Oxfordshire Family History Society AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG – MondAy 24 June 2013 notice And AGendA Minutes of the 2012 AGM 2012 Accounts chAirMAn’s report MeMbers’ Handbook 2013 cd & dVd price list Microfiche price list BookstAll price list oxfordshire Wills liBrAry link, strAys & strAnGers ofhs seArch serVices oxfordshire surnAMe interest list open oxfordshire eMAil list Meet other ofhs MeMBers online the coMputer Group pAnel MeetinGs holford reseArch centre oxfordshire history centre oxford centrAl liBrAry open dAy – sAturdAy 5 octoBer 2013 The information in this handbook was current in March 2013. Officers and committee members may change at the AGM in June. Please check the Society’s website for changes in the range of available publications during the year. The Society’s website can be found at: www.ofhs.org.uk President: Dr Hugh Kearsey Vice-Presidents: Mrs Joan Howard-Drake, Colin Harris, Malcolm Graham, Carl Boardman Hon Legal Advisor: Jeremy Geere OFHS Registered Charity Number 275891 Chairman: Dr Wendy Archer The Old Nursery, Pump Lane, MARLOW, SL7 3RD Tel: 01628 485013 Email: [email protected] Secretary: Mrs Julie Kennedy 19 Mavor Close, WOODSTOCK, OX20 1YL Tel: 01993 812258 Email: [email protected] Treasurer: Miss Linda Dore 3 The Square, Aynho, BANBURY, OX17 3BL Tel: 01869 810069 Email: [email protected] Editor: Mrs Sue Honoré Meadow Barn, Old Minster Lovell, WITNEY, OX29 0RN Tel: 01993 778044 Email: [email protected] Executive committee: Wendy Archer, Malcolm Austen, Linda Dore, Paul Gaskell, Sue Honoré, Julie Kennedy, Derek Powles, Sheila Tree. SOCIETY OBJECTIVES 1. To advance public education in family history and genealogy primarily within the county of Oxford. 2. To collect, index, co-ordinate, publish and make accessible in the interests of genealogy any documents or records relating to the county. 3. To promote the preservation of such documents or records. 4. To encourage the study of genealogy. 5. To assist educationally by lectures or otherwise in record research. 6. To co-operate with Family History and other Societies with similar interests. The Constitution of the Society is lodged with the Charity Commissioners and a copy is available from the Society’s web site or, upon receipt of a stamped addressed envelope, from the Secretary. 2 Oxfordshire Family History Society, 2013 Members’ Handbook oxfordsHire faMily History society Notice The Society’s Annual General Meeting will take place at 8pm on Monday 24 June 2013 at the Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1AB. Any non-members present may not vote on any Society business. The Society’s constitution allows for a maximum of twelve members of the Executive Committee. Members of the Society may nominate candidates, with their agreement, for the posts of the honorary officers and committee members. Nominations must be received by the Hon Secretary, Julie Kennedy, by 3 June 2013. A list of nominations will be available at the AGM. Annual General Meeting Agenda 1. The President’s welcome and opening address. 2. The Chairman presents apologies for absence. 3. The Chairman presents the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 25 June 2012 at the Exeter Hall. 4. The Chairman presents the 36th annual report of the Society’s Executive Committee, for 2012. 5. The Hon Treasurer presents the Society’s accounts for year ended 31 December 2012. 6. Election of officers and members of the Society’s Executive Committee for 2013–2014. 7. Appointment of Independent Examiner of the accounts. 8. The Chairman closes the meeting. Following the closing of the meeting, there will be a short opportunity before the invited speaker gives his talk for members to raise any matters concerning the Society that have not been dealt with under sections 4 and 5 above. Julie Kennedy, Hon. Secretary 19 Mavor Close, WOODSTOCK, OX20 1YL Following the Annual General Meeting: Dr Wendy Archer will talk on The Pulker One-Name Study Oxfordshire Family History Society, 2013 Members’ Handbook 3 oxfordsHire faMily History society Registered Charity No.275891 Annual General Meeting 25 June 2012 at the Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington OX5 1AB Minutes 1. In the presence of the Society’s President Emeritus Jeremy Gibson and Honorary Secretary Julie Kennedy, the Chairman Wendy Archer called the meeting to order at 8:00pm. She welcomed some 40 attendees to the Society’s 2012 Annual General meeting, reminding those present who were not members that, should there be a vote, they were not eligible to participate. 2. The Chairman then welcomed Jeremy Gibson, President Emeritus of the Society, and invited him to present the opening address in the absence of our President Hugh Kearsey. Hugh and his wife sent their apologies as they were both unable to attend this AGM. Jeremy Gibson welcomed members to this AGM and told the meeting of his particular research; he was very interested in 17thC records and he had published 2 books recently with OFHS. He thanked the Society for their support in their production and was pleased to have been asked to conduct this AGM meeting in the unavoidable absence of Hugh Kearsey. 3. The Chairman thanked Jeremy Gibson for his report and thanked him for his continuing involvement with the Society. She then presented apologies for absence from the Society’s President Hugh Kearsey & his wife Jean, the Honorary Treasurer Linda Dore, committee member Paul Gaskell, and Howard Fuller, Mr & Mrs Hood and Stella Wentworth. 4. The Chairman noted that the Minutes of the 2011 AGM had been circulated to members and invited comments. As there were none, she asked that the Minutes be agreed and accepted as a true record. This was done on a proposal by Maurice Meardon seconded by Mary Newland. 5. The Chairman then presented the Society’s 35th Annual Report, that for 2011, already available in the Members Handbook, and elaborated on parts of it, also updating the audience on Society news. The Society, both the executive committee members and volunteers, had taken on various projects. Amongst the developments were the transcribing of Oxford City 4 Oxfordshire Family History Society, 2013 Members’ Handbook Cemetery grave registers; the photographing and transcribing of Monumental Inscriptions, this year by three separate teams; and, highly significantly, the project of scanning all the Parish registers had been started. We had been out and about, to fairs and various open days around the county and had a stall at Olympia at the Who Do You Think You Are? Live Show, at which we were delighted to meet members and to welcome new friends. It had also been a time for change, Howard Fuller had recently retired from his various posts, and the Chairman said how we were much indebted to him. He was regrettably not able to be with us for the meeting, but she was sure the meeting would wish to send him their love and regards. Another change was that our Editor Tony Hadland was leaving the post and the OFHS committee. The Chairman thanked Tony for all his hard work on our behalf. She also said special thanks to Hugh Kearsey, our President and Project Manager, for the time he gives to the Society. In his absence, she promised to pass such thanks on to him. Finally she recorded thanks to all OFHS helpers, both at the meeting and worldwide. The Chairman concluded by pointing out that the Society is approaching its 36th birthday, and she looked forward to the continuation of its working with enthusiasm within its 2 objectives of public education, and the publishing and preservation of records relating to the County. There being no questions, the Chairman’s report was accepted on a proposal by Alan Simpson and seconded by Kevin Poile. 6. The Chairman then invited the Secretary Mrs Julie Kennedy to present the Accounts for 2011 due to the unavoidable absence of the Honorary Treasurer Linda Dore. These had been agreed by the Independent Examiner and circulated to all members prior to the meeting. Julie delivered a short report on Linda’s behalf to elaborate on the Accounts. There were no questions on the Accounts and they were accepted on a proposal by Becky Vickers, seconded by Tony Hadland. 7. The President Emeritus then conducted the election for the Officers and members of the Executive Committee. He noted that, as no nominations had been received for the positions of Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, the present incumbents were therefore elected unopposed. The following were therefore elected to those positions and to the Executive Committee: Wendy Archer for the position of Chairman, Julie Kennedy for the position of Secretary, Linda Dore for the position of Treasurer. The position of Editor was vacant as Tony Hadland after 3 years of producing marvellous journals had relinquished his post and retired on a high after receiving an Elizabeth Simpson award and he was duly thanked for his work. Oxfordshire Family History Society, 2013 Members’ Handbook 5 Sue Honoré had been proposed and seconded by the Executive Committee for the position of Editor, and the AGM was asked to endorse their decision, which was done. Four of the remaining Executive Committee members were available and eligible for re-election, and had been nominated according to the Constitution. As no other nominations had been received by the Honorary Secretary, the following were elected unopposed to the Executive Committee for 2012/13: Malcolm Austen, Paul Gaskell, Derek Powles and Sheila Tree. The President Emeritus then asked the newly elected committee to stand and be introduced to the meeting; he then duly declared that the elections were complete. 8. The Chairman then explained that, as a registered charity with a modest turnover, we are required to appoint an Independent Examiner for the Society’s annual accounts.
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