The Weather II only • • • co-rally fair .....y and tonlthf. Hitil ...., 711 ~·1 (See page 2) north t. _ .. south. OutlMk for SaM... y: ail OWtlO co-rally f.lr and cool. Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City E. tabliMed in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy Associated Press Leased Wires aDd Winpboto Iowa City, Iowa-Friday, August 30. 1963 ,but got fOUr • f?ur innings Civil rights leader says that :ormg. Wilson I loss against Senate group urges 110 000-1 5 • march marked .turning point 110 OOX-4 , 1 I Tillmon; ~OId IJd (19-7). l _ WASHINGTON fAIl - The leader oC the younge t and perhaps Iluart (34). mo t militant civil rights organization said Thursday the mas Ive march on Washington marked a turning point in the civil right. struggle. John Lewis. 23. chairman of the Stud nt Nonviolent Coordinat· lng Committee, said In an Intprvlew that the civil rights groups ratification of treaty "are definitely ulOre unified now thon beCore the march . We have reached the point of no return - we can only go forward - and at an accelerated pace." ANOTHER OF THE march leaders. Bayard Rustin, said there Long is dissenter is need for a master plan for civil rights that eoes beyond the Int.egrotion Issue. The civil rights revolution will succeed. h said. "only to the degree that we move this country 10 the left, because there is no room and no other dlreclion to go." in a 16-t0-1 vote Rustin called for use of civil di obedi nee methods by the un­ employed - both white and Negro - to get the response from WAsm GTO. (AP) - Th S nat Foreign Relations I national and local governments that the civil rlghli movement bas Committ voted 16 to 1 Thursday to urge that the Senate achieved. ratify without re ervntion the treaty to ban 011 nuclear testing RUSTIN TOLD A Socialist. party conference that the Io-group CXl't'pt underground. coalition behind the big demonstration Wednewoy already shows Two mov to d la action on the pact wer rej cted 11 JOHN LEWIS "certaIn tensions." and that its significance will be momentary to 5. A 10-7 vol d feated an effort unless it gains allies among those two who "wield and can mllnipu­ to d mand from th K nnedy Ad· late real economic power." ministratIOn 0 II correspondence be­ tw n Washington and Moscow ~ners Rustin specifically called for such an alliance with the labor Railroads pick movement, although adding that he was "not llliking about George leading up 10 and durina negotia· tion oC Ih treaty. WASHINGTON fAIl - From .N Meany. whom I don't gIve a damn about." THE SENATORS, acting swiCUy. th.... Cepltal City dally _ .. Lewis said the civil rights organizations are now ready to weighed mor than two weeks of papin, Mtrtdlth Willson's _ two members expend their efforts In the cause of the over-all civil rights move­ conClicting t timony by military muskal, "Her.'s LovI," reted mcnt. and sclenlific experts and polltlcal good reviewa foIlowi", flit flrat Ptrform_ It the National HE NOTED THAT his organization Is primarily concerned with leaders. and agreed to take the treaty to the Senate noor on Mon· Thelt.r here TuelClay night. as arbitrators voter registration drives in the south. "That is our one big day. Sept. 9. The st.,. adaptation .. "Mlr. problem." Lewis said, "getting people to register and then WASHINGTON (.4'1 - The rljil­ It was agreed that the commit· cit on 34th St..... t" wa. IlvlII roads moved quickly Thursday to on to the polls to vote. " tee would include in its report to gllllrOUI IfNlC' In all th'M. set up their side of an arbitration "We also are extremely interested in th public accommoda· th n te the U.S. "und r land· "Wlllson - Sa"'l Claus Mer­ board that will keep the trains tions situation." Lewis said. "We want to eat. sleep, recreate, and ines" and "interpretations" of the Itr I Nltur.'," statect the heed­ running for the next six months at spend our money any place we choose." meaning oC th treaty'S terms. Ing enr the Jay Cannedy crltl· lcast. Former Pr id nt Dwiaht D. Ei· que in the Stir. C.lllng that mer­ N::I,m d to represent manage­ SHCC IS COMPOSED mostly of students from 102 Negro col· senhower was among those who Itr "Inevltabl.," he w.nt on te ment on the new board, created by leges in the South. These Negroes are reinforced by white college had urged r rVlltions to clarifY sUIIgest that the production I, an act of Congress to head off a young lers who make up 20 per cent of the SNCC forces . what they consider dangerou , urn· ''Il10 good tNt Its success It strike due to start last midnight, The next SNCC objective. he saId. could be the American Tel - biguous language. I. predldabl. al yest.,....)'" weather." arc .J. E. Wolfe of Chicago, chair· phone & Telegraph Co .• which he said ha maintained patterns of STRONG PROPONENTS of the man of the National Railway La· discriminatory hiring pracllces in the South. treaty have protested that reserva· bor Confcrence, and Guy W. Knight tions would have to be renegoti· of Philadelphia. vice president for ated and that this might entangle Jabor relations oC the Pennsylvania the pact in international wrang· Little damage Railroad. ling. The course the committee WOLFE WAS chief negotiator Stunned silence as ten proposed would not require renego­ for the railroads at a long and Cu· tiation, the senators were told. as a result of tile series of peace·seeking meet· The lone dissenter of committee ings wlih five on-train unions. m.iners are found dead N.w York St.t.'1 chi.f, GOY. N,lson Rock.f.lI.r In SvraCUI,. Alonl,ld. I, an Imused Chl.f, Hlrry approval of the treaty was Sen. Spokesmen for the unions said Ind Mrs. Rock,fell,r watch I trib.1 dine, It the Pa».rson of the TuSCltor II. Russell B. Long (D·LoJ. He is· they will announce their two ap· MOAB, Utah til - Five more west lateral tunnel where the ex- Indlln Villig. of the N.w York Stlt. bpolition - AP Wirephoto sued a statement lat r saying this chemistry fire point ments to the hoard today. plosion trapped 25 miners Tuesday does not mean nec arily that he I, miners were rescued alive Thurs· A small rire in the Chemistry The four representatives then day night after being trapped 49 ufternoon. will vote against ratification when will try to agree on tllree neutral the paet reaches the floor. building apparently caused vf!r'/ hours in a potash mine. but 10 A temporary morgue was sel up little damage Thursday night. members to round out the seven· Long said he is not convinced member board which will make olher men were found dead. in a gara&e at Moab, 23 miles from The fire began about 7:55 p.m. No answer from Bova, but that the treaty will not jeopardlze when earl Wu. G, Iowa City, was binding decisions on two big issues That accounted for all of the 25 the mine. the U.S. defense capability and heating some solvents_ The sol­ in the four·year-old controversy. miners trapped Tuesday evening Th five men rescued Thursday beli v th commiltee should THE ISSUES involve the rail· vents began to burn and Wu at­ when an explosion occurred 2,700 night apparenUy saved themselves' have taken more time 10 study it. roads' insistence on abolishing the feet underground in Texas Gulf tempted to put them Into the sink with a makeshift barricade and a attempts at rescue continue If there was a Senate roll call and burned his hands, dropping jolls of some 32,000 firemen whose Sulphur Co.·s potash mine. now. he would vote "no," Long services they say are no longer EIGHT OTHER bodies were cheesecloth curlaln they erected the solvents on the floor. HAZLETON, Pa. (.4'1 - Rescuers, days after Bova. 54 was trapped in inch escape hole arly Thursday. sold, but added his vi ws might The (owa City Fire Department needed. and the question of how found Wednesday. Two men were to keep out deadly gases. drivlng without letup to determine a nearby Sheppton coal mine along Supervisors said this work may be changed by additional study of many men should be assigned to said the ensuing Cire caused smoke rescused Wednesday morning. The five emerged from the mine the fate of trapped Louis Bova, ran with _ but separaled from _ lake two days to complete. Wh n the testimony. damage and blistering of the walls train crews. The announcement that the final looking haggard and stunned. into another of nature's snags this hole Is reamed out to desired SEN. J. W. Fulbright (D·Ark.) If the four cannot agree on three and some damage to the furnish· Thursday ~ a waler d posit - David Fellin. 58, and Henry Throne. diameter a man - strictly a vol· chairman oC the committee whO public members of the board, 10 had been found dead was made THEY WERE LOCATED about ings of the room. Chemicals stllred by June Crawford. chief engineer 3.000 feet underground. They are but they said it was nol a serious 28. unteer - may be lowered to the announced its action. said a form- in the room also suffered minor President Kennedy will make the In the intervening lime - the chamber to look lor Bova.
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