsibility we cannot After services on November 9th, we will show the documentary, abdicate, otherwise, as the writer David RieW notes,“’Never About Face, a Ylm about the experiences of German Jewish refugees again’might best be deYned as‘never again will Germans kill who returned to Europe and Germany as members of the Allied Jews in Europe in the 1940s.’” Armies. Kristallnacht was the culmination of the expulsion of the Jews The third lesson that emerges from my remembrances is the de- from Germany; the victorious nature of the soldiers’ return is a great structiveness and futility of war. On the Second Morning of Rosh counterpoint to the terror of Kristallnacht.
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