• I-' >ir/3Y,“Mv '' '". .’■ ■ -■•; V.. ' , ; ^ tune School Secretaries Earn Retrospect OCEAN GROVE— Last-minute PDP Certificates participants have just a few mow TRENTON — Assemblyman K e i u n l c c t days to sign up ior the unusual Anthony M. ‘‘Doc." yill&ie h;^« Pennsylvania bus trip on Saiuf- become1 a co-sponso£'of legljpj ATLANTIC CITY i l By'Wchard F‘ ® bboni day, December 10, sponsored by tion designed to provide financL. Jersey Association of Educational David John Lake would have The Historical Society of Ocean aid for senior citizeng i tO.'h KLp Secretaries held its 46th Annual been 73 years old this week Grovo, according to the commit­ ■ them meet' the hntlcipdtea acl(il- Convention at the Tropleana Ho- (Nov. 26). tee. tional cost 'of telephone' service; tel, here, November 9-11. ' v Member of an heroic Marine ■ Reservations may be made by affer the AT&T divestiture of’;BelJ On November 11, at a. luncheon contingent, the first recipient -telephoning 774-3810 after 5 p.. companies'. in January ofc-ljl.SW. ] atthe hotel, Dr. Thomas E. Rob- of the “ Citizen of the Year” ' . m. by November 30. Tickets ate .The bill, which was, unanitinafi[S- ■inson, President -Emeritus of a,w a r d presented by Ocean $25 each exclusive of luhch. Tlie ly released by the Assembly ^Rev­ Glassboro State College, present- Grove Businessmen, Inc., DAV- bus-leaves St. Paul's; lyiethodist enue, Finance and Apprbpriatibns ed RUTH BRUSKY, secretary in ID LAKE is remembered as a Church1 at 8 a.m. December 10 Committee, after : dii^rbv!ngv^a- NEPTUNE TWP. the Neptune Junior High’ School, hero v'ho save his life in a. and returns there at 8 p.m. ? .' ■ i '■ ■■Nti'lUNE TWP.r—Tlte tradU and MARY LOU MARTUSCELLI,' peacetime mission on. tfie "Tlils seems like a ; long day, secretary at Neptune's Ridge Aire- streets' of Ocean Grove, but We have packed a lot-of in­ .the Committee, provides'^ to ball .game t-a tween the Nep- nuo Middle School, with PDP cer- ' As Chi-af of Police, it was teresting and unusual things into, 550. a year. to qualified seniors tune High School Scarlet Fliers tificates and pins. A total Of 22 Oavs Lake who "personally es- secreiaries, from all over NeW corted a hotel theft jsuspect th'e'day,’' a spokesperson for this for..teleph.one bill; a s ^ te r ^ . j r ajid.J|»e Asbury -.'Park. High Sodiety explained. Included will be Jersey, received awards a t f h I s'to the spot where loot had ThW bill’s ' initial 'jpjJr0R.Hatl.on School Blue Bishops will ba luncheon for their participation, in faeen hidden. The suspect bolt- visits to the elaborate putz lit of $7.5 million wllfjba funded p) ed at 10:30 A.M. on Nep- tho Moravian Church at Lltitz, this program. • ed« u away,t m o y fromIIUIII CHIEFcrtltl- LAKE as with its panorama of sound and Since its organization, the New they got out of the police car 2$?StSS® r* m ..rt sum. Jersey Association of Educational on Spray Avenue. The 60 year- light; the start of Victorian Christ­ "Basic teiephon&;service is sjn mas celebration at Wheatland, the Secreiaries has promoted’ pro- pld Chief threv^ a tackle and . Mr. and Mr?. Garry Allen Smith . oiute- necessity- T-'irrrr\-lu In .tod^yls sp- It all began wif • . fesslonal growth and Vdevelop-8rapplea. With lil^ prisoner, elegant home of President Buch­ absolute necessity,fn..*t. all began with an Asbury ment. In 1965, the NJAES educa- ../Just as it seemed the sus- anan, whore Victorian refresh­ NEPTU.NE — .Miss -LDUfte line . satin dresses with match- eletv and it can offfln diith« fo- r3- 3 8 . ' 0 victoryvictory in 1915.1915‘ TheThn j tion'altionaT program began with adult :pact pact waswas subdued,subdued, thethe ChiefChief ments will bo served at the closa Ann Mitchell, daughter, of Rolf ing. jackets. Each' bridesmaid those- r o q u irin g 'tW S ^ o f'a schools have met.'onmet nn the.h . grid-^ . 1 .......... .education courses instituted Jn collapsed.;,It was,-a heart at of the tour of the mansion in Its and .Carmella Deis, 47 Cayilga 'carrted a single pink rose anu doctor of ambulance" i Assembly-iron ttmes with . Asbury Christmas dress; a mini - tour ol n - ~ - • • " • • • '• • many schools throughout t h e tac^- The First Ald -t Squact | Avenue; Qceanport,;? 'became Ihad baby’s breath in her hair. man Vttlane said- At j :. winning 23, Neptune 19 and . the restored areas of : Lancaster; the brida of Garry Alien Smith, state. The NJAES Professional Do- rushed the stricken law offi- 1 Npil, P; Duff, Belmar, was “ This legislation7' wilf ifnsurb three tie games.Last ysar velopment Program is a voluntary cer to the hospital. He was stops at a Farmers' Market and at son of Dorothy T. Smith, '429 best'man. Ushers Were. Brian Candy Americana. The latter has a Glenmere Avenue, Neptune, & that every senior citizen who now Neptune won 14-0. program which promotes college dead on arrival. ,,i: - . unique museum of antique candy- |J. Smith, Jeffrey G; Smith, has a telephone will be able tt) the- late James E. Smith, Jr., brothers of the groom; Vincent tfban U ov>»l ' X.U-. --- I feve'^ ourses of Particular .interest Today there is a'bench in a making artifacts as well as oppor- in v ttie Hamilton Un/tep/ ;• ftfcfh- iieep”it” a^d bay f6r |hV“^ i c B See Pfge six for .lineups and | t0.T^ r^ sr,°„nn6.'-;:,. sted ed s^o^R«ind*i Parft,: D’Anria and Sam Ct-aase, all of such a phone provides:” , , - ; shaded spot'of- F< . —, tunity -to. buy Wilbur Buds and odist Church, here, on October supporting advertisers The first PDP certificates were n0t far from the urn' marking other ohocolates at half-price. A 28. ' Neptune, arid Rolf Deis, Ocean- 0- -• i ■■ , r (port, brother of tho bride. I . A: long standing tradif/on will j awarded in November,, 1976. The ^ e founding'of- Ocean Grove. luncheon stop for those who wish CITED FOR ‘ SERVICE 1program is served by an advisory The marble bench was placed .: The Rev. Lloyd R. Applegate Tfie .flower girl Was* Erifsn _ ■;1, 7be--- continued_____ ,%<i>uthis |year v u | -Uv>as theM IC ' w?H be made at Overtook Country officiated at the 5 P.M.,double Tiedemahn, Neptune;,-and tho board presently made of by th e there in 1972 as a permanent • Club, where partlo!pants may. sel­ ring ceramony. ring bearer wasAndr.ew Tiede- ASBURY PARK^rjiong the 27 AsburV Park and NePtune HiEh following board members: Dr. memorial to the gallant chief. ect thoir own meai or snack, as :v,Given -in marriage by. ,her manti, cousins of tho groom, 'employees who haw marked serv- School Bands present a com- Philip E. Geiger, Superintendent There are 'other memorials. they prefer. Otherrs who wish, may [. icef anrjiversarjes withj JCP&L are bined performance prior to the father,, the bride wore an ’AT- The Organist was James A; c t l ayu 1 JT? « rP- M Cpu ,'c In a corner of Auditorium Park ■'brown-bag'', packing their own fred\Angelb rgown with a full McKimm and the soloists jwarft I'Oharles 0. Nortb^fifet cliss line Thanksgiving Day F o o t ba '' Schools; Hilda Jaffe, Field Service <here -,s a fnemofjal tree which A;1 Ifibt'' 1 f*i»+ - " * ’* construction and maintenance op- Thursda\ lunches.' 'i^ iftip S d a cathedral.jISharon and Jeremv -Lees. The Representative New Jersey School placed by' Dave’s wife, . — :— o--- — erator, and Robert L. , Weaver, ^ ^ . 0nn ' ^ rsaa] W K W a f f l W «atin andVorr1[selections were “ The Wedding ar^^ri- * ln a sc^p book, there S ar>za; bodies withV Sfai group sUpervior.in^thd djstributiori ^ Dorlan Pauwu-ui tv>- Song” and “ Follow, Me” . construction & maintenance, both bury Park High School and.Mr. ' - ■ , -tpersonal______ iw n b iletter - iiu iii fromIU I;; for- Participants 111 1 shaped neckline, long Following a reception at the *. ,• ujynass -f president Richard Nixon. 1 victorian___ r -.-«isleeves t yj, wterminated i uf If WCU toIU o f‘Neptune and tioth with. 25 David : Shotwell of Neptune Admins: Gustave F. .Perna Coun-,The (asf Presfdcnt to visit 19831 Minstrel tight, satin cuffs: and trimmed iTintoh'/Falls Hilton • Inn they .years service. Kfejjeth-O. Boorman High: School, the school bands I with - satin petals. She wore a left on “a wedding .trip to the o iH P ^v,enl e n S^ C tv Ocean Grova (1970) had heard .^i^.t,-^®asapti^^rmer|y;bf'The W||| p re s e n t a spectacular p ^ . c J^ Th° rnas. 1E,.of his death and wrote imme- j Enjoy Reunion 0ut)s'n :Artn !heatidress with a 3- PpMnoS. i4v) ‘ , Grove, first.classrrt.etertester, has •_ • A •■'fjheybride is a graduate;..of •r , —1 .1 ii — )tiered veil. The bride carried marked 30 years, “ / '■■'.-v, ■- f.v' j march arrangement of America r ? ' C, n M ^ i diatelv to Dorothy Lake, ex- SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS —This a bouquet of ,yvhite aridr pfnk Uongf Branch7 High Stool • and -O'-•* 1 to be followed by the National Jersey Shore Medical Center 'scss,«sm .sss« t ■ year marked the 5t|i .Anniversary roses, stephanptis; and . baby’s PLANNING BOARD MEETING Anthem. These, selections wifi of Industry & Design T e c h n ^ ' S ' Y ^ W that Presides breath: jNurses Assistant Program, ..She of tha “ Down on the' Farm” Min­ Vs .rmployed by Monmouth Bies, Bergen Community College: ^ | visi? president Nixon ex^ • strel performed by the Christian Carmella Rutkowski, Lake- N EPTUN ^^|^f^li(f°n“ ^ t h e ^ d e n t Kathrvn E.
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