Caribbean Wildlife Undersea 2017

Caribbean Wildlife Undersea 2017

Caribbean Wildlife Undersea life This document is a compilation of wildlife pictures from The Caribbean, taken from holidays and cruise visits. Species identification can be frustratingly difficult and our conclusions must be checked via whatever other resources are available. We hope this publication may help others having similar problems. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this document, the authors cannot be held re- sponsible for any errors. Copyright © John and Diana Manning, 2017 1 Angelfishes (Pomacanthidae) Corals (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) French angelfish 7 Bipinnate sea plume 19 (Pomacanthus pardu) (Antillogorgia bipinnata) Grey angelfish 8 Black sea rod 20 (Pomacanthus arcuatus) (Plexaura homomalla) Queen angelfish 8 Blade fire coral 20 (Holacanthus ciliaris) (Millepora complanata) Rock beauty 9 Branching fire coral 21 (Holacanthus tricolor) (Millepora alcicornis) Townsend angelfish 9 Bristle Coral 21 (Hybrid) (Galaxea fascicularis) Elkhorn coral 22 Barracudas (Sphyraenidae) (Acropora palmata) Great barracuda 10 Finger coral 22 (Sphyraena barracuda) (Porites porites) Fire coral 23 Basslets (Grammatidae) (Millepora dichotoma) Fairy basslet 10 Great star coral 23 (Gramma loreto) (Montastraea cavernosa) Grooved brain coral 24 Bonnetmouths (Inermiidae) (Diploria labyrinthiformis) Boga( Inermia Vittata) 11 Massive starlet coral 24 (Siderastrea siderea) Bigeyes (Priacanthidae) Pillar coral 25 Glasseye snapper 11 (Dendrogyra cylindrus) (Heteropriacanthus cruentatus) Porous sea rod 25 (Pseudoplexaura porosa) Blennies (Labrisomidae) Gorgonian sea fans Palehead blenny 12 (Cnidaria alceonacea) (Labrisomus globio) Common or Purple sea fan 26 Rosy blenny 12 (Gorgonia ventalina) (Malacoctenus macropus) 13 Crustaceans (Decapoda) 27 Boxfishes (Ostraciidae) Crabs (Brachyura) Honeycomb cowfish 14 Blue land crab 28 (Acanthostracion polygonia) (Cardisoma guanhumi) Scrawled cowfish 14 Hermit crabs (Diogenidae) (Acanthostracion quadricornis) Red-banded hermit 29 Smooth trunkfish 15 (Paguristes erythrops) (Lactophrys triqueter) Lightfoot crabs (Grapsidae) Spotted trunkfish Sally lightfoot 29 (Lactophrys bicaudalis) (Grapsus grapsus) 16 True crabs (Brachyura) Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) Box crabs (Calappidae) Banded butterfly 17 Flame box crab 30 (Chaetodon striatus) (Calappa flammea) Foureye butterflyfish 17 Rough box crab 31 (Chaetodon capistratus) (Calappa gallus) Spotfin butterflyfish Ghost crabs (Ocypodidae) (Chaetodon ocellatus) Atlantic ghost crab 31 18 (Ocypode quadrata) Chubs (Kyphosidae) Spider crabs (Majidae) Bermuda or yellow Yellowline arrow crab 32 (Kyphosus sectatrix or incisor) (Stenorhyncus seticornis) 2 Shrimps (Natantia) Whitespotted filefish 47 Banded coral shrimp 33 (Cantherhines macrocerus) (Stenopodidae - Stenopus hispidus) Spiny lobsters (Palinuridae) Fireworms (Amphinomidae) Caribbean spiny lobster 34 Bearded fireworm 48 (Decapoda - Panulirus argus) (Hermodice carunculata) Damselfishes (Pomacentridae) Flounders (Bothidae) Beaugregory 35 Peacock flounder 48 (Stegastes leucosticus) (Bothus lunatus) Blue chromis 36 (Chromis cyanea) Goatfishes (Mullidae) Brown chromis 37 Spotted goatfish 49 (Chromis multilineata) (Pseudupeneus maculatus) Cocoa damselfish 37 Yellow goatfish 49 (Stegastes variabilis) (Mulloidichthys martinicus) Longfin damselfish 38 (Stegastes diencaeus) Gobies (Gobiidae) Threespot damselfish 38 Goldspot goby 50 (Stegastes planifrons) (Gnatholepis thompsoni) Yellowtail damselfish 39 (Micropathodon chrysurus) Groupers (Sea Basses) (Serranidae) Sergeant major 40 Black grouper 50 (Abufefduf saxatilis) (Mycteroperca bonaci) Night sergeant 40 Comb grouper 51 (Abudefduf taurus) (Mycteroperca acutirostris) Coney 51 Drums (Sciaenidae ) (Cephalopholis fulva) Highhat 41 Nassau grouper 52 (Pareques acuminatus) (Epinephelus striatus) Spotted drum 41 Red grouper 53 (Equetus punctatus) (Epinephelus morio) Tobaccofish 53 Moray eels (Muraenidae) (Serranus tabacarius) Green moray eel 42 (Gymnothorax funebris) Grunts (Haemulidae) Chain moray eel 43 Bluestriped grunt 54 (Echidna catenata) (Haemulon sciurus) Spotted moray eel 43 Black margate 55 (Gymnothorax moringa) (Anisotremus surinamensis) Snake eels (Ophichthidae) French grunt 55 Goldspotted eel 44 (Haemulon flavolineatum) (Myrichthys ocellatus) Porkfish 56 Sharptail eel 44 (Anisotremus virginicus) (Myrichthys breviceps) Sailors choice 56 (Haemulon parra) Feather stars (Crinoidea) Smallmouth grunt 57 Golden crinoid 45 (Haemulon chrysargyreum) (Davidaster rubiginosa) Spanish grunt 57 Stinging bush hydroid 45 (Haemulon macrostomum) (Macrorhynchia robusta) Halfbeaks (Belonidae) Filefishes (Monacanthidae) Ballyhoo 58 Scrawled filefish 46 (Hemiramphus brasiliensis) (Aluterus scriptus) Flat needlefish 58 Orangespotted filefish 47 (Ablennes hians) (Cantherhines pullus) 3 Hamlets (Serranidae) Mullets (Mugilidae) Indigo 59 White mullet (Mugil curema) 70 (Hypoplectrus indigo) Barred 60 Parrotfishes (Scaridae) (Hypoplectrus puella) Blue parrotfish 71 Yellowtail 60 (Scarus coeruleus) (Hypoplectrus chlorurus) Queen parrotfish 72 (Scarus vetula) Jacks (Carangidae) Princess parrotfish 73 Bar jack 61 (Scarus taeniopterus) (Caranx ruber) ? Rainbow parrotfish 73 Horse-eye jack 61 (Scarus guacamaia) (Caranx latus) ? Redband parrotfish (juvenile) 74 Permit 62 (Sparisoma aurofrenatum) (Trachinotus falcatus) Yellowtail parrotfish (initial phase) 74 ?Yellow jack (juv) 62 (Sparisoma rubripinne) (Caranx bartholomaei) Striped parrotfish 75 Crevalle Jack 63 (Scarus iserti) (Caranx Hippos) Stoplight parrotfish 76 (Sparisoma viride) Jellyfishes (Scyphozoa) Upside-down jellyfish 63 Pipefishes and Seahorses (Syngnathidae) (Cassiopea frondosa) Lined seahorse 77 Mangrove upside-down jellyfish 64 (Hippocampus erectus) (Cassiopea xamachana) Porcupinefishes (Didontidae) Lizardfishes (Synodontidae) Porcupinefish 78 Bluestriped lizardfish 64 (Diodon hystrix) (Synodus saurus) Balloonfish 79 (Diodon holocanthus) Mojarras (Gerreidae) Web burrfish 79 Yellowfin mojarra 65 (Chilomycterus antillarum) (Gerres cinereus) Spotted burrfish 80 (Chilomycterus atringa) Molluscs (Mollusca) Pufferfishes (Tetradontidae) Bivalves (Bivalvia) Bandtail pufferfish 81 File shells (Limidae) (Spheroides spengleri) Rough fileclam 65 Chequered pufferfish 82 (Lima scabra) (Sphoeroides testudineus) Pen shells (Pinnidae) Sharpnose pufferfish 82 Amber penshell 66 (Canthigaster rostrata) (Pinna carnea) Cephalopods (Cephalopoda) Remoras (Echeneidae) Common octopus 67 Whitefin Sharksucker 117 (Octopus vulgaris) (Echeneis neucratoides) Caribbean reef squid 67 (Sepioteuthis sepioidea) Scorpionfishes (Scorpaenidae) Chitons (Amphineura) Red lionfish 83 Fuzzy Chiton 68 (Pterois volitans) (Acanthopleura granulata) Spotted scorpionfish 83 Gastropods (Gastropoda) (Scorpaena plumieri) Tulip shells (Fasciolanidae) True Tulip (Fasciolaria tulipa) 68 Sea anemones (Actiniara) Sea hares (Aplysiidae) Beaded anemone 84 Spotted sea hare 69 (Epicystis crucifer) (Aplysia dactylomeia) Giant anemone 84 (Condylactis gigantea) 4 Sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) White lumpy encrusting sponge 97 Donkey dung sea cucumber 85 (Ptilocaulis sp.) (Holothuria mexicana) Giant barrel sponge 98 Hairy sea cucumber 86 (Xestospongia muta) (Sclerodactyla briareus) Loggerhead sponge 98 Sea apple 86 (Spheciospongia vesparium) (Pseudocolochirus violaceus) Stove-pipe sponge 99 Three rowed sea cucumber 87 (Aplysina archeri) (Isostichopus badionotus) Yellow tube sponge 99 Tiger tail sea cucumber 87 (Aplysina fistularis) (Holothuria thomasi) Row pore rope sponge 100 (Aplysina cauliformis) Sea stars (Asteroidea) Thin rope sponge 100 Cushion star 88 (Rhaphidophlus juniperinus) (Oreaster reticulatus) Scattered pore rope sponge 101 Brittle stars (Ophiuroidea) (Aplysina fulva) Banded-armed brittle star 89 (Ophioderma appressum) Squirrelfishes (Holocentridae) Blunt-spined brittle star 89 Blackbar soldierfish 102 (Ophiocoma echinata) (Myripristis jacobus) Longspine squirrelfish 103 Sea urchins (Diadematidae) (Holocentrus rufus) Long spined sea urchin 90 Squirrelfish 103 (Diadema antillarum) (Holocentrus adscensionis) Heart urchins (Toxopneustidae) West Indian sea egg 90 Stingrays (Dasyatidae) (Tripneustes ventricosus) Caribbean whiptail stingray 104 (Himantura schmardae) Snappers (Lutjanidae) Southern stingray 105 Cubera snapper 91 (Dasyatis americana) (Lutjanus cyanopterus) Eagle rays (Myliobatidae) Grey snapper 91 Spotted eagle ray 106 (Lutjanus griseus) (Aetobatus narinari) Mutton snapper 92 Round stingrays (Urolophidae) (Lutjanus analis) Yellow stingray 106 Schoolmaster 92 (Urolophus jamaicensis) (Lutjanus apodus) Yellowtail snapper 93 Surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) (Ocyurus chrysurus) Blue tang 107 (Acanthurus coeruleus) Sponges (Demospongiae) Brown tang 108 Azure vase sponge 94 (Acanthurus nigrofuscus) (Callyspongia plicifera) Doctorfish 108 Brain sponge 94 (Acanthurus chirurgus) (Agelas cerebrum) Ocean surgeonfish 109 Branching tube sponge 95 (Acanthurus bahianus) (Pseudoceratina crassa) Brown clustered tube sponge 95 Sweepers (Pempheridae) (Agelas wiedenmyeri) Glassy sweeper 110 Convoluted barrel sponge 96 (Pempheris schomburgki) (Aplysina lacunosa) Erect rope sponge 96 (Amphimedon compressa) Encrusting sponges (Demospongiae) Orange sieve sponge 97 (Diplastrella sp.) 5 Tilefishes (Malacanthidae) Sand tilefish 111 (Malacanthus plumierei) Triggerfishes (Balistidae) Black durgon 111 (Melichthys niger) Trumpetfishes (Aulostomidae) Trumpetfish 112 (Aulostomus maculatus) Tubeworms - Calcareous tubeworms (Serpulidae) Christmas tree worm 113 (Spirobranchus

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