S'l in Idaho's Largesiest Evening ^^Elvspa^^ a P E R /

S'l in Idaho's Largesiest Evening ^^Elvspa^^ a P E R /

_ V ' ■ ■ ■ ■ . ' \ ' n w s S'l in Idaho's Largesiest Evening ^^elvspa^^ a p e r / ................... ------- — TWiN'FAt:l-SrlDAHer\^>rWEDNESDA-YrMARCH-117rl' r l ----------— - . ~ ~ T 2in^Year n - ~ ‘- F^ o r d , CC a r t e r' n iin o^ i a v i e tt o r s CHICAGO (UPI) - PnPresident i'nnl haiullly Carttir’II'ttir’-K Irium ph w;is "I'X lraonliiiary."y." a e- D fin'ocrals w^mld have bargainingbi chmi al lhe )d lay won Ills fiflh stralglil priprimary In Illinois anil cuitlliu’tnn g lo S hriver. who iill hul iTirew in.Hiflo ifh w el conveiilicin. DaTev, <lenle<ile<l a seal i»y refn rn iers loday begqn pressuringng Ronald Reagan to onliisiiwi^iiwn prcsiik’Ulial iis|)lr;iltotis .'^hrivcr.•(•rsail^; ,iit .ilie .i;i?2 convenlion.n. w as deterniiiieii Ihiil "* g racefully exit th e ROP prtpresidential rate. - In: liom'ol•rii'elortirwijuld .■sharply limit his priii■rliiiiiry luiniillalion would nol reelecur Jimmy Carler cruised.•d lo an easy win o u t activily.ily. Ibul inli'uils lo he a furoi-.at thehe eini- In lhe GUI’ niee for '.1.^;i.^ jlele^iiles, willi 7:i per innbrief three rivals, clearly strerrengthehing lilv.nile as vontioninon in July, eenl o[ the priv iu e ts. lu.ii l-'ord led willi iVI _ . ■;.-r “ • ' Democr.1TTc7r^-runner.ir. _ Ciirtorrter eallcil il "an I'xlivniely iiiipcu[icMliinl U i'agan hiid 14. iiiulll 14 ullier.s w iiv uu- The results In Illinois, biggestbl primary Ilf the vicdiryinry lu a liig. iiortlicrii industrial sla te ,. ll 'Viis c o n im iltn l. H ouse pnnerO K ' inilitar,v fund bill still-young bicentennialI eleleclion ye ar, Ui/i tlio (lovormn m ir r W alla er's >ee<'iiii bi}irh;uu'i'-'’ Cii( 'in te r li'r Inf'lhe Deinoeriille iin- c am p a ig n s of Re.ngaii.'I.' (George Wallace’ ami - said ilII iH)iii>W hiis "iilm osi liolleil ilowu to il 1‘iiec . Before lllinoLs. (’iirli'r f WASHINGTON (UPIi - The House Armed Services Com- •-' delegiite ra c e wilh 70. lolluwcilloll hy Walliiee willi Ion S a rg en t S h riv e r insliumibles. bU betweenL'eu IIniysoU iiiidSi'ii. illciiiy ' .liu-k^oii " unanimous approval to a iiiA billion „ f Wl. Sen. H e n ir M .liiekso.(son wilh r>.'i. Hep Mnr/is . cnl Carler. former governornor of (icorgln anil NeitliiTIther Jiicksuu iior ll<-|>. Mii)ii.>- t'dii I mlliliiry prctaircmenl hill)II hut added a la sl m inute am i’niimcnl I'diill Wilh l!:i. .Shriver williwil II iiiid H arris l'l The rve p olitical phenoineni)n of■ tinth e ye ar, got -IK p er cent Arizona.mil. th e k'iiiliug liberal riiu(li<l;ili‘. prole.sliiiK ltiL‘ pliiiincd cl,o:.•posure of a -im m lwr of naval n'w rve idelegiiles.________________ — • .an{l-Ford5U -pcr-aajtu£-------unlci'eO■e4Jti-llUnuU-.M^-;t.ni-l-lS;i:_w.illij;] Ji I ii,'i m-i- noniinec nnist gel l.~»oride hiciTiTTcjr ! 5;l,;i th e R epublican to(al- cent olo r th e Iireciiiet-s reiun liiig, I'lie lli'piihl■iil_tlu-im I,., ! ■ .At a fiiiitl dK ifllnRst'ssioilion, (he conim itlou.aiso adopled a led Keiigiui ^il< lo -l'l. w ilh' l„. F o rd called his win :iI "i"rea! cllnelier" for Die picdirelo'relookl•(l•likl•(lll^: • hlllidii bill fnr 500 co n stn;tnic(lon proJec(s a( ;too milK.ir.v Iti- ^ I.KUi needed Uiuoiuiiiiitc!It-: GOP nominnlion. andI (IIhe Presidenl begnn ' For«l;irti: -HT.TtH) - .'ill per i- s ta lla tln iisin lh o Unllc-dSMilii(esand;tt^ruad. w orking through ‘•old' frle'rlends in the Congress'’ lloaganagan:;!o:i.Ji;:-4ii De.sptU* Ihe, oulniuie.m e. IhiIIi Walhiee and . to politely inform Reaganan the tim e lia s com e to lu (liehe I)D eiiiiii'ratlr r.'iei' Ifwiis- Iteiig iin lrie d lo p u t U|>iiiiliniv^efroul. h . al)andonthechaltenge. C arliTrle r: : -IHperier i-i-iil • Itca g an sid d h e h a d "m el his goal" of a -10 |)er P la n dropped “ ] Ihlnk he's going In0 (do what's In the besl \V a I 1I a (• 0 • - ;; r> :i .- :s i; -i _ 2 It. eenl plus sliowing inI Illinois11 iind' slill ralcd i» -WASHINGTON (UPI* --. Interest of the party - thrthrow In his lo f Wllll (lie S li1 r IL e r : ^ u T . :i ii ;i I .'1 him self a 5ii-5il c haueIIICO lo win thc GOP ■ ^ Secretary of Hcallfi.fl. President and begin lu0 iunite the Hepubliean Harris;rris; l»'..Tii! iiomlniilion in Kansas.Hi.lle liishiil oul at Ford : K Education and WelfareDavIdId P a r ty .” sa id R ogers C.B,n. Morton. Ford's chief In Ihethe :sepiiriile race for I.'m delegates'I(s'lo the .saying, ••I hiive never bebeen under any Illusions H M athew s lold n news con-m- political adviser, ' Heuioeraoeralie nitliouiil eouveiilion.. wllh-7J■Ti per lhal our grass rools-1!i- campaign -i'ould sue- V ference Tuesday he liasas ...But Reagan declared afliafter (he resuKs became - eenl {ifof Ihe preeinels reporting. .Sen.. Adlai/ cess.fully buck .both theth( llllnots iiepuhlican . ■ dropped a p ro p o sal to placcc clear Tuesday nighl thatIt lihe had no intention of Stevensoi;nson led-w ith li«. followed by C’a rleer r wilh organization and lhe proiiromises being is.sued by BL -.4 civil Hglits enforcement on a ' withdrawing, sjiying lie |jaha s " a 3 0 - 3 « e h a n e e ” lo ^ .Mi.'Wallac'alliieeam l Hubert iluiu|ihrey Iteaeh.h.iind'J i theWhilcHouse.'' , T "selccllvc basis.” b e a t Ford, imromm 'm 'milled. i Wallace deebred himsimseif happy willi .second ^ H | ,i. M alfTcws s a id ' w ide 6p-p- ■ Carter added Illinois loh10 his ijnpresslvc- viclory Sti'vi'os'Vi'usou.' though .iKil ill ijie p ri’fcreiTentiiil' place because he had-eii•enjoyed only ‘‘minimal M — position led'lo discarding (imlie. over.-Wallace last week,L iu Florida and said he iiriinari:^,a r j l . Wiis rilli-ri’<l Illl ilM<-i':ili‘ sLili.^idLS so „riLmly.-.ll|.n'- in tlHnnlliiuL-i.. .Sigiilllr.iiully. ..In:___ } f ------planrundcrwhlclrHE\\U-ould- .ipn .\liiyor Hii-hiirdTJiiley's urgiini/;lu/alion abiiddonei) his policy■y ''♦»(- ignoring rivals. ^ , have Investigated only lliehe ' JIMMY CAKTKH /'• .mosl serious or signlllcantnt j, y complaints of discrlminalion . H'iitH in llliiioiN- h Instead of Irying to Invcstiijale i y g _ E i ^ P l T l t J ------------------------ A i m d p u ^ s - f l a : -----Suspected IRA-bibcmb defused in Londoio n ---------- ;----------- — t7o\’rreeimn\iiaru5^innoiirrccfnoddnndarhrts-- - scrvicerih.Ttrmipi1ipIemmalI»rirTil'thepasn)ursllin iirnmho'wst^— ■ LONDON lU Pn-Bomnb b experts loday defused a suspocledKl ■ “adamantly oppos()oscd'; .to .Idaho Power Company's>''s ppropo.sed - addllionalsource'•ce of sh o rt le rm pow er supplies, I niiike a com- Irish Ropublicnn Army borw m b found a b o ard a U 'ndon sui)wnyny Pionwr coal fired;d jplant Iw cause of Ihe effeci it wimld(luld h av e ou •'! Iwlieve thiil.lill-the Idaho pc-ople arc ready lo n f Ictoeniibleour- I troirionlyhoursbcforcthen:; m orning ru sh hour, lhecnvlronment.ee.econom y and heallh- mltment lo coilhLH'rvat’i lou of a sufficient m agnitude t Thc bomb, discoygrcd by m aln lc n an c e m en a l the Neasdenlen He-urged the PuPuhllc Ulililles Coiiuuisslon lo denyleny ihe ap- sialetomeei theele energy challenge withiiuLa Pi'oneeileer." . • *; dopol In north\vcsl Undon.'n. w as th e Ih ird device planted alwardird plication to buildJ (h(he planl at Ordiard and insleadJ invinve>iigiile ‘ Aiidrus'sald ththe represenlative.-i. of (h»i A. D.D Litlle. Inc.. n thal (jertormed^a sludy on'ldahoiho iind rccom- f il London subw ny In a s man>iny days, ....................- lhopo«i!blllli',QfJ:v■Japping olber soTirci^ol power forir lh'the-siate'^ ciiusiilting'finn t lonc’r piTin\ lo meel. th e fulure enicrgy en needs did The dcpol. scrvinK lhe! HBakerioo and Metropolitan lines,'IsIs fu lu re energ.v needseds. mended the Pion< live to Pioneer________________ _______ Ihrct! stops north of K llburn.r n .o c o f the la rg e st Irish commimlllcsics________________ “ From aiienvlroiIronmental slandpoint. 1 ameonviiK'edneed tluil the________nnt delect th e lclevel or urueiiey-lor an idlerniilivt ' lhe lile slyle Iwcausethe feeliielinghaslnleiisllied tn receni monthsttis. InLondonr Pioneer Plant asi.proppsed pr would Ik- d e v asta tin g to lh e ! Idahoans love nndidenjoy.''Andmssaid. e l;i Ihe lang termttT ; hc suggested Untl Ihc PUC: pipursue lhe in- o E ' C onditions in lhelhe Boise Valley have Improved sineeinee the days leriogatiuii of[ r»represeulallves nl powxT companlanies. in neiglv - ------------ Ixracli-U^bpsjthihoDt-Ojlcnbsi________________------------------------- w hen eoiU was-«w*<is<.‘<t-(or-hea(lnK-hom»);-:.iand We shoouldjJouLiiiue u ld _ __buclng.-5iUtcii.toJo delermine tl shimmer energy■ JsIs a v ailaiile t o _________• ' ugly iigi:*’!' lo “ "idiiho " e v tn il1 nim e an s refusing lo sell llKuii w interler power lUhey •IKRUSALEM (UPli -• liIsra eli tro d p s shot th re e young Arabsills to Improve lhe tju:(luallly of the airshed, nnl knowingly umersuiplusloldaho.

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