Government of Jam mu and Kashmir Directorate of School Education, Kashmir Subject: Grant of registration in favour of Coaching/TuiHo'n Centres of Kashmir Division for the session 2020. ; ( Order No: o' DSEK or2020 ; Dated: 3- ol-.2039> Whereas, the Govt., noticed a trend of opening Tuition/Coaching Centres by the Stake holders without observing certain formal i I ies required under prevai ling law/rules/regulations. Whereas. lo curb the mushroom grovvth of private coaching/tuition centres ,,vithout basic facilities, an order ·under No: 435-Eclu of 2010 dated: 30-4-201()" \,\:·as issued by the Govt. whereunder a procedure for opening such centres and granting permission by the competent authority was notified. ' Wherens. aJ-ter issuance of said order number of proprietors of touching/tuition centres applied before the authorities for grant of permission and their request was considered. Whereas, the proprietors of coaching/tuition centres started to hike the tuition/coaching tee without seeking approval from the competent authority. Whereas, one Mohd Ahsan Untoo approached the Hon'ble Court through the medium of PIL No: 17/2014 challenging the running of coaching/tuition centres in absence of required facilities and proper monitoring/registration.' Whereas. the I-Ion'ble Court issued the directions » to the Divisional Con!lni·,sioncr/Educntion Department tu inspect all such eentres to monitor regulation of fee, placing all the l'acilities in pince as per SRO-123 of 2010 and Govt, Order No: 435-Edu of 2010 dated: 30/4/20 I 0. ~ Whereas, in the meantime the (/Adm. Department/School Education) issued Govt. order No: 558-Edu of 2015 dated; 27/10/2015 whereunder certain doubts were clarified in the Govt Order No: 435 of2010 elated: 30-04-2010. Whereas, the Divisional Commissioner Kashmir issued instructions to the Deputy Commissioners and the School 1--.ducation Lkpnrtment lo arrange inspection of all coaching/tuition centres running without any permission nnd reconin1end/rejecl these centres for grant of registration/renewal on the basis of facilities in place us per Govt. Order No: 435 of2010 Dated: 30/4/2010. i : Whereas, as per the instructions of the 1-lon'ble High Court/Div Commissioner number of the joint teams of Dy. Com/CEO's were constituted and inspection was carried out in all the conching/tuition centres running in their respective district and furnished the reports. Now, on the basis of recommendations of Dy. Com/CEO's, and committee constituted vide this Directorate Order No: 541-DSEK of 201 7 elated: 7-6-2017 read with order issued under endorsement No: DSEK/GS/Coaching/9]4/201 7 elated: 6-9-2017 registration is granted in favour of 346 Coaching/tuition Centres as per annexure to this order lo run coaching/tuition centres till 31st October 2020 subject to the following conditions; o Seek registration with the competent authority under the relevant provision of the Jammu and Kashmir Shops and Establishment Act. ) o Seek registration/NOC from the Sales Excise Department : a Notify (in a leading Newspaper) the details of the fee structure before commencement of each academic session of the couching/tuition. _, Maintain an admission register indicating detailed particuhtrs <~/the candidates. o Maintain a proper record of tuition fee in proper accounting books. o Notijj• and display monthly tuition fee charged from student's subject-wise/class- 111iselcourse-1vise. o Notify and display detailed particulars of its faculty inembers including their qualification and e.\JJerience. o Reserve I0% free admission of the total intake in each class/course for the students who happen to be destit, '',tf"1J Utffs belong to the families living below poverty line. J 7'l,e list of de.,·m•iug c1111did11tes sh11/I he pn!l'ided by 11,Js- Direclor11/e as per I~ provisions laid in Govt. Order No: ,'558-Edu o/2015 dated:27,(10/2015. / a PTR Pupil Teacher Ratio 11111st be adhered in (>rder to provide qua/i(I' and .individual education and overcome the academic gaps of the students, o The permission shall be restrictedfor private tuition in t1110 1~·hffrs on~JJ i.e one ship lrn(l (//1 hour before the ll'Orldng hours of schools and other ,fhif't half an hour after the ll'orlcing hours ofschoo/sj · ·' i1 o Non-adherence to using address system in teaching leamil.ig.process. · u •. /11aintaining of arrival registJr <>,/'the outsiders• g C1111111/ati11e record of tests c~11d11cted r111d cumulative graphb e maintained for the review of the inspecting authority. ' 1> Competitive reference books (,e /(ept avaihtble. ;: o Projector oriented education \be imparted. In nddition to nbove, it shall ·ilso be ensured that the following facilities be provided to the stuclenls irnrnecliately. l, Proper e/ectrici(JJ, heating ml(! comj<Jrtable seating arrangen}tnt. 2. Adequate drinking water/toilt facility for boys and girls separately, 3. Adequate sanitation, erificalion of the class rooms.• 4. Instullutio11 <~l CCTV rnmeml~'/other secwi(l1 meast,res. · . Any deviation or default ih adherence to the norms/rules laid down and the orclers/inst/uetions issued from time t'o time shall render the coaching/tuition centre liable for action which may include withclrawdl of registration/closure of the qoaching/tuition centre, besides other penal action under law/l!uies. , ·. · · The following monitoring co, 1mit1ee constituted vide Govt. Cfrcler No; I 056-GAD of 2015 dnll'd: .5-8-'.:!015 shull conduct pl'riodicnl cheeks in case of each 'iegistered centre within their respective clistriels and cross ehj· ek !he udherenee of above conditions and availability of focilities. · t , Additional Deputy Commissioner.' 2. Chief Education Officer, 3. Principal <~l the Cluster ·or a1(ioinlng cluster to be nominated by the competent authori(J'/Chhf Education Officer, 8cg ' ~---.,,,..,~6Zire cto "...S<chool 1.1\ tucation f .. · Kashmir• pswos» Bo3.' 'pass: 8- el-6, Copy to the:- 0 I. Commissioner/Secretary to Govern men I, School Education Qepartment, .lnmmu for inl'ormation. 0:2. Divisional Commissioner Kashniir for information. 03. Deputy Commissioner,··-·--•··-·---···--···-···~._ . for information, 04. Lei. Additional Advocate General, J&K 1-Ion'b.le High Cou.i,t for information and neccssnry action. O."i. OSI) lo Ad.visor Hon'ble LI Governor for information, ... t 06. Chi el' [ducutinn OfliL'.L'r, .... for inlt>rmt1tion. .i 07. Public Law Ollicer, Directorate qi· School Educatkrn, l(ashmir lbr informaliun· and necessary aetion . 08. Prop. .. ---·--•- _ ------···· ·._ ---·---·····----··-··•-. ···-· --·-----------··-·--. for · information and necessary action. 09. 1/C Website. 1 o. Order/stock Ii le. «s) Annexure A {3 list of Private Coaching/Tuition Centres registered for the Session 2020 (Upto 31st October 2020) S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location 1 Srinagar Paramount Coaching Centre Shalteng Crossing, HMT Srinagar ¢ 2 Srinagar Cyber Educational Solutions (C.E.S.) Karan Nagar Srinagar 3 Srinagar Proficient Institute of English and Arts Old Channapora Srinagar 4 Srinagar Vision Coaching Institute Naik Bagh, Nowgam Srinagar 5 Srinagar SCOPE Victory Crossing, Opposite Hotel Burj, Khanyar 6 Srinagar Academy of Commerce and Arts/ Hyderpora Main Chowk near Jamia Masjid 7 Srinagar Excellence Coaching Academy Panthachowk Srinagar 8 Srinagar Naseer Sir's Basic Concept Coaching Sheikh Hamzah Colony, Salfia Masjid Lane 9 Srinagar Zulfiqar's Green Academy of Bota Kadal, Lal Bazar 10 Srinagar Libra Coaching Academy Habib Complex Karan Nagar 11 Srinagar Sabzar lpstitute of Excellence Bemina Crossing Chattabal, Channa Mahalia 12 Srinagar Hope Classes Parraypora Srinagar 13 Srinagar Bastion Institute of Management & Bishembar Nagar 14 Srinagar Harvard Institute of Excellence Hyderpora Byepass Road 15 Srinagar Proficient Institute of Learning Bagh-e-Mehtab Srinagar 16 Srinagar Mission {Coaching Center) Parraypora Srinagar 17 Srinagar Mission {Coaching Center) Raj Bagh Srinagar 18 Srinagar Legends Coaching Center 90 ft Road Soura 19 Srinagar Deen's Commerce and Management Al Aziz Plaza, Old Barzulla, Srinagar 20 Srinagar Al-Falah Academy Soura behind Police Station, 90ft Road 21 Srinagar LTN Afterschool Club - Oasis in lrshad Building, Old Barzulla, Srinagar 22• Srinagar Gousia Coaching Centre Wazir Bagh near LD Hospital Srinagar 23 Srinagar Sachdeva New P.T. College Alamgari Bazar Main Chowk Srinagar 24 Srinagar Bright Career Institute Mattoo Complex Red Cross Road, Lal Chowk 25 Srinagar Srinagar;Business School Kursoo Padshahi Bagh 26 Srinagar SET- Civil Service Foundation Kursoo Padshahi Bagh 27 Srinagar Mehraan Tuition Point Bemina near Kargil House 28 Srinagar RIMS Classes Shalteng Srinagar 29 Srinagar RIMS Classes Parraypora Srinagar 30 Srinagar Choice cdf Success Wani Complex Baghat Chowk 31 Srinagar Pulse Institute of Competitive Studies Khanyar otlti $ 32 Srinagar Pulse Institute of Con6fire Studies Raj Bagh ~--·· ~ . •·✓ 7 op 4 .-··,/ \ · "I Annexure A J32~- J ,~1st of Private Coaching/Tuition Centres registered for the sion 2020 (Upto 31st October 2020) S.No District Name of the Coaching Centre Location 33 Srinagar Rosh Coaching Institute Pampore Colony, Palapora Sgr 34 Srinagar Let's Solve Coaching Centre Main Chowk Parraypora Sgr 35 Srinagar Daars Commerce & Management Parraypora, Srinagar 36 Srinagar Daars Commerce & Management Nowgam, Srinagar 37 Srinagar Risif:lg Study Circle Shalteng Chowk, Sgr 38 Srinagar Srinagar Centre for Liberal Arts Raj Bagh Extension, Opposite Noor Masjid Sgr 39 Srinagar Career Point Hazratbal, Srinagar 40 Srinagar Career Point Parraypora, Srinagar 41 Srinagar S N DAS:Gupta College Iqbal Park Srinagar 42 Srinagar Achievers Parraypora Baghat Sgr Panaas~ Coaching Institute Parraypora, Srinagar \ 43 Srinagar ; 44 Srinagar Panaash Coaching Institute Karan Nagar, Srinagar 45 Srinagar Zeal Study Center AG Plaza, Bagh e Mehtab 46 Srinagar Chemistry Clinic Hawal Srinagar 47 Srinagar DD Target PMT IG Road Parraypora Srinagar te 48 Srinagar DD Target PMT Raj Bagh Old Zero Bridge, Srinagar 49 Srinagar DD Target PMT Wanbal, Nowgam Srinagar 50 Srinagar lqra Institute of Excellence Gousia Stop (opposite Modern Bakery) Bemina 51 Srinagar Credible Coaching Institute.
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