Relationship between Social Media for Social Marketing in Family Planning Ardiansyah* This research is to examine the influence of marketing mix by media performance social me- dia portals attitude towards a social marketing program, and its relationship with the source credibil- ity portal. Social programs that made the object of research are the generation of program planning. The Research is using Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Based on data from 150 respondents it can be seen that in social marketing programs, source credibility, engagement, word of mouth and positive influence on the formation of behavior, but not for an awareness program. Then research obtained findings that attitudes influence behavioral intention, but not subjective norms positively influence the formation of behavioral intentions. Keywords: Media Performance, Social Media, Social Marketing, Source Credibility, Attitude, Sub- jective Norm, Behavior Intention Penelitian ini ingin menguji pengaruh bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh media performance portal social media terhadap sebuah attitude program social marketing, serta hubungannya dengan source credibilityportal tersebut. Program sosial yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah program Generasi Berencana. Penelitian menggunakan metode Structural Equations Modelling (SEM). Ber- dasarkan data dari 150 responden maka dapat diketahui bahwa dalam program social marketing, kredibilitas sumber, engagement, dan word of mouth berpengaruh positif terhadap pembentukan prilaku, namun tidak untuk awareness sebuah program. Kemudian didapatkan temuan bahwa sikap berpengaruh terhadap niat perilaku, namun norma subjektif tidak berpengaruh secara positif dalam pembentukan niat perilaku. Kata Kunci: Kinerja Media, Media Sosial, Pemasaran Sosial, Kredibilitas Sumber, Sikap, Norma Subjektif, Niat Perilaku. Introduction munication and Social Networking which was published on March 27, 2012. From a total of The development of information technology 62 percent of which are social media users in in general and the internet in particular have the world, Indonesia ranks first with 83 percent. rendered large changes in human behavior to Although the total population using the Inter- communicate and interact. Boundaries of space net in Indonesia is not as much as in developed and time is not a barrier in communicating and countries, but the data suggest the attention of interacting, it is more possible through the rising Internet users in Indonesia is very big on social phenomenon of Smartphone technology to pro- media. vide internet access. In the advertising world, Today the issue of population density not which is one aspect of the Integrated Market- only become a problem that is regional but a ing Communication (IMC) it can be seen that global problem. In the year 1987 the world po- the expenditures for global online advertising pulation approaching 5 billion people, populati- increased by more than 12.1% in the first quar- on density is a threat if if associated with other ter of 2012 compared to a year ago, outpacing variables, some population problems, which are other media including TV, radio, newspapers, related to the rapid population growth is envi- magazines, cinema, and outdoor (Nielsen Glob- ronmental pollution, climate change, defores- al Pulse AdView Q1 2012). A study conducted * Media Total Performa, Indonesia. Email: ardi_jkt83@ by Ipsos, titled Interconnected World: Com- yahoo.com ASEAN MARKETING JOURNAL June 2013 - Vol.V - No. 1 39 tation, urbanization, the decline income, infla- in accordance with the objectives of the pro- tion, unemployment, housing, literacy, hunger, gram genre, in addition to using conventional lack of clean water, limited health care, energy media, BKKBN using social media as a tool to and natural resources, and political conflict. reach out to the target audience of the program. From the publications issued by the Cent- Behavior change is to be achieved as a young ral Bureau of Statistics based on Census 2010 target audience capable of planning and delay- (SP2010), addressing population growth in In- ing the marriage to create a happy prosperous donesia during the period 2000 -2010 of 1.49 small family. percent per year. Population growth rate is not From the previous studies and analyzes of decreased when compared with the period 1900 reference phenomena, the authors wanted to see - 2000 in the amount of 1.44 percent per year, how the attitude formed through source credi- whereas in the previous year the rate of growth bility and performance in social media marke- of the population in Indonesia tended to dec- ting campaign later authors wanted to see how rease. attitude and Subjective norm influence beha- Unemployment rate (TPT) describes the vior intention. with social media as a medium proportion of the labor force who are unemplo- of exchange programs, and subsequent social yed are actively looking for a job or preparing a marketing program that will be examined are business. The high number of TPT reflects the planning Generation program (genre) which is failure of the labor market to absorb some of a program established by the National Populati- the labor force. TPT Indonesia census popula- on and Family Planning Board (BKKBN). The tion in 2010 was 2.6 percent, which means that objective of the program is to create a role of of the 100 people on the Indonesian labor force young people in the family planning program that included unemployment around 3 people. in the role of young people planning program From the data released by the National Statis- toward more balanced population growth in tics Office, TPT age group (15-29) years of age 2015, where the target audience than the pro- have the highest percentage compared to other gram are kids who have not been married or are age groups. It reflects that free is the main prob- planning a wedding. lem of unemployment on young people (youth This study aimed to find out whether unemployment). Source credibility significantly influence At- Quality of manpower of a country can be titude. Knowing whether brand awareness sig- measured by looking at the level of education. nificantly influence Attitude. Knowing whether The labor force in Indonesia in 2010 Populati- Brand engagement significantly influence At- on Census results are dominated by those who titude. Knowing whether Word of Mouth sig- are educated elementary school (SD), which is nificantly influence Attitude. Knowing whether about 35.2 percent of the total workforce, an significantly influence Attitude Behavior Inten- educated workforce and even SD or below the tion. Knowing whether Subjective Norm signi- 50.4 percent. While the educated workforce in ficantly influence Behavior Intention. the Senior High School (SMA) is only 8.5 per- cent of the total workforce. It reflects the quali- Literature Review ty of the workforce in Indonesia is still low. In this study, the authors review a program Social marketing term first coined by Philip conducted by the National Population and Fa- Kotler and Gerald Zaltman in 1971 to refer to a mily Planning Board (BKKBN) the Generation marketing application to the solution of social Planning (genre). The goal of the program is and health problems. Marketing has been very genre of its own in accordance with Law No. successful in encouraging people to buy prod- 52 Year 1999 on Population Development and ucts such as Coca Cola and Nike. The argument Family Development, the role of the youth in can also encourage people to adopt behaviors the family planning program which in this case that will improve their own lives and the lives translates to happy prosperous small family in- around them. Many social and health prob- stitutionalization towards balanced population lems caused by behaviors such as the spread of growth in 2015. To create a change in behavior AIDS, traffic accidents and unwanted pregnan- ASEAN MARKETING JOURNAL 40 June 2013 - Vol.V - No. 1 cies are all the result of the day-to-day human be considered in view of the credibility of the activities. Social marketing provides a mecha- media, message characteristics and audience nism to overcome these problems by encourag- characteristics. ing people to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The concept of Media Performance pre- According to the American Association of sented by Hoffmann and Fodor (2010) in their Advertising Agencies (the “4As”) are presented article entitled “Can You Measure the ROI of in the book written by George E.Belch and Mi- Your Social Media Marketing?”. The article fo- chael A.Belch (2012) that the definition of inte- cus to when the managers become more com- grated marketing communications is a concept fortable with blogs and social not gained as part of marketing communications planning that of the Integrated Marketing Communication, recognize the added value of a comprehensive naturally they turned their attention to the sub- plan that evaluates strategic roles of a variety ject of Return On Investment (ROI) than social of communications disciplines, such as public media. Hoffmann and Fodor (2010) focused communications, direct response, sales promo- social media with media performance on three tion, and public relations as well as incorporat- objectives, these objectives are: brand aware- ing a variety of disciplines proficiency level ness, brand engagement and word of mouth. to provide clarity, consistency and maximum Theory of Reasoned Action developed by communication influence through a thorough Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen as an improve- integration
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