ISSUE 61 AUTUMN - SEPTEMBER 1998 ISSN 0959-2881 Guild Supplies Price List 1998 Item Price Knot Charts Full Set of 100 charts £10.00 Individual charts £0.20 Rubber Stamp IGKT - Member, with logo £4.00 (excludes stamp pad) Guild Tye Long, dark blue polyester, with knot motif £8.95 Badges· all with Guild Logo Blazer Badge £1.00 Enamel brooch £2.00 Windscreen Sticker £1.00 Certificate of Membership £2.50 parchment membership scroll signed by the President and Hon Sec for mounting and hanging Cheques payable to IGKT. or simply selld yoor cred~ card details PS Don1 forgello allow 'or Postage Supplies Secretary:- Bruce Turley 19 Windmill Avenue, Rubery, Birmingham B45 9SP emall [email protected]. Telephone: 01214534124 ~K~NO~IT=IN:::"Gl!':iM~A~IT=E~RS::--~~ libI ...... - THE QUARTERLY NEWSLElTER OF THE INTERNATIONAL GUILD OF KNOT TYERS ISSUE NO 61 AUTUMN - SEPTEMBER 1998 PRESIDENT Robert Chisnall RON VICE PRESIDENTS Dr Vaughan Jones FRS and Mr. Frank Harris PAST PRESIDENTS Percy Blandford· GeofTrey Budworth - Eric Franklin - Jan Vos Sluart Graingcr - Glad Findler - Dell Paw~n Guild Annual s..bIlcription ralel; SECRETARY: Payable by cashkheque Eurocard Nisei llal"ding Maslercard or VISA 16 Eglcs Gm.'"" Junion rs Ucklield Seniors £16 SUSSEX TN222BY Familie.l £20 Tel: 01825 760425 Corporate By arrangemenl Tl>lpayers in the UK - we would EDITORS: p<efer a co"enaDled subscription. Loonl. &: Marg~l Bogg. 78 Marlborough Avenue Adveo;"ing rates:Meml>ers Non Members KIOLlNGTON Full paga 02 £49 Odord OX5 ZAP n.lf page (19 tll Tel: 01865 378104 QuaM"" page no rtS For i""l""ion in one i»Ul': only Excepl os mhe"",i", iookalOO, copyrigh1 in Kooning Malters is ",""rvcd to lhe lmemalional Guild of Kool Tyers IGKT 1995. Copyrighl in rnembert> al1ides Subml.sion dales for inclusion of ankles published in Knotling Mallert i. KM6l 2l NOV 19"l1l reserved 10 lhe aUlhors and permission to KM63 07 FEH 19'99 <ep<inl should be soughl (rom the aulhor KMl>4 07JUNE 19" or><! edilor. All """''''" of qUOlOlions KM6S 117 AUG I'" prinled in Knot,ing Mal'''''' are acknowledged. TIlE IGKT IS A UK REGISTERED ClIARITY NO 80Z1S3 KNO'ITING MA'ITERS 61 CONTENTS 03 Ed's Bytes and Pieces Lonnie Boggs 04 Secretary's Bloltcr Nigel Harding 06 Rigging Schools Paul G'Regan 08 Knots in Tandem John Halifax 09 Proposal for an IGKT Journal TOIlY Ooran 10 Charles Warner 12 Lonnic Boggs 13 Understanding Knots John Ilalifax Change of Addres:;; Brian A. Glcnnoll 14 98 x IOL Turkshead Bryant Arringlon 15 AGM Photos Please? Peler McDonnall Thought for the Day Clifford Ashley Finger Knot (Canon) Noemi Speiser 16 Scaffold KnOI Knotmaster Series 18 Progressive Constrictors John Halifax 27 Sheepshanks John Halifax 30 BUllon Knot John Halifax 32 Bell Pull f Pull Bell John Halifax 33 The Endeavour John Halifax 34 The Prehistory of Knots Pan 3 Charles Warner and Pieter van de Griend 58 Members Profile MickJarman 59 Book Review 'Climbing Knots for Michael Noonan Lefties and Righties 6Q Knot Names Jack Fidspike 61 the GordiBn Knot John Halifax 62 'Is This lhe Fastest Bowline?' John Halifax Turksheads Using the Disc Melhod Mike Wilson 70 Hints and Tips John Halifax 71 A Non-ronning Noose Clause H. Linhan 2 KNOTTING MATIERS 61 . SEPTEMBER 1998 like from the Branch IlCW. tellers EDITORS BYTES and Wlil for complaints th3t I'm AND PIECES cribbins everythins rrom the """" CORREcnON This is the Ihifd iswe of BT\lCC Turley's e-mail address is: Knotting Matters this year, a liltle 106077.11S60compuset'Vr.com 1.le and I apologise for that. There Not as ,t first anJlO\ln«d last will be one more issue in issue, Edilors apologies December, thal should be on time, 10 make four issuu tllis year. I ....-~.,...,..=-""-"C7.,..~--~ apologised in KM60 for the delay New Bedford Meeting of th.l issue (~pIIgc 2). but we 6,7,8 August 1999 should be back on wgt! by the next issue. There is still a Jot of m.terial corni"! in 10 fill the Nexl years mee!ing of the IGKT (NA) pages. thankfully. will be at the Whaling Museum New We have copies of !he Du.lch Bedford Mass. 00 Friday 6th, publicalion in their own language Saturday 71h and Sunday 8th 0 and the excellent Knot News from August. In addition. it is hoped 10 run lhe Pacific Americas Branch and I day visit 10 Ihe Ashley homestead Olher braoch news leners. I posed Ion Monday 9th August, courtesy of the question of how much. if · I ._.Id· I..•• · ••, Mr. &. Mrs. Chardon. anyth.ng. ........ IllC UU<' \n ..... from these otbef, 'LOCAL' Further details of accommodation. publicalKlns. 'There is much I see booking fees and programme etc. will and think MGosh, {and yes, 1 00 be available from still uy Gosh} 1 ...ish I'd had that John Burke, for KM: I hive had no response 4417 Academy, from Inyone on this maner. Deerbom Heights Perhaps with other more importam Michigan, Zip 48125·2205 or maners like Postal Voting: e-mail [email protected] changes 10 the Constllution; All IGKT members are welcome. publishing a ne... Journal; whatM Members in North America who wish should !he new M6 Buie Knou 10 become members of the IGKT{NA) be:.shouId!he Guild buy or rent a 1.~ld conlllet John Burlr.e with SS building IS I heIdqI.larters or noc: t 10 be thought aboul. Maybe I U.S. should just include as much as IL -.J KNOT11NG MA'ITERS 61· SEPTEMBER I"S 3 ceived $ubso;riplion reminders. Of the four hundred or 10 ... hi~h ...ent out • lhefe ...·ere aboul • liMen ...hich should I10l have done. The ttror lay in my master dalabast. lftlIinly due to my clumsy Iypin&. ll>OSt in que5tion have been qui~k Having posted KM hal seems to respood. for which I lilank like only • eoupIe oI eelcs.go. it ~.rne IS • bit of • shock that I 'OIlS TIlt question of po6t.1 voting for already holding up prodUl'tion of -candidales standing ror eleclion at the ....."t edition. 50 ...ithout f,,"her the AGM has been rai5ed in ado, hefe goes. Council ag.in. .nd I have been "Those of you ...ho have read my wed to test lite members .Uitude repor1 on the meeting .t South­ 1O....rIb thi$.. TIlt lhoug.ht is lIIat ampcon will be IS myWned IS all n~mbet'1 should have the OJI" Sylvi. was. ". thought you ...ere in ponunity 10 vote in lite ele<.:tion Porumouth" she said • er ­ proeess. rather tlW1 JUSt lhose pre­ whoopi. PefhapI • better map. (or sent .t the AGM. The counter .~ ptrMps • IC$S senile Hon Sec gument is lhat statiSlically lIltak­ might be the solution. No wonder ing ...e are likely to rtceive less it took mol 10 Ionl 10 fir-J Boat voteS usilll thi$ rntlhod. than we Shed No. 7 anee I had gone into do.t ptUtnt. In addition oveneas the dockyard. members ...ilI no:» be lhac famili.r Whilst confeasinllO errors. I must ...ith the candidateS. who jf not by .poIosise 10 thole who have found legi$lation, but from the shcff errors in lite Membership Hand· practicality of being a Trustee of a book. If you would like 10 drop me Charity domiciled in England. and • liM pointinl out the mlstake. I subjed 10 ~ish I.... (l tlTIphI­ ...ill do my best 10 make sure that sist English. not Seonish or Olher it does not re-occur in the next UK I.....) need 10 be resident in the edition.. In $lying that, baving UK. If you ha,'e any thoup on written it. and then d>ecked it on this subject please ...·rite to me 1hree separate occasions. one does about it (not em.il in this case). become • lillle mesmerised by il Owt&ing the subje<.:11O It-ttWl and .11••nd somehow one Of tWO er­ the Internet. by the nt11 edilion of ron seem 10 creep in. KM. we Ilope 10 be able to publish Finally. my apololiea to.n those the Editon email address. which full)' paid up merrobets ...ho re- 4 KNOTTING MA1TERS 'I - SEPTEMBER 1t98 we are sure will be of considerable eally for the present mem""... of usistance to him. the Council. Ahhough there will Those of you who are sufficiently be some cost la lhe Guild, this will adept al the Internet 10 have ""tab­ be heavily subsidised by other lisl>ed a Web Site, if it refers in any Charitable trusts and organisation. way 10 Ihe IOKT, could you please A. lhe lGKT mov"" forward into cbeck it for its accuracy of delaiL I tl>c next Millennium, Ihis training most confess that I have little Of will be an invaluable aSset. 00 tim~ tu 'surf the nel', and on finally, I muSt give mention to. the odd occasion that I have, t and thank the anonymous individ· have been relatively unsucce.ssful, ual who has made a $500 donation hence I am oot in a position to p0­ to the Pacif;e Americas Uraneh to lice it. All I koow is lhal there are be used as the branch sccs fit, in references lO myoid address and order lO funher lheir work. It is telephone number, and oUldated very satisfying lO know that Ihere subscription:;. Also, I am told, no­ is someone OUI there who thinks tic"S advenising meetings which sufficiently highly of our organi­ have long since pllSt. We are grate­ sation and its aims, to make such a ful 10 all those who do give us a generous gill.
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