-’ 1 - 4-- _--A-.- . .. Notulae Entornologicac 60:107--110, 1980. - Norr- ieroptera. 3: ILLIES, Notes on the taxonomy and distribution of western a 2nd ed. Palaearctic Trichophaga species (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) te (Ephe- biks LOO- Jukka Jalava & JormaKyrki jgraphy of f running Abstract the Car- quantita- JALAVA, JUKKA& KYRKI,JORMA : Notes on the taxonomy and distribution obiol. 17: of western Palaearctic Trichophaga species (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) . - Notulae Entomol. 60:107-110. 1980. meroptera- Trichophaga scandinauiclla Zag., formerly synonymized with T. tapctzclla ;arelia LZ- (L.), is found to be a distinct species ranging from northern Scandinavia Fennici 1: to Cxcasia. T. rjaboui Zag. is synonymized with l’. scandinauiclla. The bio- logy of T. scandinauiella is discussed and genital figures are given. T.swin- ribution Of hDei (Butler) is reported from southern Morocco and the Canary Islands. ‘inland. - Authors’ addreses: Jukka Jalava, Zooiogical Museum, University of -121. Helsinki, P. Rautatiekatu 13, SF-00100 Helsinki 10, Finland. Jomi Kyrki, hemeropte- Zoological hluseum. University of Oulu, Kasarmitie 8, SF-90100 Oulu 10, ’SKO, G.Y. Finland. the Euro- aiaeoptera, lntroduction Mongolia and the Canary Islands Jerusdeni. (ZAGULAJEV 1960). GOZMANY& VARI The genus 7richophaga was describ- (1973) report it from the Sudan. ed by Ragonot in 1894, the type spe- ZAGULAJEV (1960) describes 7.ziniella cies being 7.co/)robiella Rag. (by ori- and gives it the following distribution: funnen . ginal designation), a junior synonym Caucasia, Kazakhstan and Turcmenia. of 7. swinhoei (Butler) (ZAGULAJEV, No new records are available for the 1960). Five species of the genus are latter two species. For 7.scandinaviel- nals sorn ny reported from the Palaearctic Region: la see below. J: Kaavi (1 :s: Salla (1 T. tapctzella (Linnaeus, 1758), 7. .sines), Li: scandinaviella Zagulajev, 1960, T. ab- T. scandinatiella Zag. Iarv). Dess- ruptella (Wollaston, iSjS), T. swin- ZACULAJEV (1960) describes the species Fi: Kauto- hoei (Butler, 1881) and 7. íiniella T. scandinauiella from one female from north- Zagulajev, 1960. A few additional ern Norway. This species was later synonymiz- ed with T. tapetiella by KROCERUSSr. al. species occur in the tropics. 11971). The reason for this was as follows. 7.tapetzella has been introduced in- Specimens of Trichophaga were aiso known to severa1 areas, and is the most wide- from Finnish Lapland - the Peuamo area on ly distribiited (cosmopolitan) of the the Arctic Ocean (the area nowadays belonging to the USSR). A genital preparation was made genus. It has been recorded from Eu- from one female and it was compared with a rope (excl. the northernmost parts - female from the southern coast of Finland, found in Finland up to lat. 61°30’N), assumed to be a T. tapetiella. .4s these geni- Pflanzen- Africa, Asia, North and South Ame- tals corresponded to each other, the synoiiymy was made (E. Suomaiainen. pers. comm.). rica, Australia and New Zealand During this study it has become clear that (ZAGULA JEV 1960). 7. swinhoei is T. scandinauie/la, which is a distinct species, for alla bio- known from Algeria, Egypt, Kenya, occurs even more abundantly than T. tapet- rna har man Djibouti, Syria, South Yemen, zella on the southern coast. When making :sk litteratur, genital slides frorn male T. scandinaviella spe- tippslagsorden and Asia Minor (ZAGULAJEV1960). cimens, we noticed that they were conspecific !er internatio- GOZMANY9c VARI (19í3) state that with T. rjabori Zagulajev. 1960. which was jr envar sorn it ’has not yet been recorded with described froni one mile coiiected in Caucasia. -exten. Serien certainty south of Aden’. 7.abruptella Therefore. the following synonyrny can be occurs in the Mediterranean area, established: Trichophaga scnndinariella Zagu- inander lajev, 1960 (= T. rjabori Zagulajev, 1960) Caucasia. Kazakhstan. Central Asia, syn. nov. Both species were described in the 108 NOTULAE ESTOMOLOGICAE 60, 1980 FIG. fa. T. tapetzella (Foglo) ; lb. T. scatidinaviella (Eckero) sanie work. but we have chosen the name abdomens are missing. Both speciniens seern T. scandinaviella, because it describes sorne- to me to reprrseiit T. tapetzelln nuctorun.” thing of the distribiition of the species. Lizrzraeus ( 1758) st :tes thnt T. tapetiella In order to find out to which species the ”Habitat in TAetibus. Peilibiis”. IVe therefore Linnean type of T. tnpezrlía beiongs. we wrote consider that the conirnon: cocniopoiitan, syn- to Dr. G. S. Robiiison of the British JIuseurn anthropous species can be considerrd as T. (Sat. Hist.) who gave iii the íollowing an- tnpetrella (L.) . swer: “There are two syntypes of T. taprt:ella The wing pattein of T. scandinaviella dif- in the Linnean coilection: one has been labcl- fers siightly froni that of T.tapct:ella. T.scan- led as lectotype by Davis but this designation ciinntidla his darkrr apes of the forewing and is unpubiished. Both speciinins are males: the it has zem to two circular: blackish spots in 1. 1 .. ._.._ ,. -. .. .. .. - . -. -.. -- . J. JALAVA & J. KYRKI, PALAEARCTIC TRICHOPHAGA 1o9 known pest in the province Al on stored feathen and animal skins in outbuildings. Three specimens of T. scandinaviaüa from southern Sweden (Ug) are reared from pellets of Bubo bubo. NORDMAN(1940) telh that one of the Petsamo specimens was caught near a large colony of ncsting Phalacrocorar carbo. It is therefore probable that T. scarulinaviella has retained its original habitab (e.g. birda’ a nests). T.~suk$zi (Butier) For stnbution of thu species as re- ported by Zagulajev see Introduction. AMSEL 11966) reportGd T. abrupfclla from southcrn Morocco. These specimens are preserved in the COLMus. Helsinki. Al1 the specimens (27 exx.), except for one T. abruptclla from Ait Melloul (1961, M. Meinander leg.), proved to represent T. swinhoci. The specirnens were collected in February-March in 1961 by M. Meinander from the following locaiities: Gou- limine, Foum Oued Dra, Oued Noun pr El Ksabi, Puerto Cansado, Tantan and Torkoz. Further material from Morocco was collected by K. Mikkola: Agadir, 18-29.3.1975, four specimens. NORDMAN(1935) reports T. abrup- tella from the Canary Islands: Gran Canana, b FIG. 2. Male genitalia of Tricho#haga spe- cies: 2a. T. tapctrclla (Foglo), 2b. T. scandi- naviella (Korpo). the disc just beyond the blackish basa1 area. The hindwings are somewhat darker. The genitalia (see figs.) differ clearly in both sexes. The distribution of T. scandinaviella is wide. We have examined specimens from northem USSR (Petsamo) , northern Sweden TLpm (Abisko), southern coast of Finiand (provinces Al, Ab, N) and southern Sweden (province Ug). Mr. Sten Wahlstr6m (pers. comm.) reported two specimens from Sweden: one from province Sm (Vitervikstrakten) and one from Gotland (Gtl). Further information wai given by Dr. Robinson in the letter men- tioned above from the collection of the Brit. jpeciniens seem Mus.: ”1 9 from Iran, Abstrabad, 1873-05-02, nuctorum.” leg. Christoph and 2 66 from USSR Kras- I 1 . tapetiella noarmeijsk (‘Sarepta’), 1869-05-17 and 1878- “. iye therefore 08-20, Christoph leg.” Additional records refer ,iiiopolitan. syn- to the type of T. rjabowi from Caucasia: Pja- )midered as T. tigorsk, 1923-08-12, M. Rjabov leg. and to the holotype of T. scandinavieila from northern ‘a b f’ nndinavielia dif- Norway: Bossekop, leg. Wocke. ,<.t:ella. T.scan- In Finiand, T. scandinaviella is caught out- FIG. 3. Female genitalia of Trichophaga spe- iie forewing and doors (usually at light). For T. tapctzclla, cies: 3a. T. tapctzclla (France), 3b. T. scan- ilrickish spots in NORDMAN(1940) states that it is a commoniy dinaviclla (SalMí). Lm Palmas, R. Stora leo. (t3t.t Rete!). These ~ROGEFCS.H., 'CIPHEJM. !d YOP: :;C€lmTZ, >'f., two specirrxns also belon: to 1. sriliihoo:. :jyEx;SSog. I., WOLFF, p\ L. 1971: Acknowfedzerncnts: M't. ~!s,ito thsnk the (::atalog.!s Lepiclopt-rorurn Fenrkie et following pcrjons ior ti-.eir hi lp: I3r. '5. S. :jcnr.di::¿viae. liíicri~1epidoli:era 40 pp. RobInson, hfr. Sten Ji ahls:rimi, Mr. L-T. -- Helsin$ri ~y,inie:svaihtc!.hdist.ys. Linra!uoto, hfr. R. Ter3io .ir13 Prnf. IC Suo- L~NS,G.JS, C. 1738: S>iter!ia NatJrae 823 pp. rnalainen. \oRDs.w, A. 1935: Vt:neichrGs der von .Richard Frey imd Ragnz:, Stori auf ,!en Kamrischen Inselri gesaolmelten References Lepidonteren -- SNIC.Sci:nt. Fennica. ICoixunect. Biol. 6 (1j : 1--13. AhisEx., H. G. 1966: Zur Kerir:triis dcr :'dicro- 19-t0: Tapetrn-len (Trick.ophaga ta- lepidopterenfaunn xon bíarokko ~ - NO- tulae Entomol. 46:1?5--130. petzel1.i L.) soni skdedjur pS dun i AL GOZ~VY,L. .4. & VARI,L. 1'173: The lid- F5gl6 -- Kot;il.ie Entomo: 10:77-79. dae of the Ethi0pi.m Ii&n - 'Trans- ZACCLAJEV, .,l. 1960: Tirieidae, Tineinxe - vaal híus. hiem. 1 3: 1-- 238. Fauna SSSK Kcv. Ser. 73:l-266. Selostus Referat Tiichophaga scandinavlella hyva la$ Trichophaga scandinaviella en god art Vuoder. 197 1 hficro~.it,2loFiiusesi~is mony- misoitiin Zagulajevin Poijoi;-Xorj:ista yhden naaraan perusteella kuva3l;ns Iaji Trichofihagc scandinnviella. Syy siihen 01. wura mosta jaimeren rannalta Ioyr-etyn r..iari 111 ge- nitaaleja verrattiin Suonie:~,:tclarannikol t;r pe. ried g:nicnliern:i fran en hona I:&i Finlands riiisin oie~an,T'. tapctze!fiks. i>li:tet,l:i sydkust, som ar.tagitn vara T. tr:pstzelía. Dá geni.taaleihin. Kun n3iden kahien yksi cessas geitalier var iden.iska gjorde man T. Lialit olivat identtiset, 2. rcantfiq scf:r.dir:al'i.~llc tiíl en ynare syr-onym av T. tehtiin T. inpztrellan nuorcnipi syncin~ryini. tnpstiella. Ni; iisnde <!e: 3ig en: lertid att T. Nyt kavi kuireckixi ilnii, t:tt3 Y. JC sc;ndh&íic ir en god art, so111 ocksH fore- on hpR laji. joh esiintyy ni.& etzl Lcrnriier vid si.dkustx. rcnt av :alrikare och jopa yIeisenipiin% ja l~i~.j~:~.~~alle iitbrjdd %n 7'. tapitrdlu; T.
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