U . S . S . ;'TTIET2M (Cv-36) from : ?Ef

U . S . S . ;'TTIET2M (Cv-36) from : ?Ef

U .S .S . ;'TTIET2M (cv-36) c/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Cali cornia CO!TFIDIQTTI SECURITY lXF3FJLITIOX From : Commid.ing bfficer, C. S .S. AFTIETU! (cv-36) To: Chief of Naval Operations Via: (1) Commnder Carrier Division OTE (2) Gomiink Task Force ST?%VY STVBI (3) Commander S"Y TF Fleet Commander Yaval Forces, FA!? PiST Conmnder-in-Chief, C.S. Pacific Fleet h3j: Action Report for the period 15 October throuyh 16 Yovember 1951 ?ef: (a) CpGav Instruction 3480.4 dtd 1 July 1951 Encl: (1) ~mm,arder Carrjer Air Group FI3"3E? Itr of 17 November 1951 r' I.'-'! ' 1. The Action bport for tke period 15 October 1951 throlingh 16 November 1951 is hereby submitted in accordance vith reference (a), The U. .S. ,l:TTIFT:d~T arrived at Yokosulca, Japan at 14001 on 4 3ctober 1951. The period 4 - 11 October was spent at anchor in Yoko- suka fibor and was devoted to voyaze renzirs, reslricte? availab_i.lity, ard conferences witb personnel from the U.S. 5. 3OXER (CV-21). hLt 10001 on 11 October 1951 the U.S.S. 2J-TIYTAH rot mnderway for tl-e operating arc?. to join Task Force SCE'TY SETLT3in accordance with Ci3-77 Confidenticl c'ispatch. 0822162. The U. S .S. SF'ELTO:? (9s-790) accompe.nied the ship in order that refresber air oyarstions cocld be conducted enrouto. l'he ship joined the %.sk Force -t 05COI on 15 October in the Operzting ibre;? near the 38th p?,rr113_el near tae east comt of Korea. 'i?e Task Force wcs com~~mciedby R?2' J. J. CL.;RK in the U.S.S. WX- ?iCYAR?3 (CV-3l), and 9pzr.l.ted under Tuk Force 77 $cr?.tion Order (Revised) drted 7 October 1951. It was colilposed of tho U.S.S. 3@! IT0iTE "1IC3:'-'+'t,(CV-31), U.S.S. TSTX (CV-q), Y.T.S. rEi! T7?S7Y U.S.S. TPLTL~, (c1?-75), cln?. 9tl.w screening vnits. bup FIT'- w".s ernbrkcd i$ .the U.S.S. ':TITLQl. .',fter 31 dcys Qf oycrntions, the skip dewrted POT Yokosuk-. for 4 prigd of mintcnwccu m(?upkmp, lecvin? thc zction zrei on l4 Nove.iber 1951. f The ltission of Tssk Force 77 WRS 9.s follows: (I) Conduct air operations from en opwztiq artm off the st of Koren. to provide close zir support of fricndlg tmop opcrp-tions, interdiction of enemy routes of movement znd. supply, and irned reconnciss#mce af memy instsl.latims mc! lines of communications. (2) Provide -,ir cwer for rcplenishment ships md r?thor friwclly nr.viL surfq.ce farccs when neccss*.ry. (3) Protect the force %:;"sinst i.iT, surfax, wd. suSsvrf-cc -tttacks. (4) Provick zir spot tc, bom3~":-ia1t,"rces when dir;.ctcd. (5) Cmduct photo and visud rconnzissxxc 7s required. (6) Coordimto -.ir opcrltims irith the 5th air Fwce thmwh JOG, K~rc-t. (7) Exchmse intcllipncc infxm?.tion with friendly nw?l forces mg?.ged in surf:?.cc intsrdiction opr-.tims cJn th2 e?st cmst of Kore~ 26 22 23 27 6 5 6 4 8 2 PT.rticc1vs conccrnin: lqss of q.i F crT.ft .zrc given in enclosure: (I). PA,ST I1 cF~o~~oLo'?Ic~xlT)EDR2, 937 WT-TS lO/ll/51 - The U.S.S. XTIWiIi (CV-36) in company with the U.S.S. STLTOB (DD-790) sorti2d from Yokosuk? :t 10001 q.ftcr having been de- layed four hmrs by dznsc f-2, &fresher :.iP cqcr-.tir>ns were begun nt 15301 and secureel st17301, 27 Sortles were flown qf which 7 were jet -.nd 20 prop, At 17301 the ship bepn to secure to typhmn RUTH md holded fqr the Sec of Japan, -2- -.. DECtASSlFiED * -3- cv36/39 0 e16-13 &O0 uE-$isi\N~ 10/23/51 - Replcnishmcnt day. POT wcthcr fqrced ccnccll?*tim 3f scheduled .I? pro,ctice. l0/%4/51 - Flaw 75 sortios .~fd5ch 34 were jets wd 41 were prys. In ?.dAitim, rec?vereri 2 WFts .n.nd 2 dls frm K-3 which bd ken thcrc for hqolr trquble, ?xd 2 F9Fls frm K-U. vbich hcd l-ndcd there short ?f fuel. 10/25/51 - Flew 73 sx-ties qi' which 34 were jets 2nd 39 were pr9,ps. LTJG L.V. DOPST, UFR, ditcbcd his F4U i3 Wqns-.n lkrbnr due t? cnginq ml- A%ncti*Tning cmsed by cnmy snzll --rms firo, mC w.s i-cscucc' by thc heli- ccgtzr frm the V.S.S. E-TLF;,?-\, (CA-75) 10/26/51 - l?lcw 75 swties ?f trhich 34 were jets -.sd. wrc, prT?x. llissims cwsistcd of CAP, SP, nrmd ?ad ph-t- roccq, Y2F spnt, -.nd r,q.ilrDvl interdiclim strikcs. 10/27/51 - Replenisl.liiciit dcy. 10/28/R - new 39 jet md &3 pmp mrtizs far i?, totd qf 87. Flew first cl5sc Tir supp-rt missivs in .tdditi"rii t) the USUQ qffcnsivc md clofmsivc nissiws. 10/29/51 - f;lcw 43 jct .md 37 prop sca-tics PT c2 tntcll qf 80 3n Cis, CiF, AS?, 'q.m:ml zad phqto rcccq, iW, m.nd r:ilrmc? strikes. 10/30/51 - new 90 sorties 3f vhich 463 were Set ?.nil 47 wrc prqp. LTJG X.E. ILUXR, VC-3, crwhed 'ver p~tside 3n nijht lvding. Pilqt rescued by U.S.S. IWFWLF with n3 injurios. 10/31/51 - hplcoishcnt dcy. Rnr Ahirnl J.J. CLi.E!& USIT in 3X: UCKLPK)rclievod k7-r Admir.ll J. EWY 2s CTF-77. 11b/51 - pc).-v taathor rtvw tapt r-.rc? limited qxr-r-tims t-, 52 scrrtios; 23 jet md 29 prop. ll/2/!2 - Pmr wenther wer t,?rZ;et rm7. linitcd opxTtims t9 28 sqrties. Lyndcd 1 FAU md. 2 QFIs Trm 303 !'Of?sE RICELRD with cngine trwble. 11/3/51 - Flew '72 sorties; 29 jets 7.nd 43 pr3ps. 11/4/51 - Today CRS thc X:1ITTIZT,'J?s red Letter dzy. On the pre-dmn launch zt 05001 a bridlc bmkd on the port cztzpult -ad LTZG 1J.R. DOflAYOE, VC-35 in m AID-G?L, crnshcd int3 the wq.tor. ~'111 three xcup-nts qf the p1-m were rtscued ullhamcli by the U.S.S. U€QLl (DD-687). Then p.t 094.51 LT GEORGE S. BRUXLI?D, TSJE, .=fVF-837 rmde -- inrn-.l apprmch to thc ship in his @F but mnde a hard 1r.ncIiiip. plm-no buiccd withmt cngqing a wire md the pilqt pushcd qvsr tq get dvm t;, tho deck -.%.".in, lnnding nwe whcel first. The nose tire blew irmcdi?tdy md thi: nqse wIi,od. Segm t- disintcgrrte c?t mce. The plat wait tbmugh all Do_vis b?.rricrs with- wt zctuzting tbcn ind cmtinued TI u~ the deck cr?.shing ict3 the :xr'ted plincs fwmrd. "he pilot i.n? n deck crewrim wore kill-cd instxitly. Tw~ rtther crew neqbcrs died I..--tcr in thc d-..~. heFilqt received seri-us in- jurics wd nine creimcn lossar injuries. I--Ihrcc F9Fs rccoivcd strilrc drm-.\.geJ 1 FW, 2 ADS,r.nd 1 F4U reccived rdnnr d.2rv.p. Fli:,ht opsr?ti?;is F'nr re- mining p-.rt ?C d?-y cp.ncell Gd. Ij?cv 18 jet and 27 prnp 9ffc:isivc -.nd dc- fcfisive mrtics fqr -- t7t.d of 45. I\ -4- 7 DECLASSlFIED' 11/5/51 - €?c!plenishc,nt d?.y. 11/6/51 - Inclciient wcTtl.cr wcr force md tclrpt crw. fqrcc-1 c?.nccll?.tim gf ~-11fliphts. 11/7/51 - Continued po3r wmthsr cmccl!.ed flipht qxxztims. Fwco rendazvxxxd. with replenishricnt Zrwp Tt 07001 nnd clcv3ted the mrniiig to roylcnishing 11/8/51 - Flew 79 s-rties on jet C.P, Tmed ?lid phTto recc?, .ind r?.il- ro7.d intcrdictiw strikes. sit 13201, LT.E F'. C-. "r)?D€LL, tiS'JR, VF-"l3, ditched h.is plme in Wmsai? F'vbnr sfter being hit by -&I fire. Pilqt w',s rescue2 by bclicoptcr from US,? T3LFF. 11/9/51 - i?LewT-":s?rtics. CDR Dq.vid I~-.LRKS,C3 nclinc Officcr ?f VC-35, mdc the 20,OOd.t L l.snC?ing zt night. 11/10/51 - new 76 sorties. General RIDGEPLY visited- T-.sk Fwcc during tFc dny and 9bservGd cir qpcrntiwis frm the U.S.S. BOTT F-31TE PIC'i:7D (CV-31' krinc Detachmnt celebrc".tsG the 176th birth?.qr qf Ifvine Corps by n s;7eci?.l drvss p-r??e on the flizht dxck ?t 1600. 11/11/51 - Replenishmnt dny, 11/12/51 - Inclaxnt wc?.tl-er Over tl-c Rsk Fwcc hcld F.ir ?px-.ti-ms t? qnly 10 sqrties d.cvdxci t-, .,SF, C&?, -3d nigkt hocklxs. Lit 05001, LTJG L.O. -r.LR?IELD, l;F?R, VC-3, crisbd into the w-ibr after a n-r-1-d cl.t?.pult sht frm the pnrt cqbt:.pult. Chusc unknwn. Fi1 >t rescue5 un$-.rncd by C.S.S. BOYD (DD-754) 11/13/51 - I"f.cw 69 swties on nizbt hec'xlcr, AS?, C2, .IFF mxl rm.ilrqa3 intmdictim. Fired .LA nrq.cticc in dkrnorm. 11/16/51 - Enrwte YQ?msukc. Ibwt 10001 cmfluctcc! 2 slccvc firing przctice. Fwr Aircr?ft were lnunchci! Tt 13001 f?r -.tsuni. The sbi? mo3red zt Picd-mnt R,z, YokosukA ?-v--l 3-m~nt 16131, -5- MISC -.- TOTAL Oct 11 27” 12 56* 13 ri 14 -.- 15 12l5 1 1745 121 35 16 04.30 I 1627 542 711.

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