B20- October 1, 1976 ISLAND REPORTER Super Softball An elated Thelma Preston brandishes the trophy her team, the Lions Ladies, won, in the s treks to Gaptiva caused stir on island No-see- um Classic. Teammates Marilyn Pigford (right) and Trish Bissell (center) join ; \, ,', •-ByAnne Marsh became cantankerous and shriek- in the celebration. For details, see page 1-B. ed, "All my life I wanted'to shake (Below) A long-distance runner limbers up Devilfish and sharks were a- a president's hand and I'm not ballet-style before embarking on a tour of mbng the lures that drew the about to leave without doing it colorful 25th President of the now!" Sanibel. More on 3-B. United States, Theodore Roose- . A hearty laughr#ng out on the velt to Captiva. Strutting around deck and Roosevelt appeared in shoes he had made of shark's chuckling that "anyone who calls skin, "Teddy" was accompanied me 'Teddy' can see me." Miss by scientist Russell J. Coles. Mickle, who later became a The . two personages came to newspaper woman for the Fort study sharks and devilfish and to Myers News-Press, gained not explore the possibilities of their only a handshake and a photo- food and commercial value. graph, but was invited to "share They caused quite a stir on the lunch with the former President 1 SECTIONS 44 PAGES OCTOBER 8, 1976 tiny and remote island when they and he presented her with a island anchored offshore their barge-like souvenir rifle and an autographed boat'•'.-- with a "cottae " on top. picture. •«;• Their visits to Hattie Gore's store Roosevelt visited Captiva in REPORTER and visits to pick up their mail at 1913 and again in 1917. His visits VOL. 3 NO. 48 SERVING SANIBEL-CAPTIVA AND THE ISLANDS FROM ESTERO BAY'TO BOCA GRANDE PASS the Captiva Post Office always Giant sawfish, Captiva brought fame to Captiva as a .20c caused a stir, even though Roose- sea life which drew fishing resort and many well- velt was at the time an ex-Presi- known personalities followed to • dent •who had retired from politics Roosevelt to the area. sample the excellent fishing, par- /•:;•- ••!' if' to travel to Africa, Europe, and ticularly for the spirited tarpon. England. In later years many members of Candidates enjoy light but lively night Behind him were Roosevelt's Roosevelt's family came to Cap- In va generally lackluster Community Harvard, ranching, and political tiva. j Association Tuesday night meeting tKat days. He had been an unsuccess- featured four of the five candidates for The leader of the Rough Riders Council; Carol Quillinan termed Sanibel's ful candidate for Mayor of New died on January 6, 1919 at his ••*•,' • land-use plan "exclusionary and heavy York; a U.S. Civil Service Com- estate in Oyster Bay. handed," while Duane White pledged to missioner and an Assistant Secre- his term expired to run for the day a daring young girl came Always a favorite with the "work with determination to see that th^ tary of the Navy. Always a vice-presidential nomination in swimming by seeking Roosevelt's American people, Roosevelt's ~plan?is implemented." • battler," "Teddy" was considered 1900. When President William autograph and a photograph with strong traits and blazing style White, and Mrs. Quillinan are both responsible for encouraging the seeking election to the Council seat vacated McKinley was assassinated he her camera. Young Margaret made him one of the unforget- as a result of the resignation of incumbent Spanish-American \Var. He re-assumed the . presidency, and Mickle had started her quest in a table presidents. f Vernon MacKenzie. Incumbent Councilmen signed his Navy post in 1898 to served for two terms. He unsuc- leaky rowboat which she had to Theodore Roosevelt's visits on Porter Goss and Charles LeBuff, also assemble the famed Rough Riders cessfully ran for a third term/ on abandon midway to the boat. Captiva have been "memorial- present at the Community Association's volunteer regiment which played a third party ticket,, in 1912. Holding her camera above her ized" with Roosevelt Beach and "candidate's night," are without opposition a. colorful part in the war. in the candidacies for Council seats. head she was fished out of the Roosevelt Channel named in his *«, ••< ;•;.• His military forays behind him, When Roosevelt and scientist Gulf of Mexico by the boat's crew. honor. For Captivians he remains Council plans Incumbent Councilman Francis Bailey, Roosevelt was elected Governor also an unopposed candidate for reelection, Coles visited Captiva, they were When she asked "where's Ted- the man who brought world was off the island and could not be present The only contested seat for City Council pits former Planning^ in New York for a four-year term, friendly on shore but treasured dy?" she was told that no one was attention to the relatively remote at the meeting, which attracted about 100 but was tapped two years before their privacy on their boat. One allowed to disturb him. Sheand little-known tropical island. people. Commission Chairman Duane White against Carol Quillinan', to select one "The remarkable thing about the meet- president of Concerned Property Owners of Sanibel. ing," said Mayor Porter Goss later, "was Faced with a list of 16 candidates for the the absence of any acrimony or ill-will that cial agriculture in these days of food which has been so badly neglected by pur t--v"i position of Planning Commissioner, Sanibel was somewhat in evidence in similar shortages around the world," said Mrs. present administration." . City Council will select a new Commission- meetings a couple years ago." Quillinan. She also charged that the plan She promised that she would work "with er on October 19 to replace Duane White, "The community has come a long way in has not provided for the handicapped and the land owners to fetch out their dreams who submitted his resignation to run for.developing a community spirit to deal with the aged. and as nearly as possible, considering all of IVA: Council seat. its problems in a friendly and cohesive She added, howeveriTthat since the plan, the environmental aspects, draw-the dream Preferring nqt to make the selection- on Way." is now the law she would "work toward "a seat of the pants basis," as Mayor The session was marked by some humor revising it to include the human element % continued on 14-A Porter Goss put it, Council followed a but few surprises. • • suggestion by Councilman Vernon Ma,c- H. Stanley Johnson, Jr., vice-president Kenzie to develop some criteria to be used of the Community. Association and chair- in making the choice. Specifically, candi- man of the meeting, gave the four Major Sanibel complex sold dates for the position will be asked to fill candidates five minutes to state their Services, Stevens Construction, Laughrey out a brief resume and to indicate that they A Fort Myers investment group com- positions on questions dealing with the land prised primarily of doctors and lawyers and Holtz Island Real Estate and Island ••/•"•• would be available to serve. use plan; the desirability of an elected have purchased the Sanibel Center building Interiors by Bonnie. Council expressed appreciation for the planning commission; alleged abuses of for a reported $350,000. "Several parties have asked about large number of candidates suggested by Sanibel Causeway toll tickets; and access The buyers, ' represented by trustee leasing space at the building," said Joseph, organizations and individuals on the island. to island beaches. Louis Joseph of Louis Joseph Realty in "but there will be no changes for the time The 16 candidates mentioned at Council There were no surprises, and little of Fort Myers, purchased the one and one being." Several of the present tenants have meeting and their "nominees" are as substance added to that already known quarter acre property as "an investment" also expressed an interest in expanding, follows: Norm Chambers, Bob Dugger, and PHOTO COURTESY OF WILLIAM KIMBALL regarding the candidates' positions. after an exhaustive six month search for said Joseph. • PHOTO COURTESY OF MARIE KALAAAN ; Bill Frey, named by the Hotel-Motel Carol Quillinan, president of the Con- commercial structures on Sanibel. The sale According to Joseph the new owners are Association,, with Frey- also endorsed by cerned Property Owners of Sanibel was closed September 20. interested in buying additional commercial When the Snyder School for boys was located on Captiva it was Theodore Roosevelt is shown, second from right, with a group of the Chamber of Commerce and Operation (CPOOS), has frequently made known her Among Sanibel's newer shopping ar- structures on Sanibel. "Your building visited many times by former President Roosevelt. Shown is a Manta Captiva Islanders and his scientist jriend Russell J. Coles, second Election 76; H. Stanley Johnson, Jr., reservations regarding the land-use plan, restrictions will make commercial property Bernard LeRoux, and Joe Winterrowd; cades, Sanibel Center is located at the Ray,-a-favorite catch of the President, from left. and she repeated this position Tuesday intersection of Casa Ybel Road and increasingly desirable," he noted. "Sanibel named by Operation Election 76; Dave evening. ' is a romantic place; more and more people Davenport, Clark Newcombe, and Arthur Periwinkle Way, with some 260 feet of the "I cannot subscribe to principles which property fronting on Periwinkle Way. will be coming there." Orloff, suggested by Committee of the take away the individual's right to plan his Islands, with Orloff also proposed by The building was erected in 1971 by a Louis,, active in area loan investments THIS SERIES SPONSORED BY YOUR LOCALLY OWNED INDEPENDENT CONVENIENCE BANK..
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