ill rV t.t' . Ii•-;••t: I:),1._,; i 1 t, i :1. i‘ THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SECTION i,;: ;','' OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY .,,,. IN WORLD WAR II 1-, .', A PERSONAL ACCOUNT ,}. 11, yt ' ).. Yl. i : P. 1;1 , 4.v. ', • ■.t' t, q.; . .P:. ,:. 'I:, ,, `, . - ... .: The Industrial Relations Section of Princeton University in World War II A Personal Account BY J. DOUGLAS BROWN DIRECTOR OF THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SECTION, 1926-1955; DEAN OF THE FACULTY, 1946-1967, AND PROVOST, 1966-1967, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SECTION Department of Economics PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 1976 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SECTION PREFACE Department of Economics PRINCETON UNIVERSITY HE tested guidelines for the university consultant Princeton, New Jersey T who seeks to contribute constructively to the devel- Established 1922 opment of public policy are (1 ) thorough and impartial analysis, ( 2) a willingness to express responsible judg- ments, and (3 ) a capacity for patient and persistent per- ORLEY ASHENFELTER, Director suasion. A precious resource in following these guidelines HELEN FAIRBANKS, Librarian is a research organization within a distinguished univer- DOROTHY SILVESTER, Secretary sity which has not only a comprehensive and current cov- erage of the data to be analyzed, but also ready and con- fidential access to the diverse parties concerned in policy decisions. The access to current knowledge and ideas per- Faculty Associates mits understanding judgments. The access to the makers FARRELL E. BLOCH of policy, as well as to those affected by it, adds relevance WILLIAM G. BOWEN and feasibility to the policies proposed and helps to focus J. DOUGLAS BROWN persuasion upon those responsible for action. FREDERICK H. HARBISON With the increasing complexity of problems in indus- RICHARD A. LESTER trial relations in the 1930's it became necessary to employ ALBERT REES a team approach to their solution. This need became all ANNE R. SOMERS the more evident in 1940 as the threat of war required HERMAN M. SOMERS rapid changes in policy. With a team approach, a univer- sity research organization could develop an extensive doc- umentary library, a specialized research staff, periodic Research Report Series No. 121 conferences, field interviews, and a series of research re- ports to support face-to-face consultation with concise and relevant published reports and bibliographies. Fortunate- ly, in the years since its founding in 1922, the Industrial Relations Section at Princeton University had developed such an approach. The following brief history of the Section during the critical years from 1940 to 1945 recounts in an informal Copyright © 1976 and personal way how such a team approach helped in Industrial Relations Section the formulation of governmental and industrial policy on Princeton University the manning of war production. Since the Director and L.C. Card No. 76-8589 other members of the Section staff served as the means Preface CONTENTS of communication between the Section at Princeton and responsible officials in Washington, their activities as gov- Chapter I The Industrial Relations Section: A ernment consultants are an essential part of the story. Pioneer Instrument for Relevant Their participation in relevant university research en- Research 3 hanced their ability to analyze problems, formulate policy, and present their proposals with conviction. Chapter II The Stimulation of Interest in In the preparation of this brief history, the author has Manpower Mobilization, 1940-41 9 been greatly aided by the comprehensive files of the Chapter III The Battle for Conversion to War Industrial Relations Section and by the generous and Production, May 1941 to highly effective assistance of Mrs. Dorothy M. Silvester, January 1942 28 the Secretary of the Section. The account has been read 56 by Richard A. Lester and Frederick H. Harbison who par- Chapter IV The Crucial Year, 1942 ticipated in many of the activities described. It is an un- Chapter V Sustaining the Momentum, 1943 77 planned coincidence that the publication of the report Chapter VI The Shift in Emphasis to Postwar occurs just fifty years after the author became Director of 93 the Section in June 1926. Adjustments, 1944-45 J. DOUGLAS BROWN Chapter VII Conclusions Thirty Years Later 110 Princeton, New Jersey Index of Names 113 THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SECTION OF PRINCETON UNIVERSITY IN WORLD WAR II A PERSONAL ACCOUNT )' , 4, .0! -,..21":"+,41 . :41V 4Anakt :k 4.41061. ,Vdt, P-0'. I. THE INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SECTION: A PIONEER INSTRUMENT FOR RELEVANT RESEARCH T is in the nature of a university that the research car- I ried on within its walls varies widely in respect to its relevancy to the immediate problems of the outside world. Mathematicians gain great satisfaction from developing elegant proofs of theorems of no known application. Archeologists spend years uncovering and identifying the art forms of ancient peoples. But it is the genius of the liberal university that it also encourages research in fields of learning where results can be immediately useful in advancing human welfare—if they are transmitted with precision and lucidity. It must be admitted that the gen- eral climate of university life favors, in most areas of learn- ing, the satisfactions of isolation rather than a concern for relevancy to external applications. But in some areas and especially at some times, relevancy provides a great chal- lenge for intensive study. The subject of this report, the manning of war production from 1940 to 1945, deals with such an area at such a time. Research relevant to current problems in the area of human affairs faces many special difficulties which most university scholars have long avoided. The variables to be considered in the analysis of a problem of public or insti- tutional policy are likely to be numerous and of widely varying influence. Often they cannot be nicely defined, and even more frequently they cannot be accurately quantified. The researcher ignores any variable at great risk, since it may unexpectedly become significant. Rele- vant research requires the accumulation of a large body of evidence which must be carefully evaluated in terms of accuracy, impartiality, and significance. With no easy proof at hand, judgment enters the process from the first 3 The Industrial Relations Section The Industrial Relations Section collection of data and remains through the whole process The Industrial Relations Section of Princeton Univer- of study and conclusion. Further, to gain the evidence sity was established in 1922, very soon after a small num- needed for the analysis of current policy issues, the re- ber of American corporations began to consider industrial searcher must have available specialized staff and library relations a specialized, structured element in corporate facilities in order to collect and organize a vast stream of management. The Section was, at that time, a pioneer materials not found in books. These include government experiment among university research programs. So far documents, periodical articles, questionnaire returns, as is known, the title of the Section was one of the first ephemeral memoranda, and pamphlets obtained only by uses of the term "industrial relations." It helped materially direct inquiry. Most of all, the researcher must go to the in encouraging the term's acceptance. It was the intention source of first-hand information, experience and judgment of the founders to broaden the scope of the field studied and learn how to evaluate, on the ground, the reliability to include all factors, conditions, problems and policies and significance of such evidence in building representa- involved in the employment of human resources in orga- tive findings. In all this procedure, the researcher is nized production or service. It was not to be limited to any blessed if he is a part of an ongoing organization which single academic discipline. Nor was the term "industrial has developed, over the years, a wide range of cooperating relations" limited to activities within private enterprise individuals and organizations in key positions to provide but was assumed to cover the relations of governments continuing assistance. and all other institutions with those people who consti- The area of university research discussed in the follow- tuted the working forces of a country. In the implementa- ing pages illustrates clearly the demanding requirements tion of this wider interpretation of the Section's area of for relevant research in a field of study which has devel- concern, the Section and its staff were heavily involved in oped only in the last half-century. Industrial relations, as the development of social security legislation at the fed- an aspect of human organization has, for better or for eral and state levels and, later, as discussed in the follow- worse, existed since the beginning of time. Whenever or ing pages, in the development of the manpower and in- wherever people have developed organizations to get dustrial relations policies of the federal government in the work done, some concept of human relationships pervade war period of 1940-45. the activity, whether slavery, peonage, military command By the time of the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, or cooperative service. With the coming of industrializa- the Section had developed a combination of resources for tion, industrial relations, as an art, was largely that of the relevant research in industrial relations policy which was individual leader. Only as corporations became large and unique among American universities. Its documentary ref- perpetual did leaders become self-conscious enough about erence library was extensive and thoroughly organized. the art to seek its structuring into formal policies, pro- Hazel Benjamin, the Librarian, was one of the best spe- grams, and specialized functions. It was then that the cialists in developing and organizing industrial relations research scholar began to have something to seize upon material in the country. Companies and trade unions had for study and for the building of sound generalizations long been generous in keeping the library up to date.
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