US008317974B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,317.974 B2 Duggirala et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Nov. 27, 2012 (54) DEINKING ACELLULOSIC SUBSTRATE (51) Int. Cl. USING MAGNESUM HYDROXDE D2C5/02 (2006.01) 52) U.S. Cl. ..................................... 162/8: 162/4; 162/5 (75) Inventors: Prasad Y. Duggirala, Naperville, IL (52) O A O s s (US); Michael J. Murcia, DeKalb, IL (58) Field of Classification Search ................... 162/4-8 (US s s See application file for complete search history. (73) Assignee: Nalco Company, Naperville, IL (US) (56) References Cited (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS past list: G adjusted under 35 8,133,351 B2* 3/2012 Duggirala et al. ................ 162/8 M YW- y yS. * cited by examiner This patent is Subject to a terminal dis claimer. Primary Examiner — Anthony Calandra (21) Appl. No.: 13/366,644 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Califee, Halter & Griswold LLP (22) Filed: Feb. 6, 2012 (65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT US 2012/O135908A1 May 31, 2012 A composition and method for deinking is disclosed. The composition and method contain an activated magnesium Related U.S. Application Data hydroxide or a magnesium hydroxide. (63) Continuation of application No. 12/169,900, filed on Jul. 9, 2008, now Pat. No. 8,133,351. 3 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets Witeness 78 FS f4 F. 38 8383-2 $g 38-33 3: d Siksia: 3-3E OA afi: higi 3-3 U.S. Patent Nov. 27, 2012 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8,317.974 B2 is 3. 2.340 8. 88: 1586 49. 493 is 24 it 3: i FIG RE SO Brightness 4.32 SR -- -: FCGRE 2 U.S. Patent Nov. 27, 2012 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,317.974 B2 $43-33 as gf8: FGRE 3 Whiteness 8 :hic38. kg 3-32 Ag3-3 aid is: S&c. 8-2 s FIGRE US 8,317,974 B2 1. 2 DENKINGA CELLULOSC SUBSTRATE The present invention further provides for a method of USING MAGNESUM HYDROXDE removing ink from a cellulosic containing Substance com prising: (a) adding to the Substance a composition compris This application is a continuation application of U.S. ing: (1) magnesium hydroxide, (2) a Suspending agent for patent application Ser. No. 12/169,900, filed Jul.9, 2008, now said magnesium hydroxide, (3) water, and (4) optionally an U.S. Pat. No. 8,133,351. emulsifier; (b) optionally excluding adding caustic soda to the cellulosic containing Substance; and (c) optionally excluding FIELD OF THE INVENTION adding hydrogen peroxide to the cellulosic containing Sub Stance. The invention pertains to compositions and methods for 10 deinking a cellulosic Substrate. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 shows residual ink data after the application of an activated magnesium hydroxide and emulsified TOFA for Efficiently removing ink from secondary fiber without 15 mulation to fiber. impacting fiber quality is one of the major challenges in paper FIG. 2 shows ISO brightness after the application of an recycling. Currently, the most widespread method of remov activated magnesium hydroxide and emulsified TOFA for ing ink from secondary fiber is an alkaline process that uses mulation to fiber. Sodium hydroxide, Sodium silicate, hydrogen peroxide, Sur FIG. 3 shows sheet yellowness after the application of an factants and chelants. The caustic is used to elevate the pH in activated magnesium hydroxide and emulsified TOFA for the repulper causing the fiber to Swell, which assists in ink mulation to fiber. detachment, but also yellows the fiber due to interaction with FIG. 4 shows fiber whiteness after the application of an lignin in mechanical grades, resulting in a brightness loss. activated magnesium hydroxide and emulsified TOFA for Peroxide is added to reduce fiber yellowing, and chelant is mulation to fiber. added to prevent peroxide degradation by metals. Surfactants 25 are used to manage the detached ink and prevent redeposition DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION onto the fiber. While the conventional method of deinking is effective for A. Definitions ink removal, it has disadvantages. When the cost of the chemicals needed to overcome the unwanted effects of caus 30 "Suspending agent’ means one or more agents that pre tic is considered, the alkaline method is quite expensive. vents precipitation of a stabilized dispersion of colloidal par Aside from the high cost of the chemicals used, handling ticles in solution. caustic can be hazardous, and it is critical to maintain the 'Activated magnesium hydroxide' means a formulation proper balance of caustic, peroxide and silicate to produce that includes magnesium hydroxide plus one or more com fiber with the desired optical properties. Moreover, any ponents that provides additional deinking performance over residual fiber yellowing, or chromophoric generation, that is 35 the magnesium hydroxide alone, e.g. oil added as formulation caused by caustic and cannot be removed with bleaching is with magnesium hydroxide. For example, if the magnesium balanced blue dye to the fiber. While this is effective for hydroxide is mixed with an oil and that oil meets the require achieving a neutral color balance, it reduces ISO brightness, ments of providing additional deinking performance, then the making it difficult to reach brightness targets. In addition, a magnesium hydroxide is an activated magnesium hydroxide. recent study showed that fiber strength and tensile index was 40 “Recycling process' means any process that involves the reduced for secondary fiber deinked under alkaline condi handling of secondary fibers. tions. Finally, the elevated pH in the pulper saponifies adhe “TOFA' means tall oil fatty acid. sives, thereby introducing more Stickies into the papermaking “%' means percent by weight of the composition. system, which cause runnability problems for the paper machine. 45 B. Compositions An improved methodology is therefore desired. As stated above, the present invention provides for a com SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION position comprising: (a) activated magnesium hydroxide; (b) optionally a Suspending agent for said activated magnesium The present invention provides for a composition compris 50 hydroxide; (c) water; (d) optionally an emulsifier; (e) option ing: (a) activated magnesium hydroxide; (b) optionally a sus ally excluding adding caustic Soda; and (f) optionally exclud pending agent for said activated magnesium hydroxide; (c) ing hydrogen peroxide. The present invention also provides water; (d) optionally an emulsifier; (e) optionally excluding for a composition comprising: (a) magnesium hydroxide; (b) caustic soda, and (f) optionally excluding hydrogen peroxide. a suspending agent for said magnesium hydroxide; (c) water; The present invention also provides for a composition (d) optionally an emulsifier; (e) optionally excluding caustic comprising: (a) magnesium hydroxide; (b) a Suspending 55 Soda; and (f) optionally excluding hydrogen peroxide. agent for said magnesium hydroxide; (c) water; (d) optionally In one embodiment, the Suspending agent is a thickening an emulsifier; (e) optionally excluding caustic Soda; and (f) agent. optionally excluding hydrogen peroxide. In another embodiment, the thickening agent is selected The present invention also provides for a method of remov from the group consisting of galactomannans, guar gum, ing ink from a cellulosic containing Substance comprising: (a) 60 locust bean gum, Xanthan gum, para gum, cellulosics; adding to the Substance a composition comprising: (1) acti hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; hydroxypropyl cellulose; vated magnesium hydroxide, (2) water, (3) optionally a sus carrageean; alginates; Sodium alginates; potassium alginates, pending agent for said activated magnesium hydroxide, and ammonium salt alginates; and a combination thereof. (4) optionally an emulsifier; (b) optionally excluding adding In another embodiment, the composition contains from caustic soda to the cellulosic containing Substance; and (c) 65 about 5% to about 70% of said activated magnesium hydrox optionally excluding adding hydrogen peroxide to the cellu ide/magnesium hydroxide, based upon weight of the compo losic containing Substance. sition. US 8,317,974 B2 3 4 In another embodiment, the composition contains about from the resulting deinked fiber. In addition to optical prop 47% of said activated magnesium hydroxide/magnesium erties, an ink speck count measurement is used to evaluate the hydroxide, based upon weight of the composition. efficiency with which the ink is removed. Residual ink can be In another embodiment, the composition contains from expressed in terms of speckS/unit area, percent coverage of about 0.05% to about 20% of said suspending agent, based ink specks on an area, or effective residual ink concentration upon weight of the composition. (ERIC), which is commonly expressed in ppm. In another embodiment, the composition contains about In one embodiment, the cellulosic Substance is located 0.4% of said Suspending agent, based upon weight of the anywhere in a recycling process up through one or more composition. flotation accepts. In another embodiment, the composition comprises an oil. 10 In another embodiment, the emulsifier is added separately In another embodiment, the composition contains from to the cellulosic containing Substance. about 2% to about 55% of said oil based upon the weight of In another embodiment, the Suspending agent is a thicken the composition. ing agent. In another embodiment, the composition contains about In another embodiment, the thickening agent is selected 30% of said oil based upon the weight of the composition. 15 from the group consisting of galactomannans, guar gum, In another embodiment, the oil contains a fatty acid. locust bean gum, Xanthan gum, para gum, cellulosics; In another embodiment, the oil is used to form an oil and water emulsion. hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; hydroxypropyl cellulose; In another embodiment, the composition contains from carrageean; alginates; Sodium alginates; potassium alginates, about 0.5% to about 20% of said emulsifier. ammonium salt alginates; and a combination thereof. In another embodiment, the composition contains about In another embodiment, the composition contains from 3% of said emulsifier.
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