CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-23 WEST BENGAL PART-IX (iii) SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDULED TRIBES (Tables 1 to 3) S.N. GHOSH O"F TRV.. INDIAN A.DMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR.-OF ~CENSUS OPERATIO~S WEST BENGAL CONTENTS Pages Foreword (v) Preface (vii) General Note 1-3 Table ST-I Industrial Category of Main Workers, Marginal Workers, 7-511 Non~workers and seeking/available for work by Sex for Scheduled Tripes Table ST-2 Industrial Category of Work of Marginal Workers of Scheduled 513-753 Tribes by seeking/available, not seeking/available for Work and Sex Table ST-3 Marginal Workers and Non-workers by Sex, Type of Activity 755-959 and Educational Level for Scheduled Tribes ( iii) FOREWORD, Our Constitution provides certain safeguards for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Such communities are notified by a Presidential. Order. For the purpose of the 1981 Census, the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976 was adopted. The salient features of this Act have bee_n given in the Ge1).eral Note. The data, thus collected were processed o~ computor and the special tables for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have Deen generated and published in the hope that these will be useful for the planning arid impleinent~tion of welfare measures in respect of these socially and economically handicapped communities. NEW DELHI v. S. VERMA 24th February, 1989 R.egistrar General, India ( Y ) PREFACE The processing Of data collected during the 1981 Census for Sch~du~ed Castes and Scheduled 'Fr-jbes was planne'd to be carried out on cordputo~ on full count· The tables included in Part IX are being published iTh four volumes. The Spe«ial Tables for Scheduled Castes are being presented in two volumes-Part IX (i) & Part IX (ii), consisting of tables 1-2 and 3·6 respectively. Similarly the Special Tables for Scheduled Tribes are being presented in two volumes~Part IX (iH) & IX (iv) consisting- .tables 1 to 3 and 4 to 7 respectively. The tables presented in these vplumes for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are more or less on the same pattern ~s adopted in 1971 Census w.ith additional information. based on the new concepts adopted in. 1981 Census. The Director of Census· Operations, Shri ~N. Ghosh, I.A.S:. under whose guidance the entire operationS. were carried out; deserves all credit for the success of the operations. But he had to leave the -organisation for taking up' other important assignment before the volq.me in question c oul4 be made ready for the press. I must record my deepest sense of gratitude, t? Shri p. Padmanabha, ex-Registrar General, India and Shri V.S. Verma, Registrar Generat India for their valuable guidance and sincere help to us at every stage to bring out this publication in ._ time. I also thank the officers ap.d staff of the Data Proce- ssjng Division, Census Division and Printing Cell of the Office of the Registrar General; India associated with this task. The processing of the· data was undertaken by the Data Processing Division of the Registrar General's Office under the able guidance of S/Shri A. Sengupta, Joint Director (Data Processing) and K.R. Unni. Joint DireC:tor (Programming) with the l1elp of their staff. The Census Division h~d·.taken over the responsibility of scrutiny of the tables, preparation of General Note and fly-leaves of this pUblication and this work was very ably carried out under the supervision of Sh.ci N. Rama Rap. Deputy Regi.strar General (Census & Ta.bula­ tion). Shri V.P. Rustagi, Deputy Director and Shri Babu Lat, ADCO, with the help .of their team of able as~is.tants, took keen intprest in finalising the tables and getting them ready for printin'g. S4ri B.P. Jain, Deputy Director (Printing) and his col1e~gues in the Printing Cell have helped in seeing the volume through the press. In this office Shri S.K. Guha. Investigator, with the help of a team of dedicated workers namely, Smt. Anjali Das, 'SA, Shri Samarejih Banerjee, Shri Nikhil Bagchi, Smt. Mira Ban~rjee, Smt. Sefali Bose, Computers, under the guidance and supervision of S.hri A.K. Dutta, Deputy Dir.ector, of 'Census Oper~tions, West Bengal, wo·rked tirelessly. Without their sincere efforts the data could not -have been ...finalised. I a_cknowledge their contributions as well. CALCUTTA SUKUMAR SINHA 15th Febr~ary, 1989 Joint Director of Census ·Operations West Bengal ( vii) SPECIAL TABLES FOR SCHEDl.:LEI) CASTES AND SC4EDULED TRIBES GENERAL NOTE The present volume provides data pertaining to individual Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The SP! rial taoles for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are· being published s 'pa -ately sirtce the 1961 Cens us. The 1981 Census Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Special ':f'ables covered under Part-IX give the data on industrial categories of main workers, marginal workers, type of acti­ vity of mal'ginal workers and non-workers, age, sex, marital stitus, educational levels et~. for State and District,. level for each caste and tribe Most of the tables included in this volume correspond to those published in Part-V Volume of 1971 A few more tables relating to marginal workers and in respect of those seeking/available for work have also Qeen introduced for ,the first time in the 198'1 Census. Scheduled Castes :10 I Scheduled Tribes In ~he In0ian Censuses prior to 1931, information was coll'ected and published for each Caste and Tribe selJarately. In the 1931 Census, tabulation of data for individual communiti~s was limited to : (i) exterior castes, (ii) primitive castes and (iii) all other castes with the exceptidn of (a) those Whose members fell short of four per thousand o~ the total population and (b) these for which separate figures were deemed to be uI)J1ecessary by the local government. In the 1941 Ce6.sus~ 'group totals' were tabulated for Scheduled Castes/Tribes and An-glo­ Indians. Separate totals were furnished only for a few selected individua-l tribes. When preparations for the 195~ Census were undertaken, the Government of India had already accepted the policy of official discouragement of community distinctions based on caste. They decided, therefore, that no general race, caste Of" tribe enquiries should be made but an enquiry should be made regarding race. caste or tribe only to the extent necessary for providmg 'infqrmatio:1' relating to certain special groups of the people who are referred to in ,the Constitution of India. The relevant Articles are extracted below: Scheduled Castes 341(1) : The President may with respect to any State, and where it is a State specified in Part A or Part B of the first Schedule, after consultation with the Governor or Rajpramukh thereof. by public notification, specify the cBtes, rares or tribe~ or parts of or groups within castes, races or tribes which shall for the purpo'~es of this Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes in relation to thl'1t State. 341(2) : Parliament may by law include in or exclude from the list of Scheduled Castes specified in a notification issued under clause (1) any caste, race or tribe or part of or group WIthin any caste, race or tribe. but ·save as aforesaid a l1vtdic.ition issued under lhe said clause shall not be varied by any subseque.nt notification. Scbeduled "tn'l,es 342(1) : The Pr:t:sident may with respect to any State, and where it is a State ·specified in Part A or Part B of (he first Schedule, after consultation with the Governor or Rajpramukh thereof, by public notificaLon, specify the tribes or tribal communities or parts of or groups within tribes or tribal cOffiluunities which shall for the pUfposes of thIS Constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Tribes in relation to that State. 342(2) : Parliament may by law include in or exdude from the list of Scheduled Tribes specified in a notification issued und.er clause (1) any tribe or tribal community or part of or group within any tribe or tribal community, but save. as aforesaid a notification issued under the said clause shall not be varied by any subsequent notification. From the 1951 Census onwards the Census questionnaire contains items of enquiry to ascertain whether the respondent belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe and if yes, the name of the Scheduled Caste/Tribe to which he belongs with a view to collecting information for discharging the ConstitutlOllal oblIgations towards these communities. In the Individual Slip (Universal) adopted for the 1981.Census,.. question 9 make. an enquiry about the Schetluled Caste or Scheduled Tribe status and quesdon 10 about the name of the specific Scheduled Caste/Tribe. Likewise, question 3 of the household schequle enquiries whether the head .of the nousehold belongs to a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and question 4 the name of the Scheduled. Caste/Tribe of the head'of the household, if the answer to the question 3 ·is in the affirmative. 2 The st<'J.tutory lists of Scheduled Ca'Stes and Scheduled" Tribes are notified in pursuance of Articles 341 and 342 of the Constitution .• The lists of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Trjbes were notified for the first time under the· Constitution (Scheduled Castes)Order. 1950, the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) (Part C States), Order~ 195t and the Cou1>titution (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 195G, the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Part C States) Order, 1951. These lists have been modified Of amended or supplemented from time to time. On the q::organisation of the States, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Lists (Modification), Order came into force from 29th October.
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