
I1eyenberg__ F_ir_e __ P_ro_o_fi_n~g_C_o_. Meyenberg Patent Fire Proofing Floor Arches, Part/· tions, Furring, Boller Covers, Column Covers, and other Fire Proof Tile work for Building 1\0TE- Our Tlllnr l• 50 Pfr crntll,ht~r. double I be ~trcnrtb. and chcaptr, then all other ma ..facturu. TELEPHONE MAIN 3035 Main Office, 705, 167 Dearborn St. CHICAGO Th~ followlnJC a re som~ of the buildings erected the past e ig hteen m onths In "hlch the Me) en b erg Fire Proof Partitions, F lour Arches and muterhtls generally have been used : Th~Count)' l..'uurt ""'"~ """""""h Ill. Hubiu~cr Offic~ llull<liu~. '>c\\ llnvcn. Conn. Henry Sl11re" ond Ap.lrl. llldl( R<K'kfunl, Ill Schuulon lluildinJ:', J.;.,,l;uk, luw 1. lligh :-iehool Ruil<linjl, ' lonticelln. lnd " C"' Elysium Thentr<· \lemphi" Tcnu ~wnncll AIIRrlln;,nt 1111111 Knnk~k~t'. Ill. \')·hun fur th~ llllnd, j.ul~•villt: WI• l>u Pn11e Co. l:unrl "'"''"· \l'lll·uton 111 W<><><l•lrom Apnnwclll lluildlnl{ Chica)lu. l'irst!St'\\'Cumh.. rlnutl t'n' Ch >tch Chicngo \\'allers ludn•trinllluihliu~:.Chlc.-ngo. l'rntt Slor" lluitdlnA: Chlca)ln. lh>marck Sehoul lluiltlln_l(. Chic•!C"· 'I'he Furr.,stvillc, Chi<'.IIIU tlope A\·euuc SChool llutldllllt, ChtCBI(O. (;r~"" S<:hnnl Bu•ltlin.~t. Chinii(U. :>;<'w Newb<'rn· ,.,.,ho<1l lluitclin~t, Chica);'O. fluncan ..,choot llnil<ling. l'hk;t!C >. .\rmil:t.~tc St·hoollluitrlin!(. Chk:t!l:o. l.ea,·ill Schroul lluildin~t. ChiruA:•>. I kat~∙ N:huol Uulldiu)t. l'hiettl(u. Wntlnc~ Schoollluitdiuor. Chi<-1~ >. )fa,· Sc:hol llnilding. Chien~::<>. New \\'~lllwntlh "<:hoot llulhlin~ l:hicn.~to. 'lcl:ormkk'• !l:c\\ K"•ill•nce Chic:.t!(O A ... hton Aprtrlmc.·ut Building ClucaL:,n. Uuun Builtltu~. C.:hknJ.,::~t. Rol{e'l' HuilthnJ.:", C.: hi\: \~0 S~a~on 4i Uuitcling t...:bic.1Kn. Jl1inoi... ~tet-1 Co.'..., Uo--Jn\nl ChiC'ngu. t .rnnt Orr Apartment Unihlint:. l:' hlcago. Expanded Metal 860 Old Colony Building Fire-Proofing Co. CHICAGO Fire Proof Floors R.oofs and Sidewalk Solid Partitions Md.tl Furrin~r .tnd Lathing for all kinds of Ornamen tal Plastering. ·-I- AGENTS FOR E. C ~Tt-:IU.I:"o; l'rt~'t • • l '-T 1 O''l'"' II W. HI,ID1', ~\ uuol Trt:~∙ 1 · • " ~∙ HyJraull• Prt'~ Brick c..,, bt. luU\~, Mu. !:>. "· KDIDEl.J., \'irc:-l'n•'t & C:tn I :\IKr II CIIICAGO It llllnuos H)Jrauilc· Pre" Brick C. KI:\IIIEI,I., \<,I :;too; y n111l 'l'rt:a•. Go., Collonsvlll~. Ill. flnJiny H)Jraulo<· l're" Prick Co., FlnJI3y, Ohi" Akron H) Jrau!l.· Pr<>' Or I< k Co. C•ltvtlonJ. Ohlu Ntw York HyJr•ullc• Press Br1<k Co.. l!o>Che-._r, .\ . \', Chicago l·a•lt·m H\.!raulk·Pn •~ Br ck c... ,.. P!t~"i.iJ•Irhlrt, l'.o. W ashtnrton H\Jr>ull., l're.'~ Hrick '""" W,o,htn~:hm, II. C. North~m HyJruuiiC 1-'rr.- l!n, k ·Hydraulic-Press (;u .. Mlnn~ill'Uh' Mum. Om~hll H>∙Jr~ullc∙flr•∙" Brick Cu .. Omahu, :O..b. K'"'·" (it\' H,.!r oull<·l'rt'­ l:lri(k Cu:. K.•n~•' CU•, "'"· Brick Co. \\A~l J ACll kUf~ A:\U UI:Alt:ttS. I' HYDRAULIC-PRESSED, ~fOULDED AND I.VDIANA RED COftfMON llhs> llhs> BRICK Office and Exhibit Rooms: ., ___ AGENTS FOR 301-304 ~t. Louis Enamt!led Briel< Chamber of Commerce Building En~llsh l:.nameled Blick Cor I :o ~alii" ""' W~•hiugton <;" Milwaukee Briel< CHICAGO Radne Brid< Works : Porter, Ind. Rlckt!lson's Milwaukee Mortar Colors I TELEPHONES ':.all <,lazeJ Wall Coping Oflict 1 I· xpr.-, I•~ 1 Expr~ lOt> Han.;en·s Patent Chimnt>v l'lh nnrll.n Snllt ,;1~. • • SOuth ;.",:1 I ors l l'lourn~y Anol Rock" t'll ,.,,, , \\ ~•I r,.;, Hernolun Sl. onol Clybourn .\ •∙~. Xorth ....-.~, I l(}th .;;l. an<l \\'enLwonh .\\∙~.• Yar<h r.r; l'erra Cotta rluc Lining CATALOGVE OF THE TENTH ANNVAL ... EXHIBITION . OF WORKS OF ARCH1TECTVRE AND THE ALLIED FINE ARTS HELD VNDER THE A VSPICES OF • THE CHICAGO ARCHITECTVRAL CLVB AT THE ART INSTITVTE OF CHICAGO BEGINNING MARCH TWENTY-THIRD ENDING APRil. ELEVENTH MDCCCXCVll Introduction The priudpal ohjccl of the Llucago Architectural Club, the aison d't'lrr for its l'xistence, i.., the nth·ancement of Architecture and the .\llierl :\rh. To this etul mcl'lingo; are held, lecture~ deli,•cretl nnd l'lasses conducted fo:- the impro\'ement of the memher... in lbt:ir art. hut reali,ing that no Krent .ad\'0\llC~ can bc made without thl• intelligent nppreciation nf the puhlic. we enden,•or in our annu<lll'xhihilions lu present the hesllhnt hns heen clone iu the ,·<•ar, nul onl) in the local fil·ltl. but from the l:nilccl !'lllllc~ ~cncrally, to th~ crullhat tl1e intcrcstcd layman may follow lhe prol{re..,.., of .\rchitel lure and \rdtitcct», and '"' his ever iucrcasin~ sympathy find for lumself nn nd<led pleasure iu the contemplation of good work from the standpoint of an etlncalcd taste anti Ki\"C to thc capahle wen that discriminating encour:tl{emcnt wluch is .one of the .\rtist's highest reward .... Thl· scope uf the Exhibitions indmle!' clra\\ ing' antl..,kctclu:sof huihlings in cour...c of erc:ction, project:-. in cmnpeliliou, clrawi11g~ hy stncleHls in the '·arion.., o;chools both hert :111cl ;chroad, nnd !.IICh sketche!:. and ..,ttulie" of historic mouu11u~nb11-- help Onl· to an appreciation of the pnreh pictorial feeling in :\rchitel·ture and its snrrouucliug~. l"nder the gcucrk title of the .\llied .\rts are incluclcd exhihiL-. of :architcctuml sculpturc. mural decorntions and stained gla-".~. can·ings tn wood, metal work, mos;.tics, nml such clel·orative article~ as display design in the .ornamentation of huildiug~. :\lodem ml•thods of pictorinl rc·proclul·tiou ha,·e enabled us to illustrote the C∙lt;llOj:tlle~ of thc'e Exhibition.., in such n manner that they have hecome valuable as recor<h or .\rehitectural lli'ilOr) in -\merica, ami are pre!'erved and con~ullecl ns reference hooks h) .\rchitects generally I . THE CHICAGO ARCHITECTURAL CLUB 274 MICHIGAN A VENUE CHICAGO Officers Rll'H,\Rll E. S\.IDIII>T, l'rc~ident nwu;HT H . i'I'RKJ:ss. hl Vicc-Prcsideut .\ uor.l'H F. BHRNII \ Rll, 2<1 Vit•t:-Prc-.illenl ART•n·R G •mRt.E lHtO\\ '· Sct•rt•tary lhl'. En;Rr:'I'T \\'\In, Treasurer Executive Committee RtCII \RI> E. SCHMIDT D\\'IC~IIT 11. PJ;RKI'\S \oOJ.I'H F. BER:- 11.\Ril .\RTHI R GJWRI,J·. BRO\\'~ p,, 1·:\'llRETT \\'\Ill H. \ 'ox llm.sT II,\ R R\' I ll)llt;J ] I'XK IXS COMMITTEES OF TENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION Exhibition Committee El>t •.\K S. BII.UI X, Chairman FJUXK )L\t:JJOXALll l:ARllE:'\ ADOI.l'H F. Jh,R:SII \I{ f) ]OilS LU.l.F.Sio;.U' II \ RRY llOIIGI∙~ j H!\'KIXS :-\. :\1.\X Dt :SXI~I. \RTilt' K GFORI.)' R IHJ\\ !'( Jury of Admission GEOKC:J·: R. Tll· \:S Ill Gil )l (;. (; \RDEX !low \KU \'. 1>. SIIA\\' Hanging Committee l•t,"ER l J~.XSJ;X Catalogue and Finance Committee FRAN" )I \ CDOXAI.I> GARfli!X, Chnirmnn ARTIIl'R <•EORGJ' BRowx EDO.\R s. n~:J,Ili(X --·- Members of the Chicago Architectural Club. ACTIVE MEMBERS. \tlcl~p~rgcr, Rolland 6,\ C<>mnu.·rct· Building. ,\rnold, jl'nnic 93li Spaulding An·nnl' ,\ruolcl, lfn(:(n 274 :\lichi~an AYcll\11.:. lkaule~, \\'. J 6cq Scott ~Lr<.∙et, Joliet, Ill. ncltl~∙n, Etlgar S 1001 l\lcma•lnock Rnihling. Bc1111111. S. S. so; l'ulhn:lll lluiltling-. Hcruluml, .\dolph F. Iillo Ohl Colon~ lluiltling. Herr~, Atllli~on C. 615 Walnut Sln:cl. lies l\loincs, l o\\a. Bir).(t·, Charle~ Eliot ljlio Oltl Colun' Buildiu~. ntumncr, 0-.car c~;t \\\∙~l :\<lams ~lrct t. Hock, Richard \\'. J24" Lake !'ark AH'nuc:. Braeg~r William • 1<•'> llcarhorn .\ Ycnue Brandt, Oo..car E. 4,\·4i Chamber, ~trcd, '\e11 York. Hrin.,Jc~. 11. G. !·on\\ a~ nc, Jncliana. Brown, .\rthur George S25. 22.'\ llcarhorn Street. Uuck, Ln11rcucc .311 I>carlmrn ·hc:nul·. Jlurnhum, 1>. II. 1 142 The Rookerv. Camp, Erwin :'11. Q02 ri ..her llulhhng. Carr, Charlc:., A. ,; 1; R n'-h "Lrtet. ChafTcl, Dudh:~ C. 1 >4 Fiftieth ~trcel. Church, :'-I yron II. il3 Roynl Jn.,urant·e Huilclinl-(. Clay, W. \\'. 50.'>, 21 <; Ln Salk Street. Cranford, 1{. ~ So3 .\ shlnncl Block. l'rochtt, E. Bell - 6<4 Pullman Hmldin~. Cunniugham, 1'. j. .;• ;'llichigan -\ \c:nuc. Da\'is, Frank L '>05 :"llichi~an AH'IIIIl'. Dads, &ymour 9'li \\'nlnul Strcd, l'hiladclphia, Pa. ])can, \rlhur R. - 121 La ~aile Sln:cl. Dean, (;t·orgc R. 121 Lu8nlle Strcel. Dillou, John Robert 6; :'lfoffilll nlvck, I lctro1l, :'-Itch. Dunning, ::-\. :\lux wot 'J'cutouic Bnildiug. :Edbrookc, Harry\\'. J. ;:.<]65 l>rtxcl Boull·\·anl. Eg~e!Jrccht, William qs Wal.m!>h A,·cuu<: F.licl, Ro~ 1113 EJli.., :\ \'enuc nndcrs, 0-.cnr cyx> Columhiau Builcliu~. St. l.oui!', :'-lo. Eppinghau.. cn, Charles F. 93S Stock Exchaugc Ruilcling Jlcllheimer, Alfred 6c~o :-\orth \\"db Street. Fi.. her, John B. ~9 TwentY-ninth l'l.lCc. 11 I."i,.k, Loui ....\ . 2~6 Thirl\ ∙!'>cn~ulh Street. Floto, Julill" ;ri26 Forrl A ,·cuue Fmcnkel, T 0 (.1() 1 l'ullmau Builtliug. Fyf!!, James I.. 6;o ;\lassachusells A \'CIIUC, no~tou, Mass. Ganl!!n, l"'lwarcl I~ :;02 Ontario Street. Garden, Fmnk ;\I ,;62 Ontario Slrl!et. Garch:n. lluKh l\1. G. J62 Ontario Street. (~rmcr, Oliver I len nett _,r; Forty-ninth Stn·ct. )Jail, John 1.
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